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11-14-2004, 04:15 PM
Since lots of Clotis were posting in the CloudxAerith thread, I'd thought it was appropriate to start a new one. So here goes. The shocking Cloti evidence in AC, FF7 Dismantled and beyond.

Some quotes from the new book, FF7 dismantled:

Cloud's inner monologue before the Northern Crater fight:

Everyone left to find what they're fighting for.

To that, Tifa stayed. I don't have to look for what I'm fighting for, Tifa taught me that----

Everyone came back. Barret too, Cid too, Red13 too. Midgar's (I forget the job title) Cait sith too. I was surprised Vincent came, he didn't seem to care of things. At last was Yuffie.

(a pep talk) To the northern crater!

I hope everything works out, and Aerith's prayer reaches the planet.

Aeris at Gongaga:

Her initial attraction to Cloud apparently was "maybe, just maybe Cloud could be Zacks and everything would be as it was". It's only in Gongaga that Aerith realizes Cloud and Zacks are two different people.

It makes a lot of sense. Aerith is forward with Cloud, expecting so much out of him even though she doesn't know him and he doesn't know her.

"Turns out, it was my bad."
"But, Cloud is Cloud."
"But Cloud, is pretty slow."

It ends with her thinking that Cloud has taken very much to Zacks' ways but is still a dull/slow guy (that's the real Cloud).

Think of how Cloud could only answer to Aerith with things like "I dunno" or "Nothing much", completely oblivious of her feelings. Apparently Zacks was more lively and relatable for someone like Aerith. If Zacks was asked "what do you think of me?" I don't think he'd stare off into space like Cloud did.

Hha. And what's funny is these quotes are as official as you can get. Yet many Cloriths try to prove it wrong. They are still working on it, and there will be diary entries from the characters.

Tifa: "So this is why you left"

Tifa: "He's not here anymore"

Marlene: "Did he leave because he's sick?"

WCM: "I heard you've been living with the orphans"

Cloud: "Let's go home"

After this, I want to see what the people who doubted Cloud living with Tifa have to say.

You know, denial is a funny thing.

The fact of the matter is, Cloud was living with Tifa, Denzel, and Marlene. How more obvious can it get? It doesn't take that much power of perception. I don't get why people are clinging to those so-called interviews. Never, not once did Nomura say Cloud had been living on his own for 2 years. If I remember the word used was "currently." And all that stuff about Aeris being in Cloud's heart, correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that just some filler text from a magazine based on speculation? Because she asked "how are you," all of a sudden they have not seen eachother in 2 years. It seems like people are not even attempting to deal with what is presented on screen, just trying to fall back on some magazine translation from months ago.

Why would people rather say Cloud visited Seventh Heaven a few times within the 2 years? How does it make sense for a person to wish to deny the company of others while becoming emotionaly attached to two orphans?
I wish people would stop seeing this as a matter of taking sides and just face the facts of the movie. What is this? Another thing, people are getting defensive over whether or not Cloud will die. Believe you me, there are people here who are just wishing so badly that Cloud will drop dead. * Then there are people calling Tifa a bitch because she confronts Cloud about not doing anything about his illness. Someone actually said she was being selfish. Sure, if you really love and care about a person, the best thing you can do for them is allow them to wallow in self pity, loathing, and depression. Oh, and if they're ill and just want to vanish and die all alone without trying to fight their sickness, don't do a darn thing about it!

11-14-2004, 04:25 PM
wow way to lay it down there TMA

11-14-2004, 04:41 PM
Thank you, thank you. ::Bows:: And I'm planning on not letting this thread die. Here are some cool pics to drool over:

11-14-2004, 06:04 PM
Well, there was a time when I couldn't decide, but a week ago, I decided that Tifa is the girl for Cloud. Definetly. Aeris is dead. And that's it...

11-14-2004, 06:43 PM
And all the evidence points to their favor. Aeris isn't in love with Cloud anymore. In fact she never was.

11-15-2004, 01:25 AM
i must say, i respect how strong your arguments can be.

and i find, that tifa and cloud seem to have more evidence to be together, than aerith and cloud.

11-15-2004, 07:29 AM
Omg, lately my arguments have been getting sexier. W00t!

Sephiroths Bride
11-15-2004, 07:39 AM
Here's a nice pic of cloud and tifa$Julie!s!Zhuo$-ff7-tifa_and_cloud-.jpg

11-15-2004, 03:52 PM
I've seen that one before. It's the part where they get married in one of Frank Verderosa's stories...But unfortuneterly he stopped making them. :(

11-15-2004, 06:51 PM
...Aeris isn't in love with Cloud anymore. In fact she never was...

You cannot say that because it isn't true. There is evidence that shows Aeris and Cloud being intrested in one another. Take the date in the Gold Saucer for example. Or, when they first meet up in the church of the Sector Five Slums.

11-15-2004, 07:46 PM
Yuffie is the girl for Cloud. Screw Tifa or Aerith

11-15-2004, 10:36 PM
Yuffie is the girl for Cloud. Screw Tifa or Aerith

Yuffie is mine, ok, so buzz off. ^_^

11-16-2004, 07:34 AM
You cannot say that because it isn't true. There is evidence that shows Aeris and Cloud being intrested in one another. Take the date in the Gold Saucer for example. Or, when they first meet up in the church of the Sector Five Slums.

I didn'y say she was never INTERESTED in him. I'm just saying that her love for him wasn't as strong as Tifa's was. If Cloud was going to die, Aerith wouldn't sacrifice herself, but Tifa would.

Dot Centaur
11-16-2004, 08:13 AM
Very good TMA! *claps and cheers for the Cloti*. I'd like to see and anti-Tifa Clorith argue now!

11-16-2004, 08:36 AM
If Cloud was going to die, Aerith wouldn't sacrifice herself, but Tifa would.

That's right, I think so too. Only Tifa would sacrifice herself to save Cloud because she loves him.

Huntress Krystle
11-16-2004, 08:42 AM
Honestly, I think Aeris would gladly sacrifice herself for Cloud too :) Both of them would, anytime, i think because they both love Cloud. Lucky man.

11-16-2004, 10:06 AM
Maybe Cloud could two time.... Just kidding. I do no know why people say Cloud should have got Yuffie because there is no evidence for it...and do not use the Gold Saucer date as evidence either because then we could also say that Cloud loved Barret and they should be together.

But I think that Tifa_Martial_Artist just showed all those Anti-Cloud-Tifa people with all her evidence. Way to go!

11-16-2004, 10:18 AM
Honestly, I think Aeris would gladly sacrifice herself for Cloud too :) Both of them would, anytime, i think because they both love Cloud. Lucky man.

Hmmm... you know, when I think about it, you're right. Aeris knew that she was going to die. If she's already going to die, why not give her life for someone she loves, right? That's a good point, I must say. Cloud's just so damn lucky... But I like Yuffie the most... ^_^

11-16-2004, 10:59 AM
I didn'y say she was never INTERESTED in him.
I never said you never said she never was INTRESTED in him, though.

I'm just saying that her love for him wasn't as strong as Tifa's was. If Cloud was going to die, Aerith wouldn't sacrifice herself, but Tifa would.
Aeris has already proved that she is willing to give up her life for what she stands for. Tifa hasn't.

11-16-2004, 11:38 AM
Aeris has already proved that she is willing to give up her life for what she stands for. Tifa hasn't.

Tifa never got the chance to prove that she would give her life up for something she believes in. If Tifa had been given the chance, she would do the same as Aeris, I'm sure of that.

11-16-2004, 02:52 PM
Aeris has already proved that she is willing to give up her life for what she stands for. Tifa hasn't.

I'm sorry but you're sadly mistaken. When the North Crater was about to collapse, and Cloud could've possibly died, who stayed with him? Tifa did. She could've died, but she didn't care, because to her all that matters is Cloud. She's willing to give her life up for him, to be with him.

But for Aerith, not really. She stood by for what she beleived would save the planet. She was an Ancient. It was her destiny.

11-16-2004, 05:37 PM
I didn'y say she was never INTERESTED in him. I'm just saying that her love for him wasn't as strong as Tifa's was. If Cloud was going to die, Aerith wouldn't sacrifice herself, but Tifa would.
If Tifa love was really strong for cloud then why did she lead him to his doom. Cloud and Aeris love was stronger than anything else. If their love wasn't so strong, then why at the end the game, Cloud could sense Aeris. Cloud was the only one in the whole group who could sense Aeris presence. By the way, for 2 people to be together, they must come to an understandment. Tifa did not understand Cloud as well as she thought she did. The only that really understood him was AEris and Aeris only.

11-16-2004, 06:01 PM
OmFg UNdERsTANDMeNt OmFg!!!1111 Not every relashionship is roses and flowers, you know.

11-16-2004, 06:06 PM
If Tifa love was really strong for cloud then why did she lead him to his doom.

erm what are you talking about? Tifa never intentionally led Cloud to anything, however if you are referring to him joining and subsequently failing SOLDIER, then that was not Tifas fault...her mother had just died around that time Cloud was desperate to get Tifa to notice him, but all she wanted was her mother back (a natural reaction)

Tifa did not understand Cloud as well as she thought she did. The only that really understood him was AEris and Aeris only.

