03-10-2015, 09:37 PM
are you guys fucking insane?

yes, i love these leaks as much as everyone else. but leaking that many stuff all it once will hurt everyone in the long run.
you're not only hurting the rep of a certain person. you just make the industry insiders simply stop sharing anything and
we wont see anything in a very long time.

sure, a certain session got leaked and a certain person got pissed off by this and this person wants to destroy the reputation
toward industry insiders. congratulations, you succeed. continuing and sending out all those sessions so even more people
can leak them just plain and simple stupid. you will hurt yourself and the soundtrack loving community.

i know most of the members here will tell me, that i'm the idiot. but you just don't see what will happen in the future.
your greed for these releases is too big and you just want more.

NO... this has to stop right now!!!

think about the consequences... please. this is a war no one will win and for what? because one session got out that isn't even
that special to begin with.

03-10-2015, 09:45 PM
I mean... I fucking love these leaks... but you do have a point.

Leon Scott Kennedy
03-10-2015, 09:50 PM
"That" session that got leaked may very well not be special to you, but it is for someone else. I say, knowing this place potentially risks anyway to go down and:

hurt the soundtrack loving community,

given the amount of copyrighted material being shared around here (not only your precious television/movie scores and sessions)… Grab what you can, while you can. If the rest doesn't turn up, tough luck.

03-10-2015, 09:51 PM
The sad reality is that this is unlikely to stop before it has serious consequences for the community, because the person who is masquerading as "PheeSees" and fueling this frenzy with his own posts as well as those of others, simply does not have the best interests of the community at heart. He'll burn the place down before he'll see reason because he doesn't care about any of us soundtrack fans, he only cares about his own ego and status. All of you who are celebrating these releases, you're probably celebrating the death knells of your own hobby unless this stops soon. Don't be under any illusions that these things are being leaked for your own benefit, enjoyment or pleasure. Quite the opposite, unfortunately. It's a power play. You're witnessing the soundtrack sharing equivalent of a Lannister throwing a temper tantrum.

03-10-2015, 10:01 PM
Even I have to admit that this is getting ridiculous.

It's good for a score to be leaked to the public every now and then... and having a few in a short period of time is a rare treat!

But this is quickly getting out of hand. We've had, what, a dozen scores leaked within the past few days? This won't help anyone in the end. Sure, we all get our favorite scores a little sooner, but these things are always BOUND to leak sooner or later. Would it kill you all to have to wait longer? Of course not.

Today should be the end of it... I think I may have figured out who PheeSees might be, and if you're reading this, PheeSees, please: don't put your own interests and personal vendettas above the interests of the community at large. Take a break and think about how it'll hurt others and maybe even you in the end.

The needs of the many often outweigh the needs of the one.

03-10-2015, 10:31 PM
Wow. i do not realize i was making a war. i simply wanted to share. i will stop. Please all that have requested stuff please to stop asking. thanks. no more from me. bye.

Leon Scott Kennedy
03-10-2015, 10:34 PM
Why would you stop? You aren't technically violating community's rules, as far as I know. At any rate, the only members "entitled" to tell you to stop sharing stuff would be copyright holders, or those part of the Shrine Staff. Continue, if you want.

I swear, sometimes I don't get you folks. This isn't the first iteration of this kind of thread; has the sessions' leaking stopped? No.

03-10-2015, 10:38 PM
Wow. i do not realize i was making a war. i simply wanted to share. i will stop. Please all that have requested stuff please to stop asking. thanks. no more from me. bye.

Personally I would not nominate this acting job for any awards...sorry.

03-10-2015, 10:38 PM
i do not want to make war for the community. i do not want to blame for others sharing to. i am sorry if i hurt people here.

03-10-2015, 10:39 PM
Why would you stop? You aren't technically violating community's rules, as far as I know. At any rate, the only members "entitled" to tell you to stop sharing stuff would be copyright holders, or those part of the Shrine Staff. Continue, if you want.

I swear, sometimes I don't get you folks. This isn't the first iteration of this kind of thread; has the sessions' leaking stopped? No.

