04-10-2015, 07:03 PM
Do you think that the music in the background is from the soundtrack?

A Fire Will Rise
04-10-2015, 09:47 PM
Do you think that the music in the background is from the soundtrack?

it is!

04-10-2015, 10:07 PM
it is!

I am not sure now, when I lisened to Other trailers for premiere like Guardians and Winter Soldier, they all had music not related to the film, but it sounds awesome nevertheless, but in 3 days is live premiere and I am sure it will have soundtrack playing at the beginning and in the background ;-) cant wait for this soundtrack!

04-10-2015, 10:19 PM
it is!

Surprised you haven't started a request thread for it. And no, I'm not joking. Seriosusly. I'm shocked

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
04-10-2015, 10:26 PM
Sounds like stock music. Like for a video game.

LEGO Avengers.

If it is music from the movie, it sucks.
I'll bet that's Danny Elfman. He sucks, too.

04-10-2015, 10:30 PM
If that is the film music... it's rather unimaginative for two brilliant composers. I hope it's just stock music.

I'll bet that's Danny Elfman. He sucks, too.

What's wrong with him? I like his style.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
04-10-2015, 10:41 PM
That piece of crap sample doesn't sound like anything Brian Tyler would do.
If it was, he sucks.

So I gambled it was Danny Elfman.
If it was, he sucks.

Whoever wrote that music just plain sucks.

I'm not going to theaters now to see this movie.
I'm going to pirate the shit out of it. IT SUCKS!

04-10-2015, 11:02 PM
I'm not hyped for this score....Brian Tyler isn't really my style (I love Frank Herbert's Children of Dune), and Elfman I can take or leave. He's got some scores that are favorites of mine (Sleepy Hollow [which is my Elfman Grail], Spider-Man Trilogy, Charlie & The Chocolate Factory, Edward Scissorhands and Batman), and others that I just don't care for. And Brian Tyler is the first composer to score more than 2 MCU films, so I'm frightened he'll remain for the rest.

A Fire Will Rise
04-10-2015, 11:19 PM
Surprised you haven't started a request thread for it. And no, I'm not joking. Seriosusly. I'm shocked

now that you mention it, i may do it soon XD haha

04-10-2015, 11:22 PM
And Brian Tyler is the first composer to score more than 2 MCU films, so I'm frightened he'll remain for the rest.

Nah, I think Henry Jackman is returning for Civil War (yess!!!) and Christophe Beck is composing Ant Man.

So Marvel still is trying to keep their composers diverse.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
04-10-2015, 11:24 PM
I like Brian Tyler a lot.
I love Henry Jackman, too.

04-10-2015, 11:25 PM
But even then, that'll only make Civil War Jackman's 2nd film. I'm really not too thrilled about Beck doing Ant-Man. But we'll see. And after IM3 and Thor 2, AoU is Tyler's 3rd outing. And the 3rd time, as they say - is the charm. So let's see how this goes.

04-10-2015, 11:28 PM
Well, the Russo Bros. are doing Avengers 3 & 4 instead of Whedon, so maybe they'll want to carry over their style for their two Cap movies over, composer included.

I've never really enjoyed Tyler's scores either, but maybe he'll whip up something special this time around.

04-10-2015, 11:30 PM
I mean it's the MCU. He's done 2 so far and if you ask me, he has yet to bring his A-Game. I want the absolute best he's got.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
04-10-2015, 11:38 PM
I want the absolute best he's got.

That won't likely ever happen.
He's being stretched apart doing so many projects where everyone wants him to compose music for their films.

Sooner or later, he's going to end up like Danny Elfman, phoning in music.
I mean, probably why they asked DE to do extra music with him.
Teach him the ropes.
Teach him the laaazy ropes.

I'll have more respect for Elfman if he goes back to rescore the entire Wolfman and re-release it on bluray.
Conrad Pope's score was really good for The Wolfman.
Danny Eflman did 3 minutes and it got repeated infinitely throughout the film.

