11-27-2004, 07:55 AM
Many of my friends who have only watched me play final fantasy say fable is far superior i disagree and i am starting this threed to find out what every1 elses opinion on ff and fable is.

11-27-2004, 12:35 PM
Fable was far too short to even compete with FF but all the customizing and easy hack and slash commands make it easier for the "lower" IQ people to play while FF you have to think and stratigize in combat while Fable is well... just button mash

Neo Xzhan
11-27-2004, 01:54 PM
There is now way you can truly compare those games with eachother. Sure they're both RPGs but the way you play is faaaaaar to different.

11-27-2004, 07:57 PM
There is now way you can truly compare those games with eachother. Sure they're both RPGs but the way you play is faaaaaar to different.

yes it's especially smart to try and compare them and get unbiased opinions of both games on a FINAL FANTASY message board

hb smokey
11-28-2004, 05:01 AM
yes it's especially smart to try and compare them and get unbiased opinions of both games on a FINAL FANTASY message board
Just because this is a Final Fantasy based message board doesn't mean that everyone here is going to say it's the greatest series ever.

11-28-2004, 05:35 AM
How can u even begin to compare those 2 games ?
Fable blows cock compared to FF
FF is IMMENSELY longer and more indepth than fable
like vortigus said "fable is a button mashing game"
HAHAHA and u need to stratagize ALOT in FF games fable is all about suping ur dude to the tits with either arrow power magic or strength and smashing ppl's skulls in with either of those
sumtimes u gotta find sumthing
FF games are about storyline mostly not fighting
So compare FF games storylines to Fable

11-28-2004, 06:42 AM
There is now way you can truly compare those games with eachother. Sure they're both RPGs but the way you play is faaaaaar to different.


I mean, yeah, they're both rpgs, but that's where the similarities end. The games are completely different.

The controls on Fable are pretty awesome. Not button mashy at all, in my opinion.

I think it's really annoying when people assume people who play games that aren't rpgs are stupid.

I play all sorts of games. FF games are pretty not challenging, as far as rpgs go.

Strategy RPGs can be pretty tough, but apart from that, it's one of the easiest genres out there.

11-29-2004, 07:36 AM
i really think ff is better its just that many i know think fable makes ff look like crap its great to hear these opinions

11-29-2004, 10:50 PM
Fable, for the most part, is based on the more Americanized system of just grabbing a guy and whack stuff until you gain experience points. But that's just me talking about of my bum :o

The fact is that Fable and Final Fantasy are of a totally different RPG Type. Fable is more based on leveling a guy's personality and skill and Final Fantasy is more story based. Fable is where you control one guy and become good or evil, Final Fantasy is where you control a few to save the world from some random riff raff.

And this whole talk about needing strategy... well, I had more fun thinking about what I'm going to do in Fable rather than FF. In Final Fantasy, you could honestly run through most of them by hitting X or O or A or B again and again and again and just move your character around to where the game wants you to be. Freedom enters at a time we call "Side Quest Hunting"... otherwise it's linear. Fable on the other hand is pretty loose in what you can do but there are some thinking involved for the fast fingered people.

But yeah.... two different games.... OH and Fable is rated M for mature.... SO DON'T PLAY IT UNLESS YOU'RE A REAL MAN!!!!!..... or in Ndi's case, a real woman.

grn apple tree
11-30-2004, 02:20 AM
i have to say that fable is a better game but seeing as i've never really played but just watched it i'm gonna say final fantasy ^^ plus final fantasy has cool storylines...

11-30-2004, 07:28 PM
Fable, for the most part, is based on the more Americanized system of just grabbing a guy and whack stuff until you gain experience points. But that's just me talking about of my bum :o

The fact is that Fable and Final Fantasy are of a totally different RPG Type. Fable is more based on leveling a guy's personality and skill and Final Fantasy is more story based. Fable is where you control one guy and become good or evil, Final Fantasy is where you control a few to save the world from some random riff raff.

And this whole talk about needing strategy... well, I had more fun thinking about what I'm going to do in Fable rather than FF. In Final Fantasy, you could honestly run through most of them by hitting X or O or A or B again and again and again and just move your character around to where the game wants you to be. Freedom enters at a time we call "Side Quest Hunting"... otherwise it's linear. Fable on the other hand is pretty loose in what you can do but there are some thinking involved for the fast fingered people.