He is pretending to have his feelings hurt but this is all part of the plan. I think perhaps you don't understand how fragile all our access is to these leaked recordings and how easily it could all just go away.

Leon Scott Kennedy
03-10-2015, 10:43 PM
He is pretending to have his feelings hurt but this is all part of the plan. I think perhaps you don't understand how fragile all our access is to these leaked recordings and how easily it could all just go away.
Don't underestimate me, nor my intelligence, stranger. I do understand how difficult it may be to obtain certain kind of material, but what I stated earlier is an undeniable fact: The lot of you are users, if there is anyone entitled to demand that the guy/girl stops posting stuff, that person is a member of the Shrine's Staff, not you, guys. You don't get to enforce rules, even more so when they're not written, nor seemingly violated.

03-10-2015, 10:43 PM
i do not want to make war for the community. i do not want to blame for others sharing to. i am sorry if i hurt people here.

I think if you want to simulate a poor English speaker your mistakes should be more consistent...as it is, it's rather transparently obvious. Like listening to someone pretend to try to fake an accent they naturally speak.

03-10-2015, 10:43 PM

03-10-2015, 10:44 PM
Don't underestimate me, nor my intelligence, stranger. I do understand how difficult it may be to obtain certain kind of material, but what I stated earlier is an undeniable fact: The lot of you are users, if there is anyone entitled to demand that the guy/girl stops posting stuff, that person is a member of the Shrine's Staff, not you, guys.

If you don't want your intelligence to be underestimated perhaps you should not talk about "demanding" as if anyone has done any such thing. The OP was not demanding. He was plaintively begging for the people currently engaged in dismantling our hobby to stop before it's gone too far.

A Fire Will Rise
03-10-2015, 10:44 PM
granted i'm loving these badass leaks like a whore but i see your point....

Leon Scott Kennedy
03-10-2015, 10:51 PM
If you don't want your intelligence to be underestimated perhaps you should not talk about "demanding" as if anyone has done any such thing. The OP was not demanding. He was plaintively begging for the people currently engaged in dismantling our hobby to stop before it's gone too far.
Yeah, right. If memory serves me right, this isn't the first time an amount of sessions got shared "to the public," has something disastrous happened? Not that I can say, sessions still leaked.

I do get the general sentiment behind the request, but honestly, folks, this thing is getting old on the Shrine. Doomsday's approaching when a session gets out, the guy may act selfishly by putting his own ego and reasons first, but he/she doesn't have any reason to put the community's benefit first, either. The only thing you can do is keep fingers crossed, as long as the rules aren't violated, there's really no reason to take action "against" this kind of occurrence.

03-10-2015, 10:54 PM
I can tell you for certain these leaks will keep happening because of MoS being posted. That is what started this all.

03-10-2015, 10:59 PM
Yeah, right. If memory serves me right, this isn't the first time an amount of sessions got shared "to the public," has something disastrous happened? Not that I can say, sessions still leaked.

Unless you have personal information from the people who are sourcing the leaks, you are not in a position to say whether or not something disastrous happened to them in terms of losing contacts, hurting their reputation among their sources, etc. I can only hope you are right that in this case nothing disastrous will happen, but it's playing with fire for anyone to publicly post such high-profile leaks from recent, huge Hollywood films, let alone on the biggest forum on the web for such sharing.

---------- Post added at 05:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:58 PM ----------

I can tell you for certain these leaks will keep happening because of MoS being posted. That is what started this all.

No one is pointing a gun to your head (well, I hope not) and forcing you to keep leaking scores. Every individual involved in this situation is making a choice to be selfish and short-sighted and be internet-famous and powerful now, or to be wise and look out for the good of the community in the long run.

Leon Scott Kennedy
03-10-2015, 11:05 PM
Oh, my, my. What kind of hobby would get dismantled, at any rate? Collecting and trading of sessions which, in most cases, aren't supposed to be owned by the "common people"? Again, I understand the jeopoardizing-the-reputation speech, but given what these folks are doing, part of me can't help but think they deserve to end dismantled, perhaps. It's their fault for making such things end in someone's else hands, in the first place. It's a risky "job".