04-10-2015, 11:46 PM
Oh man, the clusterfuck that is The Wolfman. It wasn't just Elfman and Pope, but also Paul Haslinger

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
04-10-2015, 11:48 PM
Paul Haslinger

I wonder if anyone has any samples.
I know the official website had his work playing in the background, but after they booted him, the site changed.

There has to be a leak of some sort for his work done on that film.

04-10-2015, 11:55 PM
I'm willing to bet some of his cues are somewhere in the score, in some way, shape or form. Wouldn't be surprised.

04-11-2015, 02:29 AM
And after IM3 and Thor 2, AoU is Tyler's 3rd outing. And the 3rd time, as they say - is the charm. So let's see how this goes.

You're aware that they fired Tyler and brought in Danny Elfman to replace about an hour of the score in February, right?

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
04-11-2015, 02:36 AM
they fired Tyler

What he do?

04-11-2015, 02:42 AM
You're aware that they fired Tyler and brought in Danny Elfman to replace about an hour of the score in February, right?

I didn't know the exact details as my contact wasn't 100% sure what went down but he said it wasn't good. I didn't wanna just openly state "Brian Tyler was fired and replaced by Elfman", but cat's out of the bag now

A Fire Will Rise
04-11-2015, 03:19 AM
I didn't know the exact details as my contact wasn't 100% sure what went down but he said it wasn't good. I didn't wanna just openly state "Brian Tyler was fired and replaced by Elfman", but cat's out of the bag now

im calling bullshit on that, that they fired brian. cant imagine why they would..

04-11-2015, 03:25 AM
You can call bullshit all you want, but you have no idea the drama that goes on behind the scenes.

Maybe you're in denial, maybe you're naive - but don't you find it suspicious that Elfman was brought in all of a sudden with 3 months before the film opens?

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
04-11-2015, 03:28 AM
I bet he asked for a raise.

A Fire Will Rise
04-11-2015, 03:41 AM
You can call bullshit all you want, but you have no idea the drama that goes on behind the scenes.

Maybe you're in denial, maybe you're naive - but don't you find it suspicious that Elfman was brought in all of a sudden with 3 months before the film opens?

i heard it was just to rework the avengers theme by alan sylvestri, i mean thats the last i heard...

04-11-2015, 03:46 AM
i heard it was just to rework the avengers theme by alan sylvestri, i mean thats the last i heard...

And that's such bullshit. Like Obama saying I could keep my healthcare if I liked it. That's what they tell the public but the real reason - people usually never know. Honestly why does it take an entirely different person to "rework" a simple theme? Is Tyler not capable of that himself?

04-11-2015, 03:47 AM
Who cares for the reasons that Tyler isn't working on the film anymore? He still contributed his music, and it will most likely be used within the film. So, just let it go.

04-11-2015, 03:50 AM
The Brian Tyler fans and Danny Elfman fans will care. Not to mention the Marvel fans. It's part of this thread's discussion now. I doubt it'll be let go. But I could be wrong.

04-11-2015, 03:56 AM
Well, why don't you just tell everyone since you're so knowledgable about things like this?

A Fire Will Rise
04-11-2015, 04:26 AM
Well, why don't you just tell everyone since you're so knowledgable about things like this?

so ive done alittle research and the whole "brian tyler was fired and replaced" is false of course Tyler's the main composer and Danny Elfman contributed on additional music, which i'm assuming Ultrons theme, The Avengers theme, and maybe more, though we wont know for sure til either the movie comes out, and/or the score!

04-11-2015, 04:27 AM
Perhaps it's just me, but this conversation appears to be heading in the direction of a nasty argument. Let's all take a deep breath (I'm looking at you DAK) and have a good time. k? :)

And that's such bullshit. Like Obama saying I could keep my healthcare if I liked it. That's what they tell the public but the real reason - people usually never know. Honestly why does it take an entirely different person to "rework" a simple theme? Is Tyler not capable of that himself?

I like trash talking Obama in front of people, kinda daring them to try and defend him anymore. They never do. lol But to the actual topic, I thought it was really weird that Elfman just suddenly came on. Then with the reports of him composing a LOT of music, plus what you're saying it's seems like something really bad went down. I actually really liked IM3 and Thor 2, so this kinda bums me out. I don't dislike Elfman, but I've never really been a fan. Hopefully between the two of them we'll get something nice though. Better than the first one at least, which wasn't BAD by any means, but only has a few memorable tracks.

