02-01-2002, 01:51 AM
These are some really short poems that I wrote a bit back.


This is a Haiku,
This here is the second line,
And here is the third...


This poem has only one line,
Okay, maybe I lied...


A message in a bottle floats in the ocean,
But why should that concern me?


The missiles blow us all away,
And that is why we deserve it...

So what do you think of them? I don't particularly care to know if you like them or not. I'm more interested in hearing what you think my poems may mean. (Collectively, individually, or any combonation of the two.)

02-22-2002, 08:39 PM

I'm going to attempt a love poem,
I've bent over backwards for you,
How about you bend over forward for me,
Okay, no more love poems.


They say the soul is lost,
They say it can't be found,
Well, thank God it aint mine...


This here is iambic pentameter,
But this isn't...


This isn't much of a poem,
I'm not Shakespear or anything.

02-22-2002, 08:53 PM
I like the first one lmao, I wrote something like that at one point.. lost it too

02-22-2002, 09:09 PM
Haha, extremly short but kinda funny. Nothing really poetic about those, but they are still good.

02-28-2002, 12:50 AM
They are too, poetic. Whatever the case, I'll just post some more.

*Orphan's Dilemma*

It comes along,
With the morning sun.

Should I fight,
Or should I run?

If I face the beast,
I face certain death,
But if I retreat,
I'll have nothing left.

If I fight and If I die,
I'll be remembered In no one's eyes.

If I leave, having never fought,
All hopes and dreams will die, them having meant naught.

I don my sheild,
Ready my spear,
And fiddle with all my other gear.

I fill my skins
And check my pack,
For if I leave, I won't look back.

If I live,
I live in shame.
I lose all honor
And lose all fame.

If I die,
I die in shame.
No one will mourn me
Or honor my name.

I try to think, to choose which one,
As I look unto the rising sun.

The day of struggle is at hand.
This will be my final stand.

What is said is said.
What is done is done.

So, should I fight,
Or should I run?

[[May it be recorded in the anals of time, that this is my 100th post]]

09-13-2002, 01:30 AM
These are some Haikus I wrote a long time ago. I guess I'll post 'em here.

I will write haikus,
Until I can think no more,
Of cool things to write.

I am a peanut.
Crack open my fragile shell,
And remove my soul.

I am the fruit bat,
That will eat the ripened fruit,
That birds will ignore.

The men kill the bats.
It's the birds that dammage crops,
But men blame the bats.

I seek the true rose.
In a bush of saphire blooms.
She is my desire.

Brave knight of the blade,
Defend your love and honor,
From all who attack.

Rage against the black,
Loneliness as dark as space,
Absolute zero.

How can I escape,
From the dungeon that holds me?
Life is my prison.

Tell me thy desire.
Anything thou dost request,
I shall deliver.

For you I battle.
You know not that I am here.
Silently I'm slain.

Destruction and death,
Darkness permeates the Earth,
It is our own fault.

Searching for a sock,
Matching the one that I have,
I'll never find it.

Sorrow never dies.
Happiness is only brief,
Pain is eternal.

Cheetahs stalk gazelle.
Through the Serhingehtti plains,
They are the beasts' prey.

09-13-2002, 06:32 AM
some I found entertaining, others touching, most moved me

A true artist Bobby