11-14-2004, 11:26 PM
hey ppl
is anyone interested in competing in an art contest?
and most importantly, am i allowed to hold one on this forum?

11-15-2004, 07:53 AM
Nothing wrong with a contest. What are the terms?

11-16-2004, 07:40 AM
... so many ppl interested. anyhow, here is a description of the contest, rules, etc.

first, it will be a monthly contest. every month there will be a new theme, and new rules for what kind and entries we'll expect ( i.e medium, style, etc). This contest is based on a principle holding that an artist should be able to expand his art into different mediums and styles.

basic rules of the contest: all participants are allowed to submit up to three entries. the entries must be submited before the deadline set. all entries are to be emailed to me, at [email protected]. I will then upload the onto a website, where the judges will be able to analyse and rate them.
in this contest nudity is allowed, as it is a form of art, and because the human body is a beautiful thing. however, obscene entires are not allowed and will be automatically disqualified. also, entries that do not comply with the rules and themes of the contest, will be disqualified. when such disqualifications occur, the author will be notified. if authors continue to submit invalid entries, and if the act is regarded as a method of mocking, the author will be disqualified. If the author is disqualified in that way in at least two contests, he/she will be prohibited to paricipate in any future contests.

judging will be made by a team of judges. as it is, judges are not allowed to participate in the contest while they are judging. however, i have a scheme in mind that might just make it possible for them to participate and judge at the same time. Judges will be presented the artwork after the deadline and after all entries are submitted. The entries will be anonymous to the judges, in other words, they will not be told who drew them. A code will be given to all entries. this step is taken so that there will be a less likelyhood of bias. judging rules will change with each contest, and both the judges and participants will be infromed about what they are.
if anyone wishes to judge, please email me at [email protected] , or just express your desire in this thread

by participation, the author agrees that the entries will be uploaded on a website for the purpose of judging and then public viewing after the contest ends. the artwork will remain posted for at least one full week after the end of the contest, after which the author might request for it to be removed from the website. the artwork will not be used by me in any other way that stated above without the permision of the author. the author also agrees that if the artwork is used by anybody other than me or the author without aquiring permision from he author, i will not be held liable for those violations.

these are only tentative rules and might change
if anyone has suggestion are free to email me at [email protected] or just post it on this thread.

as for the the first contest
since next month is xmass, the theme will drawing a santa. in this first contests, entries can be made on any possible medium. entreies should have, yet are not required, to have a background
- judging will be as following:
- the entries will be judged from four perspectives.
a) skill and talent
b) creativity
c) level of detail
d) overall beauty
-judges will rate all entries from all 4 perspectives. the rating will be out of ten. the score should be an integer. ( i.e only {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10} and not 6.7 for example.)
- 0 is given for meaningless submissions, 5 for average and 10 for masterpiece
- deadline is 16th of december.

best of wishes


11-23-2004, 03:01 AM
so is anybody interested in this or should i delete it?

11-23-2004, 03:24 AM
Not wishing to be all rainy on the parade but we've had these before and they've flopped.

11-23-2004, 08:57 AM
You seriously overcomplicated the whole thing. That's way too many hoops to jump through.

11-23-2004, 08:58 AM
hmm... I'll consider it

11-23-2004, 10:33 PM
here's something I sketch you can rank it 5 or something

kinda messed up oh well...

sorry I double posted

11-23-2004, 10:43 PM
Yuki, those are really good, I like the first one, but the theme is santa.
thanks here's another

11-25-2004, 06:20 PM
You seriously overcomplicated the whole thing. That's way too many hoops to jump through.

first of all, i don't think its too complicated. the level of complexity had to be what it is because i wouldn't want anybody to be clueless about one aspect or another. the second reason for the complexity is that this contest should be fair by all means.

again, i don't think it is too complex, all that it is required by you pretty much is to draw what you are required to, given you want to and you can do it (not suggestion the lack of ability, but the lack of medium). i cannot see what's so complex.

all it requires is that people be serious about it... which seems to be a problem,

Vyvyan Not wishing to be all rainy on the parade but we've had these before and they've flopped.

