03-21-2015, 06:42 PM
You are in a race against time...and terror. You are pursuing a nameless, faceless man through America's greatest amusement parks...and, for the first time, you are experiencing the most sensational rides of our time, IN SENSURROUND

http://cdn.discogs.com/DKFkqawIioo_54xDzGQ_JPJx5K4=/fit-in/585x580/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():qualit y(96)/discogs-images/R-964778-1178459067.jpeg.jpg


1 Prologue, Montage
2 Magic Carousel
3 Portrait Of Harry
4 Movement From String Quartette (Young Man's Theme)
5 Penny Arcade
6 Cotton Candy
7 One Track Mind
8 Merry-Go-Round
9 Calliope Of Death
10 Rollercoaster
11 Children's Ride
12 Another Side Of Mary
13 Apple Turnover
14 Magic Carousel - End Title

Companies etc
Manufactured By � MCA Victor, Inc.
Distributed By � MCA Victor, Inc.

PM for the Link !

03-21-2015, 09:25 PM
Link received, thank you.

03-22-2015, 03:33 AM
PM sent!
Link received!Thanks

03-22-2015, 08:33 AM

melody man
03-22-2015, 10:10 AM
Link Received ,, many thanks

Uncle Bela
03-22-2015, 10:32 AM
Link received...this is a huge upgrade of one of my favorite scores...thank you! :)

03-22-2015, 12:42 PM
love the link, thanks in advance.

03-22-2015, 02:56 PM
Thank you very much, I've been looking for this one for ages!

03-22-2015, 03:18 PM
Here's the expanded Aleph Records release with 20 tracks (running time: 50:39 min.) in FLAC:
Link (https://mega.co.nz/#!9QRVBZJA!A-aUXlQipNt_gQtM5oz_DG5eZt5tyyiCeO5vurn0LDE)
PW: funnyml.blogspot.com

Also included is a re-recording of a previously unreleased cue called 'Blues For Basie', composed & conducted by Schifrin in 2000. One of my favorite cues is 'Cab Ride' It's still unreleased so I added this as a bonus as well.01. Prologue, Montage (5:26)
02. Portrait Of Harry (2:38)
03. Rollercoaster (4:01)
04. Reflections In The Window (3:15)
05. Penny Arcade (2:26)
06. Movement From String Quartette (Young Man's Theme) (2:36)
07. Magic Carousel (2:42)
08. One Track Mind (2:20)
09. Cotton Candy (2:31)
10. That's Him (2:27)
11. Tension Rock (1:16)
12. Merry-Go-Round (2:32)
13. Calliope Of Death (2:07)
14. Another Side Of Harry (2:26)
15. Apple Turnover (3:54)
16. Persistence (1:36)
17. Children's Ride (1:55)
18. The Chase (1:18)
19. Stars & Stripes Forever (1:32)
20. Magic Carousel (End Title) (1:42)
(Sorry lord71 for hijacking your thread. I hope you don't mind.)

03-22-2015, 03:24 PM
Link received with many thanks, lord71. ...and thanks to FunnyML for the expanded version. :)

03-22-2015, 05:50 PM
Thanks a lot

03-22-2015, 10:45 PM
Thank you.

03-22-2015, 10:53 PM
Link received. Thank you for the great share! :)

03-23-2015, 09:03 AM
Link received, thanks!

03-23-2015, 01:50 PM
Link received, Thanks again.

03-24-2015, 07:05 AM
Got the link. THANKS!

04-07-2015, 08:37 AM
Link received. Many thanks!

04-07-2015, 07:24 PM
link received very fast, thank you !

04-10-2015, 01:40 AM
Link received, thanks my friend!

Darth Sphincter
09-11-2017, 10:48 PM
Here's the expanded Aleph Records release with 20 tracks (running time: 50:39 min.) in FLAC:
Link (https://mega.co.nz/#!9QRVBZJA!A-aUXlQipNt_gQtM5oz_DG5eZt5tyyiCeO5vurn0LDE)
PW: funnyml.blogspot.com

Also included is a re-recording of a previously unreleased cue called 'Blues For Basie', composed & conducted by Schifrin in 2000. One of my favorite cues is 'Cab Ride' It's still unreleased so I added this as a bonus as well.01. Prologue, Montage (5:26)
02. Portrait Of Harry (2:38)
03. Rollercoaster (4:01)
04. Reflections In The Window (3:15)
05. Penny Arcade (2:26)
06. Movement From String Quartette (Young Man's Theme) (2:36)
07. Magic Carousel (2:42)
08. One Track Mind (2:20)
09. Cotton Candy (2:31)
10. That's Him (2:27)
11. Tension Rock (1:16)
12. Merry-Go-Round (2:32)
13. Calliope Of Death (2:07)
14. Another Side Of Harry (2:26)
15. Apple Turnover (3:54)
16. Persistence (1:36)
17. Children's Ride (1:55)
18. The Chase (1:18)
19. Stars & Stripes Forever (1:32)
20. Magic Carousel (End Title) (1:42)

Just this morning, I heard a small part of Lalo Schifrin's Rollercoaster.

I'd never listened to the soundtrack before but I was hooked immediately.

I wanted to hear more. Must. Have. MORE!

The problem was that I didn't have a copy of this soundtrack.

Unfortunately, Lord71 has been on hiatus. Thus, The Sphincter was bummed :(

Fortunately for all of us who've yet to discover the joys of Schifrin's Rollercoaster, FunnyML has uploaded his expanded version and the links are still active.

The Sphincter is officially happy again. The birds are singing and the sun shines upon our fair land :)

Thank you, FunnyML, for saving the day.


09-11-2017, 11:08 PM
Just this morning, I heard a small part of Lalo Schifrin's Rollercoaster.

I'd never listened to the soundtrack before but I was hooked immediately.

I wanted to hear more. Must. Have. MORE!

The problem was that I didn't have a copy of this soundtrack.

Unfortunately, Lord71 has been on hiatus. Thus, The Sphincter was bummed :(

Fortunately for all of us who've yet to discover the joys of Schifrin's Rollercoaster, FunnyML has uploaded his expanded version and the links are still active.

The Sphincter is officially happy again. The birds are singing and the sun shines upon our fair land :)

Thank you, FunnyML, for saving the day.


Impressive dear friend!!
Thank you very much for this

09-12-2017, 01:03 AM
@Darth Sphincter, thank you!

09-12-2017, 06:33 AM
Thank you very much!

09-12-2017, 08:56 PM
Thanks for this!