02-03-2002, 01:35 AM
Yep its true Capcom have said in a anoucement that they will only make resident evil games for gamecube? well thats what they say at ign.com but if any one else has anyone more news on this plz tell me

02-03-2002, 02:49 AM
It's true. Up until Resident Evil 4 the series is GameCube exclusive, and Capcom seems to believe pretty sincerely that that isn't going to change.

Of course, Resident Evil sucks, so I don't really care either way.

Majin Sephiroth
02-04-2002, 11:58 PM
They made this announcement ages ago and it is true, they are remaking all the old games for gamecube and some new ones

02-05-2002, 03:07 AM
That is a VERY old announcement, where have you been? o.O I don't really care either way, I have a PS2 and gamecube. Works for me. Unless they *shudder* bring it to Xbox.

02-05-2002, 04:01 AM
Don't hurt my feelings any since I hated the RE series anyways. They actually would have been decent games if they wouldn't have limited the save games you could use. I think that is the stupidest thing ever. I am the type of person who likes to play a game a hour or so then save. I also like to save anytime I figure something out, find a key, whatever. But having it where you have to find ink ribbons to save is what I think screwed them up.

Well I also didn't like the chairactor controls that well.

02-07-2002, 12:06 AM
Tiss a sad fact. Capcom sold itself out. Shame.

David F
02-07-2002, 01:36 AM
Oh well I don't care about RE anymore there's better games out there in the market and besides I'm no fan of GC so I dun care period but yea RE is a GC exclusive.

02-07-2002, 08:28 AM
This is old news, where have you been? Maybe capcom can make RE a great looking and great playable series of the GC, the looks so far are alright :) I hope they are Nintendo worth though ;)
as for me, I couldn't care less about RE =p

02-07-2002, 04:20 PM
You can't really say Capcom sold themselves out when many other franchise's have sold out too... The control and camera angles for RE games SUCKED for PS.

The RE2 for N64 that came out was still plagued by the sucky camera angles but had much, much, better control

02-07-2002, 05:25 PM
Originally posted by Semiviper
Tiss a sad fact. Capcom sold itself out. Shame.

It makes me really sad when gamers can equate the term "Resident Evil" with "Capcom" (represented by the pronoun "itself.") Resident Evil is far from the essense of Capcom. Maybe if they sold the Street Fighter series or something....

02-08-2002, 10:01 PM
woo-hoo! go gamecube! now lets get some rpg's from capcom....

Bahamut ZERO
02-08-2002, 10:24 PM
I played all three Resident Evil Games. Bar the second one, I only played them through once to completion. It just seemed as if Capcom were making a sequel for the sake of making a sequel (ala Super Street Fighter EX Plus Alpha Omega Turbo Edition 77.) (Bit overdone, but you get the point.) The controls were the same, the gameplay style was the same, the scary parts were the same... It just lost its impact on me.

02-09-2002, 05:51 AM
(ala Super Street Fighter EX Plus Alpha Omega Turbo Edition 77.) (Bit overdone, but you get the point.)

this game you mention doesn't exist, so I don't get your point. more importantly, those "dash" "+" "hyper" "EX" "sequels" are minimal updates to keep interests in the arcade until the next installment comes.

The fans of these installments then clamored to havethem at home and thats why we've been getting them at home since the SF2 days.

02-09-2002, 06:52 AM
Remember, Midway did a lot of that.... and I mean A LOT OF THAT, and most of the time the difference were minor, like bug fixes and stuff.

Street Fighter 2 had a whole mess of bugs, there are some that could turn off the game, freeze the game, maybe even damage the gameboard. They have to fix it up somehow, and people wanted more Street Fighter, but if you release another Street Fighter game on the CPS-1, it would be udder crap and Capcom had no choice but to keep upgrading until their Technology was better. Then came the CPS-2, before trying to make a new Street Fighter game, they had to test out what they can really do with this... thus came out Super Street Fighter 2... and people wanted a harder challenge and was given Super Street Fighter 2 X (or Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo) which is VERY different from the other upgrades. This coughed out the Alpha series.... then the SF3 Series for the CPS-3 (which is dead in the water right now) then they moved on to Naomi..... and that is that.

But remember, upgrades are never bad... you fork out lesser money (assuming your an arcade owner... console is different of course).

And for the record, Bemani mixes are upgrades but many people say that they are releasing too many mixes... but answer me this... would you really like to play Street Fighter 2... or Street Fighter 2 Turbo?

And for the record (again), DDR 7th Mix is coming out ^_^

BTW: The reason why Street Figher EX had some long ass upgrade names.....

Street Fighter EX = First Arcade Release
Street Fighter EX+ = Second Arcade Release - Had More Characters
Tekken was kinda like this, they had a version with little hidden characters... then theres the version with tons of hidden characters
Street Figher EX + (alpha symbol) = PSX First EX Release - Had a few more Hidden Characters (Like Sakura... never appeared in any Arcade Version, believe it or not)
Street Figher EX 2 = Different Game
Street Figher EX 2 + = Same story as Street Fighter EX+
Street Fighter EX 2 + (PSX) = Same story as Street Fighter EX + (Alpha)

Then finally theres Street Fighter EX 3 for the PS2, never have seen the arcade... this might be the end of the EX Series.