Err yet again where did you get that from? it was Tifa who allowed Cloud, to rediscover himself when he fell into the Lifestream. If Tifa did not understand Cloud she would not have been able to help him during that time. what evidence is there to suggest that Aeris understood anything about Cloud.

11-16-2004, 06:33 PM
Aerith wanted to get to know Cloud better. Blowing your theory out the window. Cloud and Tifa had the strongest connection out of the group.

11-17-2004, 02:39 AM
I'm sorry but you're sadly mistaken. When the North Crater was about to collapse, and Cloud could've possibly died, who stayed with him? Tifa did. She could've died, but she didn't care, because to her all that matters is Cloud. She's willing to give her life up for him, to be with him.

But for Aerith, not really. She stood by for what she beleived would save the planet. She was an Ancient. It was her destiny.

That is true, Tifa did stay behind when Cloud went and fought sephiroth. You see Tifa there with the crater collapsing holding her hand out for Cloud. So you cant say Tifa would have not done the same.

And with Aerith, I think it was decision of Cloud and Hers. I know at some point they came to a silent agreement in what she had to do, and he followed her, so they both could fufill it. She died for the planet, but gave her last prayer to cloud.

11-17-2004, 05:37 PM
Oh, Yes. Tifa and Cloud had a strong what? A falsified childhood friend thing that didn't existed. "Oh, we were great friends, Cloud. You played with us and we never even bully you or hurt your feelings. Oh yeah, we were friends for life."...Please, if you called that a connection, you're just ignoring the vital parts and pulling straws out of mid air to cover that fact. One day at the well doesn't prove that they were friends. And yet, Tifa admitted herself that she didn't know Cloud as well as she thought. If they had a strong connection, she wouldn't had lied to Cloud about his past nor let him doubt himself. Gawd. I recall a time when Cloud was so desperate to find out who he was that he turn to Tifa for help, for reconfirmation of his past and yet, sadly, OMG, she didn't tell him anything.
Please, if Tifa wanted to killed herself for Cloud, try better. Her death would mean nothing for the world since she can't contribute cr@p to the world. Willing to die for Cloud, yeah right. Aeris's death was a lot better. Her was for the world so that everyone can live every other day, not for selfish needs like Tifa. What would Tifa contribute? summoning holy to save the world and Cloud. Give a better reasoning than that since Tifa can't contribute anything besides for her selfish needs.

11-17-2004, 08:49 PM
OmFg UNdERsTANDMeNt OmFg!!!1111 Not every relashionship is roses and flowers, you know.
Sorry, but if you and your lover doesn't reach to an understandment then yur relationship is going to tumble down.

11-17-2004, 09:30 PM
Oh, Yes. Tifa and Cloud had a strong what? A falsified childhood friend thing that didn't existed. "Oh, we were great friends, Cloud. You played with us and we never even bully you or hurt your feelings. Oh yeah, we were friends for life."...Please, if you called that a connection, you're just ignoring the vital parts and pulling straws out of mid air to cover that fact. One day at the well doesn't prove that they were friends. And yet, Tifa admitted herself that she didn't know Cloud as well as she thought. If they had a strong connection, she wouldn't had lied to Cloud about his past nor let him doubt himself. Gawd. I recall a time when Cloud was so desperate to find out who he was that he turn to Tifa for help, for reconfirmation of his past and yet, sadly, OMG, she didn't tell him anything.
Please, if Tifa wanted to killed herself for Cloud, try better. Her death would mean nothing for the world since she can't contribute cr@p to the world. Willing to die for Cloud, yeah right. Aeris's death was a lot better. Her was for the world so that everyone can live every other day, not for selfish needs like Tifa. What would Tifa contribute? summoning holy to save the world and Cloud. Give a better reasoning than that since Tifa can't contribute anything besides for her selfish needs.


Lunatic HighVII
11-17-2004, 10:16 PM
Get over what? Shinobi Yuffie just made a really good argument... shouldn't you try to prove her wrong? ;) I would like to see that, because her arguement is very strong.

11-18-2004, 12:38 AM
Oh, Yes. Tifa and Cloud had a strong what? A falsified childhood friend thing that didn't existed. "Oh, we were great friends, Cloud. You played with us and we never even bully you or hurt your feelings. Oh yeah, we were friends for life."...Please, if you called that a connection, you're just ignoring the vital parts and pulling straws out of mid air to cover that fact.

Well where is the proof for Cloud and Aeris strong connection???

One day at the well doesn't prove that they were friends. And yet, Tifa admitted herself that she didn't know Cloud as well as she thought. If they had a strong connection, she wouldn't had lied to Cloud about his past nor let him doubt himself. Gawd. I recall a time when Cloud was so desperate to find out who he was that he turn to Tifa for help, for reconfirmation of his past and yet, sadly, OMG, she didn't tell him anything.

Tifa did not lie about his past.

"Tifa is also worried that her memories have been messed up. Although she never saw Cloud at the Nibelheim incident, she can't fault the fact he knows exactly what happened. Also she remembers growing up with him and is not sure is Cloud is the Cloud she grew up with, one who was made five years ago and given somem of "her" Clouds background or that it is the real Cloud and her own recollections of what happened are in error. Just before they descend into the North Cave they are barraged by illusions fro Sephiroth where he tells Cloud he was made piece by piece from Jenova cells to be a clone of him. Then shaped using Tifa's memories, Tifa who could never remember what happened after Sephiroth wounded her has no way of knowing this is not true.

Sephiroth: "Cloud... Don't blame Tifa. The ability to change one's looks,
voice, and words, is the power of Jenova. Inside of you, Jenova has merged with Tifa's memories, creating you. Out of Tifa's memory...A boy named Cloud
might've just been a part of them."

Again, it is not until the Lifestream sequence that she realises Cloud was at
Nibelheim all the time."

Borrowed from Falsehead's Plot Analysis Guide at

Please, if Tifa wanted to killed herself for Cloud, try better. Her death would mean nothing for the world since she can't contribute cr@p to the world. Willing to die for Cloud, yeah right. Aeris's death was a lot better. Her was for the world so that everyone can live every other day, not for selfish needs like Tifa. What would Tifa contribute? summoning holy to save the world and Cloud. Give a better reasoning than that since Tifa can't contribute anything besides for her selfish needs.

I think what was meant by the fact that Tifa would willing give up her life to save Cloud should not be taken by phyhically killing herself. She meant that Tifa was prepared to give up her life to look after him when it looked like he
would be mentally and physically disabled for life. Not actually kill herself.

11-18-2004, 01:44 AM
Oh, Yes. Tifa and Cloud had a strong what? A falsified childhood friend thing that didn't existed. "Oh, we were great friends, Cloud. You played with us and we never even bully you or hurt your feelings. Oh yeah, we were friends for life."...Please, if you called that a connection, you're just ignoring the vital parts and pulling straws out of mid air to cover that fact. One day at the well doesn't prove that they were friends. And yet, Tifa admitted herself that she didn't know Cloud as well as she thought. If they had a strong connection, she wouldn't had lied to Cloud about his past nor let him doubt himself. Gawd. I recall a time when Cloud was so desperate to find out who he was that he turn to Tifa for help, for reconfirmation of his past and yet, sadly, OMG, she didn't tell him anything.
Please, if Tifa wanted to killed herself for Cloud, try better. Her death would mean nothing for the world since she can't contribute cr@p to the world. Willing to die for Cloud, yeah right. Aeris's death was a lot better. Her was for the world so that everyone can live every other day, not for selfish needs like Tifa. What would Tifa contribute? summoning holy to save the world and Cloud. Give a better reasoning than that since Tifa can't contribute anything besides for her selfish needs.

Did Tifa really lie? I mean, to me it seems more like she was trying to hold onto these broken memories, not knowing if they were real or not. She was sort of out there, not knowing whats wrong with Cloud and constantly worried. So she wasnt only protecting herself from this 'truth' she was protecting him. Its like, she couldnt give him all that information right away, that would stress him out so much more than he already was.
And with the whole childhood thing, she did admit some of her friends were kinda of abusive. But like I stated in the Clortih thread, anyone would want to be part of the biggest group of kids to fit in and feel wanted. Cloud wanted that, and Tifa like him, but if she showed it she would feel rejected. You cant blame her for this, she was a child, and wanted to be accepted by the boys just as much as cloud wanted too.

And also, the only reason Aerith's death really ment something was because she was an ancient. If Tifa sacrificed herself, it wouldnt do much for the planet, but it would probably strike cloud in a way would it not?

