11-15-2004, 06:51 PM
I'm suprised that hthere hasn't been a thread for Halo 2 far as my opinion...I don't like it...

Darth Pepper
11-15-2004, 08:00 PM
I heard Master Chief is gay.
Just a rumor though.....

As for the game it's nothing special. I played it at my friends, and quiclky beat it out of my system, now I have no desire to play it anymore.

11-15-2004, 11:59 PM
Halo II ish, erm, well.. I hate the ending...and I hate the fact that you *SPOILERS*

Don't mention anything during or after the level "The Arbiter" in this thread.

11-16-2004, 12:44 AM
Moving - this thread will be used for NON-SPOILER DISCUSSION OF HALO 2.

Do not mention anything after or during Level 3, "The Arbiter".

11-16-2004, 12:47 AM
Oh... like when Master Chief took off his head and scared the Arbiter? >:O

Just jokin.

11-16-2004, 04:55 AM
Halo 2 is all about the Multiplay namely Xbox live and it is a lot of fun.

11-18-2004, 07:02 AM
IT should be on the PC dammit! Multiplayer FPS should be on the pc damnit! It ain't fun playing it on the console!

11-18-2004, 07:17 AM
It ain't fun playing it on the console!
I disagree.

11-18-2004, 07:18 AM
IT should be on the PC dammit! Multiplayer FPS should be on the pc damnit! It ain't fun playing it on the console!

I think you're a PC elitist and should die, kthxbye.

P.S. I've played and finished Halo (1) on both the PC and Xbox - and the Xbox controllers are far better suited to Halo. Other FPS not so much, but Bungie know what they're doing.

11-18-2004, 07:41 AM
Actually, I perfer the PC setup for Halo....

But yeah, Bungie said it themselves: No Halo 2 for PC... ever.

11-18-2004, 03:03 PM
Everbody I know has said either Halo 2 is excellent or shit no one has said it was average and my mate told me its sold over 20 million copies. Live on Halo is amazing and no the Master Chief isn't gay

Darth Pepper
11-18-2004, 05:02 PM
Everbody I know has said either Halo 2 is excellent or shit no one has said it was average and my mate told me its sold over 20 million copies. Live on Halo is amazing and no the Master Chief isn't gay
I think it's average.

11-19-2004, 04:34 AM
But yeah, Bungie said it themselves: No Halo 2 for PC... ever.


I remember Bungie saying "No Halo for PC... ever!"

And then Microsoft was like "I own your soul."

I'm bettingg middle of next year for the PC release - any takers?

11-19-2004, 05:19 AM

OMG Hogan = clever.

11-19-2004, 11:17 PM
Yet again one of the most ridiculously overrated games of all time. In the shadow of halflife 2 it is a weak, unimpressive game, bar the multiplayer aspect, which seems to have had more effort put into it than the singleplayer game.

11-21-2004, 06:46 AM
I played Halo 2 with my sister. We beat it in two days. I didn't really like it. I just want to know what happens and then be finished with it. Unfortunately now, because I played it with one sister, another wants to play it. Who can play it on legendary?

I don't see how Master Chief could be gay.

11-21-2004, 08:05 PM
well i actually quite enjoyed Halo 2, and how Bungie has set the scene for Halo 3

11-21-2004, 10:21 PM
well i actually quite enjoyed Halo 2, and how Bungie has set the scene for Halo 3
Two of my friends beat it the day they got it. It is short with only 15 levels

11-22-2004, 12:59 AM
Yet again one of the most ridiculously overrated games of all time. In the shadow of halflife 2 it is a weak, unimpressive game, bar the multiplayer aspect, which seems to have had more effort put into it than the singleplayer game.

As far as I know, it's the only reason anyone bought it.

11-22-2004, 01:39 AM
Yeah, no one gives a crap about campaign. It may look very nice but multiplayer is really the reason why anyone would want to play it.

Half Life 2 seems to go the otherway... but eh there is no Half Life 2 Multiplayer!

11-22-2004, 12:40 PM
I like campaign on legendary its more of a challenge then the other one but then again as you pointed out multiplayer is excellent

11-22-2004, 06:37 PM
I don't know about you, but I bought the game for it's campaign mode...and I was not let down.

11-23-2004, 03:36 AM
Two of my friends beat it the day they got it. It is short with only 15 levels
it's quite lengthy for an FPS.

