04-05-2015, 09:22 PM
As a horror movie fan since being 10 years old, I must express my complete disdain for remakes, especially horror remakes. Some remakes, like Invasion Of the Body snatchers (1979) surpass the originals. Some consider John carpenter's The Thing as a remake. it isn't. Well, the days of original horrors are gone, unless one turns to Asia or Europe. When I read that Dario argento's masterpiece Suspiria was going to be remade, I was in shock. Poltergeist, Cat people, even Scarface, are going to be mishandled ( as always) . The suspiria remake's got me very pissed off and I refuse to watch it.
I didn't mind the Evil Dead remake at first, but by the end of it I was pissed again. Does anyone else feel like this when a new remake is mentioned ?

04-10-2015, 01:04 AM
yes. sick of remakes, of movies that were just perfect already.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
04-10-2015, 01:35 AM
What can you do? :noonecares:

Evil Dead was great.
I have strong doubts about the TV series though.

I blame kids in general. They need crap to grasp our generation.

Tron: Legacy is confusing to the world because kids think it's an original film and not a sequel.
Some even think it's a remake/reboot.

It's a sequel. It's confirmed, loudly to be a sequel.
We can say it even has actors from the first film and character names can be cross-referenced, but that still means kids would have had to watched the first one in 1982.

Pirahna was a fun and very, very stupid remake.
It was unnecessary, but still fun to watch.
3DD was far worse but still fun.
Excessive nudity does help in cases like that.

A Nightmare on Elm Street had some nice ideas with micronaps and that bloody hallway.
But, they took it too far removing the element of mystery by confirming him to be an actual pedo.
The original series kind of just left it open to interpretation that he just likes to mame and kill children.

The Jason Vorhees remake... I don't know the original so well so I can't comment.
Except the nudity really helped push that movie along.

The Texas Chainsaw remakes... there was no nudity (really) to help it. :notgood:
Any of them. :notgood:
:laugh: Good god, I haven't watched the 3D crapfest yet. I still have the remux of it. A remux!!! :laugh:
I was reading, at the end of "The Beginning", the rights went somewhere else because Platinum Dunes failed badly with the franchise.
Now this new company did the 3D crapola movie and have signed on to do a total of 3 films.
SO we have 2 more to look forward too. :erm:

I don't see Suspiria doing well as a remake.
I still need to watch the original. I keep forgetting to look for the remastered version.

Poltergeist looks like crap. No amount of computer graphics will help.
Not even expensive hardware/software.
Practical effects might be its only saving grace.

I have no hope for the Ghostbusters.
An all female cast followed by an all male cast.

Melissa McCarthy as a Ghostbuster?
It's going to be rated R and sully the only image we have of the beloved Ghostbusters (aside from the phoned-in video games :laugh: ).

It's real hit or miss.
What remake did I like???

The Wolfman was crazy fun. I was dying for the transformation so he can kill everyone.
The London streets scene was a nice throwback to the carnage in An American Werewolf In London.
Although it was completely different, just sight of panicked people and the sound of screams from seeing a werewolf delighted me.
It was a rich, glossy remake.

True Grit was a loveable remake.

04-10-2015, 02:33 AM
As a horror movie fan since being 10 years old

And what kind of childhood did you have?

Alright, here we go:

Evil Dead: a little disappointed, wanted more. I know there's deleted scenes floating around somewhere. Didn't completely shit on the original

TRON: Legacy: definitely not an original film. Kids these days need a good bitch slappin'. My favorite film of 2010 next to Inception

ANoES: a little disappointed. Again, deleted scenes floating around somewhere. Kinda shits on the original a little bit, which I think is a classic

Friday the 13th: not bad, although the original bored me to death. The end scared the shit out of me, that was the only entertaining part of the original. The remake is hands-down my absolute favorite Steve Jablonsky horror score.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: to this day, I still have not seen the original and I know that seeing the 2003 remake first was a huge mistake. I keep meaning to download the 40th Anniversary remastered version. But I did love this film. It has that creepy, eerie, macabre sense of dread all throughout it. The 2006 Beginning film, however, failed miserably. Hated it.

The Hitcher: another one where i have not seen the original. But I liked it. Love me some Sophia Bush.

Poltergeist: I am so against remaking this film, yet the new one is out in just over a month. The original is a classic, and fucking freaky as hell. I still get scared watching it. I don't even think practical effects can save it from the crapfest that it looks like it will be. And Marc Streitenfeld is scoring it. Not a fan of his.

The Wolfman: hated it, but I've never seen any of the other versions.

The Amityville Horror: saw the original first, bored the hell out of me. Saw the 2005 remake, scared the shit out of me. Couldn't sleep that night. And, I'm a native Long-Islander. Growing up near Amityville, that story is all you ever hear about.

