11-28-2004, 03:38 AM
When it says to get Anima.. where is the baaj temple located at? i didnt see it on the airship..

11-28-2004, 03:45 AM
When it says to get Anima.. where is the bevelle temple located at? i didnt see it on the airship..
You mean the Baaj Temple. You go back to the ancient ruins you were in in the beginning. GameSpot, or GameFAQ's tells you the coordinates to look for it on the airship.

11-28-2004, 04:01 AM
What does it mean by "get al the destruction sphere treasures?"

12-03-2004, 02:16 AM
The pink sphers hidden in each temple, you must collect all the items obtained by using them in the temples.

12-04-2004, 01:28 PM
There also faqs about that i'll try find one for you.
If ur playing international you need to kill all the dark aeons first.

12-08-2004, 04:41 AM
Since you ask the same question in your temple coordinates thread, I'm closing this one. :)