11-23-2004, 05:52 AM
I cried the most when Jessie got killed because I fell in love with her when she did the computery thing in the train.

I missed a day of school because I couldn't stop crying and my mommy had to take care of me. Sometimes I still think about it and I have to fight back the tears.

11-23-2004, 03:40 PM
Aerith/Aeris Death. I was writing a fanfic, where I had to write in her death, and that made me choke up again

Aerith Gainsborough
11-23-2004, 05:04 PM
Aeris' death and the ending made me cry. :sad:

mr. patterson
11-23-2004, 05:40 PM
no part, it's a game... populated by pixels... sorry just thought the voice of a realist needed to be heard

11-23-2004, 06:51 PM
when aeris died, when yuffie stole my materia, when cloud CAUGHT tifa and stopped her from dying. stupid b**ch

11-23-2004, 08:09 PM
When Cloud had mako poisening..and the ending..and the highwind scene...but it wasn't tears, more like emotional.

No Regret
11-23-2004, 08:36 PM
the end because it was over and I loved the game so much, I had to beat it 29and a halve times befor I got over it.

11-23-2004, 08:54 PM
Aeris' death almost made me cry, and the ending made me sad. Seeing Aeris in front of Highwind also made me sad.

11-23-2004, 11:13 PM
Edna: Aeris' fate of course; plus RedXIII's little moment with Seto!

Zulu: and the truly terrific, but sad ending.

11-23-2004, 11:21 PM
What parts of Final Fantasy VII made you cry?

The poor structure of Cloud Strife's nose.


pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
11-24-2004, 01:06 AM
None of them, though I did laugh uproariously at Red XIII when he was dry-humping Aeris in that lab before Barrett and Co. released him.

11-24-2004, 02:41 AM
The poor structure of Cloud Strife's nose.

Cloud didn't have a nose. He had a box for a head and some pointy hair.

Oh, wait. I see your point now.

Lunatic HighVII
11-24-2004, 05:11 AM
I cried when Aeris died, and also when Cloud has mako poisoing. I sob at that part, because none of it was Cloud's fault, and it just made me sad, that he had to deal with this.

Huntress Krystle
11-24-2004, 06:53 AM
Aeris' death definitely

11-24-2004, 05:57 PM
Cloud in the wheelchair, Aeris' death and Cloud in his madness bits (goes on floor, shakes uncontrolably).

11-24-2004, 08:08 PM
When Red XIII found out the truth on why his father died saving his family

11-24-2004, 11:24 PM
all the deaths in the game because i fell in love with the characters.
the one death that made me cry most was Jessie's death. She was my favorite..... :sad:

11-25-2004, 12:59 AM
I wish I never made this thread because now I can't stop thinking about Jessie. I lover her so much! Why did she die! I hate squaresoft for making such a terrible thing happen! How could they??

11-25-2004, 03:11 AM
Aeris' death and the ending made me cry. :sad:
Same here.

11-25-2004, 08:40 AM
well I never cried but I was sad how the first caithsith died and aeris murdered

11-25-2004, 01:26 PM
I was a bit upset when Red found the truth about his father. that was cool,and upseting. the music for that was cool. When Aries's mom dies (Ilfana) that was upsetting to watch.

11-25-2004, 05:28 PM
Jessie was so cool. The part where she wiped dirt off Cloud's nose made me think that she kissed him or something.

11-28-2004, 04:44 AM
Aeris's Death and the hand reaching scene. :sad:

SRY Clotis but when Tifa added, "Yeah let's go meet her there!"
That kinda ticked me off

11-28-2004, 05:31 AM
I thougth aeris death and When sctor 7 got destroyed were pretty emotional
and the whole time cloud had mako poisoning was emotional
never made me cry tho

11-28-2004, 05:31 AM
None. I don't cry over videogames.

11-28-2004, 08:09 PM
SRY Clotis but when Tifa added, "Yeah let's go meet her there!"
That kinda ticked me off


11-28-2004, 08:36 PM
The revelations were also emotional. Seto's fate, Cloud's past etc...

Aerith Gainsborough
11-28-2004, 08:41 PM
Yes, the scene with Seto and Red XIII was pretty sad, too. :sad:

11-29-2004, 01:52 AM
Well, when the AVALANCHE Team , biggs wedge and jesse died. That made me sad. Mostly because i was playing without a memory card that time when i first got the game and i kept replayiang the beginning and never getting past airbuster lol. I got used to the team and when they died it was kind of emothional. I did not cry of course. Aerisis death made me laugh my heart out. I hated her! Pathetic weakling...The pic where Red13 is standing next to his father also was a sad scene.

11-29-2004, 01:59 AM
SRY Clotis but when Tifa added, "Yeah let's go meet her there!"
That kinda ticked me off

That didn't make me mad. I liked the fact they added that.

11-29-2004, 06:47 AM
You thed it.

