03-16-2015, 12:31 AM
Hi all,

I have a slight memory of a VGM-like melody from childhood and it was used for dramatic/sad/depressing moments for a show I've watched. Where I'm from, there are shows that tend to use VGM as background music (production companies didn't compose their own OSTs), it sounds a bit similar to "Be Absentminded" from "Tales of Phantasia", some music from "Xenoblade Chronicles" are also reminiscent of my childhood melody. It's likely that it could be an arrangement or original music, guessing it's from somewhere between the 16-bit and 32-bit eras because the show was made around the same time, anyone would like to make a suggestion?

Thanks in advance,


03-18-2015, 01:34 AM
When you said similar to "Be Absentminded" [Which is my fav ToP tune, FWIW], the first thing that came to mind was a tune from Ninja Gaiden [which had a 16-bit port]:

Sorrow (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQYUaVX8KtY&index=25&list=PL5CB9200A82A93829)

There's a few others in the soundtrack that have that melancholy sound/feel, and I gave the full playlist above.

03-18-2015, 03:11 AM
Hi FuzzyLizard530, thanks for replying, "Be Absentminded" seems to be quite popular but from what I recall I don't think it has been used as BGM in the shows that I have seen, most likely the production companies would have taken the Red Book audio off CD-based games or CDs of rearranged game soundtracks.
It's hard to explain the melody, but the instruments involved were piano, flute and harmonica from what I remember. I will check your playlist, thanks again.

03-18-2015, 03:30 AM
If it was Red Book audio, you might look at some SquEnix games from the PSx, like Chrono Trigger, or Final Fantasy [any from VII on]. Namco also had some other "Tales of" games but I don't know all the titles. If there's other RPGs out there for Sega CD, PSX, or Saturn, you might try those as well.

What time frame are we looking at, btw? I might put together a list of games/OSTs to look at, since I enjoy listening to RPG OSTs, even if I've never played them! I'm also curious to find out what song you're looking for [and hear it if we find it!]

03-18-2015, 10:03 AM
What time frame are we looking at, btw? I might put together a list of games/OSTs to look at, since I enjoy listening to RPG OSTs, even if I've never played them! I'm also curious to find out what song you're looking for [and hear it if we find it!]

The time frame I'm looking for should be between 1987-1996, sometimes I would accidentally find a VGM tune from games on the 16-bit consoles, however the version of the VGM used would be one on a soundtrack CD, most likely rearrangements.
The works of new age musicians like Himekami and anime composers like Michiaki Watanabe would be used as BGM as well and the concerned VGM might sound similar to them.

Thanks in advance for making the list, I enjoy listening to game music too even though I haven't played the games before, the only thing I'm concerned with is if that the soundtrack containing that VGM is not around anymore - I was lucky to find some anime soundtracks in MP3 96, they were ultimately rare, it really teaches you to cherish what you can have.

03-19-2015, 03:30 AM
Any ideas on the console it was from?

03-19-2015, 04:32 AM
Any ideas on the console it was from?
Hi Link006, when I was searching for VGM used by other shows prior to this particular one, used VGM were found on mainly on CD-based systems where games carried Redbook Audio so PC, PS1 and Sega Saturn come to mind. I'm guessing that the guys in charge of the shows' music are gamers themselves and CD audio is very easy to rip, it does sound like a "chiptune", as I mentioned with "Tales of Phantasia".
I know I'm trying to find a pin in the needle sack, but I don't mind finding other enjoyable music in the process. Prior to starting this thread, I have already searched for movie and anime OSTs and had no luck so I thought of trying VGM instead.

03-19-2015, 07:03 PM
I found this in my search. I'm going to load it into a spreadsheet and see if I can't pare it down from there. It might be a bit before I can post again, though. Weekends at my job get �ber-busy on the weekends [Newspapers, FTWTF! Lol!]. Hope it helps, even if a little! See you on the flipside!



03-20-2015, 12:39 AM
Thanks mate, busy too today but will get around to have a look, listening to "Ys I/II" soundtracks at the moment.

EDIT: Some instruments used in Ys II music sound slightly familiar, I'm trying to search for other works by the same composers, however it seems that the soundtracks I find are composed by composers who rarely have other works to look at.

03-25-2015, 03:16 AM
Several soundtracks that I've listened to and were composed by the Falcom Sound Team, though not the exact VGM, sounded like they would have been the type of music to be used in the shows.
The particular show in question was a "warehoused" series where its release was very limited, it had broadcasted on TV once, had a restricted release on VHS for a week and that was it, it's one of
those things that never were recorded on the almighty Internet, chances are I won't make much progress in finding the exact VGM myself.

As I said before, if anyone would like to list some sad-sounding VGM during the mentioned eras, please feel free to do so.

06-02-2015, 04:14 AM
I might have missed this, but what is the name of the show or shows that you heard this music on?