Captain Scarlet
05-09-2015, 02:06 PM
Hey guys, I just wanted to comment on these samples I have just heard of the new score, as I am a HUGE fan of Jerry Goldsmith's scores to Poltergeist I&II.

I never expected this to be in the league of Goldsmith's scores, but neither did I expect to be excited for this score as I am now from hearing these samples.

Sure on occasions it has the typical sound design that tends to plague modern horror scores, but it also has that lush, traditional approach to horror that I love. It's a merging of the two, so basically it's the best of both worlds on what you can expect in a commercial horror film like this on part of the producers. You could even call it nostalgic, as at times it does feel like a throwback to the original masterpiece.

One thing I can say for sure is, this is easily leagues above Joseph Bishara's scores to the Insidious films and also The Conjuring. It's even at the quality of Goldsmith's work when compared to the ever terrible Poltergeist III by Joe Renzetti if you ask me.

It's all going to come down to personal opinion at the end of the day, but I would certainly recommend giving these samples a listen. I cannot wait to hear the score in full now, and to be honest? I think I will even check out the film itself. : Musik Sampler (

05-09-2015, 02:27 PM
This is very misleading. I thought it was the full OST. Thanks -_-

05-09-2015, 02:40 PM
The samples are indeed interesting and it wouldn't surprise me if I like the final score. Marc has made some excellent soundtracks in the past, like Robin Hood and Prometheus... but, checking out the film? I don't know... That's going a bit far, isn't it?

05-09-2015, 02:41 PM
This is very misleading. I thought it was the full OST. Thanks -_-
How? The thread says samples...?

05-09-2015, 03:11 PM
Very nice. I'm looking forward to listen to Poltergeist.

Marc has made some excellent soundtracks in the past, like Robin Hood and Prometheus...

Sure, and where's American Gangster? This score is really awesome and one of Marc' best, IMO.

Captain Scarlet
05-09-2015, 03:23 PM
This is very misleading. I thought it was the full OST. Thanks -_-

How about you learn to read and educate yourself on what "Samples" means. Thanks. -_-

The samples are indeed interesting and it wouldn't surprise me if I like the final score. Marc has made some excellent soundtracks in the past, like Robin Hood and Prometheus... but, checking out the film? I don't know... That's going a bit far, isn't it?

Oh I wouldn't be quick to say that. It's directed by Gil Kenan, the same Gil Kenan who also directed the great, and my favourite all-time animated film "Monster House". When I first saw that film, I was really happy with the Poltergeist references and thought he homaged it nicely, so having him actually direct the reboot? I'm currently at present all for it.

05-09-2015, 03:31 PM
Nowhere near the quality of Goldsmith.

05-09-2015, 04:41 PM
And that's why you don't drink late at night and wake up still drunk. My bad :/

Do any of Goldsmith's themes appear anywhere?

Captain Scarlet
05-09-2015, 04:48 PM
And that's why you don't drink late at night and wake up still drunk. My bad :/

Do any of Goldsmith's themes appear anywhere?

No they do not appear, going from what the director himself told me. If you listen through however, you can clearly hear both the director and composer had great respect for his work. You can hear parts of "Carol Anne's Theme" without actually hearing it, if you get what I mean. It's very easy to identify the same approach was taken with "Maddie's Theme" that's heard in the first track. There are flourishes of Goldsmith's approach to the original all over these samples. As I stated, I'm really looking forward to giving this one a listen.

It's miles better than Poltergeist III, and I got through that..... some how.

05-09-2015, 04:52 PM
I don't have high expectations for it. Streitenfeld isn't my cup of tea. Prometheus was alright. I'd have picked Beltrami to do this one. Or even Jablonsky.

*prepares for onslaught of attacks*

Captain Scarlet
05-09-2015, 04:55 PM
I'm not a fan of Streitenfeld, but then again, I believe he hasn't worked with a director like Gil Kenan before. Kenan is known to both have a keen interest in film music, and is also quite the fan of Goldsmith himself.

Captain Scarlet
05-09-2015, 07:50 PM
There is already a review online:

The reviewer felt the score was a mixed bag, but even then? I'll take that any day over flat out terrible ala "Poltergeist III" Plus, again it's all subjective.

I hope to hear the score in full very soon. It should also be noted that "Captain America: Winter Soldier" which I actually really liked, this same reviewer heavily disliked.

05-09-2015, 11:07 PM
I'm not a fan of Streitenfeld, but then again, I believe he hasn't worked with a director like Gil Kenan before. Kenan is known to both have a keen interest in film music, and is also quite the fan of Goldsmith himself.

Well if this director has a keen interest in Film Music why the bloody hell would he pick one of Zimmers clones from Remote Control.... there�s so many better composers who could write a better score .... unless you are Streitenfeld himself promoting this cash grab of a remake.... an abomination..... ;)

Captain Scarlet
05-10-2015, 12:15 AM
Well if this director has a keen interest in Film Music why the bloody hell would he pick one of Zimmers clones from Remote Control.... there�s so many better composers who could write a better score .... unless you are Streitenfeld himself promoting this cash grab of a remake.... an abomination..... ;)

He didn't pick him, the producers did, and yes absolutely you got me "I am Marc Streitenfeld. Everybody, go and see this abomination of a movie so that we can make five thousand sequels and bleed you all dry. Five thousand sequels by the way which will still all be better than Poltergeist III." ;)

05-10-2015, 12:24 AM
With the greatest respect to everybody here, whether they like this score or despise it...

If you hear these samples and find yourself intensely depressed, but strangely resigned... the way to cheer yourself up can be found here:

05-10-2015, 12:26 AM
I think composers like Fernando Velazquez, Christopher Young, Marco Beltrami, Roque Banos or James Newton Howard could write a better score.

But today, Hans Zimmer and Remote Control rule over Hollywood.

05-10-2015, 12:39 AM
Nothing can beat Goldsmiths classic , however I am pleasantly surprised by these samples and must say its better than what i thought . look forward to hearing the full album .

07-27-2015, 07:50 AM
@Captain Scarlett

I also love the Goldsmith Score of "Poltergeist", it's one of my favorites. As a classical mix between romantic and expressionistic elements it is really enjoyable for me. There is nothing like the "Carol Anne Theme". However, I cannot agree with you concerning the Joseph Bishara Scores. They are far more inspired than Marc Streitenfeld's Score for the new Poltergeist movie because they use a different approach compared to most of the typical horror scores by picking up the postserial style of Avantgarde composers like Krzysztof Penderecki which is created by mechanical instruments rather than by synthesizers. This kind of music is not easy to listen to, but it's really efficient in the movie, and it makes you at least a bit familiar with the contemporary orchestral music.