03-10-2015, 11:11 PM
Personally I think the sharing of beautiful things that improve people's lives at little or no cost is quite an honorable activity, but yours is certainly an interesting perspective also.

Leon Scott Kennedy
03-10-2015, 11:25 PM
I used to think the very same way, and though I can't speak specifically in regards to issues with these sessions, nor what goes on in the music industry, I've had my kind of sources for other material, throughout the years. If you have this kind of reaction (referring to OP's) because someone might screw you over, perhaps you've picked the wrong hobby.

People may screw others over, it's a sad truth of the world. Though I genuinely wish the "screwing" doesn't happen in this kind of situation (nor in any other)… If it happens, it happens, get over it fast and enjoy what you've got a hold of. Chances are you weren't supposed to have those things.

03-10-2015, 11:28 PM
Well, that is true. It's just that if there were no egos involved, honest people could quietly and fairly share these things amongst each other, instead of using them to gain an advantage in amassing more "goodies" and lengthening their "epeen". What makes me sad is that the good people who just want to enjoy beauty in peace, often can't have nice things because of a few selfish people ruining it for everyone.

03-10-2015, 11:35 PM
...If you have this kind of reaction (referring to OP's) because someone might screw you over, perhaps you've picked the wrong hobby

i'm not involved in this.

03-10-2015, 11:48 PM
These sessions were bound to leak anyway... So you need to calm down... Because I dont know why you're getting all the panties in your pants about this. Until I find or see a news report about someone dying or hearing about copyrighted music being shared over the Internet. I wouldn't mind it. But if you have such a problem with sharing of these rare sessions you could have, instead of "subtweeting" pheese, sent him a personal message...

03-11-2015, 12:07 AM
i have no problem that people share "rare" sessions at all. i also enjoy these share done here in the past days. but having about 15 of them leaking in two days is not good for future goodies. every medal has two sides. we can enjoy the current shares and probably wont see anything in a loooooong time. besides, it wasn't just one person leaking in the past days.

03-11-2015, 12:38 AM
The sessions were posted by Phees out of anger, no message is going to stop him from leaking the score until he burns someone or their sources. He is just out to make someone look bad.

03-11-2015, 12:39 AM
If you don't want your intelligence to be underestimated perhaps you should not talk about "demanding" as if anyone has done any such thing. The OP was not demanding. He was plaintively begging for the people currently engaged in dismantling our hobby to stop before it's gone too far.

Says the user who joinned today, to the old, well known and respected member of this community. Pheesees has shared a few gems in the last days. Some are from relatively recent movies. others are from movies a tad older. and some are just movies that are getting old. Heat is a 20 years old movie and batman and robin is around 18 years.

And any way, leaks happen more and more by cluster. once in a while, we get a series of highly anticipated leaks. And sometimes I wonder whether these leaks (often is lossy format, yet sometimes in lossless) aren't to test the waters to see if the release of a complete score on CD might sell decently.

because let's face it: most of us, if we can get it in a nice jewel case with a fine booklet, will try to get the scores we really love (and often those are those we want complete) in a physical format. because nothing beats the joy of tearing through the package to get to a much anticipated musical grail. At least that's how I've felt each time I've ordered or found one of these, be it the last starfighter, Conan the barbarian or Hook.

03-11-2015, 12:41 AM
Says the user who joinned today, to the old, well known and respected member of this community.

Kaylani.Larelli is obviously another member in disguise - probably a trader POed by all this premature leaking.

He doesn't want to upset any of his contacts by using his real account.

03-11-2015, 12:53 AM
Kaylani.Larelli is obviously another member in disguise - probably a trader POed by all this premature leaking.

He doesn't want to upset any of his contacts by using his real account.

hm. cloak and dagger bullshit is the best sort of bullshit. :laugh:

03-11-2015, 02:41 AM
No one is pointing a gun to your head (well, I hope not) and forcing you to keep leaking scores. Every individual involved in this situation is making a choice to be selfish and short-sighted and be internet-famous and powerful now, or to be wise and look out for the good of the community in the long run.
Well, actually, my 3 posts last night were only posted because I was told to leak them.

