05-25-2015, 12:26 AM
Cinderella (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) - Soundtrack | HDtracks - The World's Greatest-Sounding Music Downloads (http://www.hdtracks.com/soundtrack/cinderella-original-motion-picture-soundtrack)

Can anyone upload this?


05-25-2015, 01:16 AM
This is one I would like.

05-25-2015, 01:23 AM
This is one I would like.

Me too.

05-25-2015, 01:27 AM
Well don't look at me, I can't buy it!

05-25-2015, 07:28 PM
HDlossless, your thing isn't normal. Like, do you really really hear a goddamn difference? Because I really don't..

Must be that you're a complete perfectionist and you like all the more lossless possible.. but your thing isn't really normal..

ALSO you just fucking (Again) requested a lot of things and once, like nothing! And you expect all of them to be fulfilled when you give nothing?

I have very high resolution playback machines.

Man, please help me getting these.

05-25-2015, 07:49 PM
Get AKG's K812 Pro headphone. You will start to hear the definition difference easily.

I'm broke too.

05-25-2015, 08:06 PM
Get AKG's K812 Pro headphone. You will start to hear the definition difference easily.

So THAT'S why you're so desperate for Super HD audio. You think your headphones are good.

Even $1000 headphones won't get you better listening ability. Even if you think that they give you hearing superpowers, all they do is play audio really well.

DAK proved this when he sent you the fake 192kHz Interstellar audio.

Stick with normal FLAC and I 100% guarantee you will never be able to tell the difference. And you'll be just as satisfied too.

05-25-2015, 08:16 PM
So THAT'S why you're so desperate for Super HD audio. You think your headphones are good.

Even $1000 headphones won't get you better listening ability. Even if you think that they give you hearing superpowers, all they do is play audio really well.

DAK proved this when he sent you the fake 192kHz Interstellar audio.

Stick with normal FLAC and I 100% guarantee you will never be able to tell the difference. And you'll be just as satisfied too.

Hell no. I never told him I like that 192kHz copy. I only complained him that the copy is full of vinyl noise and cracking sound so I can't listen to it.

Check out high res DAC machines such as Emotiva Stealth DC1. They're designed to play 24bit 192kHz FLAC files.

05-25-2015, 08:17 PM
Found this online..

The reason most audiophiles like FLAC has very little to do with the actual quality of the audio. Saying you use FLAC because it “sounds better” is like saying you only drink your wine at 53.7 degrees Fahrenheit because that is the “best temperature.” To both people making such statements, I would have this to say: get over yourself. Not only is it objectively unsupported, it makes you look like kind of an asshole.

You store your audio in the most optimal format available because that means that whenever you do finally decide to make copies, burn CDs, or transcode it, you’re using the best source possible. You don’t buy a $100,000 wine cellar so your wine is at a 53.7 degree drinking temperature, you buy it so your wine lasts for many years- again, it’s all about preservation.

Yes, FLAC has the complete audio source, and from a strictly technical perspective, is qualitatively superior to even a 320Kbps MP3. However, anyone claiming to be able to consistently tell the difference between the two correctly in a true blind test is just absolutely lying. A properly encoded* 256Kbps MP3 is virtually indistinguishable from its FLAC counterpart in a “better vs. worse” sense even with very good audio equipment. People talk about hearing cymbals and “dense” music more authentically through FLAC because just like wine snobs, they’re looking for a justification for their snobbery.

*Yes, there are bad MP3 encoders out there. Eg, old versions of LAME – and they do sound worse and are more error / artifact-prone.

Unless you’re using an audio setup that reaches into the thousands upon thousands of dollars, sorry, I just refuse to believe you can hear the difference unless you’ve got pitch-perfect ears or have spent years and years doing professional audio work and know exactly what to listen for. Even many of those people will tell you that, if the difference is there, it doesn’t matter – your ears aren’t an audio-measuring supercomputer, much like your tastebuds aren’t a mass spectrometer.

How many musicians and audio engineers do you see boasting about the sonic superiority of FLAC audio?

Basically none. Because they know that the difference between FLAC and 320Kbps MP3 is utterly irrelevant to 99.98% of what you hear in a recording. All of the stuff that matters – the studio, the ungodly-expensive recording equipment, microphones, amplifiers, the engineer on the soundboard, the technique of the recording artist, the headphones the engineer wears when he does the mix – these are immeasurably more important to sound quality than a file format. And then, the remaining 10% or so of what you hear comes down to what you play it through – the decoding equipment or CD player, the amplifier, the speaker or headphones.

The file format only matters in one situation: when it audibly distorts or degrades the recording. General consensus seems to be that this happens at or around 128Kbps when using MP3, but this greatly depends on your ears. Anything above that generally will not provide noticeable improvement for most people using most sound equipment. There are a sizable percentage of persons who may benefit from 192Kbps given their listening equipment or hearing, and an infinitesimal group that might hear a difference at 256Kbps or 320Kbps (though I tend to seriously doubt those people, that or they have extraordinary hearing).