But yeah.... two different games.... OH and Fable is rated M for mature.... SO DON'T PLAY IT UNLESS YOU'RE A REAL MAN!!!!!..... or in Ndi's case, a real woman.

Mind read'd

plus im lazy and couldnt be bothered typing my own post

12-17-2004, 03:38 AM

12-27-2004, 07:34 PM
I would think Fable is more realistic than Final Fantasy, considering in the game, your character goes from being a mere child all the way to a grown adult..and you have all sorts of freedom in that game. With Final Fantasy..the genre takes a total different turn in that it trades realism with more in-depth storyline. In my opinion, Storyline, is the most important for ANY type of game..regardless if its a rpg or not. Of course graphics comes in as a distant second most important. When you compare these two games as both rpgs..you should take into consideration..that Fable is an American game..and Final Fantasy..well is a Japanese game. Final Fantasy has more of a broader fantasy element to it..and Fable? More like a Storybook adventure lol...nuff said for me.

01-09-2005, 12:11 PM
If Fable was ALOT longer as a game Fable would be doing a pretty good job at competing against SOME of the FF games.

The PieMaster is hallarious, I can't stop saying it.

01-09-2005, 02:35 PM
How can u even begin to compare those 2 games ?
Fable blows cock compared to FF
FF is IMMENSELY longer and more indepth than fable
like vortigus said "fable is a button mashing game"
HAHAHA and u need to stratagize ALOT in FF games fable is all about suping ur dude to the tits with either arrow power magic or strength and smashing ppl's skulls in with either of those
sumtimes u gotta find sumthing
FF games are about storyline mostly not fighting
So compare FF games storylines to Fable

1. Agreed.
2. No it doesn't.
3. I wouldn't say immensly at all. It takes 38 hours for me to complete FFVII, count two games of Fable, one good and one evil, and you have 16 hours at least, without any sidequests, which there are ALOT of, plus randomly killing enemies for experience, getting new attires/names etc.
4. Fable is not a "button-mashing" game, the arrows take accuracy and precision, and it would only be a button mashing game if you didn't know what you are doing, becuase of combat multipliers, and the un-dodgable attack when your weapon goes yellow.
5. Strategy, in FF games? Next joke plz. While I love FF alot, whats strategic about running around, finding people, or items, whilst fighting random enemies, sure they throw a few puzzles in, but not enough to say "ALOT"
6. FF isn't exactly most about storyline, in fact, in theory, they (Square) probably spend the least time on the storyline, and concentrate on gameplay, battle systems, and graphic engines.
7. While the FF storylines ARE better than Fable, FF is very linear compared to Fable, there are so many things you can do, and there is alot of freedom!
8. So, in conclusion, while the games shouldn't have been comaperd in the first place, as they are both COMPLETELY different RPG's, there are some minor faults in your post, imho.

Oh, and 9. I was lucky to even read that post (sp) :(

01-09-2005, 06:44 PM
Fable was far too short to even compete with FF but all the customizing and easy hack and slash commands make it easier for the "lower" IQ people to play while FF you have to think and stratigize in combat while Fable is well... just button mash
rofl? since when is FF hard?

01-09-2005, 08:12 PM

I mean, yeah, they're both rpgs, but that's where the similarities end. The games are completely different.

The controls on Fable are pretty awesome. Not button mashy at all, in my opinion.

I think it's really annoying when people assume people who play games that aren't rpgs are stupid.

I play all sorts of games. FF games are pretty not challenging, as far as rpgs go.

Strategy RPGs can be pretty tough, but apart from that, it's one of the easiest genres out there.

As for the length thing just because Final Fantasy games are insanely long doesn't mean they are better. That is the reason I have not fininshed a Final Fantasy in game in over a year. Fable is much easier to pick up play.

