02-18-2015, 03:44 AM
It's seriously a shame we don't get games like this very often. Then again most companies are too focused on making things for "adults". However in 1988 someone in Konami thought space shooters were to samey, so to fix this we get... Parodius!

Parodius: The Octopus Saves the Earth! (MSX, PSP)

Download ( E2%96%A0.rar)

PSP Arranged Version (!+Arranged+Tra cks.rar)

Kinda a small shame not many people even know it's existence, but this game is the TRUE starting of the whole thing!... annnnnd it's pretty meh. I'll give them credit it's definitely trying to do something unconventional compared to other Shoot em' ups. Although I think it's mainly due to limited hardware that they couldn't really get a whole lot in, but of course the sequels and remake on the PSP fix this. The music doesn't hold up well either sadly (again sequels improve on this!) Also as a final note who ever thought making Rock-Paper-Scissors as a boss should get slapped! If you lose you have to restart the WHOLE stage again!! And believe me this game isn't a walk in the park either!

Parodius Da! From Myths to Laughter! (Arcade, PSX, Sega Saturn, PSP)

Download (!+-Shinwa+kara+Owarai+he-.rar)

After a subtle reference to Gradius 3 you'll immediately notice the drastic improvement over the original! Now this is were the series starts to shine. As with Konami tradition this game can get quite difficult, but what really stands out is the music; while I'm not the biggest fan of this game's music I definitely like it more than the MSX's!

Parodius (NES/Famicom)

Download (

It sucks none of these games made it out to America, but the PAL region was strangely lucky enough to get a couple of them this being one of few! Being on an NES it's still very enjoyable! Unfortunately much of many Shoot em' Ups suffered from serious slowdown, and this and few other ports (and sequel) suffered. How does the music hold up? Well it's Konami on the NES! Of course it's good!

Parodius (Game Boy)

Download (!.rar)

I've always wondered why they never ported any of the other games to handhelds of the time? To be fair for a Game Boy this is pretty dang good! It also has it's own unique stage to boot, and for some reason it list the ages of each character... Vic Viper is 55? Who knew!

Parodius Da! (Sharp X68000, PSP)

Download (!+From+Legends+to+Comedy.rar)

Well I was definitely wrong and right at the same time with this port. First off this is a one for one port of the original arcade, nothing new was added for this version. HOWEVER I was VERY wrong about the music. Although the only way I was able to listen to it originally was from gameplay footage, but now that I found the complete rip I can say this is some really fine stuff here! The choice of instruments here really make a lot of tracks very enjoyable! While it does try to replicate the arcade, I think for what it is I'm delighted to share this for you all! (Thanks to HyperKabuto for unintentionally helping me find the complete rip for this one!)

Parodius Da! (Pc Engine)

Download (!+From+Myths+to+Laughter.rar)

Sadly not everything can be winners, and this port is definitely the worst of them all. However this is only critiquing the sound everything else is just fine really! Heck it even has 3 original bosses exclusive to this port!

Parodius (Super Nintendo/Super Famicom)

Download (!.rar)

This version has it's own exclusive stage! Seriously what's with the exclusivity? Especially when you don't add them to later versions... *Cough*PSP*Cough* Sorry, I had something in my throat. Anyways it's pretty solid overall! However there's some choice of instruments that make certain songs a little too loud for my liking.

Gokujou Parodius (Arcade, PSX, Sega Saturn, PSP)

Download (

s(>o>)z Oh my lord... THIS... THIS is absolutely FANTASTIC!! Seriously I love this game a lot. Call me biased, but I have too much memories with this game. I'm even lucky enough to get the arcade machine itself as a birthday present. I don't know how to describe the music except than saying it's absolutely incredible. It's Bombastic Orchestra, it's quirky and catchy, and it really has a powerful presence to it. It was also released in Europe under the title "Fantastic Journey", and a fantastic journey it is! ;D I also forgot to mention the official soundtrack also contains some original arrangements, some Manzai feat. Hikaru & Akane, and some pretty sweet vocal work! Damn this game just keeps on giving doesn't it?

