04-01-2015, 07:55 AM
I'll just put this here. Maybe someone can help me out? :>

I was reading on the back of the Blu Ray for Interstellar that it uses Dolby Master Audio, which is capable of housing audio up to 192kHz. Damn. The music would sound pretty nice on its own like that. That'll probably never surface, but here's to hoping.

I am requesting the Interstellar recording sessions not out of selfishness or a need for being complete. I am requesting the recording sessions in the grounds that Interstellar has changed the way I perceive life. I'm a very secretive person, wherein I tend to crush and bottle up my emotions to no end. And to be honest, I couldn't remember the last time I had cried, had a really good cry, until I saw interstellar for the first time. I could not stop myself from weeping uncontrollably at how human the film made me feel. Especially at the very end. I won't say any more for fear of spoilers. I want the recording sessions because I want to take that feeling, the essence of being human, with me everywhere I go, like I do the rest of my library. Not just to listen to it, but to feel it.

This is no doubt one of my all time favourite scores for how it is both inquisitive in nature and endlessly emotional in all respects, all at the same time. It is a driving force. It gives the film a real sense of depth. It is mystical. I'd like the sessions to take that journey with me.

So if you're reading my tiresome sob story and would like to share the sessions in lossless, be my hero :)

04-01-2015, 12:14 PM
I was reading on the back of the Blu Ray for Interstellar that it uses Dolby Master Audio, which is capable of housing audio up to 192kHz. Damn. The music would sound pretty nice on its own like that.

It would sound exactly the same. Human hearing can't detect anything past 20kHz (and that's if you have good hearing).

04-01-2015, 12:15 PM
I think everyone would like to listen to the complete sessions... not only you.

How many hours have they recorded anyways, does someone know that?

And.. most Blurays have the audio in 'Dolby Master Audio' .. so that's nothing to be excited about.

04-01-2015, 03:09 PM
It would sound exactly the same. Human hearing can't detect anything past 20kHz (and that's if you have good hearing).

Okay captain obvious, let me rephrase that. It would feel better. Not that I can really explain that in words. You'll just have to trust me.

---------- Post added at 07:09 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:05 AM ----------

I think everyone would like to listen to the complete sessions... not only you.

And.. most Blurays have the audio in 'Dolby Master Audio' .. so that's nothing to be excited about.

So would you rather have me not have posted a request then?? I think I know other people want them too.. but I saw no one requesting it... it can't hurt to try...

And.. I never said I was excited about that, it was something I did not know until now. Just thought it was neat.

04-01-2015, 03:11 PM
Okay captain obvious, let me rephrase that. It would feel better. Not that I can really explain that in words. You'll just have to trust me.

If you say so.

I highly, highly doubt that the sessions would ever make their way here in that sort of quality though. I wonder if the studio even has them readily available in that sort of quality.

Trust me, we all want the Interstellar sessions, but hoping for them in lossless, even, is a little unrealistic. :(

04-01-2015, 03:19 PM
Trust me, we all want the Interstellar sessions, but hoping for them in lossless, even, is a little unrealistic. :(

It is better to have hoped than to have never hoped at all... quite a few sessions come out here in lossless over the last few weeks.. so, one can hope. There is a reason for everything I said in the OP, but it would take too long to explain my humanity

04-01-2015, 03:29 PM
So would you rather have me not have posted a request then?? I think I know other people want them too.. but I saw no one requesting it... it can't hurt to try...

DSD512, with a sample rate of 22.5792 MHz (512 times that of CD)

I doubt that requesting something like this here (in this forum) has any chance of success, ever. You can ask, sure.. but nobody will fulfill your request - so, in the end, you don't need to request it.

You haven't heard of DTS-MA until now? Look up DSD512, which has a sample rate of 22.5792 MHz (512 times that of CD)!

04-01-2015, 03:35 PM
Request threads rarely work... though it's nice to have one for discussion about the score itself.

Look up DSD512, which has a sample rate of 22.5792 MHz (512 times that of CD)!

Don't tell HDLossless about that!

04-01-2015, 03:35 PM
I doubt that requesting something like this here (in this forum) has any chance of success, ever. You can ask, sure.. but nobody will fulfill your request - so, in the end, you don't need to request it.

Like I said to Skeleton Man .... I'm trying to optimistic about this. Rather than not try because it seems impossible and pointless is no way to live life.. but if you at least try, that gives you a chance, even if that chance is lower than winning the lottery, it's still worth it to try at least once! And yes I've heard of dsd before. Just for some reason never thought to read about how a blu ray works

04-01-2015, 03:59 PM
Sometimes request threads do help, but I agree this one is probably a little far-fetched. Also, not to be rude or anything, but the reason you stated for wanting it will not make those who could share it share it. The big studio guys are either intimidated into silence or just don't give a shit about anyone.