04-11-2015, 04:43 AM
so ive done alittle research and the whole "brian tyler was fired and replaced" is false

What, Google? Lol that's something you'll never be able to "research", because it will never be brought to light. Just like I'll never be able to "research" Hillary Clinton's personal emails

Perhaps it's just me, but this conversation appears to be heading in the direction of a nasty argument. Let's all take a deep breath (I'm looking at you DAK) and have a good time. k? :)

I like trash talking Obama in front of people, kinda daring them to try and defend him anymore. They never do. lol But to the actual topic, I thought it was really weird that Elfman just suddenly came on. Then with the reports of him composing a LOT of music, plus what you're saying it's seems like something really bad went down. I actually really liked IM3 and Thor 2, so this kinda bums me out. I don't dislike Elfman, but I've never really been a fan. Hopefully between the two of them we'll get something nice though. Better than the first one at least, which wasn't BAD by any means, but only has a few memorable tracks.

Psh I'm cool, man. It's all goooooood.

I love talking shit about him in front of my friends who voted for him. They know I'm right and I don't even tell them "I told you so" anymore, because they know. And they're ashamed. It's a great feeling :D

I knew there was a real reason Elfman was brought in, but I just brushed it aside as usual Hollywood politics and figured I wouldn't know why. Because it really does not matter. This has happened before and it'll happen again.

Now the real question is: who's material will make it to the OST? Only one, or both?

And Silvestri's score didn't really do it for me, either. The main Avengers theme is good, specifically 7m73 Avengers Assemble. That's the best cue imo

04-11-2015, 04:57 AM
Now the real question is: who's material will make it to the OST? Only one, or both?

I would assume that as long as both are still used in the film both would be on the score album?

And Silvestri's score didn't really do it for me, either. The main Avengers theme is good, specifically 7m73 Avengers Assemble. That's the best cue imo

Well yeah the main theme is great, and a few others as well (my personal fav is Helicarrier Theme 3 actually). :)

A Fire Will Rise
04-11-2015, 04:58 AM
[QUOTE=DAKoftheOTA;2932000]What, Google? Lol that's something you'll never be able to "research", because it will never be brought to light. Just like I'll never be able to "research" Hillary Clinton's personal emails

it was actually on another forum, this one to be exact...

04-11-2015, 05:00 AM
I would assume that as long as both are still used in the film both would be on the score album?

Can't say the same about Armageddon. Only Trevor Rabin's cues made it to the commercial release. Something about Bay not liking Gregson-Williams' work or something, idk

it was actually on another forum, this one to be exact...

Yes that's the main info that the public knows - Elfman "reworking" Silvestri's theme. And if that's the case (still doesn't make sense that it takes another person to do it, but ok) then there's some truth to it. But what the public won't know is why. And since both their music is in the final film, they're both going to play nice and promote it like they're supposed to :)

Kinda like the scene in Iron Man (fitting how it's an MCU film ;)) when Stark tells Rhodey to bs the whole "unfortunate training exercise" thing lol

04-11-2015, 10:00 PM
Fired, eh?

I KNEW it was weird that Elfman's name suddenly appeared next to Tyler's. And honestly I can't say I'm that disappointed. Tyler's music never really resonated with me in either Iron Man 3 or Thor 2, the same way Djawadi's or Jackman's stuff did in their MCU films. I like Elfman, so this makes me more excited for the film than I already am.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
04-11-2015, 10:16 PM

Terrance Howard got replaced because he DID ask for more money when they were in talks about IM2.

04-11-2015, 10:38 PM
Terrance Howard got replaced because he DID ask for more money when they were in talks about IM2.

Best ting that happened to the MCU. Terrence Howard is a terrible actor. I love Don Cheadle.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
04-11-2015, 10:42 PM
I liked both of them.