anyway, the contest is off.

if enough people are intersted in, i will resume it. but since i think the real problem is that it is not a contest for anime/manga style art. which is really a shame, as artists' talent shouldn't be limited to copying another's style.

that's all i had to say

this thread should be closed and deleted after a couple of days



ps: yuki, those are lovely drawings, but plz don't post them in here anymore. its a lack of respect, more than humurous mischief. chilllaxz

11-25-2004, 07:08 PM
Christmas would have been a better theme than just "santa". And a google image search of christmas and anime has a lot of results! Well, anyways, since you've given up on the contest, how about posting some of your art?

11-26-2004, 07:23 AM
Christmas would have been a better theme than just "santa". And a google image search of christmas and anime has a lot of results! Well, anyways, since you've given up on the contest, how about posting some of your art?

maybe xmass would have been better, but it was not what i was looking for. I was intersted in the degree of creativity people can put forth when drawing a very well defined charcter like santa.
and any santa theme is arguably an xmass theme, the difference being in variation (xmass would have the bigger one).

as for my art, i haven't drawn anything in years, but i will have to resume drawing for a portfolio due in march. I will post any new artwork in a separate thread, however.

11-26-2004, 07:37 AM
That's probably what Prak meant by overcomplicating things. Partly. You have a strong idea of what you want for the contest, but nothing really interesting to get people to draw something for it. Getting people to participate takes precedence over anything else at a forum like this, where not a lot of people come by, and many that do aren't and don't intend to be serious artists/have no interest in competition for its own sake.

11-26-2004, 07:56 AM
That's probably what Prak meant by overcomplicating things. Partly. You have a strong idea of what you want for the contest, but nothing really interesting to get people to draw something for it. Getting people to participate takes precedence over anything else at a forum like this, where not a lot of people come by, and many that do aren't and don't intend to be serious artists/have no interest in competition for its own sake.

yep, and i had to discover that for myself. its really a shame that noone seems to be willing to deviate from the normal... i think a better word would be usual. doesn't matter. if people think that drawing the same thing over and over again is intersting, then its a problem. i have see enough anime drawings by amateurs to know what im talking about.
thats why if you head at deviantart.com you'll see that they have this contest called inspiration, if i remember correctly, which is targeting the revival of original artwork and ideas. every single new artwork revolves around an idea or more that have already been done before. its pretty hard to believe that there is a limited number of options of what one can draw about. an easier solution is that artists get emotinally tied to an idea and are somewhat stubborn and unwilling to try anything else. imagine i had said " this months theme is Himura kenshin" . this whole thread would've been about a different story.
enough critique



11-26-2004, 09:00 AM
I didn't say anything about anime or whatnot in my post. I said you created a pretty particular contest and didn't give anyone reason to enter. That has nothing to do with anime. It's silly to complain about originality in art when you want people to do a santa drawing for the christmas season. It's a certainty that more artists, whether amateur or not will be working on a santa drawing of some kind now, rather than a kenshin drawing. Just because you happen to find yourself in that one corner of the net where everyone likes anime doesn't change that fact, and it's ridiculous to say "people don't like my very conventional unoriginal idea for a theme, they probably would rather do some other kind of conventional unoriginal work." Seriously. If you tell someone that draws "anime" style to draw a santa themed picture, what do you think you'll get? An "anime" styled santa. What sort of achievement is that? Originality in art is not just about themes, it's about approach. Someone could make the most kickass creative picture of Kenshin ever, and someone would bitch about it because he is an "anime character".

People ignoring your contest is not based on their personal obsession with anime. It was just an uninteresting idea, with no real challenge to its theme, and no real incentive for anyone to join, that was presented to a community with a small collection of artists, most of whom are not serious about their work.

11-26-2004, 03:13 PM
you are right, this contest was too uninteresting for the people here. hey, the good thing is that i learned something new.
lets juts leave it like that for now, cuz debating over it won't do any good.

i apologise to anyone who might have got offended by my previous post. offence was my my intention.



12-05-2004, 09:38 PM
This was actually in interesting read, way to debate guys...