04-01-2015, 04:12 PM
Why say "not to be rude" and then be rude? Is nobody reading what I'm saying or are you all just massive pessimists?!?! I don't care what the studio big wigs think about me. What I care about is that, instead of just saying "If you have it give it to me" I actually put some thought into the request I made. So like I've said three or four times now...... it's better to try once than not at all!!!!! This is my one try!!!! I don't care if it's futile!!!!! Stop telling me it is when it's obvious that it is!! But I'd rather try than sit in silence doing nothing! !!!

04-01-2015, 04:50 PM
Don't tell HDLossless about that!

I thought said it :)

Zaralyth, thanks for taking the time to explain how the movie made you feel. Though pleading emotionally would be akin to 'using the force' to change the traffic lights. The sessions will be greenlit eventually.

04-01-2015, 04:58 PM
I'm seeing the film for the first time tonight (hopefully) so if even half of what you said about how the movie made you feel, Zaralyth, is true, then I'm in for one hell of a ride tonight!

Though pleading emotionally would be akin to 'using the force' to change the traffic lights. The sessions will be greenlit eventually.

Was that intentional? :p

04-01-2015, 05:33 PM
It was indeed.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
04-01-2015, 07:43 PM
"Dolby Master Audio" is really DTS-HD Master Audio.
Lossless "Dolby" is TrueHD.

Loyss "Dolby" is "Dolby Digital" (AC3).
Lossy "DTS" is anything else that's not DTS-HD Master Audio.
This includes anything labled as "DTS-HD" such as "High Resolution Audio" (DTS-HD HRA).

While DTSHDMA can go up to 192kHz, yeah it is still useless on our ears.
It's only good if you want to edit it any fashion. Remaster it.

DSD formats are higher resolution than any BD, but I was reading on some forums, that all methods of converting to WAV still involve a manner of lossy transcoding.

But with such an HD format, I doubt you'll really notice the difference at those levels.

The only way to get HD audio for Interstellar sessions is if you break into their place and steal the studio masters.
No idea what sample rate those masters would be in. Some of the synthesized could be realistically be any sample rate.

04-01-2015, 09:49 PM
It's not useless on my ears... after a certain point, it becomes less about hearing the stuff, and more about feeling the vibrations of the frequencies against your ear drum. And don't tell me that's impossible. Because I've proven, at least for myself, that's it's not ;) it's not something you can describe either. You either feel it or you don't. Take Soundlabs's vinyl remasters of the original star wars trilogy, which were made available in 98kHz. Comparing the original 44100 cd with the new 98000 they released, I noticed a difference in the depth and feeling of the higher frequencies right away, and it wasn't a small difference either.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
04-01-2015, 10:26 PM
What the hell is wrong with you?

You are completely misinformed on everything you say.

You literally can't describe it because it isn't there.
What you claim to say about hearing the difference is not about the frequencies, but rather the different mastering.
You compare a CD to a vinyl pressing, that's flawed already.
You know nothing about vinyl.
You know nothing about frequencies.
Or mastering.

98kHz isn't even a normal sample rate.
88.2 is.
96 is.
176.4 is.
192 is.
Mathematically, 98 doesn't make any sense.

The only difference you notice is what you're psychologically setting yourself up to feel.

I can tell you it's impossible because it is humanly impossible.
Your body doesn't possess the capacity for that range.
I don't care who you are or how special your mother tells you that you are.

What you perceive is what you want to perceive from the different mastering.

You just learned about bluray today (and not even a fraction).
I suggest you learn everything over again.

Your logic is flawed and filled with conjecture and holes.
Your data is not viable in the least sense.

What are you, 21? 19?

You are just a speck in this lonely universe misguided by your own vanity.

---------- Post added at 02:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:21 PM ----------

I also hate to tell you, that feeling those frequencies on your drums is what helps you "hear" things.

You're 16. Every time you talk, you just get younger and younger.

04-01-2015, 11:11 PM
Relax!!!!! I wasn't trying to be rude, I'm being deadly realistic. Can someone else please confirm that? I, and many others, have been here long enough to know what will happen and what won't. The hard truth is that the material you're looking for is very unlikely to be around in the first place, but those who do have just won't share it for the reasons I stated above. I'm sorry, but that's how it is. You can try, sure, but why try if you're not open to answers...?

@Sparktank, you never know, he might just be an who's trying to make contact.

04-01-2015, 11:17 PM
I wish people would start the thread name of something like this with "Requesting" or "Request". I almost had a heart attack looking at the title, and then almost had another one when I realized it was just a request. :(

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
04-01-2015, 11:19 PM
The forum would be locked out, and the internet would be taken down with a DMCA notice all over the world if this happens.