Crimson X
01-10-2005, 12:09 AM
i think fable is crap,

01-10-2005, 12:28 AM
hmmm ok check this out Final Fantasy is quite posibly the game ever.....so yea i vote any Final Fantasy game over Fable anyday...but thats just my oppinion

01-10-2005, 12:32 AM
I've completed Fable and pretty much all of the currently existing Final Fantasy's and fable dont match up.
When completing Fable in 13 hours i was like oh...oh well..that was quite fun...

But after Final Fantasy 7 in about 50 hours......Wow!,new game time to do it all over again, then again, then again etc( i havent got bored yet.) =)

01-10-2005, 06:16 AM
Final Fantasy is WAAAAY better than Fable, but that is jus my opinion, but we all kno that my opinion is right. FF!!!!!! not F!!!

01-10-2005, 07:56 AM
hmmm ok check this out Final Fantasy is quite posibly the game ever.....so yea i vote any Final Fantasy game over Fable anyday...but thats just my oppinion

yes....i agree.... Final fantasy is "the game ever"

01-10-2005, 09:34 PM
I've completed Fable and pretty much all of the currently existing Final Fantasy's and fable dont match up.
When completing Fable in 13 hours i was like oh...oh well..that was quite fun...

But after Final Fantasy 7 in about 50 hours......Wow!,new game time to do it all over again, then again, then again etc( i havent got bored yet.) =)
If you can do 50 hours of linear gameplay 4 times, you must be masochistic, because that's boring.

01-10-2005, 09:36 PM
If you can do 50 hours of linear gameplay 4 times, you must be masochistic, because that's boring.

i can, and have, done it 7 times. what does that make ME, huh?? HUH???

01-10-2005, 11:42 PM
You are probily gonna think im wierd but i have a lot of time on my hands and i have done FF7 about 30+ times.
i just love that game.

01-11-2005, 01:01 AM
and i thought I needed a life. here's a reality check folks, there are other things to do besides replay ff7 over and over. Try a different game, watch tv, read a book, whatever. As long as you don't spend the time posting here, I won't complain.

jesus christ, the game's not even that great.

01-11-2005, 06:01 PM
i can, and have, done it 7 times. what does that make ME, huh?? HUH???

Severely retarded.

01-11-2005, 07:53 PM
i think fable is crap,

Thanks for backing that comment up with so many understandable and interesting coments.

01-12-2005, 07:36 PM
They`re both totally different so its pointless comparing fable to final fantasy . Oh and ashin lol i totaly agree anyone who plays ff7 over and over again is just obsessed .

01-19-2005, 11:08 PM
I really liked FF7 but I would never replay more than 3-5 times in not within a year of each other. Why exactly would you want to go through the same story that many times over and over agian. You can't say that you play it because you like the battles can you. The fighting system was ok but not even close to prefect or even great.

01-21-2005, 07:00 PM
i've played final fantasy 7 over and over and never got tired of it
fable was to short and i played it twice and that was it for me
so i vote for final fantasy

01-22-2005, 03:14 AM
fable sux compared to most of the ff's. ff is the bes rpg ever maded

The Ricky
01-26-2005, 01:21 AM
Just because this is a Final Fantasy based message board doesn't mean that everyone here is going to say it's the greatest series ever.

Example, my favorite series is Breath of Fire, but anyway. You can't compare Fable and FF for the simple reason that FF is Turn Based, Fable is NOT. That's like comparing the Romance of the Three Kingdoms to Dynasty Warriors(Only about 6 people know what I'm talking about with RoTK), same plot, different gameplay.

01-26-2005, 10:31 PM
Example, my favorite series is Breath of Fire, but anyway. You can't compare Fable and FF for the simple reason that FF is Turn Based, Fable is NOT. That's like comparing the Romance of the Three Kingdoms to Dynasty Warriors(Only about 6 people know what I'm talking about with RoTK), same plot, different gameplay.

Mine Orcarina of time. But yes, fable is a great game and all, and it's a fun eight hours, but thats it, eight hours. Final fantasy is full of story and charactor development and (watch out american game componies, here's your taboo) death of charactors! where as fable was hack and slash with a small but resonably fun storyline. All in all i've vote finaly fantasy even though i've never played it but i keep trying too. i have faith in the game and the story summaries from friends. And that after playing a beat fable twice.

01-26-2005, 11:10 PM
Ocarina of Time isn't particularly long either.