04-20-2015, 01:59 PM
This thread is to support the soundtrack history of East Technology. Lossless versions are welcome.



This is as accurate to the arcade as you can get. The MAME rips had some sound channels that are quieter than what's heard in this official album. Ripped, remastered and released by Sweep Records.

https://mega.co.nz/#!8xMG0baA!WJAYXIRc_7qd2fnYbvUjYdix77UtbqmS2rzaAYv 43Q8

Double Dragon 3 / The Combatribes

This is two arcade soundtracks in one, with a couple of arranged songs. Ripped and released by Scitron Label and Pony Canyon. East Technology and Technos Japan were both under the Taito umbrella. Perhaps Technos Japan was too lazy to create another sequel, so Taito hired East Technology to do the work. Unfortunately, the game didn't succeed as well as the first two; however, the Japanese version is better than the English version. East Technology has nothing to do with The Combatribes. Only Technos Japan entirely created that.


Sel Feena

Ripped and tagged by me. The soundtrack might be incomplete. The soundtrack to the underrated arcade game.

https://mega.co.nz/#!swFCHCrL!l1d7dpdotLF4DvWJCZd7HthOwpAkfbvvsrPzkgF 4MkM

Silent Dragon

Ripped by ruiner9. The soundtrack to East Technology's biggest effort in beat 'em up history. However, still not enjoyable enough to hardcore beat 'em up fans.

https://mega.co.nz/#!pgcyzYbC!ti3iomWj8IA7BFGiWUxPsYd3qFAE_GH2kOPzkzt y8kI

Operation Wolf 3

Downloaded from KH Insider. The third and last game in Taito's light gun series following Operation Wolf and Operation Thunderbolt. Composed by Hiroshi Tsuda (Sel Feena).

https://mega.co.nz/#!o90lRRKD!jaYc783PeEhBYyI0BO0LctaE6ufnAIcrr1fDzBJ D9ng


Other games featured in this list:

East Technology - GDRI :: Game Developer Research Institute (http://gdri.smspower.org/wiki/index.php/East_Technology)

04-20-2015, 04:18 PM
There's no link for the Combatribes/Double Dragon one.

04-20-2015, 05:35 PM
There's no link for the Combatribes/Double Dragon one.

Fixed it. I also added Operation Wolf 3.

Masta Moai
05-03-2015, 06:54 AM
Thank you!

05-17-2015, 01:39 PM
You're welcome.