04-23-2015, 02:54 AM
Twisted Metal 1 (Ultimately Twisted Edition Soundtrack) (PS1 - Lossless)

TM1 was my introduction to the series, and it actually happened completely by accident. I had just gotten a PS1 after having second thoughts about buying a Sega Saturn and returned it (obviously made the right decision). Got the PS1 home, hooked it up to my TV, and popped in the Squaresoft PlayStation Previews Disc (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MU0k2PglUFY) that came with the PS1. The music played but when the screen came on, the picture was jumping all over the screen. This happened a few times so I ended up calling Playstation Support who told me that the Playstation had an incompatibility with the type of TV I had, and in order to fix it, I had to send my (just bought) unit to them to get a chip put in it. As you can imagine, I was kinda pissed, however in compensation I was offered my choice of a free playstation game from 3 or 4 titles. I can�t remember what the other ones were (I think one was Jet Moto), but the one that caught my eye was a title called �Twisted Metal�. So I waited a week or two, got my PS1 back, and a copy of TM1 (as a Greatest Hits collection), and the rest you could say, is history.

I played that game so damn much. It was unlike anything else I had played before that when I was done doing the game �normally�, I�d then screw around with codes and stuff messing around with the AI causing them to do weird things. One of my favorites was in the 2nd level, there was a very narrow alleyway a single car could fit in. The AI would always never go in it and drive past, but I�d destroy some of the vehicles and ram the dead ones into the alley and then shove the other cars in the alley and they�d freak out and glitch all over the place. It was also fun figuring out different ways on the last rooftop level how to make cars go off the edge including the final boss Minion which was programmed to stop before it got too close.

Not just a normal soundtrack, the Ultimately Twisted Edition also includes items not normally available doing a basic CD rip: Intro & menu themes, character bios & endings, and game sound effects.

Developer: SingleTrac
Publisher: Sony
Composer(s): Chuck E. Meyers, Lance Lenhart, Tom Hopkins (The Pinnacle Group)
Platform: Playstation 1
Year: 1995
Audio Format: Flac (Lossless)
Ultimately Twisted Edition put together by: GodzFire


01 - SingleTrac Logo
02 - Twisted Metal Splash
03 - Twisted Theme (Main Menu)
04 - Circus Metallicus (Arena Duel)
05 - Asphalt Assault (Warehouse District Warfare)
06 - Cyburb Slide (Freeway Free for All)
07 - Cyburb Hunt (River Park Rumble)
08 - Stalk N' Roll (Cyburbia)
09 - Drop Dead (Rooftop Combat)

Sound Effects:
01 - Crash
02 - Death
03 - Engine 1
04 - Engine 2
05 - Engine 3
06 - Engine 4
07 - Explosion 1
08 - Explosion 2
09 - Health Regeneration
10 - Machine Guns
11 - Select
12 - Skid
13 - Special Crimson Fury
14 - Special Darkside
15 - Special HammerHead
16 - Special Mr Grimm
17 - Special Outlaw
18 - Special Pit Viper
19 - Special RoadKill
20 - Special Spectre
21 - Special Sweet Tooth
22 - Special Thumper
23 - Special Warthog
24 - Special Yellow Jacket

Twisted Metal 1 (Ultimately Twisted Edition Soundtrack) (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0KyRT17E5fOV2QyOUxMTzVzRkE/view?usp=sharing)
(Please share and spread!)

Masta Moai
04-23-2015, 07:45 AM
Thanks for sharing! :) I remember playing the second Twisted Metal and blowing up the Eiffel Tower when I was a kid, haha good times.