11-26-2004, 08:11 AM
Hi... Right, well, as the title states, I need help. With FF7... naturally.

Anywho... I'm at the Great Glacier area, where you snowboard down the mountain... I have this map, and there's a red check (or maybe X, can't remember) on the area where I'm supposed to go. But I can't tell what's what on that map O.o Can somebody help me, please?

Aerith Gainsborough
11-26-2004, 09:21 AM
You can't tell what's on the map? :eye:

Well, the best is, you take your time and walk around this area for a while. There are some good items you can get. At the time you walk around, you should open your map once a while, and look at it. Keep doing that, and you should be able to see similarities from the map and this area. After you figured it out, you shouldn't have problems anymore. :)

After a while, Cloud is going to pass out. He'll wake up in a hut (I think that's the red x on the map). You can go on the story now, or go back and get the rest of the items (and Alexander!). ;)

11-26-2004, 09:26 AM
plus if you see a spring go in it it is one of the requists for alexander

you need to kill a women called snow

11-26-2004, 11:24 PM
Well, my advice is following. Find the hot springs, touch them and defeat a woman called Snow, then go into one of the caves on the map (I don't know exactly which) and you can then get Alexander. If you don't get him, don't worry. It's not a big loss, anyway. If you walk around that area long enough, Cloud will pas out, and you will be found by a man who will save your ass from freezing. After he saves you, you will be able to climb up the mountain, and then you have reached your goal.

11-26-2004, 11:29 PM
Yeah but if you get Alexander ( and all the other Summons) you can get hold of a Master Summon which is well worth the effort :)

11-29-2004, 03:04 PM
I can understand your having troule in the great galcier area, it took me AGES to get through it espacialy as I wanted to get Alexander so badly as well. What I ended up doing was drawing a grid on my comp, printing it out, and then walking through every screen in the area and mapping it out on the grid. If i can find it ill scan it and then post a link in here.

lone wolf
11-30-2004, 08:01 PM
I would suggest going after Alexander, it will make certain..."caves"... that come farther down the road much easier cause Alexander does holy damage, which alot of monsters are weak toward

lone wolf