11-23-2004, 01:30 PM
I don't know about you, but I bought the game for it's campaign mode...and I was not let down.

It could do with more marines or something. I just feel that something is lacking but I don'y know what

11-23-2004, 02:20 PM
I think that Halo II, is not as good as people give it credit for, its a good game dont get me wrong but you shoudn't go out and buy an X-Box just for this game like many, many people have. I am just tired of people asking if I bought it or when im geting it, and when I say I dont want it "Im a moron", I dont have a X-Box but people demand I buy one just for this game but thanks anyway, Ill stick with my PS2.

By the way, there is a Halo for PS2 Its just not as great all around as Halo its called Tribes Arial Assult.

I am also new to these forums, and hope I can be a good voice in the community, and my spelling is horriable please excuse it sometimes.

11-23-2004, 02:26 PM
Learn to speel tings correktly man.

Anyway, i think halo 2 is a fine game, nothing wrong with it. It isnt superb though.

11-23-2004, 02:43 PM
When I got it I rented it out as I didn'y have the cash to buy it and completed it in two days so it or the next one needs to be a lot longer. Does anyone know when the next one is out?

11-24-2004, 12:50 AM
I think that Halo II, is not as good as people give it credit for, its a good game dont get me wrong but you shoudn't go out and buy an X-Box just for this game like many, many people have. I am just tired of people asking if I bought it or when im geting it, and when I say I dont want it "Im a moron", I dont have a X-Box but people demand I buy one just for this game but thanks anyway, Ill stick with my PS2.

By the way, there is a Halo for PS2 Its just not as great all around as Halo its called Tribes Arial Assult.

I am also new to these forums, and hope I can be a good voice in the community, and my spelling is horriable please excuse it sometimes.
Tribes isn't like Halo at all. Also if you are big shooter fan just about every shooter in general is better on the X-Box.

11-24-2004, 07:20 AM
i thought halo 2 was actually a let down i mean the whole *SPOILERS SNIPPED* the weapons wernt all that great either and the endy was kinda easy and inconclusive.
other than that the game was great especially the vechiles

Raidenex: Maybe you didn't like the story, but you shouldn't ruin it for other people. Do not post anything in regards to any mission from Mission 3: The Arbiter onwards. There is another thread for Halo 2 spoiler discussion.


11-24-2004, 11:13 AM
Wait, people actually PLAY Tribes Aerial Assault? The worse online FPS game in the world because it's lack of ANY communication to your teammates?

Really, as much as Bungie worked on Campaign/Single Player, it is pretty much known that most FPS are all about playing with other people in death matches or capture the flag or what have you. However, Bungie made that extra effort to make Halo into something than "another FPS".

I have yet to see a FPS that can over take Halo in what it has done with the gamers of the world (This is all my opinion.) Half Life 2 fails in the multiplayer department... it doesn't have one. Counter-Strike Source comes in as the Multiplayer Area of Half Life 2. Not only that, you can't just grab friends from down the block and have a fun game with the PC environment. Halo 2 is a console game and with that added advantage, it becomes a party favorite with nachos and pizza.

Lets talk about campaign... first emphasis is the music. The music gets you revved up that it even works in Multiplayer. Buy a copy of the soundtrack and listen to it as you frag your friends to death, it makes you the shotgun king. Second, everything you can do in campaign and so many ways you can take things. You'll experience different things when you play through Halo 2 again and again. Heck, you might find some way to go around what was making you stuck the first time around. Third, that Legendary Mode... try beating that if you're not satisfied with Halo 2. This will make you drop the controller in fustration to go through a part... but it feels so damn GREAT to finally pass an area you've been stuck on for hours.

Basically what I'm saying is that there are those who expect too much from Halo 2. It's a great game and if you're only touching the surface, you'll never experience what Halo 2 is made for. You got single player, you got split screen, you have co-op, you have Xbox Live, you have system link. If you got a broadband connection and don't want to pay for live, you got XBConnect and Xlink Kai which can tunnel your Xbox to another Xbox for online play without the cost for Live.

Face it, Halo 2 ISN'T Normal Mode in Campaign. Halo 2.. or even Halo itself is a cult thing now. It's what Final Fantasy is right now, it's a huge thing in the gaming world and it simply cannot be ignored. There will be nay sayers, there will be those that are disappointed... so what? All games have em, Final Fantasy has em. To fully embrace Halo, you must know your community and you got to enjoy playing with other people. Some aren't that serious about Halo, that's okay. I play with my friends every weekend and sometimes I go back to my old High School for tournaments and so on.