04-01-2015, 11:50 PM
I wish people would start the thread name of something like this with "Requesting" or "Request". I almost had a heart attack looking at the title, and then almost had another one when I realized it was just a request. :(

I mean... it is in the Requests forum... seems a bit redundant to add "Requests" in the title.

04-01-2015, 11:52 PM
I wish people would start the thread name of something like this with "Requesting" or "Request". I almost had a heart attack looking at the title, and then almost had another one when I realized it was just a request. :(

Why? This thread is in the request section... so there is no need to extra label it as 'Request' like you suggested.

I think bollemanneke has the Interstellar sessions but only on some copyright protected audio cds ;-)
(He knows what I mean.)

04-01-2015, 11:53 PM
You literally can't describe it because it isn't there.
What you claim to say about hearing the difference is not about the frequencies, but rather the different mastering.

Also, doesn't the playback device matter too? Like, if you're listening through crappy earbuds it doesn't even matter what quality it is because it all comes out the same anyway?

04-01-2015, 11:54 PM
I mean... it is in the Requests forum... seems a bit redundant to add "Requests" in the title.

I just clicked on "new posts". I didn't go to the requests section. Of course, if I just looked over to the right side of the page it says where the thread is located. But after reading "Interstellar Complete Recording Sessions Lossless" i had other things on my mind. :)

04-01-2015, 11:55 PM
Woah, I never use the "New Posts" feature. I never even knew it existed until just now.

I don't know what half the buttons on this forum do.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
04-02-2015, 12:44 AM
Also, doesn't the playback device matter too? Like, if you're listening through crappy earbuds it doesn't even matter what quality it is because it all comes out the same anyway?

Doesn't come the same all the time.
Yes, hardware does matter.
Yes, the order I answered also matters.

Some hardware will cutoff or resample their own way.
With regards to high sample rates, there's no real telling how one hardware device will resample compared to another.
There are plenty of ways to resample that give different results.
Because standalone hardware like receivers and the like are mostly closed-source, propriatary technology, we'll never know the code they use.
Some companies may resample to 44.1 with a method that introduces a lot of aliasing or other audio oddities.

You can resample before you playback (which is the intelligent thing to do), you can use a variety of software.
Pick any one program from here and see how they resample audio.
SRC Comparisons (

Look for the cleanest one with less harmonic residue.
And then look at the other factors to consider when resampling (bandpass, transition, phase, etc).
I must also point out that "Weiss Saracon" isn't the #1 sample rate converter.
It's preached about, but in general and incomplete analytic ways.
Compare Weiss Saracon to something like "eac3to" and you'll see a difference.

Weiss Saracon excels at bit depth changing, as it offers 3 different ways to dither audio to lower bit depths (+1 if you count "no dither" as one of them).
eac3to offers yet another dither alogrithm that Weiss doesn't offer.
And Adobe Audition has 3 but one that is not offered in any of the other two programs.

And, then you have hardware designed to resample and dither for live playback.
These are more expensive than the software counterparts of the same companies.

But, true, crappy earbuds will deliver crap, no matter what.
On cheap products, it doesn't make a difference that you're using higher resolution audio.

When you start to spend money on things like headphones, it starts to matter.
But, then also matters most how you play it back, what software you use, what the software settings are, what hardware you use, what the hardware settings you use.
A lot more becomes relevant.

One thing that remains constant:
It's useless to playback at >48kHz.
Hell, even 48kHz is useless, but that's a standard that's been around for decades with DVD and BD.
People are just suckers for "Audiophile"-related things.
They care nothing for the craft and want to steal only the Mona Lisa.

I never use the "New Posts"

04-02-2015, 01:25 AM
You know nothing about me or how I listen to music, so stop assuming you know everything about me and that everything I'm saying is wrong just because you think you are justified by science. All I wanted to do was request some sessions. Why the hell is everyone being rude to me. Ffs

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
04-02-2015, 01:33 AM
You're making unproven claims about things you don't even know about.

It's science for a reason.
Doesn't matter how you listen to it or what you use to listen to it, boy.

---------- Post added at 05:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:32 PM ----------

You don't even read what anyone types.
You just auto-post. Damn furries.

04-02-2015, 01:47 AM
Why don't you quit while you're ahead? You've proven your point that we're two different people. Clear as day. But come on, assuming I'm a furry because of my avatar? You really must be looking for a scapegoat to bring me down further. Still assuming you think you know everything about me. Seems a little desperate to me, just because I think differently than you, that means you have to derail my thread and spit out useless facts about audio that, in the long run isn't going to change anything? Keep going. Or don't. I don't care.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
04-02-2015, 01:50 AM
They're not useless facts.

They're just falling on useless ears.
Literally, everyone else has said the exact same thing as me, but in fewer words.

You derailed it yourself.