11-18-2004, 01:55 AM
Oh, no. She was really talking about how Tifa would give her life, die for him. But in a way, who wouldn't. When the only one you like is gonna died then you might as well do it too. yeah, that's a good way to look a life. She really didn't had enough purpose as everyone else and even when Cloud gave that speech. For Tifa to live, the world must be saved, so that she can at least see Cloud. Cloud on the other hand, whatever attitude and just want to get the battle over, see Aeris' prayer through so she didn't die in vain and beat Sephi. up. Looks like he didn't he give his life a priotity as he asked why Tifa stayed behind and forgot that she has nowhere to go too. Yeah, some connection that is if Cloud doesn't even care nor remember that Tifa has nowhere to go and yet he was so surprise. How does that work for a connection if your loving spouse doesn't even care about you nor remember that you're there?
Meh, Having aeris and tifa died would strike Cloud but who would contribute the most out of it? That's the question. Aeris died but not for selfish reasons. She basically gave everything up so that EVERYONE in the WORLD could live another day since they basically wanted to give up but she gave them hope and something to look forward too. That is something Tifa can't even contribute too.
Really, if those aren't lies you called that Love? That needs a better reasoning than that. Cloud basically consider her as a friend and ask her multiple times about what happened and where were you. He even doubted himself and knew that something wasn't right when he asked Tifa once but she blew up in his face and didn't want to talk about it. He even became desperate to know who he was. That's not protection if she was right there and didn't bother to do anything. Connect it together til the lifestream event and that equals guilt. Who pulled him down when he wanted to know if his past was right? That was the only option left for Tifa to reconcile with Cloud and set his past straight.

11-18-2004, 02:08 AM
But thats most of the reason people think Aerith's main goal was to save the world, and thats all she had in mind. That, and her past love for Zack, which may have been stirred by Cloud and thats the real reason she has an attraction towards him.

11-18-2004, 09:30 AM
That, and her past love for Zack, which may have been stirred by Cloud and thats the real reason she has an attraction towards him.

Wasn't Cloud ashamed of his past so he used Zacks past as his own, and went into denial and eventually lead himself to believe that his past was really Zacks.

Oh yeah, what are Tifa's "selfish" reasons for dieing for Cloud?

11-18-2004, 03:17 PM
Here's an argument one of my good friends made against Shiva, a biased Clorith, on ffhybrid:

I haven�t been here lately, I really thought they closed down the debating threads. Oh well, here I am again. Hello CIML!

Cloud will be reunited with Aeris when he dies thus the movie will end in Cleris.

Only if Cloud suddenly gained Cetra powers. As far as we know, Cloud is a normal human being and normal human beings die, join the Lifestream and their energy is reused to form new life. According to the Elders (which you can talk to at Cosmo Canyon) The Promised Land is a place for Ancients only. Elder Hargo says that the Promised Land exists for Ancients, but not for humans. That means humans must take a rain check.
So no, Cloud and Aeris are not going to meet and rest in each other�s arms in the PL.
Anyone who wants to argue facts taken from the actual game may go ahead. -_-

Okay, I've gotta toss in my two cents. So WHAT if Aeris is dead!? Let me use some examples:
Raine was dead for 17 years, yet Laguna STILL LOVED HER
As far as Garnet knew, Zidane was dead and several years after she lost him, SHE STILL LOVED HIM(in fact, it sounded like she was going to kill herself to reunite with him)
Tidus ceased to exist in yet YUNA STILL LOVED HIM, and in FFX-2, TWO YEARS LATER, she continued to love him! So much so, that he was returned to her!
Anybody seeing an FF trend here?
So, sorry sweeties. You can throw "AERIS IS DEAD!" around all you want, but it proves no point. Except that of course, all the other greatest FF couples were similar

No one is saying he can�t love her. Can you say he loves her still in AC, with certainty? :)

Two years after the events of FINAL FANTASY VII, the ruins of Midgar stand as testament to the sacrifices that were made in order to bring peace. However, the world will soon face a new menace. A mysterious illness is spreading fast. Old enemies are astir. And Cloud, who walked away from the life of a hero to live in solitude, must step forward yet again...

If he walked away from the life of a hero, then that would be directly after the events of FFVII, right? So, he has been living in solitude all this time.

The tour program for the "Dear Friends Concert" had this to say:

Two years after the Advented Armageddon, the city of Midgar stands in ruins, but the world has survived and continues on in peace. However the people of Gaia now face a new menance. Cloud, who fought for the sake of his world once before has rejected society to live in solitude, must step forward yet again.

Doesn't "society" include his friends AND Tifa?

From Dengeki...

Cloud: After the battle, he hid in secret and lived a quiet life alone. However, he is attacked by the 3 mysterious men who suddenly appear, and decides to once again return to the battle ground. Not even knowing what they want, he is forced to draw his sword.

Aerith: A woman who fell to Sephiroth's sword during the battle two years ago. A young woman resembling her appears before Cloud. Are these dreams Cloud is having....? Or are they...!? Is there a chance she will be revived!?

Tifa: She returned to Seventh Heaven in Midgar after the fighting, and manages it alone. As before, she takes good care of Marlene, Barret's daughter.

Tifa supported Cloud from the shadows. But it doesn't seem that they got together after the fighting. They are living apart, and Cloud doesn't communicate with her much. Aerith is still in Cloud's heart, and Tifa understands that.... It looks like that sort of relationship.

From an interview with Kitase and Nomura from The PlayStation...

And as for Tifa and Cloud's relationship?
It's now 2 years after that journey, Tifa manages the bar Seventh Heaven in Midgar's sector 7 by herself. We can gather that they haven't seen each other in a while from the words "how are you?" The person on the other end of the phone doesn't seem to be Cloud, but could he be the subject of the call?

From an interview with Nomura:

- One after another, the old friends return to Midgar.
- Cloud, who up till this point has lived apart from his former friends, now returns to Midgar, at which point the scene in Tifa's bar probably takes place. Otherwise, he spends much of his time travelling on Fenrir (as a kind of "carrier") and frequently changes where he stays.

From the OFFICIAL trailer screened several times, including Montreal FF with SUBTITLES. Script written by the STAFF.

Denzel: �Where�s Cloud�
Marlene: �Did he leave because he�s sick?�
Tifa: �So this is why you left� (after taking a look at the bandages in the church)
WCM: �I heard you�ve been living with the orphans�
Tifa: �He�s not here anymore�
Cloud: (After his talk with Vincent about taking Marlene back to 7th heaven) �Let�s go home Marlene�

A visit is when one comes, stays for a short period of time and then leaves again. If this is the case with Cloud, then why are Tifa , Marlene and Denzel so surprised by Cloud�s absence? It�d be perfectly normal for Cloud not to be with them all the time as he spends much of his time away, correct?
So why all the above quotes? Because they have been living together. It�s sad to see people deny OFFICIAL trailer info.

From an interview with Kitase and Nomura from The PlayStation...
And as for Tifa and Cloud's relationship?
It's now 2 years after that journey, Tifa manages the bar Seventh Heaven in Midgar's sector 7 by herself. We can gather that they haven't seen each other in a while from the words "how are you?" The person on the other end of the phone doesn't seem to be Cloud, but could he be the subject of the call?

That was translated by a fan, am I wrong? Can you give me Kitase�s exact quote? I have seen enough of these fan translated magazines and speculations. Just like the one about Tifa asking Cloud if he wanted to die to be with Aeris. That is not actually correct. That quote NEVER appeared ANYWHERE, much less in a trailer. It was the translator adding his/her own bias. This is what Cloud and Aeris have in AC, fan speculations and false information. Official trailers are against them. Sorry to burst your bubble.

If you would like me to start listing a variety of magazines that are in favor of Cloud and Tifa, I can do that too. You are well aware that they outnumber the Cleris ones, aren�t you Shiva? :shifty:

People try everything to make their point. It's weird but normal
No, it�s human nature to believe what the trailers show (put together by the staff) and not what fans and editors speculate. :)

I just got one thing to ask of Clorith's.....Show me facts FROM THE GAME, NOT SOMEONES POINT OF VIEW...on anthing that ever actually says anything about Cloud loving be honest Throughout playing the game...

Especially not �facts� from magazines (outdated) where the editor wants to know Cloud�s ringtone. :shifty:

In the Shinra HQ, after your captured and thrown in jail, if you go to the door of your cell you're presented with a choice of who to ask about. Now, everywhere else in the game the arrow was always automatically on the first choice, but in this case it's gotten itself lost and found its way to Aeris, the last option. Making her first in Cloud's mind.

You left out the part where Cloud and Tifa are together in the cell. But of course, you can always choose to ask about Red.

You can also say Tifa is your girlfriend. Can you do that for Aeris? NO. You can say that next to Tifa, who wouldn�t sleep well, which is not a very subtle innuendo. Can you do that for Aeris? NO. Your point being? :shifty:

"Are you all right?" "Aeris?! You safe?"
Is that what you consider love? Him worrying about her health? Wow, you are really grasping at straws.

"No Aeris! I can't let you get involved," "Aeris, I got you mixed up in all this."
Yes, let�s completely ignore the fact that they are there to save Tifa in the first place. In fact, Cloud says that his first priority is Tifa�s safety. He dresses up as a woman to save her. Any more points you�ve got? -_-

Cloud shows through this dialouge that he obviously takes being Aeris' bodyguard very seriously, but when does he say anything of the like about Tifa?