03-11-2015, 02:54 AM
I am actually a neutral bystander, not a trader, I have no need for trading. I have been lurking around this site for almost a decade but I have no personal stake in recent events, I just think it would be sad to see the "common people" lose any hope they might have of accessing unreleased and expanded film music just because an insider is pissed at one of his fellows. Personally I love to see all these scores leak but anyone who's been around a while knows this is not good for the community in the long run; the leaked scores are too recent, too prominent, and too important within the underground community for their leaks to avoid attracting negative attention for very long. There is no good outcome for this unless the community is incredibly lucky and it all blows over quickly. If the likely outcome happens, however, PheeSees and his comrades and imitators are basically trading your long-term leak prospects for one little week of excessive fun. It's not worth it. Especially since the leakers aren't doing it for the sake of the shrine members, they're doing it for political reasons and/or to increase their own reputations and get likes. So, I don't expect you to believe me any more than you should believe that PheeSees is some random guy who happened to find ffshrine this week. But for what it's worth, which isn't much, these posts are meant with utmost sincerity and come from a desire to see this small and fragile community of music-lovers stay intact, and nothing more. You have my word. My position makes it difficult to expose any identifying information about myself for fear of compromising not my own contacts but an entirely different reason, but I hope at least a few of you can sense the truth behind what I'm saying.


He doesn't want to upset any of his contacts by using his real account.

Hmm. Fascinating. So not only can you tell that I'm a trading ffshrine poster masquerading as a new person, you can tell that I'm a man masquerading as a woman? Those are some interesting leaps, truly.

03-11-2015, 03:14 AM

03-11-2015, 03:19 AM
Hi, you :)

03-11-2015, 03:22 AM

03-11-2015, 03:23 AM
Are you the same person as mboy? I was just saying hi to him because I know him under a different name from another forum long ago.

03-11-2015, 03:27 AM
No we are not the same person, I am not the same person as anyone here for that matter.

03-11-2015, 03:50 AM
Are you the same person as mboy? I was just saying hi to him because I know him under a different name from another forum long ago.

Or second option I don't freaking know you because the only forum I've been on is this one. And if you think you're trying to make seem as if I'm the one doing all of this leaking you are mistaken. Because I sense that you're only trying to start issues with me to get me kicked off this forum. Last time I checked I am a poor college student who does nothing but stress out over the 40 odd papers I have to write a day. So if you feel the need to call me out on false pretences I hope you feel good about yourself because it seems that What I said earlier in the post has gotten to you ;) either that or YOU'RE the one doing all of this.... SO SUCK ON THAT!

03-11-2015, 09:12 AM
Wow. i do not realize i was making a war. i simply wanted to share. i will stop. Please all that have requested stuff please to stop asking. thanks. no more from me. bye.

Goddamn dont go away i love your shares and many others too

03-11-2015, 11:23 AM
I am actually a neutral bystander, not a trader, I have no need for trading. I have been lurking around this site for almost a decade but I have no personal stake in recent events, I just think it would be sad to see the "common people" lose any hope they might have of accessing unreleased and expanded film music just because an insider is pissed at one of his fellows. Personally I love to see all these scores leak but anyone who's been around a while knows this is not good for the community in the long run; the leaked scores are too recent, too prominent, and too important within the underground community for their leaks to avoid attracting negative attention for very long. There is no good outcome for this unless the community is incredibly lucky and it all blows over quickly. If the likely outcome happens, however, PheeSees and his comrades and imitators are basically trading your long-term leak prospects for one little week of excessive fun. It's not worth it. Especially since the leakers aren't doing it for the sake of the shrine members, they're doing it for political reasons and/or to increase their own reputations and get likes. So, I don't expect you to believe me any more than you should believe that PheeSees is some random guy who happened to find ffshrine this week. But for what it's worth, which isn't much, these posts are meant with utmost sincerity and come from a desire to see this small and fragile community of music-lovers stay intact, and nothing more. You have my word. My position makes it difficult to expose any identifying information about myself for fear of compromising not my own contacts but an entirely different reason, but I hope at least a few of you can sense the truth behind what I'm saying.