11-29-2004, 08:15 AM
i didn't cry its a game after all.

11-29-2004, 08:25 AM
i didn't cry its a game after all.
still some people do if they see a scene that's very sad...

11-29-2004, 11:10 AM
...I hated her! Pathetic weakling...

She was supposed to be physically weak, you cant have all your charactes physically strong, Aeris's strength came from her ability to cast magic...

11-30-2004, 01:04 AM
When I hadnt saved for HOURS, I get into a battle, Cait Sith limit break, use it...and I get instant death for my party...I cried then

Landlord of Sector 7
11-30-2004, 01:13 AM
I wish I never made this thread because now I can't stop thinking about Jessie. I lover her so much! Why did she die! I hate squaresoft for making such a terrible thing happen! How could they??

She had like 10 lines so stfu and stop being a fag. I'd bet money on the fact that you didn't cry for an entire day and have your mom take care of you because some poorly constructed polygons disappeared.

12-01-2004, 09:40 AM
i really think ff7 was the most emotional ff with cloud getting poisoned bigs wedge jesse aeris dyeing. Seto all of it was so well done.

12-01-2004, 02:25 PM
For some odd reason I thought it was funny when Sephiroth killed Aeris. *shrugs*

I don't think it makes me a bad person though.

12-03-2004, 03:13 AM
what's so funny TMA?

I just don't like tifa. That much.

ONLY the part where she totally kicked but in the church. THAT"S IT!

12-03-2004, 03:23 AM
I like Tifa and Aeris. I don't argue about relationships, I try to explain my multiple opinions.

Captain Crunch
12-03-2004, 04:09 AM
I cried when I broke my game by throwing it across the backyard and then a dog bit me.

Other than that, nothing made me cry.

grn apple tree
12-03-2004, 04:16 AM
I cried the most when Jessie got killed because I fell in love with her when she did the computery thing in the train.

I missed a day of school because I couldn't stop crying and my mommy had to take care of me. Sometimes I still think about it and I have to fight back the tears.
it made you cry that much? wow... oh well i don't really cry i just get goose bumps like crazy

Landlord of Sector 7
12-03-2004, 05:26 AM
It didn't make him cry he's a lying sack of shat.

I cried after I bought the game. Not really but I should have.

Angelic Aeris
12-04-2004, 01:40 AM
aeris' death.. -sigh-

For some odd reason I thought it was funny when Sephiroth killed Aeris. *shrugs*

I don't think it makes me a bad person though.

no it doesn't but that's interesting, how is it funny..?

12-04-2004, 01:47 AM
i got emotional in three times:
When Aeris died (Duh, almost everyone did)
When Cloud got mako poisoning (he was my best fighter, i sucked without him)
The End (I didn't get to play it anymore)

Landlord of Sector 7
12-04-2004, 08:18 AM
Haha fags.

12-04-2004, 08:22 AM
you just didn't understand the "Real Emotions" of the game. It would take at least "1000 words" for you to understand.

12-04-2004, 05:29 PM
Alrite I felt bad after Jessi died cause they were not strong enough to oppose the Turks. I just hate stonger people messing with the weak even in games. I didnt cry I just got pissed. I was kinda sad after Aeris died but then I realized that it was actually good. I didnt really like her. Landlord of Sector 7 man why do you have to make fun of people? You know your ass got no freinds so stop posting stupid crap. If they wanna cry let em cry. Damn I hate stupid ass people. Watch him give some crap answer to this post.

12-04-2004, 08:40 PM
i felt bad the first time i saw aeris die, well only for like 20 minutes, i had a screwed up disc and it played it, but then it went super slow near the end of the scene when cloud wuz dumpin her off in the water, and that pissed me off, then the screen went black, and it drove me nuts, so i just stayed there wondering how the heck i wuz gunna be able to play, with the sad music still going, i decided to just lay there, for 3 hours, till it started playing the scene again, i wuz sooooo happy :P yeah when bigs wedge and jesse died i got really ticked off, and the end wuz emotional, and everytime i hear that aeris theme song, i get goosebumps, and all watery-eyed

12-05-2004, 02:00 PM
excuse my ignorance, but what are goose bumps? Oh and i know that aeris was not supposed to be physically strong, but cloud and my other people where better in magic so that mace her weak overall. Red 13 is my primary magic caster while cloud supports him. Barret is the summoner and i found no place for Aeris.

Seikei Kadoraji
12-05-2004, 04:47 PM
you just didn't understand the "Real Emotions" of the game. It would take at least "1000 words" for you to understand.

why did u say the songs from ffx-2????????

oh..yeah....i got sad when Cloud got Mako poisoning which i died a million times fighting ultima weapon WITHOUT Cloud

oh and the part in the ending when we DIDN'T get to see meteor get DESTROYED!!!!!!! >:O >:O >:O >:O >:O :eye: :eye: :whatever: :whatever: :mad: :mad: :mad: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

oh yeah, i didn't cry

12-05-2004, 05:50 PM
Aeris's death of couse and the got a little emotional when Rufus was killed (I laughed when his father was dead), and about the emotional trama of Sephiroth and Cloud's confusion of his past.

