Cloud 9
11-23-2004, 07:27 AM
If anyone has played this game, I'd like to know your opinion on it. How does it compare with Diablo 2 and past blizzard games?

I haven't been into an online game for a few years now but I might play this one if I ever get time.

11-23-2004, 08:27 AM
Hmmm... considering that the only People who play the game would be the only People playing the beta, I would say that the chances of people here having played the game before is very small.

Comparing it to Diablo, IT should be a real kickass game. Should be up to the usual Blizzard standard......... that means that it does not come out on the appointed time but only months after......... But it would still kickass.:-D

11-23-2004, 09:38 AM
Actually, the game just went live tonight, according to one of my co-workers who I just spoke to. I have the retail version installed on my computer, but I don't get to play for a few more hours because I'm at work.

Neo Xzhan
11-23-2004, 03:08 PM
Well living in Europe is a bitch when it comes to releases. I played the stress test Beta and I absofuckinglutly loved the game. I got addicted in a matter of seconds. The gameplay (as we all know from Blizzard by now) was all kinds of awesome. The game itself has a nice pace in which you play. The races and classes are very well balanced and at the end of the Beta I participated in a huge PvP raid. Alliance vs The Horde and it was atleast 50 vs 50 and damn it was beyond awesome.

There are rumours about possible release dates here in Holland, but as much as I'd love to believe some of them, I'll just have to wait and see till it's actually here. And when it does arrive, I'm getting it with a year prescription. I can see myself playing this game for years.

11-28-2004, 02:19 AM
Well living in Europe is a bitch when it comes to releases. I played the stress test Beta and I absofuckinglutly loved the game. I got addicted in a matter of seconds. The gameplay (as we all know from Blizzard by now) was all kinds of awesome. The game itself has a nice pace in which you play. The races and classes are very well balanced and at the end of the Beta I participated in a huge PvP raid. Alliance vs The Horde and it was atleast 50 vs 50 and damn it was beyond awesome.

There are rumours about possible release dates here in Holland, but as much as I'd love to believe some of them, I'll just have to wait and see till it's actually here. And when it does arrive, I'm getting it with a year prescription. I can see myself playing this game for years.

yeah well Singapore is the Real Bitch when it comes to releases...... at least you guys can get games like Nocturne or Max Payne 2 but no it is not even released in Singapore because it is banned here....... and games come out like maybe 2 months or 3 months later then Anywhere else in the world.

by the way how do you pay for playing? BY a credit card is it?

grn apple tree
11-28-2004, 03:38 AM
this game is ok i like it and it's fun

11-28-2004, 05:37 AM
HAHHAHA, blizzard could not stop me from playing.
Hyjal, Tauren Hunter, named Bogfather.

11-30-2004, 02:13 PM
how much does it cause over on your sides? IT cost a Bomb here! 101 bucks to own the game without you subscribing yet!!! Freak hell!!

BUt seriously it sounds swell. It's like Playing DOTA but with more freedom and more characters.......hahaha