Hmm. Fascinating. So not only can you tell that I'm a trading ffshrine poster masquerading as a new person, you can tell that I'm a man masquerading as a woman? Those are some interesting leaps, truly.

TL,DR, you're just trolling then. Either you're a sock puppet account and don't want to admit it because reasons, or you're just a goddamn troll who jumped on the occasion to cause unneeded internet drama.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
03-11-2015, 12:06 PM
I was just saying hi to him

learn to use quotes.

03-11-2015, 12:56 PM
TL,DR, you're just trolling then. Either you're a sock puppet account and don't want to admit it because reasons, or you're just a goddamn troll who jumped on the occasion to cause unneeded internet drama.

Says a lot about this forum when someone who is literally only trying to help and has no personal stake in the matter is accused of "trolling". Welp, that's it for me. I hope the individuals to who my words were targeted have or will calm down but if not, then by all means, go on digging your own metaphorical graves.

---------- Post added at 07:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:52 AM ----------

Or second option I don't freaking know you because the only forum I've been on is this one. And if you think you're trying to make seem as if I'm the one doing all of this leaking you are mistaken. Because I sense that you're only trying to start issues with me to get me kicked off this forum. Last time I checked I am a poor college student who does nothing but stress out over the 40 odd papers I have to write a day. So if you feel the need to call me out on false pretences I hope you feel good about yourself because it seems that What I said earlier in the post has gotten to you ;) either that or YOU'RE the one doing all of this.... SO SUCK ON THAT!

Thou dost protest too loudly. ;) And project your issues too loudly as well. Oh well, I only wanted to help you but since you PMd me saying I can "just get out" then I will do so. May we meet again on a happier day.

Leon Scott Kennedy
03-11-2015, 01:14 PM
Says a lot about this forum when someone who is literally only trying to help and has no personal stake in the matter is accused of "trolling".
Taking the post of a single member and using it to somehow "define" the community as a whole? Haha, that's very smart.

Messages like yours have already been stated around here, in the past, multiple times. Sessions still got to leak, despite those claims about how folks were merely "digging their graves".

Personally, folks, I think this kind of discussion has showed up one time too many, just let whatever has to happen… Happen.

03-11-2015, 01:33 PM

03-11-2015, 06:47 PM
are you guys fucking insane?

yes, i love these leaks as much as everyone else. but leaking that many stuff all it once will hurt everyone in the long run.
you're not only hurting the rep of a certain person. you just make the industry insiders simply stop sharing anything and
we wont see anything in a very long time.

sure, a certain session got leaked and a certain person got pissed off by this and this person wants to destroy the reputation
toward industry insiders. congratulations, you succeed. continuing and sending out all those sessions so even more people
can leak them just plain and simple stupid. you will hurt yourself and the soundtrack loving community.

i know most of the members here will tell me, that i'm the idiot. but you just don't see what will happen in the future.
your greed for these releases is too big and you just want more.

NO... this has to stop right now!!!

think about the consequences... please. this is a war no one will win and for what? because one session got out that isn't even
that special to begin with.
Thank you for being a dickhead
and ruined it for many people fuckface

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
03-11-2015, 07:27 PM
Thank you for being a dickhead
and ruined it for many people fuckface

Thank you for being a child.

03-11-2015, 10:48 PM
Says a lot about this forum when someone who is literally only trying to help and has no personal stake in the matter is accused of "trolling". Welp, that's it for me. I hope the individuals to who my words were targeted have or will calm down but if not, then by all means, go on digging your own metaphorical graves.

---------- Post added at 07:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:52 AM ----------

Thou dost protest too loudly. ;) And project your issues too loudly as well. Oh well, I only wanted to help you but since you PMd me saying I can "just get out" then I will do so. May we meet again on a happier day.
Alright Shakespeare. I hope Jesus blesses you on this fine day because "THOU can't judge me until THOU judge yourself"

03-13-2015, 01:29 AM
And so the cycle is complete!

