03-19-2015, 10:04 PM
This may be made-up and fictional and all, but hear me now, people on the internet and especially people outside the internet!

For I have a wondrous, glorious thought in my head about some fabled somebody!

I had known of some fabled disc throwing, bike riding, bubble gum chewing adrenaline junkie girl who is also some Asian daredevil electromagnetic mechanics whiz woman who�just like her chums that we call the Big Hero 6�hail from some mythical city-place where the cultural boundaries between the Eastern and the Western worlds collide!

And she can also talk more with action than with words, just like The Man with No Name, aka Clint Eastwood, and aka Joe, Manco, and Blondie, from�respectively�A Fistful of Dollars, For A Few Dollars More, and most famous of all, The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly, so she is some Asian woman with very few words, but lots of action!


I had known her very well�and sooner or later we must go on 'some epic manhunt' for that fabled disc-throwing bike-riding bubble gum-chewing adrenaline junkie daredevil Asian girl whose magic words goes something like this:


That's right. Her magic words are "Woman Up!"

And so whoever you are, wherever you are�

You will find her.

You will seek her.

Go seek The Legendary Go Go Tomago of the Mythical San Fransokyo!

Please do this so you will all be rewarded with money, land, power, or anything that you ever desire.

So declares yours truly, Timothy!

Have a nice day and night!


03-20-2015, 03:16 PM
looks a lot like the character i modeled in daz3d.
naturally, i had her getting fucked by every monster i also have.