Did you forget their promise under the stars? Did you forget that he protected Tifa throughout all three disks? Did you forget that he blamed himself for not being there for Tifa? Did you forget how many times he repeats his promise to her? Especially after the Lifestream Sequence? Or are you purposefully ignoring it? :rolleyes:

When Aeris died he fell apart. We saw a whole new part of Cloud. He cried and he ranted. When he thought Tifa was "a goner" what did he do? Toss her to the side, then rush up to fight Sephiroth.

Are you saying he didn�t care about Tifa? I am tired of this comparison. The least the Cloriths could do is acknowledge Cloud and Tifa�s bond of friendship at least. For your info, they were completely different circumstances. Let�s also not forget he killed Cloud�s family and destroyed his hometown. In his anger Cloud put Tifa aside gently and went to get revenge for her death and
all the others.
He also fell apart when Zack died. He merged his memories and blocked out certain others. It�s a defense mechanism and it shows Cloud�s state of mind. Was he in love with Zack as well? (This question is not directed at the yaoi lovers :P )

All of Aeris and Cloud's romantic scenes were non-optional, while the "only romantic scene in the game"(the highwind scene)was COMPLETELY reliant on the Date Mechanism.

It was also there, in your face, no matter what you got. Cloud still slept with Tifa no matter what you got. Cloud still NEVER mentioned Aeris, no matter what you got. Tifa still confessed no matter what you got. She was still embarrassed the next morning, no matter what you got.

I think that he yelled at him because for the first time he was actually truly angered at him killing someone. His anger and pain were so great he couldn't even stand and try to avenge her.
Yet here you are arguing that Cloud getting angry and avenging her death (as well as the others�) is not showing love, yet sitting there yelling is. Yes, I see the logic in that <_<
Cloud did get angry and Cloud did go after Sephiroth. However that is not to say he didn�t care about Aeris that is why he didn�t fight Seph. That�s ludicrous. Just like saying he didn�t care about Tifa so he ignored her. It�s a little hypocritical to say what you said.

If that is the best you can do, then just give up now. You make yourself look even more idiotic every time you post your garbage on here. In case you neglected to notice, those quotes were from S-E USA, NOMURA, KITASE, and DENGEKI. Dengeki gets its info DIRECT from S-E-- they have been the first to release all of the photos and info we have gotten so far. You have believed everything else they have said. But they say something ClAeris related and you don't want to believe it. How very typically hypocritical of you. As usual, you have Jack and Squat for proof. And Jack left town... I have quotes from the official company, the director of the movie, and the producer of the movie. MOST of those quotes are from Nomura himself. PWNED, loser...

The Queen of insults is back.
Who says we have Jack and Squat for proof? I have OFFICIAL trailer info and you have outdated fan-translated magazines and other such speculations.

As for Nomura and Kitase, they have also said that the movie has grasped Tifa and Cloud�s relationship and that Cloud and Tifa�s destiny will be revealed. :shifty: You may take it as you please, the implications are still there. Never was anything of the sort said about Aerth and Cloud in AC.

And your proof is where? I have SEVERAL quotes that state Cloud has been alone since FFVII from OFFICIAL sources. You have diddly, buddy.

Do you consider the trailer Unofficial? :huh:

EGM is an American magazine. They don't get their info from S-E at all. In fact, the whole article was someone's opinion. So, GET OVER IT. And, BTW, in the very next article EGM put out on AC, they changed "main squeeze" to "lady friend". LMAO!!!

"Cloud comes to the aid of his ladyfriend Tifa, and then ponders whether he used enough hair spray"

And it was the scene where Cloud rescued Tifa, too. Coincidentally, this was also the first issue in which they introduced a picture of Aerith. Talk about a serious plunge. From "main squeeze" to "lady friend" in the magazine you consider official, CIML. PWNED, loser...

Oh American magazines are not good enough for you? And it seems you completely missed CIML�s point. She said she doesn�t consider it official. Besides, what about �Love International style�? What about the tickets and invitations with Cloud and Tifa on? The posters? The promotional pictures of AC on several official film festival websites? Did you see any of Cloud and Aeris? NO. It was all Cloud and Tifa. Gamespot also said that they had been living together. Nomura used �currently� several times when speaking of Cloud�s whereabouts, but that is always overlooked. What about the relationship chart, which was not on an American magazine?
You are the one who needs magazines to back up your points when I have the OFFICIAL TRAILER. Pwned? I think not...... :shifty:

Your mind is really simple, isn't it? Where have we seen orphans? Well, we saw Marlene and Denzel with Tifa. What about all the others? What about all of the orphans we saw with Kadaj later? Where did they come from? I never saw them with Tifa. Denzel and Marlene seem to be the only orphans at Seventh Heaven. We have seen no evidence of other orphans living there. Is it so hard for your mind to grasp that there is MORE than one orphanage on Gaia?

The magazines you rely on have stated several times that Tifa takes care of all the orphans. :rolleyes: If Cloud�s living with them, he�s living with Tifa as well.
But then you claim that Cloud spends much of his time on the road. How�s he taking care of orphans then? Answer me that.
Again, official info from the TRAILERS and magazines state that Tifa takes care of the orphans, while you are sitting on your ass speculating about what may be happening with no real evidence to back it up.

Anyways, it is amusing that the WCM gets to Cloud by asking him if he would like to see the orphans smile again. Notice, he didn't say anything about making Tifa happy. He didn't say, "Wouldn't you like to make Tifa smile again?". Because Cloud isn't driven by that, sorry to break it to you. Cloud is only interested in saving the children and meeting Aerith again. So, get used to the idea. It will make you less disappointed later.

No one said he is. But they did say he�s been living with the orphans, which Tifa�s taking care of. Which ultimately leads to only one possible thing. Cloud lived with Tifa.
Only concerned about the children and meeting Aerith again? :w00t: Which why all he says to Aeris is �I want to be forgiven�. Can you feel the love tonight, cause I can�t. :shifty:

Oh, the orphans are attached to Cloud, eh? And your proof...? Oh, that's right. You don't have any. We see a couple of drawings on the wall and that is your proof. *Snort* Did it EVER cross your mind that Marlene drew them? She KNEW Cloud before all this, after all.

Yes, that�s why Denzel asks for him. Which is why they have pictures together. You may not consider our proof enough, but you on the other hand have NOTHING to support that Marlene drew them. Nice try.

You think Cloud dying would be cheesy? How about Cloud ending up with his "childhood friend". Talk about CHEESY, shallow, trite, not to mention BORING.

Unfortunately for you, the creators called a relationship between Aeris and Cloud cheesy and cliche, nothing of the sort was ever said for Tifa and Cloud. You are the only one who thinks so. :)

S-E wanted to avoid such cliche' romances, so they came up with CloudxAerith.

Actually dear, you got your facts wrong. Nomura and Kitase both said that a relationship between Cloud and Aeris was cliche and cheesy. They didn�t want a couple like that because it had been done several times, both in the West and East. They wanted to "avoid Eastern and Western cliches" (actual quote) and that meant Cloud and Aerith. Which makes sense since Nomura killed her off and put it another female character.

I mean come on who wants to see the same damn love story over and over, we've seen the death and reuniting once we don't need to see it again, that's gotta be the most cliche romance iin my opinion.
You, Nomura and Kitase think alike. ^_^

Monolouge? Uh...have you seen the trailer? Didn't think so. And she doesn't refer to him as a "he". She talks to him directly, there are flashes of their conversation while Cloud is flying up in the air with his sword.

Agreed. Tifa actually gives him strength on more than one occasion. I actually still have the trailer (only sound) which I got from ACF since I saved it. Cloud calls 7th Heaven his home. You can easily come to that conclusion because Vincent and Cloud were talking about taking Marlene back home, to 7th Heaven.

Cloud: �Let�s go home Marlene�
Again, an indication they have been together.

Look, using quotes that we don't know what're about, talking about scenes that we don't know the order of, putting words in people's mouths and assuming are not working.
Oh so now the trailer is wrong because it�s not in order. Yes, of course. :rolleyes:
No one is assuming. The quotes that are up there are there. They are not wrong or incomplete. The scenes might be, but that doesn�t mean that the actual quotes are misleading. When Tifa looks at the bandages on the floor and says �So this is why you left�, it is obvious she�s referring to Cloud leaving them because of Geostigma. When the WCM says �I heard you�ve been living with the orphans� it is exactly that. Unless of course Square is giving us misleading info on purpose which is highly unlikely.

So let's put those aside and focus on what SE gives us, not trailers, not magazines(especially ones with questionable sources), not sound bites.
Trailers are as official as anything gets. It's what Square's given you so far. According to you, we should believe nothing that's on them in which case we know nothing about AC. I'm sorry, it doesn't work that way. Trailers are proof, if you choose to ignore them that's each individual's problem. If something that's put out by Square isn't official, then I don't know what you would consider official.