1.) Stuff gets leaked
2.) Couple of others things get leaked
4.) Wash/Rinse/Repeat a year-ish later

Somehow, the "community" survived last time this happened. How many wolf cries does it take for this to become officially ridiculous?

But hey, maybe this is... The Big One. Maybe this is leak that shuts off the spigot FOR ALL TIME! Or maybe, things will continue to be leaked, as they always have, and the usual doomsayers will be saying it all over again soon enough. The worst thing they can do is convince you that getting cool recordings is bad for you because it threatens the ivory tower elitism they value so much. Screw that noise. If these leaks threaten those who hold back cherished recordings because they enjoy being one of the privileged few, well, that's just icing on the cake.

It's true: the Man of Steel sessions can now be enjoyed by just ANYBODY! I'm afraid you're going to have to deal with it.

03-13-2015, 03:40 PM
I think the only thing that's annoyed me about this leak is that TASM2 is now probably the "holy grail" of Zimmer sessions and thus harder to get.

03-13-2015, 04:44 PM
To add to what dschiv and BBGrunt said above, which was entirely true and I commend them for saying it, is that not only does the world at large not give two shits about film scores leaking, but even the film score album labels recognize how tiny the market really is for these things. They make 3000 or 5000 or even 1000 limited edition copies of scores because they couldn't possibly get well beyond those numbers with such a niche product and the costs are too high because of union fees and the like. The film score community (if you can call it that) is so small and insignificant and always made up of the same people every time. The only times these scores reach critical mass beyond the tiny numbers we fans are made up of, are those that make an impact on the public riding the coattails of the movies ' popularity. That's why you'll find only the big well known titles like Star Wars played in concert.

Those who give a damn about these things are far outnumbered by those who never have and never will.

Hell we are probably a joke to the rest of the world of entertainment anyway, we just don't really matter...only to each other, and not even that much given the overall hate and elitism the film score community (again if you can call it that ) is really made of.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
03-13-2015, 04:49 PM
I think the only thing that's annoyed me about this leak is that TASM2 is now probably the "holy grail" of Zimmer sessions and thus harder to get.

what about surround sound mixes not being available?
who ever thought once to care about those?

03-13-2015, 06:23 PM
what about surround sound mixes not being available?
who ever thought once to care about those?

You would think they would be but delivering them from sessions might be more technically involved than putting 2-channel audio onto some sort of simple media like a CD-R.

03-14-2015, 02:37 AM
All I can say is....yeah that sounds about right. It's harsh but so is the situation and a little criticism that in this case is valid and even needed, is a good thing.

03-14-2015, 02:50 AM
If someone wants to share let them share

03-14-2015, 03:07 AM
^^Share...or we'll rip their fucking tits off. Then the fuckface can bend over and literally FUCK THEIR OWN FACE.

I'm talking scorched earth, motherfucker. We will massacre them. WE WILL FUCK THEM UP.


03-14-2015, 03:13 AM
I have been in several communities where there is 'rare' material, including British comedy (which is ten times nastier than film music fans) and certain band fandoms. In every case without exception, a free, generous and without-contract sharing of rare material always bears wonderful fruit and a great atmosphere that *helps* more rare stuff to emerge, not hinders it. Those who wilfully lurk smirking in the shadows, glowering over their secrets, are just ripping pages out of everyone else's fun and it eventually throttles interest in the subject matter as newcomers are fully aware of being 'locked out'.

"Collectors" hoarding material for selfish reasons, trading reasons or bragging rights is what kills fandoms off. Eventually it dies with you or one of the people you've traded with releases it into the wild anyway, when all momentum has gone and other people have wasted time or money trying to free it similarly. Let it all out.

If you have got the material literally from primary source under agreement that it goes no further, or it's literally traceable to the detriment of its leaker, that is different. But what we're talking about here is hoarding of things got from trades purely for currency reasons and to raise people up in imaginary hierarchies that only exist inside their own heads.

---------- Post added at 02:13 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:10 AM ----------

Or put another way, the amount of grade-A dick tape traders I had to deal with ten, fifteen years ago have been wiped out almost completely by YouTube.