04-11-2015, 10:49 PM
Similar case with TDK: Maggie Gyllenhaal is a much better Rachel Dawes than Katie Holmes ever was

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
04-11-2015, 10:55 PM
I liked both of them, too.

KH is more my generation, though.

---------- Post added at 02:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:51 PM ----------

Similar that the character got replaced, but she just decided not to return.

Don't know why, maybe she was silently forced not to by Tom Cruise. They were still together then.
He probably didn't want to see her die.

She did Mad Money instead that year. Who lost the worst on that one. :laugh:

04-11-2015, 11:23 PM
Knowing Tom Cruise, he probably couldn't stand the thought she'd be in a film tha would possibly make more money than one of his. Or he asked her to get him the role of the Joker and she refused. Or something.

---------- Post added at 04:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:22 PM ----------

[QUOTE=A Fire Will Rise;2931991]so ive done alittle research and the whole "brian tyler was fired and replaced" is false of course Tyler's the main composer and Danny Elfman contributed on additional music, which i'm assuming Ultrons theme, The Avengers theme, and maybe more, though we wont know for sure til either the movie comes out, and/or the score!

IF Elfman is doing Ultron's theme... please let it be based around "I've got no strings". Everyone associates it with Ultron now anyway.

04-11-2015, 11:33 PM
She did Mad Money instead that year. Who lost the worst on that one. :laugh:

I still cannot believe she made that choice. Maybe she thought workign with Diane Keaton (I could see why she'd wanna work with her) and Queen Latifah (are you serious?) was the better decision. But I'm willing to bet she'll regret that for the rest of her life. Even if her character was killed, it's a legacy just to be a part of TDK

IF Elfman is doing Ultron's theme... please let it be based around "I've got no strings". Everyone associates it with Ultron now anyway.

Please God, yes. I will riot if that's not a part of the score

04-12-2015, 12:24 AM
Terrance Howard got replaced because he DID ask for more money when they were in talks about IM2.

I saw an interview where Howard said that Marvel came to him and wanted him to take less money than he was already under contract for. Meaning he had already signed up to be in IM2 for X amount, and then Marvel changes their mind. When he said no, they replaced him. Obviously I don't know if that's true, but that's what he said.

Similar case with TDK: Maggie Gyllenhaal is a much better Rachel Dawes than Katie Holmes ever was

My biggest (and only big) complaint about TDK is Rachel. I just cannot stand her. I do not know whether it was the direction given by Nolan, or the choice made by Maggie Gyllenhaal, but I hated it. While I didn't think Katie Holmes was particularly good, the character at least was interesting to me. In TDK she becomes this whining, complaining, un-loyal mess. I don't mind switching actresses, but please go for a sense on continuity with the character. To be perfectly honest, her dying had no emotional effect on me. I was kinda glad she was gone until i saw the pain it caused Harvey and Bruce. :( At least with Katie Holmes I would have cared.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
04-12-2015, 12:26 AM
Ibut that's what he said.

I would say the same, too, if I were in his position.
He said, she said, I said.

A Fire Will Rise
04-12-2015, 05:38 AM
I still cannot believe she made that choice. Maybe she thought workign with Diane Keaton (I could see why she'd wanna work with her) and Queen Latifah (are you serious?) was the better decision. But I'm willing to bet she'll regret that for the rest of her life. Even if her character was killed, it's a legacy just to be a part of TDK

Please God, yes. I will riot if that's not a part of the score

i have heard from a friend that saw a prescreening that it is indeed part of the score!

04-13-2015, 12:16 AM
i have heard from a friend that saw a prescreening that it is indeed part of the score!

Oh God I hope your friend is telling the truth! That'd be simply awesome if during the final battle with Ultron it just started out of the blue playing an instrumental version of "I've Got No Strings".

Now I need to listen to the trailer versions again.

04-13-2015, 12:42 AM
Apparently at one point in the film Ultron sings or recites those lines. In other words, it's not a trailer only occurrence.

04-13-2015, 02:57 AM
Here's an AWESOME extended clip of the Iron Man vs Hulk scene. If you're trying to avoid further spoilers then don't click on this link, YOU'VE BEEN WARNED!

