The Sage
11-21-2004, 06:11 PM
Now you may have noticed that FFIX forum hasn't had the most posts or threads. Considering that General FF to FFX were made at the same time they should all have the same number of posts, by laws of averages that is. However this is not the cast, infact most threads/posts are directed at FFVII (which is odd because FFVII was the worst out of the FFVII-FFXI). Infact FFVII gets the most threads/posts, surpassing even General FF and after General FF it has more than twice the posts of next one down (FFVIII). It also has three times the posts and threads of FFIX.

I feel that there not being many people in FFIX has made the FFIX threads lame and boring! I am not pleased by this yet I am unable to change this for the better, some people just don't apriciate FFIX.

I merly wanted to voice my opion of this grave injustice. That is all.

Note to moderator: I put it in FFIX on perpose so please leave it here. Thanks

11-21-2004, 06:43 PM
I liked IX a lot. definatly one of my favorites

11-22-2004, 11:17 PM
However this is not the cast, infact most threads/posts are directed at FFVII (which is odd because FFVII was the worst out of the FFVII-FFXI).

That's a ridiculous point.

Unless I missed the memo about directing our posts and interest at what you think is good and not what we, personally, think is good.

The law of averages can't really be applied anyway. FFX is a newer game so it's possible more people are playing it now than FFIX. As for comparing it to General FF, wouldn't it make sense for a forum about the entire series get more traffic than a forum about just one of the games ?

If you think this forum is so boring why don't you make lots of interesting and original topics to spark the conversation you want to see ?

12-03-2004, 11:28 PM
I too am disappointed at the lack of posts, but this may be because not many people have experienced any difficulties with the game......But for me personally FFIX is one of my favourite games, I like all the FF series, but I've not had as much fun playing them as I did FFIX. I was really dissappointed when I first got it, thinking square had gone backwards instead of forwards with the graphics, characters and gameplay, but the more I played the more I found that I was wrong, it was richer in graphics, more enjoyable and definately had a great story - (though square are lacking in their stories and always leave loads of loose ends). There's not a lot more I can say that's not been said already, but I think the auction and treasure collecting were great, in fact the whole game was just excellent, a break from the square's norm. It was fun, one game I will definately play again and again.....

12-03-2004, 11:36 PM
First i can't believe u dislike FFVII "The Sage" but i see ur point. U probably enjoyed playin FFIX alot. just 1 thing though, i didn't. I found FFIX an awful twist to the other games in the series

12-03-2004, 11:46 PM
I agree chewey - that's what I thought, I thought I'd bought the wrong game or something cos it was so different to the rest of the series! =-O But it's now one of my favourites!!! =)

12-04-2004, 12:48 PM
Wow, I had to highlight that sentence to read it.

The Sage
12-04-2004, 04:49 PM
First i can't believe u dislike FFVII "The Sage" but i see ur point. U probably enjoyed playin FFIX alot. just 1 thing though, i didn't. I found FFIX an awful twist to the other games in the series
It was the last 32-bit so they went back to the pre 32-bit style of world.

And I don't like FFVII cos I have opinions of my own, unlike most people it seems. Cos FFIX's story kicks FFVII's story's ass, with the killer twist when you think that it's all about the Queen's evil plans but then you discover that it's really Kuja. Compaired to Cloud's loonacy there's just no competition.

One Fantasy
12-04-2004, 07:50 PM
I might be new, but I have opinions too.

Most people I have talked to say VII is by far the best FF game. I, although I love VII, think IX is the best.

I do have my qualms about the game, like the suspense...what suspense? There are no major mysteries to solve or nothing that leaves you saying, WTF was that?! VII on the other hand, throws you right in it with Cloud talking to himself after he falls from the reactor. That's certianly a WTF?! moment.

IX is in my opinion the best, with VII in second and X-2 in third.

Well, there's my two cents.

12-04-2004, 09:38 PM
, with the killer twist when you think that it's all about the Queen's evil plans but then you discover that it's really Kuja.

that part of the story, while it was cool and all and i liked it, was pretty transparent. It didn't seem that hard to believe the queen was just a pawn. a good plot twist in the game would be when the whole terra gaia thing ins introduced into the game

The Sage
12-05-2004, 08:03 PM
that part of the story, while it was cool and all and i liked it, was pretty transparent. It didn't seem that hard to believe the queen was just a pawn. a good plot twist in the game would be when the whole terra gaia thing ins introduced into the game
i ment that bit too

Landlord of Sector 7
12-06-2004, 12:33 AM
FFVII sucked ;)