Democratising fandoms shines light into what used to be the shadows. Selfish behaviour has nowhere to hide anymore.

03-14-2015, 03:21 AM

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
03-14-2015, 05:50 AM

Videophiles or just archivist afiacondos weep at youtube's technology.
But, more so, just whoever uses youtube as their practice isn't fully optimal.
Transcodes upon transcodes of data overflows the commercial video site.

I blame people who insist on having to watch something on their mobile while drinking.
"HD standards" are closer to Apple/SD standards to accomodate the poor bandwidth needs.

03-14-2015, 07:52 PM
what collectors and traders should remember amounts to one thing. they have the original. the original that costs an arm, a kidney or a random bodypart's worth. All we, people of the interwebz, get, is a digital copy. a facsimile. not the original. The Joconde is still worth billions. yet there are so many high res pics and copies of it, that, by their own logic, it should be worth only a few pennies, instead of the billion euros it's estimated at. In other words, their logic is fundamentaly flawed.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
03-15-2015, 04:44 AM
One day the people will lynch studios and companies asking why we can't have any higher quality content, and the only thing they'll have to say is:

Let them eat cake.

03-15-2015, 10:53 AM
what collectors and traders should remember amounts to one thing. they have the original. the original that costs an arm, a kidney or a random bodypart's worth. All we, people of the interwebz, get, is a digital copy. a facsimile. not the original. The Joconde is still worth billions. yet there are so many high res pics and copies of it, that, by their own logic, it should be worth only a few pennies, instead of the billion euros it's estimated at. In other words, their logic is fundamentaly flawed.

As i always said - they don't have anything rare, they have a COPY of something rare

03-16-2015, 02:31 AM
Videophiles or just archivist afiacondos weep at youtube's technology.
But, more so, just whoever uses youtube as their practice isn't fully optimal.
Transcodes upon transcodes of data overflows the commercial video site.

I blame people who insist on having to watch something on their mobile while drinking.
"HD standards" are closer to Apple/SD standards to accomodate the poor bandwidth needs.

VHS dubs of VHS dubs of VHS dubs of VHS dubs of VHS dubs of VHS off-airs and archive leaks of things no human being ever thought they'd get to see is what I'm talking about. Things I had to waste time and resources and money bartering for in the 1990s and early 2000s is just now there for everyone, and that's great, compressed or not. I think of the teenage me wanting to 'discover' something and actually having it there in front of me, rather than having to negotiate something marginally more complicated than the UN to access. Exact same thing for rare band B-sides and demos. Exactly the same thing for scores.

03-23-2015, 05:00 AM
This is no different than Paramount starting the trend of posting their FYC scores freely online. Pisses off eBay sellers hawking sessions bootlegs, that's about it.

03-23-2015, 05:33 AM
This thread didn't die yet? All the leaking is over, people. Moving on........

03-23-2015, 05:52 AM
This thread didn't die yet? All the leaking is over, people. Moving on........

No musical apocalypse.

More like a Mock-alypse.

I, for one, am glad for the leaks. (I mean, for example, how long have forum readers waited for the release of Sucker Punch?)

If companies released full versions of their soundtracks, not the often truncated bastardizations they usually foist on us, forums like this where music is shared would probably dwindle in number. Put that thing called the Internet to use. Disseminate.

And for a complete score, and I mean complete score, of a Williams, or Horner, or insert-the-name-of-your-favorite-artist, in a nice steel box with premium artwork, I'd happily part with my filthy lucre.

03-23-2015, 06:00 AM
I wish scores were released in complete form as well, but I'm no longer an ignorant fanboy (not calling you ignorant, btw). I understand there's royalties and licensing and shit with the record labels and all that. Still though, it would be nice to work that shit out and release complete scores for people like us who actually want the music to listen to

03-23-2015, 06:32 AM
Agreed. I have nothing against companies wanting and needing to turn a profit. I'm a capitalist pig of the first order but give your customers good value for their money. And I've got to believe composers want their music out there.

