03-06-2015, 11:51 PM
SRCL-8757~9 | PSYCHO-PASS Complete Original Soundtrack 2 - VGMdb (

The album will be released on March 18th and includes the soundtrack for the second season and the movie.

03-12-2015, 07:46 AM
Last week I pre-ordered SRCL-8753~6 | PSYCHO-PASS Complete Original Soundtrack 2 [Limited Edition] ( Will upload when it arrives.

03-18-2015, 02:54 PM
Now we play the waiting game...

EDIT: just stumbled upon this torrent. I'll see if it's legit. IT IS!

03-18-2015, 09:09 PM
My order was shipped on 16 March, though it hasn't arrived yet. I'll be ripping a Bluray bonus disc as well. Since I've never done it, I will have to look into it and find out what'd the best program to use for (kinda like an equivalent of EAC to ripping CDs).

03-21-2015, 03:14 PM
Milo, because I trust you. is this thing any good? the anime I mean.
I got teh soundtrack because I have not heard Yuugo kanno for quite sometime, and damn... this soundtrack is actually giving me such a desire taste. Marvelous and genius soundtrack.

03-22-2015, 02:03 AM
Psycho-Pass season 1 is good. It's very good. It became one of my all time favorites actually. Now, that's season 1. Season2 is garbage beyond believe. I tried and tried to make myself like it, and just couldn't. It's a fucking disgrace, excuse my french.
So as it stands, I will strongly recommend to watch Psycho-Pass 1 to any of my friends. And will highly encourage to stay away from season 2. I've seen it and I try to pretend that it doesn't exist. That it's not cannon and not part of the same universe.

So I'm not gonna over hype it (and not gonna spoil anything), cause that's how high expectations are born and then ruined. But I do encourage you to watch PP1.
Also the movie was handled by the same studio Production I.G and writers, who did season1, unlike season2 which was done by a different team. So I'm confident in the movie being a true sequel. Waiting for Bluray/DVD announcement of it. Cause I'm sure as heck are buying it.

PS. My package with OST hasn't arrived yet, still waiting.

03-22-2015, 02:42 AM
so the movie is as good as season1?

03-22-2015, 02:59 AM
I haven't seen it. Nobody seen it yet, except people in Japan. It's been out in theaters in JP, but it won't get a widespread release until it comes out on Bluray/DVD. Unfortunately they are usually slow to release theatrical movies on home media. On average it takes 6-9 months until blurays/DVDs of it will see the light of day.
But yes I believe the movie will be good.

03-24-2015, 07:02 AM
The box arrived. I ripped the CDs, but will do Bluray disc closer to the end of the week.

Thread 187453