02-21-2015, 12:34 AM
So it was just an ordinary day for Penta, always eating and eating for his heart's content! Penko his girlfriend had enough of this, and told him straight up she's ditching him for the cooler, slimmer, sunglass wearing bastard Ginji. However Penko is giving him one last chance to go out there, and shape up his fat butt! However Ginji isn't going to make this easy for you! He sends out his henchman to obviously make your life harder! (That bastard!) Now Penta is going to prove Penko how much a fat penguin loves his girlfriend!

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This game is certainly weird! Then again Konami made a lot of weird titles usually really REALLY weird one offs! Which seems to be a running trend with Treasure as well actually! The game is a pretty straightfoward platformer although there are some shoot em up sections here and there. The primary objective is to complete each stage under a time limit without going over the threshold Penko is asking. Beating the game not only rewards you being nice and slim, but also winning the heart of Penko again! Awww~

Now the music is obviously that Konami sound during the NES/Famicom era. It's very happy, cheerful, and overall just catchy as hell! I wouldn't call this perfect as a whole, but considering I have this playing on my car while driving... yea.

02-21-2015, 09:33 AM
Thanks a lot!

02-22-2015, 02:37 AM
Was Hideo Kojima involved with this one as well? I was only aware of the MSX original, a really great game especially if you played it when it was first released. MSX lacked scrolling effects but Hideo & co managed to make it work.

02-22-2015, 04:24 AM
Was Hideo Kojima involved with this one as well? I was only aware of the MSX original, a really great game especially if you played it when it was first released. MSX lacked scrolling effects but Hideo & co managed to make it work.

From what information I dug up he was only involved with the sequel, Penguin Adventure. This was done by from what I can find an entirely new team. Though information on this game is pretty obscure. Plus I'm not super proficient in reading Japanese at the moment sadly.

02-22-2015, 06:07 AM
He wouldn't even give her a pebble to signify his love, who's the bastard now?

Anyway, thank you.