05-18-2015, 01:22 AM

I've been here for the past year and it seems to have gone really slowly, since early days when I was listening to more videogame/anime/movie music. I've recently had the opportunity through a program called the Landmark Forum to work out what I wanted to do with my life. It has a real impact on every area of my life, whether it be public speaking, or social interaction, family relationships, or achieving well with my studies. This is because it allows you to find out what you've been telling yourself about the things that you hope to do, the things that you don't like, and everything in between.

What it did for me is that i recognized that I'd been ruthless in my relationships by placing conditions on the way I relate to others, and then blaming others for what happened. this way i avoided responsibility of my actions. When that light came on, I chose to create a new future for myself where I am empowered in what I can do and accomplish, because it's me that does it. Like my friends that I invited to find out more about the forum, I'm also giving you the opportunity to find out more because I want you to have the same opportunity that I have had. I can't recommend it enough because it is so relevant to each day that I live. for instance, I was walking down the stairs the other day and bumped into someone involved with our course. I knew that what had happened to me in regard to my relationships, and being able to think about what I'd been saying to myself, I could really connect with her and hear what she has to say. This worked out and I left her thinking about our conversation. Actually I felt good as well. My passion is that I could be present each day to bring out of me what I'm wanting at the moment. The only sad thing is I couldn't share it with you in person. This has left such an impact on me regarding being confident before others in my life so that I want to be like this all the time.

Hope you are having a good day.

05-18-2015, 01:26 AM

05-18-2015, 03:04 AM
What if what I want out of life is to command a legion of highly trained cats who sleuth around the world collecting information and selling it to the highest bidder, which would be called the Shadow Brigade

Can the Landmark Forum help me

05-18-2015, 12:25 PM
Cats are agents of evil.

Eeeeeeeeviiiiillllll......but yes, yes Landmark can help. :)

05-31-2015, 11:51 AM
Could people on the Landmark forum share the following link? Because that's currently what I want out of life, and I've been trying to reason with God for a while now but it seems to be going nowhere. Oh, and also give us the HP3 sessions!

Blind anglophile studying abroad by Vincent Fernandes - GoFundMe (