Halloween and Halloween II: both sucked. Rob Zombie is a terrible filmmaker. I also hated The Devil's Rejects.

Psycho: absolutely horrible, the original is a classic and will never be outdone.

True Grit: liked it, never saw the original

Gone In 60 Seconds: fucking love the remake, but I've never seen the original

The Italian Job: same as GI6S

The Taking of Pelham 123: Never saw the original, the remake was "good, not great".

War of the Worlds: never seen the original, but Spielberg's version was creepy and scared me a bit.

Dawn of the Dead: I own the original on Blu-ray and still have never seen it. Love the remake, though.

The Thing: Another Blu-ray I own but still not have seen. The remake was "good, not great". Had some fucking nasty but really awesome, grotesque scenes.

Death Race: The original is kinda cheesy by today's standards, but still fun. The remake is awesome and I love it.

Other films that I've heard are possibly and/or are already getting the remake treatment: Lawrence of Arabia, The Breakfast Club, The Magnificent Seven (still have not seen the original, but I will. Denzel and Chris Pratt have been cast, which is definitely not a bad thing. But we'll see). For the longest time Platinum Dunes has been trying to remake The Birds with George Clooney and Naomi Watts. I think those 2 could pull it off, but they're WAY too A-list for Platinum Dunes.

04-10-2015, 02:35 AM
the thing was not a remake. it was prequel.
wait.... which thing are you talking about?=

04-10-2015, 02:37 AM
the thing was not a remake. it was prequel.
wait.... which thing are you talking about?=

Ahhh yes, you are right. But kinda the same ballpark, right? Prequel/remake. Chinese, Japanese, dirty knees, look at these.

I'm talking about the 2011 film with Mary Elizabeth Winstead and Joel Edgerton

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
04-10-2015, 02:38 AM
the thing was not a remake. it was prequel.
wait.... which thing are you talking about?=

:this: It was covered in the first post.

The thing about "The Thing", it was first conceived as a remake.
But they changed it to be a sequel.
Then a prequel.
It went through development hell.

The ending is excellent and sets it up nicely for the original.

04-10-2015, 02:41 AM
The ending is excellent and sets it up nicely for the original.

The end was awesome and I remember arguing about it with so many poeple. Was he or wasn't he? Hmmm.....

But now that I think about it, I like it more than I said I did. It was good.

04-10-2015, 02:44 AM
Since a lot of the originals that have remakes based on them came out before my time I never really had a chance to watch them/was never introduced to them. As far as remakes go, I don't see a problem with them. I understand the logic of "why fix something that's alreay perfect", but for me, I guess it's like, remastering a video game. You get to experience it in a new sense, so to speak, while still enjoying all the content that was the original. Maybe I'm just an HD fanatic but, that's just my opinion on the matter ;O

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
04-10-2015, 02:48 AM
The end was awesome and I remember arguing about it with so many poeple. Was he or wasn't he? Hmmm.....

He was.

That one didn't leave it that open to interpretation.
The original with Kurt Russell, however, that one you can argue until the end of the world.
That's real horror.

---------- Post added at 06:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:44 PM ----------

Maybe I'm just an HD fanatic

I don't understand the logic in that. They can all get transferred to HD.
Afterall, the max resolution for FHD is 1080p.
While there are a lot out there still on DVD, they're slowly getting a bluray release.
Ghoulies got bluray recently, and Return To Oz will have a bluray in a couple days.

You're misappropriating words.

---------- Post added at 06:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:47 PM ----------

I think you're thinking too much about video games.

"HD" in video games never means the same thing for video (movies).
Different dictionary altogether.

04-10-2015, 02:49 AM
So literal... :P Sorry that my choice of words isn't the best...? I like things that look and sound nice. I'd watch a movie from the 2000's as opposed to the 1980's simply because it would look nicer. Is that a better way of putting it?

04-10-2015, 02:50 AM
I understand the logic of "why fix something that's alreay perfect", but for me, I guess it's like, remastering a video game. You get to experience it in a new sense, so to speak, while still enjoying all the content that was the original.

It's called a fucking Blu-ray lol

I don't understand why Hollywood keeps shitting out remake after remake.

I'd watch a movie from the 2000's as opposed to the 1980's simply because it would look nicer. Is that a better way of putting it?

I know what you mean. Older film just have that older look and feel. And that's why sometimes I feel like a remake can be refreshing. But not all older films feel that way. For me, Lawrence of Arabia, Poltergeist and The Breakfast Club (which I just saw in theatres last week for it's 30th Anniversary) will always have that timeless feel to me.

He was.

That's the conclusion that I reached

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
04-10-2015, 02:58 AM
Is that a better way of putting it?

Yes. Precisely to the point.

But, true.
Older movies lack the technological upgrades movies today have.