03-24-2015, 02:18 AM
apparently the leaking of all those sessions made Lockdown leave the shrine :/

03-31-2015, 09:20 AM
I understand there's royalties and licensing and shit with the record labels and all that. Still though, it would be nice to work that shit out and release complete scores for people like us who actually want the music to listen to

I'd pay $500 for each of my holy grails instantly, that should cover royalties pretty much. But no one wants my money ;)

03-31-2015, 05:17 PM
Leaks will always happen, somehow... because human nature being what it is, there is one thing more irresistible than having something rare and special... and that's having other people bask in your glory because you let them have it too.

Collectors collect; what they're collecting isn't so much of an issue as the inherent "value" of the thing they're collecting. If few people have it, it's valuable. If more people want it than currently have it, it's valuable. If it was hard to come by, it's valuable.

The "community" is guilty on both counts; collectors for being hoarding snobs, and the "masses" for the explosive sense of ungrateful, utterly entitled outrage that inevitably follows when they're told they can't have everything they want, all of the time.

Additionally, (widespread) leaks DO put people at risk. Every single recording session starts out as one copy in a control room in a studio somewhere. Somebody - somebody traceable - has responsibility for that copy. Maybe it then becomes six to a dozen copies for the composer and the rest of the team. Even if it leaks at that point, you can count the suspects on two hands and you're one of them. Questions get asked - difficult ones - and every time something leaks that they'd rather didn't leak, it becomes just a little harder next time.

(I attended a session a few years ago - I was left alone in the control room for a while. When the composer came back in I joked that I could've stolen the session tapes. He looked briefly terrified. This isn't a joke to these people.)

EVERYBODY needs to step back, ignore both sides (both sides are biased and are therefore unreliable) and just look at facts. Balance is needed. A bit of patience. Stuff happens. But... honestly folks, there's other stuff to worry about in life. Our hobbies aren't worth risking people's livelihoods, getting sent to prison, or yelling at perfect strangers on the internet. :)

04-01-2015, 09:57 PM

um, can i ask, what the fuck happened?

04-04-2015, 01:05 AM
um, can i ask, what the fuck happened?

Sometime in March, lots of sessions leaked. LOTS. And people are worried that the mass leaking is going to effect others from leaking new material. In the dust, Doyle is now DNP.

04-04-2015, 05:11 AM
Exactly. Whatever the reason, there is a visible repercussion this time. NO music by Patrick Doyle can be posted. Not OST's and not rips from his site. I do not know if is connected, but imagine if all composers started doing that? MOS was probably not the best thing to be posted just yet. I guess time will tell.

Leon Scott Kennedy
04-04-2015, 06:54 AM
Well, I see Patrick Doyle's "stuff" is being handled like any other entry on the banned material list, as of now; read there were a few threads actually deleted, but that's about it.

On the other hand, who cares. This place is hardly not getting enough attention, already (https://www.google.com/transparencyreport/removals/copyright/domains/ffshrine.org/).

04-04-2015, 07:09 AM
Exactly. Whatever the reason, there is a visible repercussion this time. NO music by Patrick Doyle can be posted. Not OST's and not rips from his site. I do not know if is connected, but imagine if all composers started doing that? MOS was probably not the best thing to be posted just yet. I guess time will tell.

i think this cinderella causing, not specific leaks.

04-04-2015, 07:23 AM
Well, I see Patrick Doyle's "stuff" is being handled like any other entry on the banned material list, as of now; read there were a few threads actually deleted, but that's about it.

On the other hand, who cares. This place is hardly not getting enough attention, already (https://www.google.com/transparencyreport/removals/copyright/domains/ffshrine.org/).

Well sure. Admin has been asked about it by various companies. My understanding is that admin claims they cannot control what happens between members via pm. So, post a thread and ask for pm is the general rule of thumb. I have heard a couple threads were deleted but other newer ones were not, so I do not know the deal there.

04-04-2015, 08:08 AM
has patrick asshole composed something good? (serious question, i refer to an ost as the *movie* ost, never by composer)

04-04-2015, 08:18 AM
point me to the so called mass leaks