05-13-2015, 07:47 AM
(no link)

宮幻歌 / MOKA☆

flac | cue | log | jpg | bmp | mp4

MEGA (!TxtTRaRT!2yUIoRpz2Fwspqd9JUuPptTh536BK-L9v4w8R5UKph0)

Includes 2 wallpapers in various resolutions and the PVs in mp4 format.

Personal comments: This is a pretty unusual album. Always tipping on the edge of eerie sounding.
Also while "Lilium" is also an included track, keep in mind it's a different arrangement, and it is neither of the vocal versions that play in Elfen Lied, but another version entirely.

11-19-2015, 02:53 AM
Many, many thanks. Merci!

Vive le Mint!

12-19-2015, 10:36 PM
seems like not much people cares for MOKA unit works.
I never ever understood what so good about Lilium. I kinda feel that people talk about it as much they talk about Britney Spears last album. There is much better music then Lilium in my opinion. and I really fail to see anything that good about it.

Thank you for this :)

Do you also have "FELIX CULPA"?

06-10-2019, 08:06 AM
Could you reupload this album please?