'Avengers: Age Of Ultron' MTV Movie Awards exclusive clip: Iron Man vs. The Hulk (video) - Superhero News (

04-13-2015, 03:05 AM
Can you say how spoilery it is, exactly?

04-13-2015, 03:13 AM
Can you say how spoilery it is, exactly?

It is explained why they're fighting. I'm sure some people had already guessed why (I had) but if you're avoiding things like that then you're gonna want to stay away. Other than that nothing much. Basically just an extended look at the fight that we saw parts of in the trailer. I was really hoping to get a nice listen to the score but's it's mostly hidden behind the SFX. :( You do catch a little though.

04-13-2015, 03:17 AM
Hmm. I may decide to later on. I'm gonna guess it has something to do with Civil War and thus Hulk obviously takes Cap's side, but that's just a thought. I don't read comics, never have and most likely never will. I can hold off for 3 more weeks :)

04-13-2015, 03:25 AM
I can hold off for 3 more weeks :)

I bet you watch within the next 3 hours. ;) haha

04-13-2015, 03:30 AM
I bet you watch within the next 3 hours. ;) haha


04-13-2015, 03:34 AM

04-13-2015, 03:37 AM

A Fire Will Rise
04-13-2015, 03:39 AM
Oh God I hope your friend is telling the truth! That'd be simply awesome if during the final battle with Ultron it just started out of the blue playing an instrumental version of "I've Got No Strings".

Now I need to listen to the trailer versions again.

my friend told me that the "i've got no strings" song is at the final fight against ultron, and a nightmare scene and i guess a couple other scenes with ultron

04-13-2015, 03:40 AM
your text here

That's how you do spoilers. Click reply and then copy and paste and update your post quickly before you have people coming for you with pitchforks. ;)

A Fire Will Rise
04-13-2015, 03:44 AM
your text here

That's how you do spoilers. Click reply and then copy and paste and update your post quickly before you have people coming for you with pitchforks. ;)

got it all taken care of! XD took me a few

04-13-2015, 01:50 PM
Well looks like the IM3 theme has been kept.

A Fire Will Rise
04-13-2015, 02:40 PM
Well looks like the IM3 theme has been kept.

its perfect for iron man, imo anyways, better then ac/dc music tbh (which is kinda overrated) when it comes to tony stark XD

04-13-2015, 04:52 PM
its perfect for iron man, imo anyways, better then ac/dc music tbh (which is kinda overrated) when it comes to tony stark XD

Tyler's theme is perfect for Iron Man. But AC/DC is better for Tony. If that makes any sense.

Kind of like how Fury approved Iron Man for the Avengers Initiative, but not Tony Stark.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
04-14-2015, 03:58 AM
AC/DC is so done now.

It's like they're the cheapest band to get rights to.
in every single movie, it's the same songs.
I was sick of it when I first heard Stark playing it.

I can't even watch Maximum Overdrive anymore since it's an overused band.

04-14-2015, 04:24 AM
Maximum Overdrive is probably the single worst adaptation of a Stephen King story and King wrote and directed it! (Stretching a ten page short story into a 90 minute movie and you know the seams are going to show.)

I remember watching it on cable. Ten minutes into it I thought: "it can't get worse." It did. Another ten and I thought: "it can't get worse." And it did. I repeated that mantra for the entire film.

A movie that's so bad, it's bad. (And not in a Michael Jackson-it's-the-eighties-and-he's-king-of-the-pop-charts sort of bad. More like Walter-White-and-I-just -dissolved-an-innocent-kid-in-acid bad.)

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
04-14-2015, 04:29 AM
Lucky I never read the story.

04-14-2015, 04:48 AM
Well the new version of Silvestri's theme sounds wonderful. Well 20+ mins of a looped 4 note theme really got to me quickly.

04-14-2015, 02:45 PM
Tyler's theme for Iron Man was epic. If they can somehow work it in for just a moment in the new film, I'm going to be in heaven.

