11-23-2004, 04:52 AM
Me and my friend were Role Playing with these characters of ours online in an IM. I thought it was good enough to be posted here.. and plus thought it was sexy*is into romance*, so I edited it. It a part of this story we're both wworking on together.. but this part doesn't happen in the story.. it's just soemthing that happened before the story. The lord of the demons(he's not a god... he's like.. a creation of these things aclled the Creators who created everything.. he turned on them and killed them all.. they aren't immortal tot he point where they'll keep coming back. They just can create things, not fight back.) and his arch rival is Esthan, a sorcerer... the first sorcerer to exist.. and he just appeared out of nowhere.. he doesn't know where he came from or why he was there. Alrighty then. Serienas is Esthan's daughter... one day, Chronus snuck into Serienas's room(in esthan's palace) and seduced her. She became pregnant with his child.. and the baby born was a halfling named Akinari. He is one of the main cahracters in the story. Anyway, I'm not here to explain the whole story, it's complicated. Now I will post what we RolePlayed. I just wanted you to know who's who in this.

The young sorceress lay near the fire, in the soft deep red armchair. The only light in the room was the flickering of the low glow of the fire place. The large room was empty and very quiet. Almost quiet enough for the snowflakes hitting the ground outside to be heard. She shifted in her rest, silver hair falling over her thin shoulder. It fealt as if somebody had opened a window in the girl's room, for there was a slight edging-breeze of could air that cut through her body. The flames in the fireplace dimmed a little, and for some reason the room fealt less comforting than it had before. The corner of the room where the lights from the fire did not touch was a shadow that blended in with the darkness. The young woman opened up her crisp blue eyes, the cold had awoken her from her light sleep. She gazed around a bit before giving a shiver and pulling a blanket about herself. The door to her room suddenly slammed shut by itself, leaving an eri silence. She jumped slightly, looking quickly to the door which had closed. After staring for awhile, she shooke it off, deciding that maybe it was the wind.

The fire crackled quietly as she began to doze off again. The figure that had been standing in the corner was closer now, somewhere between the door and the girl's chair. The stranger watched her through his eyes, the fire reflecting off the dark red color of their pupils.
The sorceress still slept, chest rising slowly and her breathing rythmic, though even in the deepness of her rest a sudden pressence engulfed her. A soft hiss emitted from his throat as the tall stranger crept over to the back of her chair. He looked down at her. His intentions were unreadable. His face was blank with thought. He lowered to his knee, his trail of silky black hair covering the ground below him. He crawled forward a little bit, then rested his gloved hand on the armrest, watching the female's sleeping face. Serienas' head came forward slowly as her eyes began to open. She looked up from her hands finding herself peering into the eyes of another.
He leaned over the armrest so that his face was closer. He wanted the girl in a trance after staring deeply into those eyes of malice. The girl almost screamed at first sight of him but soon became silent as she gazed deeply into his eyes. He lifted his hand up to her face and rested it under the crook of her chin. His hand was covered in an iron-glove that looked only suitable for one with claws. The young woman, though finding herself barely under her own command, still had power for the magic in her was quite strong. She was no ordinary weakling. "What.. do you want?"
The man noticably glanced downwards at her, then back to her face. The corners of his mouth twitched, that being the biggest smile he could express. Serienas closed her eyes and pulled away, backing into the chair. "Get away from me, filth." Chronus continued to stare at her. He slid his hands out of his gloves, revealing long black nails. He than rested his elbow on the armrest, relaxing his hand beneathe his chin. "Why cowar in fear, little dove?" His voice was deep, manipulative, sinister.
She looked over him, her bottom lip trembling slightly. "Oh by the creators...save me from this evil." In his mind, he snorted at her beg for mercy, but he remained where he was, his expression hard to read. "...Evil...?" He shifted his head downward a bit, a slight smirk at the corner of his lips. "Evil... hmmm..." He lifted his head. "I don't know about that." "I don't care what you are, I want you to leave me be. Unless you have something that's so important that you have to stay. Which I bet its ill intended... which my father would rid of you if so."
Chronus stared at her as if to melt her. "...don't worry... I've come here for only one reason..." She went silent and shrunk back. He leaned further into the chair until his mouth was a few inches away from her ear. He whispered, the heat from his breath brushing against her skin. "..don't be scared little dove.." Serienas froze completley. Her breath suddenly became still as a chill was sent through her. He lingered before her for awhile, drinking in her reaction. He dared to see how far he could go without getting clawed in the face. His gaze shifted to her neck where skin was exposed. He slowly lowered his head and rested his lips on her tender flesh.
She brought her hands as if to shove him away, but found herself wrapping her arms around his neck. She felt like crying out but all that came were silent tears. He continued to kiss the same area of her neck until it turned sore. With her arms still wrapped around him, him hovering over her, he slid his hands to her waist. Whispering seducive words to her in some other tongue, he lifted her from the chair and sat down in it himself, setting her on his lap.
Serienas just clung limply to him, forcing back her thoughts of those supressed cries she felt welling up within her. How could this be happening? Especially out of all the people it had to be this evil creature. She ran a hand through his long hair and layed her head onto his shoulder. It was him; Serienas knew it. She murmered. "Ch-chronus." He pressed her fragile body against him so she could feel every one and each of his muscles. Right now, he intended to wok on her slowly. It seemed that was the only was he could succeed.

