04-02-2015, 05:39 PM
This thread is to support the soundtrack history of Data West. Lossless versions are welcome.



I downloaded the CD-ROM, ripped it with ISOBuster, converted it to 320 MP3 with foobar, and tagged it with MP3Tag. I also added the internal music (Stage Clear) to it, which many forget this.


RayXanbeR II

Originally from here (http://archives.tg-16.com/music_database.htm), but correctly tagged by me.


RayXanbeR III

Ripped by ruiner9 with a few tweaks by me.


Vajra (Pioneer LaserActive)

Recorded by LaserActiveGuy and ripped from YouTube and tagged by me. This contains unremoveable(?) sound effects.


Vajra Ni (Pioneer LaserActive)

Recorded by LaserActiveGuy and ripped from YouTube and tagged by me. This contains more unremoveable(?) sound effects than the one above.



This thread needs more gamerips and albums, such as the cancelled Bounty Arms Demo and these:

DataWest Company Information - GameFAQs (http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/company/74046-datawest)

As well as these:

TOCT-6381 | PSYCHIC DETECTIVE SERIES - THE BEST - VGMdb (http://vgmdb.net/album/7754)

DWDA-9807 | PSYCHIC Re-mix ALBUM - VGMdb (http://vgmdb.net/album/44760)

04-08-2015, 10:51 PM
here's PSYCHIC DETECTIVE SERIES - THE BEST: https://mega.co.nz/#!V80UwTjQ!z1OofxFTjAP2ubcNRhZBYl1gBRuoNCCIsejEMyx czgg

Magma Dragoon
04-09-2015, 12:59 AM
No album/author tags? And why are the tracks duplicated?

04-09-2015, 02:23 AM
Which one? The first two?

Magma Dragoon
04-09-2015, 05:46 AM
Yep. The Rayxanber ones.

04-16-2015, 03:16 PM

I got them reuploaded.

Magma Dragoon
04-17-2015, 12:00 AM
Nice. Could've put the actual track names instead of "Track 02", etc on the first game.

the shmuper
04-17-2015, 03:14 AM
Oh dude, I fxxking love Data West and I would like to help you with some of the rip I already have:
The 4th Unit Series ACT 1-7 (FM-Towns CD-DA)
Psychic Detective Series 1-6 (CD-DA rips of FM Towns completely tagged)
T.D.F. and T.D.F. 2 - GulClight
Ms. Detective (FM-Towns CD-DA)
Also have a nico rip of Re-mix.
I can upload any of them if you want.

Many many thanks for the Vajra soundtracks, I've been looking for them forever.
Yasuhito Saito FTW!

04-17-2015, 11:10 AM
Oh dude, I fxxking love Data West and I would like to help you with some of the rip I already have:
The 4th Unit Series ACT 1-7 (FM-Towns CD-DA)
Psychic Detective Series 1-6 (CD-DA rips of FM Towns completely tagged)
T.D.F. and T.D.F. 2 - GulClight
Ms. Detective (FM-Towns CD-DA)
Also have a nico rip of Re-mix.
I can upload any of them if you want.

Many many thanks for the Vajra soundtracks, I've been looking for them forever.
Yasuhito Saito FTW!

That would be great! Please do so! :)

the shmuper
04-18-2015, 02:16 PM
Psychic Detective Series Vol. 1 - Invitation

FM Towns CD-DA rip (no data tracks)


Psychic Detective Series Vol. 2 - Memories

FM Towns CD-DA rip (no data tracks)


Psychic Detective Series Vol. 3 - Aya

FM Towns CD-DA rip (no data tracks)

https://mega.co.nz/#!gYVjBKbD!lP9bsSACunRHn3LI5gTRLYCL3gzl_gRiPYfCR18 LMEM

Psychic Detective Series Vol. 4 - Orgel

FM Towns CD-DA rip (no data tracks)


Psychic Detective Series Vol. 5 - Nightmare

FM Towns CD-DA rip (no data tracks)

https://mega.co.nz/#!BFFSTThK!NUNd9z7qPGQ_BA_9SuCWlrDLfaIcveJDm96Mt0b 6JbU

Psychic Detective Series Final - Solitude Gekan

FM Towns CD-DA rip (no data tracks)


Psychic Detective Series Final - Solitude Jyoukan

FM Towns CD-DA rip (no data tracks)


T.D.F. - Terrestrial Defense Force

FM Towns CD-DA rip (no data tracks / Untagged)


T.D.F. 2 - GulClight

PC-Engine CD rip


Yasuhito Saito has become one of my favorite VGM composers in the last years. It's a shame none of his works have been released on CD.
More of his jazzy awesomeness coming soon.

04-18-2015, 03:00 PM
Tagging them would be muzukashi. Same goes for some Fuuki games. Anyone know someone who can tag them?

the shmuper
04-18-2015, 05:15 PM
Tagging the soundtrack of an adventure game is a mayor pain in the ass, don't even try doing that.
BTW, if someone has the data tracks from the Psychic Series or rips from the PC remakes to share, I'll be eternally grateful.

04-23-2015, 12:25 AM
Oh dude, I fxxking love Data West and I would like to help you with some of the rip I already have:
The 4th Unit Series ACT 1-7 (FM-Towns CD-DA)
Psychic Detective Series 1-6 (CD-DA rips of FM Towns completely tagged)
T.D.F. and T.D.F. 2 - GulClight
Ms. Detective (FM-Towns CD-DA)
Also have a nico rip of Re-mix.
I can upload any of them if you want.

Many many thanks for the Vajra soundtracks, I've been looking for them forever.
Yasuhito Saito FTW!

So do I! I too LOVE Data West's soundtracks! :D

04-27-2015, 10:33 AM

Wrong link for Psychic Detective Vol. 1

the shmuper
04-27-2015, 02:59 PM

07-05-2015, 11:57 AM
Anyone familiar with the untagged games? If so, please help us tag them. Thank you.

12-24-2015, 04:03 AM
Data West also released the Psychic Detective series on Windows computers, so the entire soundtrack might be on those versions.

Chronos X
06-20-2016, 01:33 AM
Thank you!