04-14-2015, 07:30 PM
I'd be happy if nearly all of Tyler's material was scrapped and Elfman's is what gets used

04-14-2015, 08:58 PM
Tyler's Iron Man theme is confirmed to be in the film via one of the clips that's doing the talk show circuit. Personally, I prefer Ramin Djawadi's Iron Man music. I wonder if Tyler will use any of Hulk's material from "The Incredible Hulk"? Or maybe Danny Elfman will sneak in a reference to his 2003 "Hulk" score?

It's weird how Danny Elfman has gone from an "Additional Music" credit to basically being a co-writer.

James P.Sullivan
04-14-2015, 09:10 PM
This thread was a good read so far. Very interesting and rather entertaining. :)

I have no idea what the real reason was behind Elfman's sudden involvement, but whatever it was, he is now basically a co-composer with Tyler.

I absolutely LOVE Tyler's IM theme, but I also LOVE Djawadi's. Debney's is great too, but probably the weakest of the three. I'm just so happy Whedon (or whoever it was) saw the light and finally decided to do the only proper thing to do and combine the solo film themes for a team-up movie event score. I wish Silvestri had done that. Imagine - Djawadi's Iron Man, Doyle's Thor, and Silvestri's Captain America. Doubt that will ever happen now.

04-14-2015, 09:19 PM
Tyler's theme is perfect for Iron Man. But AC/DC is better for Tony. If that makes any sense.

Kind of like how Fury approved Iron Man for the Avengers Initiative, but not Tony Stark.

I always thought (and still do) that Ramin Djawadi's score was perfect for both Stark AND Iron Man. Tony Stark is a rockstar. And remember, it's not just Stark that listens to ACϟDC. Iron Man does as well. In the beginning of Iron Man 2 when he jumps out the plane "Shoot to Thrill" (my favorite ACϟDC song) is playing. And then it plays again in The Avengers when he overrides the jet Black Widow is flying before confronting Loki ;)

It's weird how Danny Elfman has gone from an "Additional Music" credit to basically being a co-writer.

Well because I think more details about his involvement have come to light. An hour of material is way more than "additional music"

04-14-2015, 09:56 PM
My favorite thing about Djawadi's Iron Man was how the notes for the main theme sounded like they were saying "I Am Iron Man".

Man, this Danny Elfman saga is becoming more interesting than the movie itself. I wonder if it was Marvel or Whedon who brought in Elfman? I would think Whedon, because of Elfman's comment about integrating Silvestri's theme from the first movie, and because of a recent comment from Whedon that hints at friction between him and the studio. I honestly don't think Brian Tyler was the director's choice.

04-14-2015, 10:16 PM
I'd say the studio. They have control over EVERYTHING. Sure Whedon can make some decisions and has a little control, but ultimately it's Marvel that runs the show.

04-15-2015, 02:30 AM
Marvel: we're not control freaks, we're control enthusiasts.

---------- Post added at 07:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:27 PM ----------

[QUOTE=DAKoftheOTA;2934604]I always thought (and still do) that Ramin Djawadi's score was perfect for both Stark AND Iron Man. Tony Stark is a rockstar. And remember, it's not just Stark that listens to ACϟDC. Iron Man does as well. In the beginning of Iron Man 2 when he jumps out the plane "Shoot to Thrill" (my favorite ACϟDC song) is playing. And then it plays again in The Avengers when he overrides the jet Black Widow is flying before confronting Loki ;)

"Thunderstruck" and/or "It's a Long Way to the Top." I love the sound of bagpipes. Especially before sacking a Christian village.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
04-15-2015, 03:38 AM
Stark and Iron Man are not mutually exclusive.
They are the same identity.

Stark made sure of that by the end of the first film.

It's not like Bruce Wayne is never in the same room as Batman.
It's Stark is always Iron Man. And vice versa.

A Fire Will Rise
04-15-2015, 05:30 AM starting at 0:51 the danny elfman remix avengers theme plays, theres really no differance that i can tell but it sounds awesome and epic nonetheless

04-15-2015, 06:45 AM
It's on an endless loop. Boring.