She ran her fingers down his face to his lips. Leaning in, she pressed hers to his, giving in as she kissed him. He ran the tips of his claws down the center of her back. Her lips fealt soft against his. He continued to stroke her back when, with his other hand, he pressed the back of her head so their kiss was rough. He slid his tongue into her mouth, caressing the inside. She suddenly pulled back, realizing what she was doing, and then gave a scream, pulling away from him.
He stood up from the chair, looking down at her, a twinkle of humor in his eyes as he watched her cringe away from him. "What's the matter? Was my kiss too much for you?" His voice sounded shakey with disgusting humor. He took a short step towards her to make her jump. She yells, "Stop it! What could you possibly want from me!?" She scooted away from him. Chronus remained silent for 3 short minutes. "Did I not already hint..?" he said, a smug look on his face. "You're really sick..." She glared at him. "I'd never..."

With sudden movement, he walked towards her and dropped to the ground, one knee pressing against the floor. He reached for her chin and slightly pulled her towards him. "You proved yourself wrong, my dear... I could sense a hunger deep within you." "Disgusting. You're filthy; a vile creature." The size of his body towered over her as he stood up from the ground. His expression was as if to mock her. "A very tempting disgusting, filthy, vile creature.. don't you agree?" He laughed throatily.
"You wish, you bastard." He lashed out his hand at her, getting a grip on her arm, and then jerked her up from the ground, forcing her to stand. He pushed her against him, wrapping his powerful arm around the back of her waist. "When there's a battle between mind and body, mind usually gives in.. and the body says what it wants." He then grabbed a handful of her hair and crushed his moist lips against hers. He didn't give her a chance to responf and let go, pushing her away. He took a step back, sliding his gloves back on, watching every movement of hers. She wiped her mouth with her sleeve and spat on the ground. "My father will kill you."

He was standing in front of her window as she spoke. He turned his head a bit and grinned. "I'll be back my love." He spoke in a horrible mocking voice just to make Serienas even more pissed off thatn she already was. And then, opening the window, he silently leaped outside, falling gracefully to the ground on both feet, his hair landing against his back. Serienas shivered and looked to the window in complete shock. "Oh my lord, it was that beast... digusting." Chronus walked down the alleys of Esthan's city. He looked around at the buildings, the very buildings that were built by him. He snorted in disgust. How he would love to blow them up one by one.

Serienas strode to the window and looked down at the now vacant street. She cupped her hands over her mouth as she nearly began to cry. How could something like this have happened? That thing touched her. She stilled prayed for it to be a nightmare. The young sorceress arose early the next morning. She quickly changed out of her night things and headed towards the dinning room. She was slow walking down the hall, her eyes dimly set to the floor in thought. Was it a dream?