05-05-2015, 05:06 PM
I know this may be a weird thing to ask, since i don't think anybody really gives a shit about this movie anymore, but i've always loved the score to this movie, much better then it deserved to be. So i figured i'd try to find the full score. And i thought i did. About 26 tracks. Here is the track list from the site i got it from.
01 Family Man (0:41)
02 Rise and Shine (0:23)
03 Morning Traffic (0:10)
04 Loony Old Morty (1:04)
05 Give Me A Break! (0:10)
06 First Click (0:16)
07 Taking Advantage (0:25)
08 Reality Show (0:22)
09 Flashes (0:42)
10 Celebrations (0:49)
11 Autopilot (0:45)
12 Household Nuisance (0:14)
13 I'll Change... (0:29)
14 No Escape (0:58)
15 Changes (0:12)
16 Surprises (0:32)
17 Lieproof (0:15)
18 Waking Up (0:36)
19 Architect Of The Year (0:10)
20 You Weren't There (1:20)
21 Regrets (1:28)
22 An Angel (0:14)
23 It's Just Cornflakes (0:36)
24 Final Goodbyes (1:26)
25 A Second Chance (0:41)
26 A New Man (0:57)

I thought that was the end of it, turned out i was wrong though. Thanks to this video.

Whoever this guy is he somehow has the rest of the tracks that this is missing. He hasn't uploaded any other tracks, so i'm wondering if anybody else has it out there, and i would greatly appreciate it if you showed me where to find it. Thanks a lot in advance for anybody willing to help.