Gokujou Parodius (Super Famicom)

Download (

Other than the usual slowdown everything else is solid! This version even adds 3 new characters to play with!

Jikkyou Oshaberi Parodius (Super Famicom)

Part 1 ( +Part+1.rar)

Part 2 ( +Part+2.rar)

Jikkyo~ Oshaberi Parodiusu~! *Music Plays* ^w^ I love doing that! Anyway translated as "Chatting Parodius Live!" This game is quite the chatterbox indeed. Everything that goes on is announced by the talented Yanami Jouji. What's even better is the numerous amount of tributes to many of Konami's other titles right down to the music of course! Sadly if you never lived in Japan a lot of these homages might be a throw off. However it's always heartwarming to see this amount of love from companies. Just wish they do it more often and properly at least. (Also thank you Lefance for crediting the originally unnamed announcer for us!)

Jikkyou Oshaberi Parodius ~Forever With Me~ (PSX, Sega Saturn, PSP) Me!~.jpg

Download ( al+Game+Soundtrack.rar)

What the hell?! Merely almost a year after the original Konami went and updated it for the current new systems of the time! So what makes this different from the original you ask? Graphics are much more sharper, no slowdown (Thank god), Some extra minigames to play, A second female announcer voiced by Noriko Ohara is added when playing Co-op, and last but not least all the music is now in STANDARD AV CD QUALITY!! Plus entering the Konami code in stage 2 adds just another sprinkle of love to the fans~!

Sexy Parodius (Arcade, PSX, Sega Saturn, PSP)

Download (

Man they really went all out on this one haven't they? Despite showing numerous cases of nudity, this game is STILL labeled for kids! Not that I'm complaining really!~ The music is just even more ridiculous than before, I have a hard time deciding whether to love this or Gokujou more sometimes. One thing is for sure it's just absolute quality in every corner with this game, and it's always a pleasure~!

Paro Wars (PSX)

Download (

Now how do you go to a Strategy War game from a Shoot em' Up? I have absolutely NO idea honestly, but don't take this game for a fool it's VERY brutal, and NOT as easy it looks. (Don't give me that crud about Triple negatives either!) As for the music it's... pretty good, but nothing compared to the other titles. Still it's enjoyable that's important right?

Parodius Portable (PSP)

Download (

So in 2007 Konami did a compilation port of the 5 main titles of the series. No Paro Wars sadly. They also did a remake of the original Parodius on MSX. Strangely due to some copyright BS 7 tracks had to be changed, so why not go over them all?

1) Oh! Japanism! - For some reason they decided to use the same theme from Sexy when fighting Medusa. Except it sounds even worse really, but some part of this song still retains part of the original.

2) In the Crane Game - My favorite first stage now doesn't sound as good anymore... although to be fair it's not entirely awful.

3) Cooking Mambo - From what I understand this version is a remix of a Japanese cooking show's theme. It doesn't have that "HOOOWAAHOH!" the original had. *Sigh*

4) I Remember That! - Became "Brilliant2U" from DDR. I find this unfitting for some odd reason.

5) P-1 Gran Prix From Belkka - Now became a remix of a song called "Truth". At first I didn't like it, but listening to it again it's not bad. However it's not as excelerating as the original track. (Thanks to Discoalucard for telling me this exist!)

6) Pastoral March - According to Discoalucard the reason for the change is because the first 5 seconds is similar to a JPOP song that came out roughly the same time as Sexy. I find this incredibly stupid in some many ways it's not even funny...

7) Lovely Otohime - Now became a remix of "Korobushka", so no more Mayim Mayim. It's alright, but when I think of Kung-fu my mind doesn't immediately go to Russian Folktales.

The problem with these tracks is that none of them sound even remotely similar to other tracks for each game they're replaced in! Then again considering Konami's way of handling ports nowadays I'm not entirely surprised.