Where is your proof that the quote is wrong?

Where is yours that it is right? Your quote of Tifa scolding Cloud for wanting to meet Aerith was also proven wrong. Any more false translations you want to throw our way?

Oh, you mean that picture where Cloud is standing as far to the side as he can? You mean that picture where Cloud looks to be ANYTHING but happy?

And you know this because of the high quality of the picture? You see what you want to see, but truth is you can hardly see Cloud�s face. He�s in the picture, but his face isn�t visible. Stop coming up with wild theories based on nothing. You can�t tell Cloud�s not happy. You are making that up, nice try. Unfortunately for you, I have the picture right here.

So, where do you see him far away? Where does he look unhappy?

Um, again, let me explain this to you so that even your shrivelled mind can grasp it... Marlene knew Cloud, right? Cloud stops by now and again, right? Marlene, who now lives at Seventh Heaven, drew a pic of Cloud, her hero, right? I didn't say ANYTHING about Marlene drawing it pre-AC. That is your short-circuiting brain at work.

The only problem there is that we have actual evidence and pictures from the trailer to back up what we are saying while you are merely speculating. Where is your proof of what you are now saying? Show it to me.

11-18-2004, 03:21 PM
well at the end tifa and cloud promise each other to see aeris in the promise land..

11-19-2004, 08:27 AM
um... TMA just discredited everyone theories once again. Now what sh*t you people going to pull up from nowhere?

11-19-2004, 12:24 PM
Haha! I feel so loved 1_W1nged_Angel! Thanks allot! I first played FF7 in 2001, so I'm wondering if the people who have defended Cloud and Tifa for 7 years finally get what they deserve...

But the fact is, SE gave us the real deal here. Not outdated magazine quotes. Not false fan translations. This is IT. What we have so far from the Montreal Film Festival screening.

Dot Centaur
11-19-2004, 05:38 PM
Shinobiyuffie don't you see? Tifa only made a white lie to Cloud because she loved him and didn't want to hurt him. If you keep waltzing your hate in here, this thread will be closed. Or possibly you're trying to get every new Cloti thread closed just out of your own hatred? That's not very nice. I've told you a million times already; leave this thread for the Cloti's and take your hatred in the Clorith thread where it belongs. Stop trying to get Cloti threads closed for your childish hatred.

11-19-2004, 05:50 PM
It is childish. Yet when she doesn't get her way she wines.

Dot Centaur
11-19-2004, 06:03 PM
It is childish. Yet when she doesn't get her way she wines.

No kidding. Shinobiyuffie, if you hate Tifa so much, make a thread about it.

11-19-2004, 06:08 PM
Have you seen any TifaxCloud hentai?

11-19-2004, 09:29 PM
Hmm...really, TifaRinoa,
You must have been gone too long to realize that I didn't start this whole mag-jig-a-thing. Your friends with aeriscloud right, why don't you read the last 2-4 pages of the posting of the thread to see who's doing the flaming and hating first? Really, try harder to get it right since I didn't call anyone names but brought a challege with a discussion. I can leave this thread alone and was not gonna bother but who cares know seeing how someone likes to come bashing in. (And its not you, but go read the last few to see, if you're gonna get all mad saying that I claim its you when I didn't. Read it and you'll see.) So, its really one for one. If you can't answer it, than let someone else. I know what little white lies are and those aren't little white lies. Please, if that's how a friend, who you most cherished and love, treat you like that, the end result won't come to what happen like Cloud. It'll be something worst. Think it through since most of you haven't done that.
*cough* LOL, really,TMA, you called that an argument that proves the movie screams cloti. Oh, what was it, that's right, it shut the bias cloriths up. Try better since I printed your little so called agrument and let my english teacher read it. You know what, he was laughing at that lame agrument since its screaming BIAS post all over. Need a hint? Try harder in studying writing skills and learn difference between bias and non-bias. Please, if its suppose to discredit all cloriths arguments, try harder. I been to and read the translation. That so called "out dated" fan mag. is not outdated since they have two neutrals translators to do the job. What are you gonna tell me, that is bias. Please, try harder since a lot of info. was left out. How about his talk with Vincent on what he's fighting for, his talk with aeris. Oh, than slanging that Aeris wasn't shown once in the movie, it was all the time of Tifa? Please, maybe I'm color blind or the colors was to bright, but you're basically nit-picking the stuff you want. There's more than two trailers. You're little slang at how cloriths are using "fan" mags for their argument just been rebuttal since looks who's trying to used those "so-called" fan mags that was translated by fans. Really, or are those from since they're accurate with their translations and their translators are neutrals. But then again, you'll probably say something stupid and deneid that as well.
Oh yes, Cloud cared a lot about Tifa that who suggested that Cloud cross-dress to saved her? Tifa herself. Wait! She was capture, so it was Aeris. How about when Aeris risked her life and gave priotity to Marlene to escape from Shinra ? How about giving everyone else prioity so that they can escape and Aeris got capture? Oh yes, and what? You're gonna tell me that Cloud didn't want to save Aeris but he had too because Aeris was a trouble maker and was jealous of which she wanted attention, that's why she did it, for selfish needs.
Ha. Don't make me laugh. What are you, a two faced split personality? One good and one bad. Really, I'm childish and whines because I can't get what I want. Oh gawd,you need to do a reality check since who was coming into the Cloud&Aeris thread all whining and bashing. Open your eyes, trying to act all innocent like you didn't do nothing since the whining and can't get what you want is YOU. Oh, that's right. Everyone else who made sense got skipped over so that you can post your little so called non bias Cloti interpreatation when its screaming bias all over. Really, you haven't try hard enough to grasp the concept, just like you didn't try so hard in "Why FF7 isn't the greatest" thread. It was so lame that it got shred in two but yet you call them names since they totally shreded and nit pick every aspect of that lame post. You can't even grasp the concept of a decent discussion, so basically, you're just making a fool outta yourself.

11-19-2004, 09:59 PM
I'll state what I said before. Really, there is no strong enough evidence to say he'll be with wither of them, really. The game leaves it open, so it what you believe. There is evidence pointing to who he likes, but really, he has shown he likes them both. So there really is no clear evidence of him saying who he will be with.

If you can find something stating he will be with either of them, then fine, but if not, then really, there no way of saying he's with Tifa or Aeris.

11-19-2004, 10:08 PM
well...does anyone remember the time when cloud had moko poisoning and tifa saved him cause she really does love cloud she went with him anywhere cloud could not talk that time and tifa did everything she could to get him better she brought his memories back if it wasn't for her cloud will remain with that confused memory of his even though tifa saw that cloud was not that person that came that time she still loved him cloud was too embaress to show that he was not the no.1 soldier he said he would be there chilhood memories were also shown when tifa fell on the bridge with cloud and cloud was blame for it well anyways tifa stick with cloud all the way...sorry if I did not make sense I'll try to explain things better later...

11-19-2004, 10:34 PM
Well, by the sounds of the evidence, apart from the chilhood past, it seems like Tifa is the one loving cloud, but does cloud show the same love and affection. It would seem no.

And as for the lifestream bit. Did Cloud really have a choice of Tifa helping him? I'd say no.

11-19-2004, 10:37 PM
Well, by the sounds of the evidence, apart from the chilhood past, it seems like Tifa is the one loving cloud, but does cloud show the same love and affection. It would seem no.

And as for the lifestream bit. Did Cloud really have a choice of Tifa helping him? I'd say no.
well you loves tifa as well as aeris also do you remember the time when cloud and tifa was alone at the highwind when every one left makes you wonder what they did doesn't it..

11-19-2004, 10:39 PM
true. he was in a coma or whatever you call that. not much choice so i guess the lifestream bit is out. i mean if i were in a coma and someone got into my head i wouldn't have much choice but to let that person be there and do as it pleased

11-19-2004, 10:45 PM
well you loves tifa as well as aeris also do you remember the time when cloud and tifa was alone at the highwind when every one left makes you wonder what they did doesn't it..

Again, an assuption. You don't know what they did, so that is no clear evidence as far as I'm cocerned.

And the life stream, Cloud was all weird, and Tifa wheeled him thru and fell. There's no saying if she wanted to be involved. And Cloud didn't really open up to her. He had no choice. Since she was there, he had to go through it. Think about it for a second.

11-19-2004, 10:56 PM
Again, an assuption. You don't know what they did, so that is no clear evidence as far as I'm cocerned.

And the life stream, Cloud was all weird, and Tifa wheeled him thru and fell. There's no saying if she wanted to be involved. And Cloud didn't really open up to her. He had no choice. Since she was there, he had to go through it. Think about it for a second.
I know what it is your saying but tifa really did care for cloud that time she even stcik with cloud and cid and the others had do things themselves without her since tifa wanted to make sure he was safe cause he's the only person she has now also yuffie also liked cloud and what about that one girl who gave you shiva?

11-19-2004, 10:58 PM
and what about that one girl who gave you shiva?

what does that have to do with anything?