04-15-2015, 04:00 PM
An endless loop of the Helicarrier theme with some changes (I won't say improvements). Not exactly a showcase, but a fun tidbit none the less. :)

04-15-2015, 06:57 PM
?Avengers: Age of Ultron? Soundtrack Details | Film Music Reporter (

04-15-2015, 07:32 PM
No word on a special release from Intrada? Or did their deal with Disney end?

James P.Sullivan
04-15-2015, 07:45 PM
?Avengers: Age of Ultron? Soundtrack Details | Film Music Reporter (

Oh wow! It really looks like it's half Tyler, half Elfman - 50/50.

My cover was better. :p

04-15-2015, 07:51 PM
Man, this Danny Elfman saga is becoming more interesting than the movie itself. I wonder if it was Marvel or Whedon who brought in Elfman? I would think Whedon, because of Elfman's comment about integrating Silvestri's theme from the first movie, and because of a recent comment from Whedon that hints at friction between him and the studio. I honestly don't think Brian Tyler was the director's choice.

I'm sure it was Whedon too. If I were to speculate, I guess that Marvel decided to bring Brian on board, Whedon went along with it to see what would happen, but during production he realized that something was not working in their relationship. He then goes to Feige and say that he wants to bring in a new composer, Feige says no, but instead of letting go (like Alan Taylor did on TDW) he threatens to leave the production (Edgar Wright style) unless they listen to reason. Feige reluctantly agrees, Brian gets the boot, and they get Danny Elfman on board. There's also the option that Brian wasn't initially leaving, instead continuing alongside Elfman to rework stuff, but eventually he got tired and parted ways.

---------- Post added at 12:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:50 PM ----------

Hahahaha well... I'm sure they'll have an alternate cover going around. Iron Man 3, Thor 2 and Guardians had alternate covers, I think...

Interesting, based on some of the titles, it looks like Tyler's most important cues were retained. It's also great that there's so many tracks. I would've rioted if it had less than 22 tracks, to be honest.

04-16-2015, 01:45 AM
The cover, in a word, fug-ly. At least we know what happens when Photoshop f#cks itself. Haven't seen that much head since "visiting" a Bangkok brothel. (Hmm, Bangkok Brothel, that's a good name for a rock band.)

04-17-2015, 07:31 AM
Catching up on the whole thread, but I'd think if he was fired or bringing Elfman in was indicative of bad blood, he wouldn't be posting all of his positive comments and coverage of the premiere and the score (I doubt the soundtrack guy is under contract for social media output). That's my hope at least, I really like him. :( Hope he does more coming up.

I enjoyed the Spiderman 1 and 2 soundtracks, so hopefully this will tickle my fancy. I'm ridiculously excited. I'm glad the IM3 theme is kept in, at least there's a little evidence of musical continuity.

04-17-2015, 07:43 AM
Catching up on the whole thread, but I'd think if he was fired or bringing Elfman in was indicative of bad blood, he wouldn't be posting all of his positive comments and coverage of the premiere and the score (I doubt the soundtrack guy is under contract for social media output)

I also mentioned my thoughts on this. He's probably under contract (along with Elfman) to promote the film and the score as much as possible. It has to look like nothing happened behind the scenes. If he didn't promote it, then things would definitely get even more fishy. But....that's just what I think. What do I know? I have no clue what happened or what's currently going on.

04-17-2015, 07:43 AM
Catching up on the whole thread, but I'd think if he was fired or bringing Elfman in was indicative of bad blood, he wouldn't be posting all of his positive comments and coverage of the premiere and the score (I doubt the soundtrack guy is under contract for social media output).

He is. Almost. Considering he's Marvel's in-house music guy this is more than just a one-time gig.

04-17-2015, 08:45 AM
But....that's just what I think. What do I know? I have no clue what happened or what's currently going on.

He is. Almost. Considering he's Marvel's in-house music guy this is more than just a one-time gig.

Seems like if he was a Marvel in-house guy there wouldn't have been firing/replacement.

04-17-2015, 08:47 AM
Seems like if he was a Marvel in-house guy there wouldn't have been firing/replacement.

What Whedon wants, Whedon gets.

04-17-2015, 01:37 PM
Directing a movie that makes a billion plus worldwide gives you a certain amount of clout.