02-09-2015, 09:58 PM
Would anyone maybe so nice and upload all Pokemon Super Music collections that have been released on iTunes for Americans in the last months?
Maybe anyone bought them all and can share them in a easy to access thread with a list.
Its kinda annoying looking the whole web for every collection and then finding it down or not finding it at all.
A collection in one thread would be nice.

Thank this soul who maybe does this. ^^

02-11-2015, 01:08 AM
I've got the X and Y Super Music Collection, but that's all. Do you care if it's just one of them, or would you prefer them all at once? It's 320kbps, MP3, tagged with album art.

It's not necessarily the iTunes version, it's the four disc set, but it should still be identical to the iTunes ones, song for song.

02-11-2015, 06:23 PM
Thanks for the offer but the X Y collection is often enough uploaded.
Maybe I will do it myself once.
I have all Pokemon Soundtracks in Flac (Discs) now.
Im not really into uploading and it would take days for me with my upload speed.
And the tagging is a lot of work too...
Well maybe who knows.
More looking like for a complete collection, not just a single soundtrack.