11-19-2004, 11:04 PM
Thats Priscilla(sp). Isn't she a child?

And Yuffie is a possiblity, but this tread is about TifaxCloud so..

11-20-2004, 01:16 AM
Try better since I printed your little so called agrument and let my english teacher read it. You know what, he was laughing at that lame agrument since its screaming BIAS post all over. Need a hint? Try harder in studying writing skills and learn difference between bias and non-bias. Please, if its suppose to discredit all cloriths arguments, try harder.

Which argument? Are you saying the latest one I just posted? With FACTS straight from the trailer? Try harder? Study writing skills? I laughed when you said that. "Try harder" And what do you suppose I'm doing? I can't try any harder to convince you. Your stubborn mind won't grasp it. Look at the one who's clinging to straws, once again. And I also laughed when you said that..o_O You showed it to your English teacher. What the hell would an English teacher know about the LT debate? Is your mind on drugs or something?

11-20-2004, 01:34 AM
Hmm...really, TifaRinoa,
You must have been gone too long to realize that I didn't start this whole mag-jig-a-thing. Your friends with aeriscloud right, why don't you read the last 2-4 pages of the posting of the thread to see who's doing the flaming and hating first? Really, try harder to get it right since I didn't call anyone names but brought a challege with a discussion. I can leave this thread alone and was not gonna bother but who cares know seeing how someone likes to come bashing in. (And its not you, but go read the last few to see, if you're gonna get all mad saying that I claim its you when I didn't. Read it and you'll see.) So, its really one for one. If you can't answer it, than let someone else. I know what little white lies are and those aren't little white lies. Please, if that's how a friend, who you most cherished and love, treat you like that, the end result won't come to what happen like Cloud. It'll be something worst. Think it through since most of you haven't done that.
*cough* LOL, really,TMA, you called that an argument that proves the movie screams cloti. Oh, what was it, that's right, it shut the bias cloriths up. Try better since I printed your little so called agrument and let my english teacher read it. You know what, he was laughing at that lame agrument since its screaming BIAS post all over. Need a hint? Try harder in studying writing skills and learn difference between bias and non-bias. Please, if its suppose to discredit all cloriths arguments, try harder. I been to and read the translation. That so called "out dated" fan mag. is not outdated since they have two neutrals translators to do the job. What are you gonna tell me, that is bias. Please, try harder since a lot of info. was left out. How about his talk with Vincent on what he's fighting for, his talk with aeris. Oh, than slanging that Aeris wasn't shown once in the movie, it was all the time of Tifa? Please, maybe I'm color blind or the colors was to bright, but you're basically nit-picking the stuff you want. There's more than two trailers. You're little slang at how cloriths are using "fan" mags for their argument just been rebuttal since looks who's trying to used those "so-called" fan mags that was translated by fans. Really, or are those from since they're accurate with their translations and their translators are neutrals. But then again, you'll probably say something stupid and deneid that as well.
Oh yes, Cloud cared a lot about Tifa that who suggested that Cloud cross-dress to saved her? Tifa herself. Wait! She was capture, so it was Aeris. How about when Aeris risked her life and gave priotity to Marlene to escape from Shinra ? How about giving everyone else prioity so that they can escape and Aeris got capture? Oh yes, and what? You're gonna tell me that Cloud didn't want to save Aeris but he had too because Aeris was a trouble maker and was jealous of which she wanted attention, that's why she did it, for selfish needs.
Ha. Don't make me laugh. What are you, a two faced split personality? One good and one bad. Really, I'm childish and whines because I can't get what I want. Oh gawd,you need to do a reality check since who was coming into the Cloud&Aeris thread all whining and bashing. Open your eyes, trying to act all innocent like you didn't do nothing since the whining and can't get what you want is YOU. Oh, that's right. Everyone else who made sense got skipped over so that you can post your little so called non bias Cloti interpreatation when its screaming bias all over. Really, you haven't try hard enough to grasp the concept, just like you didn't try so hard in "Why FF7 isn't the greatest" thread. It was so lame that it got shred in two but yet you call them names since they totally shreded and nit pick every aspect of that lame post. You can't even grasp the concept of a decent discussion, so basically, you're just making a fool outta yourself.

Maybe you should show your English teacher your post as well. Seriously, first you spelt challenge wrong, "challege", followed by your grammar "really,TMA" (there should be a space between really, and TMA.) Next you spelt argument, "agrument". Followed by not having a capital in the word English. Next you spelt argument wrong AGAIN! Next mistake is perhaps the worst of all, there was not capital letter in Aeris. Then you spelt denied "deneid" wrong. Then you spelt priority "priotity" wrong. Further down another incorrect use of grammar. "gawd,you". Next the spelling of "interpreatation" was incorrect. It is spelt interpretation, not interpreatation as you had it. Last but not least, you spelt shredded wrong. You had it "shreded "

11-20-2004, 01:40 AM
maybe you should be her teacher... since you know so much and you're eager to show that you know... after all not everyone can be as educated as you right? and if we make mistakes we have to be corrected by know-it-alls

btw look at the thread title that TMA wrote... wanna correct that?

11-20-2004, 01:49 AM
maybe you should be her teacher... since you know so much and you're eager to show that you know... after all not everyone can be as educated as you right? and if we make mistakes we have to be corrected by know-it-alls

btw look at the thread title that TMA wrote... wanna correct that?

Um ok but I would like you to know that the only part that is wrong is one bit, although it may have of meant to be like that.

"that..o_O" That is the only part which could have been considered incorrect. Mainly because there are two fullstops. But like I said, it may have of meant to have been like that.

11-20-2004, 01:53 AM
Listen, how bout we get back on track. I mean really, who cares if there's a spelling error or two. As long as it readable then there should be no problems.

11-20-2004, 01:53 AM
you're very funny but i see that you have nothing intelligent to say or you wouldn't have posted something to ridicularize shinobyuffie just because she doesn't agree with you, and don't tell me i'm insulting you when you know this is true

11-20-2004, 01:55 AM
ha, don't make me laugh as I was rebuttaling her on "how bias cloriths are with their so-called 'bias' essays and agruments." It shows my point of how that so-called essay is bias in its own way. But than again, you probably didn't bother to read her little remark, so meh. And please, I ask if it was bias, as in, a bias essay, since she claim that it shut up bias cloriths. Notice the difference. I guess not.

11-20-2004, 05:16 AM
mm, there is much more bashing here than actual debate. If people are going to post their opinions, leave their opinions of other members out. its seriously not necessary and makes the post longer and tedious to read.

11-20-2004, 01:03 PM
you're very funny but i see that you have nothing intelligent to say or you wouldn't have posted something to ridicularize shinobyuffie just because she doesn't agree with you, and don't tell me i'm insulting you when you know this is true

You know, I'm not very fond of your posts. I suggest you haul ass out of here, and save yourself the embarrassment. Instead of flaming me for being 13, why don't you provide some evidence of your own? If you can, that is. Which btw you can't.

ha, don't make me laugh as I was rebuttaling her on "how bias cloriths are with their so-called 'bias' essays and agruments." It shows my point of how that so-called essay is bias in its own way. But than again, you probably didn't bother to read her little remark, so meh. And please, I ask if it was bias, as in, a bias essay, since she claim that it shut up bias cloriths. Notice the difference. I guess not.

You forget to capitalize "Ha".

I'm growing tired of your childish immaturity. Save your breath the next time you decide to post a long-ass rant. Chances are not many are going to listen to you.

11-20-2004, 03:30 PM
like i care if you're fond of my posts or not. and i never flamed you for being 13. i said that your age shows in your posts.

besides that was in the other thread not in this one. don't tell me i started this time

embarassment? lol i'd like to see you try to embarass me. ops you already tried and failed.

11-20-2004, 06:13 PM
No it doesn't. So if my age shows in my posts then that means that you're even more little than me. I can hardly understand some of your posts.

besides that was in the other thread not in this one. don't tell me i started this time

That just proves how immature you are.

11-20-2004, 06:20 PM
no i have my reasopns to have picked on you in the other thread. i didn't in this one. you did. you're as immature as me. and just because you don't understand some of my posts that doesn't make me more little than you. it probably means that you have to grow up some more.

11-20-2004, 10:09 PM
I think Aeris and Tifa both go good together with Cloud, but I always thought Aeris was better.

11-20-2004, 10:12 PM
I think Aeris and Tifa both go good together with Cloud, but I always thought Aeris was better.
you know what aeris is a two timer as well as cloud tifa also loved zack and yeah two girls like zack now that his gone it's cloud's turn to pay the price well his not gone he just got mako poisoning cause I found that sucker like cloud

11-20-2004, 10:54 PM
Really, either way doesn't bother me. But who's to say he won't end up on his own?

He may not go with anyone.

11-20-2004, 11:02 PM
Really, either way doesn't bother me. But who's to say he won't end up on his own?

He may not go with anyone.
yeah your right it's sad to think about it...

