05-25-2015, 04:46 AM

Special Thanks to Deamon1 and Derrick GHZ from the xentax forum for this huge breaktrhough in the MTA2 format that was for several years uncrackable. Now we have the full mgs4 score with all layers.

BGM tracks for now.

Will find and upload MGSO ipod bonus music.!MJtGmRRS!AwQ2nuTmvYuAW2ubZQuk5IwfetyhNEqMqyKYala 5bhE!NJtFVToT!AfND1TC-GbVEk4d6NT45XziRHsd-93bD2dmSmprsshk!IFVjjZQa!inC8SqlnpIMCQJuRzHlkDlXNSTRNRueR_4zHiYj 0OiU

EDIT: Not FLACK but wav i meant to put into the title.


Bonus Music!RcFDmDgS!Qzy4AoUDgzbF0Oeb86IJplbvvRMHpHfvIMz8_25 NPm4

Cinematics!9cEBzCbK!5XgwnD45S9CXJPVqLhA4lyHxGUH6WYpJqKBt3qq vxmk Part 1!ZVdFGDDR!WAEfoNB585xbBEZu1l1gFhbqRChW4RGi9WPL_4j 52MY Part 2

05-25-2015, 06:50 AM
Much hype!

05-25-2015, 07:57 AM
Ohhh shit thanks!

Edit: Heads up, think you might've missed a few cinematics songs. I know you got some of them (like the sweet Gekko theme file18) but there's others that I think you haven't gotten, like the more emotional pieces towards the end of the game or this guy:

Leon Scott Kennedy
05-25-2015, 08:33 AM
Oh, it finally got cracked? Nice.

05-25-2015, 08:51 AM
It's impressive, but daunting. I think I'll wait till someone tags everything.

05-25-2015, 09:06 AM
man BIG thanks!!! rep up!

05-25-2015, 04:06 PM
Holy Fuck! This is awesome! Thank you Orange!!!!

05-25-2015, 08:26 PM
Ohhh shit thanks!

Edit: Heads up, think you might've missed a few cinematics songs. I know you got some of them (like the sweet Gekko theme file18) but there's others that I think you haven't gotten, like the more emotional pieces towards the end of the game or this guy:

Im going to download the game again as soon as i find an ISO version thats not dead.

---------- Post added at 02:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:31 PM ----------

For !!!!

Your PM box is full so i am going to send you the link for the tool here.

You need java to run.

05-25-2015, 10:40 PM
Anyone that can confirm if it has this piece? 2:40 and onwards.

Snake FoxDie
05-26-2015, 08:44 PM
Musics in cutscenes? Nope.
What I heard was only background gameplay, alert, caution, sound effects in all acts...

But for me, there some cool files:
- Victory Song ("file5_t0.wav" until "file6_t3.wav")
- Old Snake in Microwave Scene in 2 files: "file187_t0.wav" (music) and "file187_t1.wav" (sound effects)
- Snake vs Liquid Ocelot - All 4 fight sounds ("file182_t0.wav" until "file185_t0.wav") included the last punch ("file186_t0.wav")
- All Sunny's Eggs Music without sound effect ("file205_t0.wav" until "file209_t0.wav")

05-26-2015, 11:46 PM
Thank you so much!!

05-27-2015, 03:11 AM
I do have the Movie files which i can put into a seperate upload along with the MGS online stuff and the dbm ipod music.

05-27-2015, 11:59 AM
I do have the Movie files which i can put into a seperate upload along with the MGS online stuff and the dbm ipod music.

go ahead, OJ! Go! go! go! =D

05-27-2015, 06:34 PM
Updated the main post.

05-27-2015, 08:13 PM
Awesome!!! Thanks again Orange!!! Can anyone make a custom cover?

Snake FoxDie
05-27-2015, 09:17 PM
Thanks for the bonus. Much appreciated.

How about download content (musics) for iPod?
Did you find any those files?

05-27-2015, 09:32 PM
Yes its from the bonus archive i uploaded.

Snake FoxDie
05-27-2015, 11:10 PM
I just saw it, but it doesn't have a extra files.
For example:

But if doesn't have these files, no problem.

05-27-2015, 11:11 PM
Hmm maybe they are from the 20th anniversary edition?

Snake FoxDie
05-27-2015, 11:33 PM
Or maybe a PSN.
For now, online is not working in MGS4.
Even for "Extras" in Main Menu.

Leon Scott Kennedy
05-28-2015, 07:20 AM
Those songs+podcast(s)+files showed in that screencap have to be downloaded, they don't come "with the game". Also, I tried to access that Extra Menu this morning, I can download just as usual extra Camos and Tracks [Physical release of MGS4, trophy update installed], it probably was a temporary fluke.

05-28-2015, 08:01 AM
Beyond amazing!!! Thanks a lot for your work

05-28-2015, 09:40 AM
Hmm maybe they are from the 20th anniversary edition?
Just in case you get millions of PMs, check your PMs. Got some relevant info for you. Also, thanks! Been waiting for MGS4 for 7 years haha.

05-28-2015, 10:23 AM
Thanks :)

05-28-2015, 03:32 PM
I'll try to identify a couple of those tracks..

---------- Post added at 04:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:58 PM ----------

file145_t0 Rex Vs Ray
file142_t0 Rex Lair

To be perfect, this release would need to pinpoint loop points in the tracks, if possible :P

05-28-2015, 06:59 PM
Okay so ripper is right. most of the tracks would have to be downloaded which i don't have my ps3 for and could not find most of the DLC for them online.

05-29-2015, 01:05 AM
I found the loop points, they are stored in the mta2 files at offset 0x58 (loop start) and 0x5C (loop end), byte order is big endian and lenght is 4.

2 tracks i looped for testing purposes :P!ewMjwShI!ER-ZjRdwgL0RNC2QRlxXSQ

05-29-2015, 08:16 AM
I found the loop points, they are stored in the mta2 files at offset 0x58 (loop start) and 0x5C (loop end), byte order is big endian and lenght is 4.

2 tracks i looped for testing purposes :P!ewMjwShI!ER-ZjRdwgL0RNC2QRlxXSQ
oh wow. how to understand them? WAV files don't have the data anymore.

05-07-2016, 08:18 PM
Oh no, I am a year late to the rip I have wanted for forever. If anyone has access, I'd love to be in on this. I know asking for re-uploads is kinda rude, so I won't go that route.

05-14-2016, 10:34 AM
Oh no, I am a year late to the rip I have wanted for forever. If anyone has access, I'd love to be in on this. I know asking for re-uploads is kinda rude, so I won't go that route.

I feel your anguish, brother :(.

05-15-2016, 05:42 PM
Thank you.

05-22-2016, 01:22 AM