02-10-2015, 12:31 AM
I love the Game Boy Color. It provided me some of my personal favorite times during my life. 2 games in particular REALLY defined that time, and it's not Pokemon Gen 2 either!

Mario Tennis

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This game I definitely played the most. (and still do!) Even though it can get drawn out and rather challenging later; hell it even boils my blood at times, but it never stops me from putting the game down. The soundtrack itself lives up wonderfully as well! High-pumping & just plain catchy is the best way I can really describe it. I can almost say it's perfect, buuut- oh who am I kidding it's perfect in my eyes at least!

Mario Golf

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This game back then for me was a stress reliever. Usually when I get to a point to ripping my hair out during some matches in Tennis I would jump to this, and relax. While Golf may not be my favorite sport in the world this game definitely makes it slightly more intuitive to keep me glued. However I was more use to playing Tennis, so going to this game can be a serious pace breaker to some extent. Not calling it bad mind you, but I'm sure you know where I'm getting at. Although the music is a different story! While it does have a more laid back feel to it I actually like that. It still has that pumping feel to it, and once again it's just a joy to my ears! Granted that could be nostalgia talking, buuuuut.... who cares it's my nostalgia~! And if you don't like it... grab some beer, and we'll play a game of Ping-pong!

Also if you're wondering why I used the Japanese covers... well for Tennis they're both the same only the US version cropped it. Now if I can find the original image in good quality that would make me happy. As for golf it's more or less the same as the US except this one uses a sketch drawing of Mario rather than a cropped image of the 64's cover. Plus it shows the faces of the main characters that you can play during story mode.

02-10-2015, 09:59 AM
Thanks a lot!

06-07-2016, 01:40 AM
Thank you for these rare OSTs.