11-20-2004, 11:59 PM
You know that can also be possible. Cloud probably would want to play either Tifa or Aeriths hearts and would stay neutral to save the heartbreak.

11-21-2004, 12:00 AM
You know that can also be possible. Cloud probably would want to play either Tifa or Aeriths hearts and would stay neutral to save the heartbreak.
He won't do that he won't I know he won't

11-21-2004, 12:03 AM
But if he wouldnt, do you think he would choose tifa?

11-21-2004, 12:05 AM
But if he wouldnt, do you think he would choose tifa?
umm this is an answer only cloud can decide but my opinion yes tifa if he had not met aeris

11-21-2004, 12:06 AM
The bond between Cloud and Aerith is strong, but he would choose her over a childhood with Tifa?

11-21-2004, 12:09 AM
The bond between Cloud and Aerith is strong, but he would choose her over a childhood with Tifa?
In the movie i think cloud has a son well something like that I wonder oh and cloud loved them both so it must be hard on him...

11-21-2004, 12:10 AM
Nah, In the movie Cloud is taking care of orphans with Tifa. Which I think symbolises their paternalistic side. Meaning, their marrige in a way

11-21-2004, 12:12 AM
Nah, In the movie Cloud is taking care of orphans with Tifa. Which I think symbolises their paternalistic side. Meaning, their marrige in a way
yeah you may be right but aeris has a reincarnation in the movie and cloud keeps getting flashbacks of the past

11-21-2004, 12:16 AM
I just think that because Cloud gets flashbacks, does not mean he loves her or whatever. It can be the connection they have, but couldnt it be nothing but a bond and thats it?

11-21-2004, 12:20 AM
I just think that because Cloud gets flashbacks, does not mean he loves her or whatever. It can be the connection they have, but couldnt it be nothing but a bond and thats it?
but wouldn't aerith reincarnation bring back old scars?

11-21-2004, 12:21 AM
most probably, but if he loves Tifa really, it wouldnt affect him greatly

11-21-2004, 12:32 AM
most probably, but if he loves Tifa really, it wouldnt affect him greatly
yeah I hope...

11-21-2004, 12:39 AM
But if he doesn't love Tifa?

11-21-2004, 12:44 AM
But if he doesn't love Tifa?
he does that's why he wanted to be a soldier cause he promise her

11-21-2004, 12:48 AM
He loves Tifa, He continues to keep his promise, and worries about her constantly. ...

11-21-2004, 12:51 AM
He loves Tifa, He continues to keep his promise, and worries about her constantly. ...
yeah he does

11-21-2004, 12:58 AM
Well, does he worry about her as a friend? or a lover?

11-21-2004, 12:59 AM
Well, does he worry about her as a friend? or a lover?
well it's both

11-21-2004, 01:04 AM
While I was searching through the internet someone put as the main couple Tifa and Cloud. Now she maybe just a fan, but nowhere did she mention Aerith as being potential. I found a nice picture also for the cloti:

and I think cloud worries for as any boyfriend would. He looks over her and makes sure she is alright, and she does the same. They both pull each other through in the end.

11-21-2004, 01:10 AM
Maybe. Still, the game doesn't state that, thus, I think it's what you believe.

11-21-2004, 01:16 AM
The game doesnt state that Cloud and Aerith are together also.

11-21-2004, 01:27 AM
I know, but I never said it did.

11-21-2004, 02:11 AM
While I was searching through the internet someone put as the main couple Tifa and Cloud. Now she maybe just a fan, but nowhere did she mention Aerith as being potential. I found a nice picture also for the cloti:

and I think cloud worries for as any boyfriend would. He looks over her and makes sure she is alright, and she does the same. They both pull each other through in the end.
that pic is wierd

11-21-2004, 02:24 AM
lol, how so?

11-21-2004, 02:31 AM
lol, how so?
they look like there never mind it's wierd they are naked and there so close to each other you know

11-21-2004, 12:09 PM
Lols you guys made me chuckle. And yes, I love that picture! Any picture with Cloud and Tifa naked is a plus for me:


11-22-2004, 07:09 AM
okay... anyways did Tifa like Zack?

11-22-2004, 08:28 PM
It goes like this:

Vincent + Cloud

Red XIII + Aeris

Barret + Cait Sith

Cid + Yuffie

Dru + Tifa

Just accept it. Damn.

EDIT: And it looks like Cloud has no junk in that picture, TMA.

11-22-2004, 09:00 PM
stop whining that shinobyuffie let da teacher read TMA, your so called not bias posts. Shinobiyuffie just had an expert remark from a teacher. A lot better hat you can do, Even though that teacher doesn't understand the love triangle doesn't mean they can't tell if it screams bias all over.

If you have written any essay at all, then you would know what i'm talking about. Any Ela teacher would know if its bias, unbias, speculation or asssumptions just by reading it without knowing what the topic is. That's their job. That's how it work, of course, you wouldn't know. You're probably smoking pot at school that's why you haven't learn nothing at all.

11-22-2004, 09:04 PM
you wouldn't know. You're probably smoking pot at school that's why you haven't learn nothing at all.

lolol nice one i must say

11-22-2004, 09:52 PM
And it looks like Cloud has no junk in that picture, TMA.

Oh dats mean. :(

You're probably smoking pot at school that's why you haven't learn nothing at all.

You see, this is what I mean by personal attacks. Don't think I live in the fucking ghettos with a bunch of n@@@@s and assume such things. I'm sorry, but that just pisses me off right there. For just this LT debate. You have allot to learn, I assume.

11-22-2004, 09:56 PM
Oh dats mean. :(

You see, this is what I mean by personal attacks. Don't think I live in the fucking ghettos with a bunch of n@@@@s and assume such things. I'm sorry, but that just pisses me off right there. For just this LT debate. You have allot to learn, I assume.

You know, wouldn't be simpler to ignore this?

I mean you bite back so hard, causing someone else to bite back, and before you know it a thead gets closed for it.

Just a word of advice.

11-22-2004, 09:58 PM
Oh dats mean. :(

You see, this is what I mean by personal attacks. Don't think I live in the fucking ghettos with a bunch of n@@@@s and assume such things. I'm sorry, but that just pisses me off right there. For just this LT debate. You have allot to learn, I assume.

you're not so nice in other threads. you're a big fake you know that?

11-22-2004, 10:02 PM
Sure, I'm so fucking fake. You gonna cry now? I have no idea why you guys go off crying when I argue with you and show you evidence. Stop whining and grow up dumbass.

Anyways, look at this hawt sig. :)

11-22-2004, 10:04 PM
you really think i care for the discussion? man are you stupid. i really just want to pick on little kids like you.

besides what you do is not argue. you insult

11-22-2004, 10:07 PM
besides what you do is not argue. you insult

He has a point.

11-23-2004, 01:02 AM
God is dead, I do have to agree with that. It looks like shinobiyuffie brought up a challenge in this discussion. But yet, it seems her discussions haven�t been thought through.

LOL, please, is that suppose to be better than what Yuffie posted. Correcting her grammar and spelling mistakes without thinking about what was said. Really, if you want this thread to last long, shoved those stuck-up attitudes away and actually start doing some thinking. You might as well correct everyone�s post, including your own since it isn�t exactly perfect. No one is perfect when it comes to writing. A little grammar and spelling mistake is a lot better than branding that the other party is �BIAS� when you, yourselves, are no better.

TMA, why don�t you poke at your own mistakes if you want to do it at Yuffie. She showed it to her teacher, so what? Maybe that was a weird idea but it�s getting an expert remark from. Have you been sleeping in school or something? Clearly, you don�t know what their jobs are. An ELA teacher or anyone who had an English class can read it, without knowing the topic, can sum up if its bias or not. That�s one point for Yuffie and zero for you. You do know what �bias� and �un-bias�, is? How about speculations and assumptions? Your little so called �copy� and �paste� it proves everything is bias with a lot of speculations and assumptions.

Official trailers? To back up what, speculations and assumptions. As of right now, the movie isn�t out yet, so both sides can be open to speculations and assumptions. Yes, it says that this Cloti has an official trailer to back it up? What, the last one only! How about the Venice one? How about the other 2 trailers on the official website? How about the trailers that came with the magazines or the game?

So, is that how it is? Considering one trailer more official than the others. Somewhere, along that line, that�s contradiction. Trailers show bits and pieces but it never stated that the orphans are living with Tifa. Where are the orphans, then? At the church? Midgar? Orphans are as �more than one�, not just one child. And no, Marlene doesn�t count as an orphan if you want to used that as an argument. That is just absurd. Did any of you forget what Dyne said to Barret? That Marlene was too young so she probably wouldn�t recognize who her �real� parents are. Barrett also takes care of Marlene like a father would do and Marlene considers and knows Barrett as her father. No where in the game did Marlene ask what happen to her real parents? Where are they? Did you see that in the game or are you going to make something up for this? Why do you think Dyne threw his life away when Barrett beg and ask him to come with him and see Marlene, together? Somewhere along that line, Barrett never told Marlene. So she doesn�t know and Marlene and Barrett are daughter and father. Marlene does have a place to go to, a place called home. Isn�t that why Barrett entrusted Marlene to Tifa, because she�s part of Avalanche and know that she will be safe?