The original Thing was entirely done with practical effects, much like Christopher Nolan tries to achieve as much as he can for his films.

The downside to practical effects is that it looks more like rubber and plastic.
The upside is that sense of threat and danger is more real.

With CG enhancements, it depends largely on the budget and companies involved.
I've seen a lot of low-budget horror today that makes the cheapest horror films from the 70's look like gold.

ANoeS benefited from upgraded graphics. A lot of nice scenery.
The market scene where the two worlds were colliding was mesmerising.

For me, I was born in the early 80's so I was right in between the transition from oldschool filming to new age filming.
I like going through both and all versions.

As far as remakes go, the upgrades can be nice.
But only by super rich studios.
But with super rich, we have to worry about super poor choices.
They could ruin the film by hiring a pop singer to take the lead role.

...There's another thing that ruins remakes.
They all need the most current pop singer to act in it.
House of Wax with Paris Hilton??? Not a singer. Was she? Who cares.
Pop culture celibrities.
Gimmicks. ALL GIMMICKS!!!

04-10-2015, 03:04 AM
The upside is that sense of threat and danger is more real.

I had never heard of The Thing before I saw the "prequel" in theatres with my mom who was a big fan of the 1982 film. On that note, I went home and immediately watched the 1982 film and, to be hoenst, I enjoyed it a bit more because it did feel very real and very dangerous.

04-10-2015, 03:05 AM
Same thing with Poltergeist. The practical effects are to this day (for the most part) still really, really, really, ridiculously good-looking . The scene when he's peeling his face off is a little outdated and kinda cheesy, but the piece of meat crawling across the kitchen counter like an inchworm - that is still awesome. I keep seeing TV spots for the remake where you see the face-peeling happen to Sam Rockwell's character. And it's all CGI and shit. Blood pouring out of his eyes and what not. Looks fake as hell.

I had never heard of The Thing before I saw the "prequel" in theatres with my mom who was a big fan of the 1982 film. On that note, I went home and immediately watched the 1982 film and, to be hoenst, I enjoyed it a bit more because it [I]did feel very real very dangerous.

You're pretty young, arent you? I'm gonna guess mid-90's :p

04-10-2015, 03:13 AM
You're pretty young, arent you? I'm gonna guess mid-90's :p

Well you're right on the money with that. Literally mid.

04-10-2015, 03:19 AM
Yes i freaking hate remakes and reboots but as long as there is money to be made Hollywood will keep churning them out. The complete lack of originality in Hollywood has been getting worse since the late 1990's and it's another reason why remakes/reboots are so prevalent.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
04-10-2015, 03:21 AM
I attribute music and acting to a sense of horror for today's films.

This all started with Scream.
The movie is great. It's awesome. It's the best of the series.
When I first watched it in theaters, it was absolutely horrifying.
It was on the brink of reality that it could happen to you.
For all I know, when I get in the elevator to get out of the mall, there could be a human killer in a mask waiting for me.

Marco Beltrami's music served excellent as a tool in practical effects for the film.
I had watched I Know What You Did Last Summer (1&2) in theaters had a riot watching the crappy acting and loved the score.
The first one was better with Christopher Young's introductory score of the franchise.

Scream 2 and 3 weren't so scary and was mostly just charm and chemistry between the characters you already know.
Scream 4 was just fun in that it parodied itself before anyone else can get to the punchline.

The Thing (2011) had a lot of great music in it by yours truly.
The Thing (1982) had a well rounded package of everything, including music (where it was and where it wasn't).

I don't mind the remake to Amityville Horror with Ryan Reynolds.
It wasn't as scary as the first one. But I never realized how bass-thumping the score was to that film until I got to the end credits.
I don't remember the score to the original so well. But I know I got the bejeebus scared out of me when the house fucking screamed "GET OUT!"
I almost got out of my own house.
The remake has a nice cinematic atmosphere. New cameras, new lighting, better film stock.
Sweaty Reynolds.
The babysitter in the closet scene scared me. A lot of the new ways to see the house acting up was fun.

Which leads me to another remake with updated graphics and cinematography:
The Omen (2006)

Horrid. Just horrid. You have to love the actors in it and what they tried.
But, supposedly the films got burned up in a freak accident. Which lead to them reshooting everything over.
Which is a valid excuse for their acting.
Marco Beltrami delivers a lovable score with a very fresh take on a classic theme.
The remix is absolutely stunning.

There was a lot of nice scenery in the film. Some new material not in any of the original films.
But it lacked too much and tried too hard to reanimate the original.
My younger brother is only 2 years younger than me and finds the remake scary.
Probably just for the elk-skeleton in the bathroom scene alone.

Gus Van Sant's "Psycho" remake suffered the same delusion that keeping over 70% of the film a duplicate of the original shots would be successful.