Kyuukyoku Parodius

Download (

The story revolves around a newcomer Pilot named "GYRE B Cross" who pilots the Vic Viper, so is he 55 or is the ship? According from what I'm hearing it takes place somewhere around Gokujou Parodius and recaps some minor things about the Takoyako War (Aka Parodius Da!) It also contains some minor character bios from Gokujou as well; Takosuke, Koitsu & Aitsu, Pentaro & Ohana, Mambo & Samba, and last but not least Vic Viper itself introduce themselves. Mambo and Samba do some comedy routines as well. Overall it's nothing particularly noteworthy, but it's certainly interesting!

Perfect Selection Parodius da!

Download (!+-Shinwa+kara+Owarai+he-.rar)

I may not like the original music, but holy moly these arrangements are something else! This is some REALLY fine quality of work here! Sadly they didn't do every stage, but the ones that are here is definitely worth checking out! Especially "From the Far North Country '90" That one is my personal favorite~! Now I dream of them one day doing Gokujou as well...

02-18-2015, 05:51 AM
Wow! What an great upload & Thread! I'm a huge fan of the series & this was a wonderful, huge surprise. Plus, it educated me on some of the versions I didn't know about.

Love it, love it, love it. Thanks for the sharing, info, love & upload. Nice job! :)


02-18-2015, 06:29 AM

02-18-2015, 07:43 AM
This is great! Thank you

02-18-2015, 09:45 AM
AW YISS!!! Thanks a lot!

02-18-2015, 03:39 PM
Thanks A Lots!! :)

La Grenouille
02-18-2015, 05:19 PM
Thanks a lot for this big share !!!

02-18-2015, 06:14 PM
Kyuukyoku Parodius is up! I also forgot to add Perfect Selection yesterday, so it's here now!

As a final note to you all I CANNOT do the Mobile ports, or the Pachinko games. Why? Well I can't find the data for the mobile games, or find any footage of them. So I couldn't tell if there's a difference really. As for the Pachinko games well the only realistic way I can (somehow) get them is if someone (or myself by a miracle) happens to rip the music off of the original motherboards of those things, or Konami actually releasing an official soundtrack for them. Though considering I haven't heard anything of it we'll probably never get them sadly. Who knows strange things can happen am I right?

02-18-2015, 06:22 PM
"This game is quite the chatterbox indeed. Everything that goes on is announced by an unnamed yet very energetic announcer."

He is the legendary Yanami Jouji, maybe best known from Yatterman as Boyacky:
J?ji Yanami - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (

Awesome collection. Got them all! Thank you.

02-18-2015, 08:34 PM
Thanks for that !
Perfect post !!

02-19-2015, 04:41 AM
Carbyken, Parodius Da ! (X68000) = MIDI Power X68000 Collection ver.1.0 ( , This is X68000 MIDI version !

02-19-2015, 03:27 PM
Carbyken, Parodius Da ! (X68000) = MIDI Power X68000 Collection ver.1.0 ( , This is X68000 MIDI version !

Everything added! Hope you all enjoy it! Now if you excuse me I need to take a nap~!

02-20-2015, 03:31 AM
while "Pastoral March" was for some odd reason Rerearranged(?). Why? I have no honest clue really!

The opening (first few seconds of the song) is taken from the Japanese pop song "Hokkaido wa doko ni aru? Koko ni aru!" by Gontiti. All of the music changed was from songs that are most likely not in the public domain, and this was a relatively recent song, so they rearranged the whole track. Note that it's pretty similar except for the intro.

I've been trying to find an MP3 of that song for comparison but had no luck.

02-20-2015, 04:06 AM
The opening (first few seconds of the song) is taken from the Japanese pop song "Hokkaido wa doko ni aru? Koko ni aru!" by Gontiti. All of the music changed was from songs that are most likely not in the public domain, and this was a relatively recent song, so they rearranged the whole track. Note that it's pretty similar except for the intro.

I've been trying to find an MP3 of that song for comparison but had no luck.

