11-16-2004, 12:52 AM
I've been trying to put this game into words for a few days now, and failing - everything about it is just a perfect continuation from the first. I loved Halo's storyline, and Halo 2 kept me even more enthralled...

A lot of people didn't like the cliffhanger ending, but I do. It means that Halo 3 will be a lot closer than people think. If I had to put money down, i'd say it will be a launch game for the Xbox Next.

The most controversial part of the game is no doubt The Arbiter. Personally, I was enthralled in the Covenant storyline, and The Arbiter himself is almost as cool as the Master Chief. In the first game, the Covenant were little more than cannon fodder - now, we begin to understand their background. And compared to the Brutes, the Elites are far more civil.

The best part of the game, forgoing the storyline, is simply Xbox Live. I have never had a more fulfilling online experience. The matchmaking system really does work (even though it can take up to a minute to find players for me - distance issues from the server). No lag whatsoever, even on a 512kb adsl connection - it's going to fly on my 1500kb cable. The levels are well designed, Blood Gulch makes a welcome return (with a new name - Coagulation) and the new weapons make killing your friends even more satisfying.

Is it the best game on the Xbox? In my opinion, no. Knights of the Old Republic still holds that honour. But is it the best game in the genre? Most definately, yes.

11-16-2004, 12:54 AM
Wait... it takes you a minute to find a matchmaking game? It takes me at least 5 minutes! ;_;

11-16-2004, 02:39 AM
The ending was so underwhelming. As was the final boss.

is it the best game in the genre? Most definately, yes.

Good god man, play another FPS than Halo. CoD, Halflife 2 (it's technically the 16th here, so hah!), hell, halflife 1. Halo 2 is great fun, but has so many bad bits. The lift man. THE LIFT.

11-16-2004, 02:46 AM
Good god man, play another FPS than Halo.

CoD, Halflife 2 (it's technically the 16th here, so hah!), hell, halflife 1. Halo 2 is great fun, but has so many bad bits. The lift man. THE LIFT.

Call of Duty - it just seemed like Battlefield 1942 wrapped in a more cohesive story to me. I've never been a real fan of war games.

Half-Life 2 - it's been technically the 16th here for 12 hours, but I have no money left... no HL 2 for Lee ;_;

Half-Life - I have to agree, it would be a close competition. But Half-Life's story wasn't as compelling for me - I wanted to play through Halo 2, and I struggled through Half-Life 1. The only place where Half-Life trumps Halo 2 is it's extreme flexibility in multiplayer.

I should have rephrased though - in my opinion, it's the best FPS. My personal favourite, anyway.

11-16-2004, 03:52 AM
I like the game where you hit someone and they go "YOU BASTARD!" :(

Halo 2 does that.

11-16-2004, 04:20 AM
Haha - the scripting is brilliant.

"Did you see that? He wanted MY gun!"

11-16-2004, 04:24 AM
"I heard that you jackass."

11-16-2004, 04:48 AM
Actually, I was talking about Xbox Live.....

But sure, whatever!

11-24-2004, 01:34 PM
am i the only one who seems to think it was a let down......i feel so alone

11-24-2004, 08:34 PM
Maybe it's because.... You're a sad loner that never plays with other people? :(

Btw: Lee! Get on Xbox Live and accept my friend request dang it >:O

11-24-2004, 11:37 PM
I can't until I get my internet connection up and running - I was playing at my friends house the other day. This Saturday arvo, I promise :D

40k Tarnag Dark Assasin
11-26-2004, 03:29 AM
It's good but the story sucks

Note i read the story play the game at the gamers club and don't have an xbox

i only like the ablity to have duel smgs besides that it's as good not the first
the smg's yea the smg's i'm A dork

In an army balance is the key to success...oh duh shit head

11-26-2004, 04:27 AM
Halo 2 ruled. it was soo good me and my friend both beat it the day after it came out. the story was ok. the fact that u are master chief and the arbiter in an intertwining story was pretty cool

the cliffhanger ending really agrivated me tho because i felt like i needed more it was to short

as for the xbox live experience of it....i havent done it on XBOX live yet so .....ill wait till then to tell you about my views on the multi

05-28-2013, 04:48 AM
Good old halo 2

Darth Revan
05-28-2013, 04:55 AM
richardb, please check the date of the last post BEFORE posting. Do NOT revive dead threads, as this one hasn't had any activity since November 2004!

Closing thread.