02-15-2015, 08:47 AM
For making proper lossless, I always followed this in the past. Thread 91868

But is there any other good tool native to linux? I've seen folks here use some other software. What do you use, if it's not windows and you're not using EAC?

Or should I emulate windows on linux and use EAC on linux too? (Are there any bugs with the most recent EAC version running on Wine?) Is rubyripper anygood? What else is there besides rubyripper?

Why I'm asking: the most recent EAC does not work work with Wine/Crossover in linux. Won't detect CD drive. Apparently the 0.99 beta is the only EAC that works on linux but that's years old.

If people here use mostly rubyripper on linux, what is the correct way to configure it, to get proper flac compression and correct log lifes? Should I generate a .cue? Should I look up my drive in Accurip database and input correction offset?