Wait how recent are you talking about? Because if it was this recently then that's pretty stupid in my opinion. Also funny you mention that apparently Cooking Mambo in Portable is a slight remix of a theme for a Cooking show in Japan! I can understand for the other tracks most classical music are pretty heavy under copyright. Still the important thing is we have the original and the altered, SO TAKE THAT COPY-*We're sorry this thread will be locked down for copyright.*

... Small jokes aside this song you mentioned do you know what album it came from? Because now you have me curious honestly.

02-20-2015, 04:20 AM
Wait how recent are you talking about? Because if it was this recently then that's pretty stupid in my opinion. Also funny you mention that apparently Cooking Mambo in Portable is a slight remix of a theme for a Cooking show in Japan! I can understand for the other tracks most classical music are pretty heavy under copyright. Still the important thing is we have the original and the altered, SO TAKE THAT COPY-*We're sorry this thread will be locked down for copyright.*

... Small jokes aside this song you mentioned do you know what album it came from? Because now you have me curious honestly.

Well, here's a sample:

???????? | Sony Music (

It's from 1995. You can hear how the melody is similar. Not similar enough to be infringing, in my opinion (though I'm not a copyright lawyer by any stretch) but I guess they wanted to play it safe.\

The race theme from the 32-bit versions of Jikkyou Oshaberi Parodius were also changed, since it was too close to the song actually used to advertise the F1 races back in the 90s.

02-20-2015, 04:30 AM
Well, here's a sample:

???????? | Sony Music (

It's from 1995. You can hear how the melody is similar. Not similar enough to be infringing, in my opinion (though I'm not a copyright lawyer by any stretch) but I guess they wanted to play it safe.

I'll take your word for it because the thing won't play on my end. Grrr.

The race theme from the 32-bit versions of Jikkyou Oshaberi Parodius were also changed, since it was too close to the song actually used to advertise the F1 races back in the 90s.

Really? I swear to god trying to rip music is never as simple as just locating the files! Though I was curious as to where that track went since I didn't find it there. I did find it on youtube actually, but it sounds so... boring.

02-20-2015, 05:00 AM
Really? I swear to god trying to rip music is never as simple as just locating the files! Though I was curious as to where that track went since I didn't find it there. I did find it on youtube actually, but it sounds so... boring.
Yeah this is the Jikkyou Oshaberi song:

Here's the song it's an homage to:

Again, it's different enough but clearly inspired by it. The replacement track is really boring.

On the other hand, I think it makes sense they got rid of "That's the Way I Like It", since it's very close to the original.

02-20-2015, 02:48 PM
Here's the song it's an homage to:

Again, it's different enough but clearly inspired by it. The replacement track is really boring.

Yea, not something I would use for something meant for fast pace action AT ALL!

On the other hand, I think it makes sense they got rid of "That's the Way I Like It", since it's very close to the original.

Parody is rolling in its grave so much it became the new fastest thing alive apparently.

Parodius Portable is back! I made sure and checked to see if there's any other changed track. Thankfully this should be the last time I need to update that!

04-02-2015, 08:18 PM
Someone have some link with FLAC format ?
MP3 is banned from my PC :)

10-14-2015, 12:27 AM
A pity what they did with some copyrighted songs... but thanks anyway!

05-02-2016, 10:43 PM
The Parodious Super Nintendo / Super Famicom album link is not working, could you reupload the album, please?

05-20-2016, 03:09 PM
The Parodious Super Nintendo / Super Famicom album link is not working, could you reupload the album, please?

Should be fine now. Not sure why it relinked to something else really.

06-04-2016, 01:05 AM
INCREDIBLE collection. Thanks for sharing!

07-26-2016, 01:26 PM
Thanks TC for this post !

...however, is it me or the link for "Gokujou Parodius (Arcade, PSX, Sega Saturn, PSP)" and "Gokujou Parodius (Super Famicom)" are the same ?

Edit : any chance to fix this ?