Even if there are people out there who could hear the difference – legitimately – between FLAC and 320Kbps, common sense should tell you that you are almost definitely not one of those people. It should also tell you that the file format of your music is generally not very important unless you’re digitally archiving it, which is an entirely legitimate reason to use FLAC. But when it comes to what you hear?

The bottleneck is always your equipment.

Audio equipment is one of those things you can spend small fortunes on to get the “very best” products out there. And that’s because the very best products require expensive components and materials, extremely precise and specialized construction techniques, and levels of perfectionism in engineering that border on the absurd. And at that point, even if the end product is better, you reach a level of diminishing returns that make such investments unwise for most people (unless you have the money to burn).

Still, equipment is bar-none the best way to improve the quality of your sound. Equipment is like the engine and ignition components of your car – audio format is like the brand of gasoline you use. Sure, it can make a difference, but only if you go out of your way to actually use something that is bad. Otherwise, it’s insignificant in the larger scheme of things. Would you pay $0.20 more a gallon if Shell guaranteed its gas improved the power output of your car by 0.08%, and you had to go to a special gas station to get it? No – not unless you’re the lead engineer of an F1 team. That’s what FLAC audio quality is – it’s the last little bit you can squeeze out of a near-perfect setup.

If you want your music to sound better, there are a few investments worth making. Buy an external USB audio decoder (aka a DAC) – it will reduce electrical interference (which your computer is full of) and sound noticeably better than a laptop or desktop motherboard’s built-in audio system. Next, buy a good headphone amplifier or, if you use speakers, a solid stereo amp. Here are my suggestions:

DAC: Schiit Modi 2 DAC – great value for money and no-frills performance. This will make a huge difference over your laptop or PC’s built-in DAC when paired with a decent amp, I promise. This is the new Modi 2, it offers increased compatibility (many Linux distros, Intel Chromebooks, OS X, Windows are all natively supported).
Amp: Schiit Magni 2 headphone amplifier – this is Schiit’s new version of the lauded Magni headphone amp, with plenty of power and an advanced gain stage. It’s reviewing excellently.
DAC/Amp combo: AUDIOQUEST Dragonfly DAC/amp combo – this will drive most headphones without a separate amplifier, and the Dragonfly has long been beloved by the audio community for its exceptional portability and sound. It’s an insanely good value.

The most important equipment, of course, is what the sound goes to. If you’re looking at headphones and plan them for only home use, I can’t recommend Grado enough. Their SR-80 headphone (link) is relatively inexpensive (under $100), and while some people don’t like open back phones (they do not dampen environmental noise at all, and people will hear your music, too), you aren’t going to find better fidelity for the dollar, period. If you’re looking at earbuds, I personally like RHA’s MA750 (link). They’ve got great fidelity, lots of character (without being overbearing or too bassy), and I really love the way they fit. Here are a few headphone recommendations I can offer.

On-ear: Grado SR-80e – Grado’s most balanced entry-level phones are for serious home listening. They offer little isolation, but fidelity is extremely good (unmatched at this price, honestly) and balance is superb. These are hands-down my favorite headphones.
On-ear (budget): Koss PortaPro – everything that can be said about the PortaPros already has, they’re exceptional – easily the best headphone under $50 in existence.
Over-ear: Blue Microphone Mo-Fi – this is Blue Micrphone’s first headphone, and they include a built-in analog amplifier (they can also go passive) powered by a small battery. They sound outstanding, and are my favorite headphone to use with smartphones (whose built-in amps are quite weak).
Over-ear (budget): Sony MDR7506 – I wouldn’t call them a secret, but it seems to surprise many people that Sony never stopped making truly great headphones. The MDR7506 is a cult classic for a reason, and they’re a way better value than anything Sennheiser puts out near this price.
In-ear: RHA MA750 – the new RHA T10i is, in my opinion, overpriced and overtuned (way too bassy). The old MA750s offer a more balanced signature with a great accessory kit, awesome warranty, and extremely good fidelity for the price bracket.
In-ear (budget): RHA MA350 – the nice thing about the MA350s is while they do provide sound that belies their price point, they’re also tough, rugged, super comfortable, and very stylish. I still use mine as backup travel headphones.

If you’re looking for speakers and stereo amplifiers, I’m a little less familiar with this realm, but a good set of powered monitors (M-Audio’s entry-level set is well-loved) and a DAC (see – Schiit Modi or Dragonfly) is actually probably the best place for most folks to start.

And for god’s sake, don’t go listening to FLAC music if you do buy any of this stuff. It’s a waste of your time.

05-25-2015, 08:25 PM
Check out high res DAC machines such as Emotiva Stealth DC1. They're designed to play 24bit 192kHz FLAC files.

And? So what? HDTVs are designed to show 1080p, but most people wouldn't notice if the quality was 720p instead.

Even if the machines don't have limitations, human beings do.

That's why robots will always win in a war for humanity. :p