04-02-2015, 01:53 AM
You derailed it when you decided to call me out because I don't listen to music like you do. Instead of contributing something constructive about the Interstellar sessions you decided to go ham on me.

Penny Parker
04-02-2015, 04:42 AM
I was reading on the back of the Blu Ray for Interstellar that it uses Dolby Master Audio, which is capable of housing audio up to 192kHz. Damn. The music would sound pretty nice on its own like that.

It would sound exactly the same. Human hearing can't detect anything past 20kHz (and that's if you have good hearing).

But in this scenario, 192kHz is a sampling rate and 20kHz is the frequency limit of human hearing, so that's two entirely different things.

A higher sampling rate is like higher resolution on a photograph, so it's using more "pixels" to increase resolution. More samples per second (which is all Hz means; "per second", so kHz is "thousands per second") will add more detail to the recorded sound, and bring the digital representation of the waveform closer to the analogue reality of the original sound.

I do think it is confusing that sampling rate and frequency range are described using the same units but that's how it is!

To get an unambiguous representation of a sound, at least two samples per frequency wave are needed. Human hearing tops out at about 20kHz (20,000 waves per second), so to cope with that maximum frequency a sample rate of 40kHz is needed. This is why CD sampling is 44.1 kHz (it gets topped up a bit for technical reasons I know nothing about!).

Now whether it is worth acquiring recordings at ever higher and higher bitrates is subjective, because some people just won't hear any difference and some will, like how some people can't see the difference between DVD and blu-ray.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
04-02-2015, 05:01 AM
How much difference one hears isn't that subjective, however.
We'll only hear that higher resolution to a certain point.

Most high res recordings don't even use the full spectrum.
Vinyl transfers do (from player to PC) because of the transfer setup (hardware/software).

Details beyond the CD spec are only good for editing.
Listening to a recording that's actually fullscale 192kHz will cause the neighbor's cats to shriek and claw their way to the source.

Play a 192kHz sample, anyone will say it sounds better than something mastered to 44.1 because it allows more room for detail.
But downscale the 192kHz to 48kHz and get them to do a double-blind ABX test on the 192kHz and 48kHz samples, and they won't know the difference.

Unless they edit the 192 source and resample last to 48.

On the matter of bit depth, we can run into the same issue with fullscale mastering.
Something mastered to ulitlize the full capacity of 24 bit depth will definitely cause harm and destruction.
Full 144.49 dB recording... I hope you insured you're ears.
24 bit is great for allowing more head room, much like editing in higher sample rates.

Not for listening.

Penny Parker
04-02-2015, 06:12 AM
Personally I tried some of those superior format discs (Super-CD and DVD-Audio I think they were) and honestly couldn't get anything extra even from them. That may be due to needing really good equipment to get the benefit but IMO the regular CD quality is all that is needed. "Interstellar" recording sessions at that level would make me very happy! I don't particularly follow Zimmer's output but "The Dark Knight", "Inception" and "Interstellar" are three very special works IMO.

04-02-2015, 10:57 AM
When I said something constructive about those sessions in your thread, you said you didn't care either. What DO you care about? If you question science, I'm done.

04-11-2015, 02:11 PM
The sessions do not exist. No recording sessions ever took place. This score was created through immaculate conception.

04-12-2015, 03:01 AM
Zaralyth, I agree with you wholeheartedly. The music touches my soul, beautiful. I see my daughter all the time when I listen to it.
I too would love these recording sessions.

01-18-2016, 10:40 PM
at least we have FYC. for sessions, maybe in future but i dont think so.

01-22-2016, 02:49 PM
I have to agree with Z here. It's not about hearing the music, it's about feeling it. If you're listening with headphones, you're doing it wrong.

01-24-2016, 07:19 AM
I have a 3-disc set (which I think I got here) that features slate numbers, and is encoded in ALAC. Are those not the sessions?

01-24-2016, 09:33 AM
Could you post tracklist from here& Thanks in advance)
It could be just3-CD expanded score made here on FFSF but who knows?

01-24-2016, 10:01 AM
I have a 3-disc set (which I think I got here) that features slate numbers, and is encoded in ALAC. Are those not the sessions?

No. The sessions never leaked. Everything here is fan edits.

01-31-2016, 10:17 PM
Hi.I'm looking for this album:

Can anyone help? There are tracks on it I didnt even know existed,like "Endurance Suite", "Day One Suite" and a host of others.I'd appreciate the help.Thank you.

02-01-2016, 05:33 PM
Hi.I'm looking for this album:

Can anyone help? There are tracks on it I didnt even know existed,like "Endurance Suite", "Day One Suite" and a host of others.I'd appreciate the help.Thank you.

Endurance suite is a fan edit based on ntfc, day one suite also a fan edit i guess. you can find day one and day one original demo in this thread.

02-01-2016, 08:59 PM
That is the complete posted by Lockdown.