And I haven't beaten the game yet and I know a lot of fans that acted negatively to the end of Halo 2. I mean... it's a game, it's a story, I've read many books that ended just like Halo 2, I've even seen movies that ended up like Halo 2 and they never even got a sequel. But, Halo 2 has exceeded a lot of things that we've seen in current games and that right there is already enough to say "Give me Halo 3"

11-24-2004, 11:35 AM
Bringing up Tribes Aerial Assault wasn't a very good way to make a point. I love the Tribes games, but that's the bastard stepchild of the series.

grn apple tree
11-26-2004, 09:06 PM
halo 2 is fun but i dunno i just suck at those games so it's not as fun since i'm dead half the time i play it... my friend has x box and halo 2...

11-28-2004, 02:16 AM
I think you're a PC elitist and should die, kthxbye.

P.S. I've played and finished Halo (1) on both the PC and Xbox - and the Xbox controllers are far better suited to Halo. Other FPS not so much, but Bungie know what they're doing.

Okay, I'm not a PC elitist and I'm sorry If I come across that way........ BUt it is kinda hard to not sund that way when all the good games are coming out on consoles and there is a Dearth of Ideas for Pc games.......... About the Control systems..... I have to try it out for myself yet so yeah maybe I'm a bit biased but how in the world did you guys ever use the Console control to shoot down the Drones and the flying Elites? Just do it is it?

11-28-2004, 08:25 AM
Okay, I'm not a PC elitist and I'm sorry If I come across that way........ BUt it is kinda hard to not sund that way when all the good games are coming out on consoles and there is a Dearth of Ideas for Pc games.......... About the Control systems..... I have to try it out for myself yet so yeah maybe I'm a bit biased but how in the world did you guys ever use the Console control to shoot down the Drones and the flying Elites? Just do it is it?

All the good games are coming out on consoles? I don't think so - Half-Life 2, easily the best game released recently (it kicks San Andreas and Halo 2 into the dust) is a PC-only exclusive - and liable to stay that way for quite some time.

As for control, it's a matter of adjusting the sensitivity - the right analog stick can be as responsive as a mouse. It's just the matter of getting used to using your thumb instead of your entire hand. That said, the Drones and the Flying Elites were a huge pain in the arse.

11-28-2004, 08:50 AM
All the good games are coming out on consoles? I don't think so - Half-Life 2, easily the best game released recently (it kicks San Andreas and Halo 2 into the dust) is a PC-only exclusive - and liable to stay that way for quite some time.

As for control, it's a matter of adjusting the sensitivity - the right analog stick can be as responsive as a mouse. It's just the matter of getting used to using your thumb instead of your entire hand. That said, the Drones and the Flying Elites were a huge pain in the arse.not even a mild discomfort in the ares, imo.

Personally I don't see how anyone can aim with a mouse. =(

11-29-2004, 02:08 AM
Halo 2 is horrible. Half-life2 kicks so much ass.
^200 dollar Xbox^^2,000 dollar computer^
Your call.

11-30-2004, 02:10 PM
All the good games are coming out on consoles? I don't think so - Half-Life 2, easily the best game released recently (it kicks San Andreas and Halo 2 into the dust) is a PC-only exclusive - and liable to stay that way for quite some time.

As for control, it's a matter of adjusting the sensitivity - the right analog stick can be as responsive as a mouse. It's just the matter of getting used to using your thumb instead of your entire hand. That said, the Drones and the Flying Elites were a huge pain in the arse.

I mean You seen one of the Fps and you have seen them all. All the recent Fps that have been Released or about to be released havre similar content. IT always seem to be about this guy who is to save the world from Aliens/Zombies/evil demons........... and he has to use rifle/grenades/rocket launcher/sniper rifle to kill the evil boss......... Does that sound okay?

I tried to play the original Half life on the PS2.......... needless to say I didn't like it very Much........... too much Psycho-motor skills involved for me to handle

not even a mild discomfort in the ares, imo.

Personally I don't see how anyone can aim with a mouse. =(

I don't know, just use the mouse to aim, Changing the sensitivity to suit your movement though.