The Sage
12-03-2004, 08:33 PM
What combination of abilities have you costomised your Targe/Ring/Armguard/Buckler/Bracer/Armlet/Bangle to have? Or indeed what do you want as a perfect armour that you are still yet to achive?

Mine is Auto-Regen, Auto-Haste, Ribbon, Break HP Limit. I've only got it on Auron, as you can imagine it's going to take AGES, and I'm going to kill a lot of Mimics to get there.

With everyone having that I'll be invincible!!

12-04-2004, 01:24 PM
Srry, but i can't remember mine. Only that i have Hp limit, ribbon and auto "something"

12-04-2004, 04:32 PM
I think maybe Auto-Haste, Auto-Regen, Break HP Limit and maybe Auto-Med. I don't have International. Might have something else instead of Auto-Regen.

12-05-2004, 02:55 AM
I've got multiple combinations of Auto-Haste, Auto-Protect, Auto-Phoenix, Auto-Potion, Defense +20% (Penance only), Ribbon and Break HP Limit.

I really wouldn't recommend Auto-Regen. It's pretty much useless since it doesn't recover much HP. Auto-Protect is far more useful since it will constantly halve damage since a lot of damage is physical.

I don't really use any other weapons apart form the Celestial Weapons. If I want to gain AP I use Triple AP, Triple Overdrive and Overdrive > AP.

grn apple tree
12-05-2004, 03:05 AM
the only one i can remember at the time is the regen thing for tidus it came in handy... and i always changed it alot the only one i kept was the regen one

12-05-2004, 05:16 AM
I've got multiple combinations of Auto-Haste, Auto-Protect, Auto-Phoenix, Auto-Potion, Defense +20% (Penance only), Ribbon and Break HP Limit.
Wow, does everybody have International these days? (Sorry, bit of envy there.)

12-05-2004, 05:25 AM
Wow, does everybody have International these days? (Sorry, bit of envy there.)

I don't!

I'm more interested in aqquiring the international version of X-2, to be perfectly honest.

12-05-2004, 11:37 AM
the only one i can remember at the time is the regen thing for tidus it came in handy... and i always changed it alot the only one i kept was the regen one

I guess Auto-Regen could be useful in certain battles, but it would never a a good choice to have it on "ultimate armours". The most useful abilities I think are Auto-Haste, Auto-Protect and Ribbon. Break HP Limit is actually just decoration.

Wow, does everybody have International these days? (Sorry, bit of envy there.)

Without International... I'm guessing it would just be Stoneproof instead of Ribbon. Ribbon does't protect against Death.

I'm more interested in aqquiring the international version of X-2, to be perfectly honest.

If you understand japanese it would be great. Although I have it, unlike FFX International it doesn't really have english in it so it's difficult to get into the game properly.

12-05-2004, 11:49 AM
i honestly can't remember mine :-)

12-05-2004, 09:03 PM
Without International, I'm guessing it would be Stoneproof instead of Ribbon
Nah, I sometime use Auto-Remedy (Auto-Med?) because it automatically uses a Remedy when the character is hit with a status.

12-30-2004, 08:17 AM
I have Auto-Phoenix, Auto-Haste, Break Hp Limit and Ribbon on everybody except for Rikku, She has Master Thiefe, Auto-Haste, Break Hp Limit and Ribbon.
And why is Break Hp Limit only "decoration" Jewels?

12-31-2004, 12:36 AM
And why is Break Hp Limit only "decoration" Jewels?

The short answer; it's never needed. Well, I've never actually needed it since the only time I equip Break HP Limit armours is if I want to play around a bit. I find Auto-Protect, Auto-Haste, Auto-Phoenix and Ribbon good for most fights.

01-01-2005, 12:32 PM
I had something like Auto-Haste, Break HP Limit, Ribbon and Auto Phoenix.

01-01-2005, 12:39 PM
i was really horrible at equpping and hidden equipment that i had random shit like defence up, atk up, HP up 10%. Really pitiful stuff really

01-01-2005, 11:45 PM
But how come that when I fight penance, he attacks with an attack that does about 25000 Damage on everyone even with protect and shell on. So how do you survive that one? I suppose you have to do alot Auto-Life in that fight, I have BHPL Because I want to avoid doing it to many times and instead of doing Auto-Life earning an extra turn.
And besides, I have never tried to fight him with Quick Hit, is it necessary? (Oh sorry, out of topic)

01-02-2005, 03:37 AM
But how come that when I fight penance, he attacks with an attack that does about 25000 Damage on everyone even with protect and shell on. So how do you survive that one? I suppose you have to do alot Auto-Life in that fight, I have BHPL Because I want to avoid doing it to many times and instead of doing Auto-Life earning an extra turn.
And besides, I have never tried to fight him with Quick Hit, is it necessary? (Oh sorry, out of topic)

Auto-Potion (X-Potions)
Defense +20%

That's my secondary armour which I use for Penance, with 5x Cheer. I also use Trio of 9999 if I don't get rid of my less potent potions. Ribbon and Auto-Phoenix aren't needed at all. Quick Hits are absolutely necessary I think. Always use Quick Pockets for items too.

01-02-2005, 06:11 AM
I used Ribbon, HP break, HP +30% and hp+20%. (that's when I played on the profi-board, after the statmaxing of yuna there, someone told me that on the normal board are 65 fields more...... So i started again on normal. And if I calculate rightly than just one HP+20% would be enough for getting 99.999HP so I would take Auto-Haste for the last free slot.
And a lot of HP are needed to deal with the dark aeones...
or for trying to knock the latest monster of the monsterfarm down with just 1 Charackter who is fighting^__^ (took long, but it worked).
weapons are the normal Celestial Weapons. because of the invisible guard-break ability (don't know if this is the right word for the english version [german version]) and the rest of the abilities are quite okay of them.

01-05-2005, 02:39 AM
Tidus--armour-break HP limit, evade/counter, Master Thief, Auto-haste
Weapon-triple overdrive, triple AP, Break damge limit, Gillionaire

01-05-2005, 03:35 AM
Tidus--armour-break HP limit, evade/counter, Master Thief, Auto-haste
Weapon-triple overdrive, triple AP, Break damge limit, Gillionaire

How did you get Evade & Counter on your armour? That's a weaon ability.