04-03-2015, 10:59 AM
He is from a future world. Trapped in prehistoric times. Searching for his past. A hunter of incredible power and strength. In his quest for his origin, he and the woman he loves must fight hostile tribes. Battle deadly beasts. And try to survive the violent forces of a newly born Earth.

http://cdn.discogs.com/77xgNoihEcFC8gahl75vvnBK2Jk=/fit-in/500x500/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():qualit y(96)/discogs-images/R-3440988-1330568172.jpeg.jpg


1. Yor's Theme 1:37
2. Main Title (Unused) 2:03
3. Aerial Assault 2:27
4. Death Rules This Land 4:05
5. Queen Roa 1:48
6. At The Waterfall 1:40
7. Ambushed 2:14
8. Search For Ka-Laa 1:43
9. Seaside Idyll 2:44
10. Journey To The Island 2:23
11. March Of The Overlord 1:18
12. Mysterious Island 3:11
13. The Revolution Begins 4:09
14. Reinforced 1:36
15. Final Battle / Race To The Shuttle 5:00
16. Yor's Theme (Reprise) 1:37
17. Ka-Laa's Dance 2:26

Additional Music

18. Flight From The Cavern 3:28
19. Get Into The Seaside 1:38
20. Roa's Death 2:18
21. The Bombed Village 1:49
22. Yor And Roat At The Waterfall 1:36
23. The Journey 2:31
24. The Final Battle 5:35
25. Hurricane 2:28
26. Fight With The Firemen 2:02
27. Yor's Memories 0:34
28. The Sacrifice Of The Fire 1:49
29. Yor's World Lyrics By � Barbara Antonia, Cesare De Natale, Pauline Hanna, Susan Duncan-Smith Performer � Oliver Onions Producer � Cesare De Natale, Guido And Maurizio De Angelis 4:35

Composed By � John Scott (tracks: 1 to 17)
Composed By [Additional] � Guido And Maurizio De Angelis (tracks: 18 to 29)

Limited edition of 1500 copies.

PM for the Link !

04-04-2015, 02:28 AM
PM sent!
Link received with many thanks

04-04-2015, 06:31 AM
Thank you.

04-04-2015, 02:05 PM
Thanks for your share.

04-04-2015, 03:05 PM
Link received, thanks

04-04-2015, 03:25 PM
Link received.Thanks so much!

Douglas Quaid
04-04-2015, 03:58 PM

04-04-2015, 06:19 PM
Thanks a lot

04-04-2015, 06:55 PM
Link received and is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

04-14-2015, 02:51 AM
Huge thanks for sending the link and of course for ripping this rarity is glorious FLAC - and what a soundtrack it is! Worth it just for the techno-brilliance of 'The Final Battle ' though there are many more great tracks which just adds to the goodness delirium!