(Even though Aerith was supposed to be the real name square changed it to for the english I don't give a care in the world, we knew her as Aeris first, so don't poke fun at me.)

Angelic Aeris
12-06-2004, 06:47 PM
excuse my ignorance, but what are goose bumps? Oh and i know that aeris was not supposed to be physically strong, but cloud and my other people where better in magic so that mace her weak overall. Red 13 is my primary magic caster while cloud supports him. Barret is the summoner and i found no place for Aeris.

:erm: Hmm...Perhaps you didn't train Aeris with the right materia, or maybe you didn't train her enough? :confused:

12-07-2004, 04:10 AM
Well..whoever said there wasn't an emotional side to video games..appears to be wrong..

Oh..well the part that made cry? Its making me cry because nobody is posting to my post about FF7... wahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!

12-07-2004, 03:43 PM
No part made me cry.......but yes....it left me jaw dropped....

01-14-2005, 01:49 AM
I first played FF7 when I was.....7 or 8, and I watched Aeris die for the first time, she was mt fav. character, & one of my most powerful and I lost her. I cried saying " why'd she have to die"

Crimson X
01-14-2005, 01:50 AM
Aeris' death and the ending made me cry. :sad:
same here,

01-14-2005, 01:56 AM
The only part that really made me cry was when Aeris died the other part that got me emotionally was when Cloud said "I think I can meet her there" and Tifa says "yeah lets go meet her."

01-14-2005, 03:08 AM
I cried when Aeris died...really.

01-14-2005, 04:14 AM
I think we all did

01-14-2005, 06:50 AM
Ha, pussies. I never cry during a videogame!

01-14-2005, 06:52 AM
No, I was just surprised as hell. I was like, now what ws Sephiroths clone doing up there? I wonder what he was doing up there while he was waiting. Probably masterbating. And then, I felt really sad when i beat Ruby and Emerald. Cause then I was really finished with the game.(300+ hours and I had 175%completion Lol) Now i can't even pick it up anymore. I have to wait like 7 years till I really forget. It's been 6 years now so next year i'll play 300 hrs again. Lol

01-14-2005, 04:45 PM
I cried when I had to dress Awesome cloud up like a Woman. It was so sad.

01-14-2005, 10:33 PM
I cried when I had to dress Awesome cloud up like a Woman. It was so sad.
I was laughin so fucking hard when Cloud had to crossdress!

01-16-2005, 08:04 PM
The death of Rufus made me a bit depressed, though I didn't cry. Strangely, Aeris' death didn't affect me. Probably because I never liked her that much. Eep! ::runs away from Aeris fans::

01-17-2005, 11:25 PM
Lol like most people the only part that made me cry was aeris death.

01-17-2005, 11:32 PM
When Sephiroth fell in to the Mako reactor after stabbing Cloud.

01-18-2005, 12:28 AM
when Aeris died, i cried at first, and just recently when i played it, i laughed at myself for crying

01-18-2005, 06:02 PM
WHAT are you saying! I defanately was not funny when cloud had to cross dress! YOU NINCOM POOP, chorns.

01-18-2005, 06:03 PM
To me. the part in FF7 that made me cry was when Aeris was killed. She didn't deserve it! I'm just happy it wasn't Cid who died.

01-18-2005, 06:32 PM
Cloud cross-dressing made me rofl, and he's one of my favourite characters :laugh:

Seeing Seph die was sad, I liked him, in a weird sort of way... but the ending left me dissapointed

01-18-2005, 07:03 PM
When Cloud cross-dressed, and the Don picked him, I was practically about to pee my pants i was laughin so hard!

01-19-2005, 06:48 PM
When I found out that Cait Sith was working with Shinra. I TRUSTED HIM!! >:O

01-19-2005, 06:57 PM
good on yah

01-19-2005, 10:22 PM
when aries dies and when cloud gets mako posioning and when i though marlen dies when the plate falls

01-20-2005, 12:53 AM
Definitly when Jessi, Biggs and Wedge die. That hurt a lot you know. Aeris (NAHHH), but those 3 aw man. And i thought marlene died too i was like."why they gonna go kill a ten year old." Aww damn man. But she lived so that was good. I didn't cry tho. Just deep regret.

01-20-2005, 01:00 AM
That was marlene in the end?

01-20-2005, 01:04 AM
Wait, where did Marlene go? she went from Midgar, to where? did they ever say??

01-20-2005, 02:31 AM
Kalm is where Marlene went.

01-20-2005, 05:07 AM
i cried when i papercutted my eye with the disc....or not