04-10-2015, 03:24 AM
Yes i freaking hate remakes and reboots but as long as there is money to be made Hollywood will keep churning them out. The complete lack of originality in Hollywood has been getting worse since the late 1990's and it's another reason why remakes/reboots are so prevalent.

I can only imagine how many more times they can do The Fast and the Furious. I thought Furious 7 was gonna be the last one. It should be. The lead is gone. Have some respect for Paul Walker and put an end to the damn franchise. It's been 8 - EIGHT fucking films already. You're tied with Saw. Enough is enough.

04-10-2015, 03:30 AM
I heard they were setting a new one in Manhatten..

04-10-2015, 03:33 AM
I heard they were setting a new one in Manhatten..

Manhattan is way too tight for a Furious film lol

04-10-2015, 03:36 AM
Vin Diesel commented that Furious 7 was starting a new trilogy.. Honestly the movies aren't even about cars anymore.

04-10-2015, 03:39 AM
No they're not. And they're so ridiculous and over the top it's not even entertaining anymore. Sure, the practical stunt work is fun but the franchise is stale and outdated. Transformers is more believable than FF

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
04-10-2015, 03:44 AM
I like the graphics designs for Dark of the Moon more.
Age of Extinction went in a different animation style for everything.
It's like how Gotham Knight was done. Different animation between each film.

There will never be another Driller. :sad:

04-10-2015, 03:54 AM
I like the graphics designs for Dark of the Moon more.
Age of Extinction went in a different animation style for everything.
It's like how Gotham Knight was done. Different animation between each film.

There will never be another Driller. :sad:

Well AoE was a different film. Start of a new trilogy. The past 3 are in the same universe, but this was a new direction so things had to be changed up a bit. Driller is still more believable than dropping a Nissan out the back of an airplane and parachuting safely down on to the road

04-13-2015, 02:51 AM
I just watched the Poltergeist remake ( ugh) trailer. :( I saw the original in the theater when i was a kid. No one can replace Heather O'Rourke as Carol Anne.
Lately I have been watching B-movies and foreign films, usually Asian horror.

04-13-2015, 02:55 AM
I just watched the Poltergeist remake ( ugh) trailer. :( I saw the original in the theater when i was a kid. No one can replace Heather O'Rourke as Carol Anne.
Lately I have been watching B-movies and foreign films, usually Asian horror.

And did you see when Sam Rockwell's face is supposed to be falling apart? It's CGI garbage. Looks like total shit compared to the original

04-13-2015, 03:36 AM
Yeah, I was raised right on horror movies, lol. I used to buy Fangoria starting when The Thing cover, boasting Rob Bottin's work. he's been my FX hero since that day.

---------- Post added at 09:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:57 PM ----------

At the moment I am watching the movie 'Squirm' on youtube. Had a funny thought how it would be remade with CGI bloodworms. Theme song will be performed by ariana grande. :)

08-23-2019, 07:30 PM
Let's pretend the Suspiria remake never happened.

08-23-2019, 07:32 PM
Let's pretend the Suspiria remake never happened.

Is it that bad? I loved the original (especially the music by Goblin), but the remake got some good critics as well (also for the score, which I never listened to)

08-23-2019, 07:35 PM
The only good thing about the Poltergeist remake was the little girl, she's adorable.

---------- Post added at 12:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:32 PM ----------

It's awful. Atrocious. I love the original, that remake could be called anything but Suspiria.

---------- Post added at 12:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:33 PM ----------

Is it that bad? I loved the original (especially the music by Goblin), but the remake got some good critics as well (also for the score, which I never listened to)

The characters are so poorly written. Is well shot but that's it.

---------- Post added at 12:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:34 PM ----------

Wish I could send you a PM, but I can't...

08-28-2019, 08:37 PM
I know, right? I mean, here Capcom goes to all this trouble to half-arse this "remake" of Residential Evils vol. 2, and they can't even have the decency to put penises on the naked zombies. I mean, how egregious can we get? This utter contempt they hold for their fanbase is made rather clear through this sheer avoidance of realism. Why muss about with this "remake" business when they skimp on the most crucial detail of them all? It's a travesty of justice, is what it is. #nakedzombiesneedpenises

09-05-2019, 07:22 AM
They definitely need to leave the classics alone. I just watched the Pet Sematary remake, what a disappointment!

09-06-2019, 09:10 AM
They definitely need to leave the classics alone. I just watched the Pet Sematary remake, what a disappointment!

couldn't agree more. I bet in about a decade from now they'll re make today's movies.

09-18-2019, 09:35 PM
What I really hate is when there's a great movie that's a product of a non-US country and Hollywood decides to buy the rights, give it an all-over so it's compatible to all audiences (ridding it of everything that made it great in the first place) and then expect the world to favour that version over the much better original version.