02-24-2015, 07:10 PM
After the theatrical poster has been released, Danny Elfman's name popped up after Brian Tyler's.
Anyone else looking forward to Danny Elfman's music in the movie?

---------- Post added at 06:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:10 PM ----------

James P.Sullivan
02-24-2015, 07:14 PM
Interesting... very interesting. Fantastic poster, btw. Can't wait.

the marvin
02-25-2015, 07:24 AM
I can't wait for the movie and the score, but this has me a little worried that maybe they weren't happy with Tyler's score.
And even though I love Elfman, his style is completely different than Tyler's, I don't think they'll go well together.
Sorry Sulley but this poster is really bad, it looks like fan art!

02-25-2015, 07:51 AM
Looks like the Marvel execs didn't find Tyler's sound epic enough. I hope he gives a memorable theme that he's promised. Elfman might have been asked to fill certain sections that might have not gelled well with Tyler's approach.

02-25-2015, 07:35 PM
Tyler said he wanted to create a very classical feel for this film so he could have brought Elfman on for advice. Or maybe they've brought Elfman on to merge all the various styles into one. It's also possible Elfman is being brought on to score a future film and has been allowed to plant themes here for expansion later.

02-25-2015, 10:39 PM
Gaah terrible movie poster. I could probably make that in MS Paint if I had the proper promo images. Why are the twins standing on the side of the poster?

Interesting; I've always like Elfman's work. Conversely, I've never liked Tyler's stuff too much.

02-26-2015, 12:24 AM
I love watching how Rob Downey's face never matches up to the armor in posters. Noticed it in every Iron Man poster and now every Avengers poster.
But, really horrible poster. Even, I could make that. ;)

I like Elfman, but for this I'd rather prefer someone else. Tyler's not bad, this is just too big of a film for him, stepping into Silvestri's shoes will be hard(as he delivered a pretty good score in itself). They should've just brought back Djawadi (ideally, they never should have let him go after the first Iron Man) or gone to JNH or Desplat but that might be a long shot. Djawadi has definitely improved a lot when ti comes to scoring stuff(just look at GoT) and Tyler could come in and fill the weak spots up. JNH can handle almost anything and his turnover speed is surprising to say the least. The only person who I'd trust to could come in at the last moment to save the music. Desplat is magnifique. And Godzilla just reiterated that point.

the marvin
02-27-2015, 06:40 AM
Djawadi? Really? I think they should have never brought him on in the first place!
He may have gotten better, but he's no Tyler!
I'm not trying to sound like an asshole, I just don't like Djawadi very much! :)

02-27-2015, 01:17 PM
I'm not saying they should have just handed it over to him, just as an additional music guy. Hans had him on for TDK/TDKR too, maybe others too. Anyway, Djawadi's a long shot anyway. I know Djawadi fans are in the minority and I'm not a fan, per se, but I do love three things he's done. Iron Man, GoT and Pacific Rim. I've heard Tyler a lot too, seems to be doing a ton of things recently. Tyler isn't bad but he is a bit repetitive. Seeing as Tyler is pretty much taking over all Marvel music gigs, it would have been the perfect opportunity to let him provide additional music or even compose a few themes and leave the main thing to a big wig like Silvestri. I think Tyler's a decent composer, just not mature enough for something as big as this. And this does deserve something special.

the marvin
02-28-2015, 06:49 AM
And this does deserve something special.

I agree with you there! ;)

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
03-03-2015, 03:15 AM
This is going to be interesting.

Tyler doing classical styles. Elfman just being there.
I wonder if Elman's going to take on Ultron's themes while Tyler does the rest.

Or what.

Maybe Elfman's going to do the Hulkbuster action sequence.

Remember Elfman stole the entire production on Army of Darkness with just the one track?
Maybe we'll see a nice theme from Elfman in the same fashion as the millions of Ultron babies.

03-03-2015, 05:49 AM
Ugh. Poster is horrible. Too crowded. Photoshop run amok.

As for Elfman, it's not unusual for additional composers to contribute. Just watch for the music credits during the end titles and invariably you'll see an "additional music" credit. What's unusual is that the additional composers get any sort of public acknowledgement, which is what seems to have happened here.

03-03-2015, 06:07 AM
All I'm afraid of is another Prometheus.

That is, the additional guy manages to contribute the most iconic and by far the best compositions in the entire score. Then all it does is makes you wish why didn't the additional guy just take the helm or at least co-compose the thing.

Well, at this point it's all guesswork isn't it, anyone have a release date for the score for AoU?

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
03-03-2015, 07:31 AM
anyone have a release date for the score for AoU?

That's going to be guess work, too, at this point.
Until a date is actually announced.

We can speculate based on all other scores.
We can use past MCU scores as a basis.
Or Tyler's history.
Or Elfman's.
Or scores where there's more than one composer as a basis.

Maybe a month before the movie hits cinemas?
I think there was a couple times where a score was released nearly within 48 hours of the film hitting the cinemas.

I wonder if the director has any say in when a score gets released.
What did The Avengers do the last time?

03-06-2015, 07:13 PM
I wonder if the director has any say in when a score gets released.
What did The Avengers do the last time?

The first one's score had a same day release as the theatrical release in the US. If they're keeping the same date, maybe they'll do the same thing this time too. Bummer. Scores are so good at building up anticipation for the movie itself.

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
03-06-2015, 11:20 PM
Scores are so good at building up anticipation for the movie itself.

:this: I get more immersed into the film this way.