03-25-2015, 10:02 PM
Speaking of something original from one's brain:

If one like me were to conceive something set in a modern, yet separate, made up, imaginary, alternate world inhabited mainly by--of all things--dinosaurs as well as modern-day humans--as a strange, funny, touching, and profound semi-autobiographical fantasy scored with a Phil Collins musical soundtrack...

Would it be some feat for one to integrate all those ideas into any form one could ever think of, and blend them all together to tell a wonderfully strange, funny, touching and profound fantasy that is also semi-autobiographical, and with some shades of Calvin and Hobbes or something?

Also, what would happen if one would take not only his or her own childhood self and childhood experiences, but also...

The emotionally affecting warmth of the classic Disney Animated Features past and present...

The fantasy elements, etc., of the Calvin and Hobbes comic strip...

the lush and strikingly beautiful visual artistry of the Studio Ghibli movies from Japan....

as well as those of the aforementioned Disney animated classics past and present, and also those of James Cameron’s AVATAR’s [nighttime] jungle scenes:

...and even the music and songs of or by pop artist Phil Collins...

...who is best remembered in animation circles for his musical work on Disney’s Tarzan (1999) and Brother Bear (2003); throw in some comic book-inspired action adventure elements, as well as a dash of classic cartoon slapstick and also impressively extensive world-building work as well as a more believable and more realistic co-existence--side-by-side--between two of the great heavyweights of evolution—modern day humans as well as dinosaurs—than in The Flintstones, One Million Years B.C., or maybe even Jurassic Park...

and fuse them all together into one semi-autobiographical fantasy project suitable for the process of animation or something?

And if so, what would you think of all that?