So, one trailer is more important than the other? The other trailers were fan-subbed, huh? Really? That�s also an absurd statement. I�m betting none of us even were there during the Montr�al or Venice Film screening. So how could the other be fan subs if someone captured it on a poorly angle filming by a video cam? If you want to consider one trailer more official than the other, you contradicted yourself. Unless everyone at the filming preview can and understand Japanese, why need subtitles? Ah, that�s right. Not everyone can, that�s what subtitles are for. They all show AC, so they are as official as it gets. Why don�t you ask your Cloti friend to rewrite that over since it was an absurd statement. Anyone from either side can change the subtitles to their liking, did you consider that? Probably didn�t even do it.

So, this Cloti only included lines asking about where Cloud would be. Point being? It doesn�t prove anything at the moment. How about including Cloud�s talk with Aerith? Vincent? Wait, that�s right. It�s not important but yet it has its meanings.

Hmmm�..So Cloud needs to be a Cetra to go to the Promise Land? Really? If you want to show that Cloud can�t go, provide evidence to back this up. Some of you clearly ignore all the other vital parts and nit-picked the things you want. It never stated that Cloud need to be a Cetra to go to the Promise Land. No one is even certain where it is. Sephiroth thought it was �beyond the snowfields�- The Northern Crater � and Aerith even told the group that you don�t know where it is. You just feel it and know you found it. How about Cloud being able to feel Aerith�s and Sephiroth�s presence? No one was able to do that during the entire game, except for Cloud. To say that Cloud is normal isn�t exactly right if no Cloti can explain why Cloud can sense such things. How about his last line at the end, also?

Funny. Tifa has been available to Cloud for two years and yet, it�s not even a lovely dovey relationship. If you want to ask the other party if he stills love Aerith in AC, why don�t you ask yourselves if he loves Tifa with certainty in AC?
1)Why go hide in Aerith�s Church then? Why not somewhere else? Cloud could have gone anywhere and hid his secret. Someplace in Midgar, Cosmo Canyon or even far away.
2)Why did he contract himself with Geostigma if he�s �supposed� to have a happy relationship with Tifa?
3)Why does he want Aerith�s forgiveness so much? Why not ask Zack and apologize to him for letting Aerith died? Why not ask Zack for his forgiveness when Zack protected him and he died for that? How about seeing his friend Zack again? Why not asked Tifa for her forgiveness? For not being able to protect her friend Aerith? � Since so many of you said they were friends, then why not that?

Again, with this official trailer. Why isn�t it �trailers� and only one? There was more than one official trailer showing AC footage. I guess the light was too bright, that�s why the other trailers was where I hallucinated them. Either get this right since it�s an absurd statement.

Official trailers are only against either couple by your own interpretations. Never once did that Cloti mention Aerith�s presence. More than enough to say that you�re biased in favor of Cloti.

Funny. Asking the other party to show facts from the game when you haven�t shown any. What was that? The game was totally Cloud and Tifa. Tifa and Cloud. So, I guess Aerith never died. I guess it was a fluke. She was just a shadow of no importance. She never played a part in the game. It was Tifa who saved the world. Really? There�s a lot of evidence to support either side. But I guess some of you stuck-ups would slang it as BS and not count it at all. Of the two threads, which sides have shown a more intellectual discussion; back up by evidence and supporting points? It�s clearly not this thread as of right now.

Funny. Did this Cloti forget the other options? Pretty bias now, isn�t it? How about the part where Tifa is at one side of the room? You can also choose the other options while in that jail cell. You can also avoid Aerith or choose not to put her in the group, as it is with Tifa. But what you can�t avoid is Cloud wanting to say that he�s there for Aerith or his last line at the end of FFVII. This can also be apply to the little highwind scene. But who has it most out of it?

Oh, yes. And this Cloti also left certain parts out. And let�s not forget whose idea it was to save Tifa? How about the idea of cross-dressing Cloud? Would Cloud have come up with this idea? That argument can be turned around to Cloud wanting to make sure it was Aerith being safe.

The promise that Tifa prompted Cloud to make, how many times? Did some of you forget that he protected Aerith just as much? His �blaming himself� on past and present events are now two different things. So, what is he blaming himself for, now? Huh? What is it NOW?

Oh, yes. Using the merchandise now, huh? Did any of you Cloti know that you contradicted yourself? Yes. I�ve seen it so many times, slang at the other party that it doesn�t count. Really? So why are you using it yourselves? That�s right, you contradicted yourself, meaning, which couple has been shown more on merchandise? Reference to? It�s clearly wasn�t Cloti.

Again, with the assumptions and speculations? Really? That�s what the creators say? Why the heavy tones of their own culture? They wanted to �avoid Eastern and Western clich�s� yet it involves Western and Eastern ideals. Either do some �real� research or stop making things up.

LOL, well, Yuffie, guess your point was proven. There were so many things that were contradicted. Guess, they�re the one who don�t know what �speculations� and �assumptions� are if you want to slang it at the other party. Not once was Aerith mention in a good way or made reference to the trailers. Funny thing is that Cloti wanted the other party to admit Cloud and Tifa having a friendship relationship. A little contradiction there, isn�t it?

11-23-2004, 01:10 AM
hey TMA wanna insult this one too? or can you come up with some more of your "intelligent debate"?

nice going btw man... or girl... whatever you are =)

11-23-2004, 02:07 AM
again, quit it everyone. this thread is about tifa and cloud, not tma and everyone. ok?!

can we get back on topic now?

11-23-2004, 05:39 AM
stop whining that shinobyuffie let da teacher read TMA, your so called not bias posts. Shinobiyuffie just had an expert remark from a teacher. A lot better hat you can do, Even though that teacher doesn't understand the love triangle doesn't mean they can't tell if it screams bias all over.

If you have written any essay at all, then you would know what i'm talking about. Any Ela teacher would know if its bias, unbias, speculation or asssumptions just by reading it without knowing what the topic is. That's their job. That's how it work, of course, you wouldn't know. You're probably smoking pot at school that's why you haven't learn nothing at all.
Okay, for one thing, you don't seem like you know how to write.

'da teacher'
A lot better hat you can do
Any Ela teacher
First off, it's "Elementary", not "Elamentary", fool.
What kind of grade would this post have made, I assume?

And another thing that pisses me the fuck off is your pot smoking comment. I smoke pot every day of my life so fuck you, asshole. Incidentally, even though I smoke pot every day, I've managed to write this post with a correct spelling of the word elementary, whereas you have the writing skills equivalent to that of a sack of batteries.

You really show that you've learned some things, based on your posts.

11-23-2004, 05:40 AM
Sure, I'm so fucking fake. You gonna cry now? I have no idea why you guys go off crying when I argue with you and show you evidence. Stop whining and grow up dumbass.

Anyways, look at this hawt sig. :)
umm it did not says denied on it

11-23-2004, 07:38 AM

Another trouble maker....

I'm not arguing right now, why? Because this is a thread about CloudxTifa, not reasens why I am against them, fool. So go take that somewhere else. I'm going to ignore these rude comments for now.

And I'm not biased. The quotes from the trailer are there. The most recent one, the montreal one, is as official as you can get. The others are just speculations. Oh, that's right, beleive Nomura's interviews from a year ago, I bet Nomura would just LOVE spoiling the plot of AC. Well, looks like the tables have turned my friend.

11-23-2004, 09:26 AM
Hmmm...In this thread can I ask the people here of their opinions?kay do you really think Cloud loves Tifa more than Aeris?

11-23-2004, 09:28 AM

Another trouble maker....

I'm not arguing right now, why? Because this is a thread about CloudxTifa, not reasens why I am against them, fool. So go take that somewhere else. I'm going to ignore these rude comments for now.

And I'm not biased. The quotes from the trailer are there. The most recent one, the montreal one, is as official as you can get. The others are just speculations. Oh, that's right, beleive Nomura's interviews from a year ago, I bet Nomura would just LOVE spoiling the plot of AC. Well, looks like the tables have turned my friend.

11-23-2004, 09:32 AM
Way to flush every bit of credibility you had down the toilet, TMA. Do you really expect anyone to take you seriously after you insult a newcomer to the debate who made good points without once insulting anyone? And on top of that, you refused to debate those points. That's an absolute concession in a debate.

In other words, no matter how you try to spin it, you just gave up.

11-23-2004, 01:15 PM
Way to flush every bit of credibility you had down the toilet, TMA. Do you really expect anyone to take you seriously after you insult a newcomer to the debate who made good points without once insulting anyone? And on top of that, you refused to debate those points. That's an absolute concession in a debate.

In other words, no matter how you try to spin it, you just gave up.

point made =)

11-23-2004, 03:56 PM
God is dead, I do have to agree with that. It looks like shinobiyuffie brought up a challenge in this discussion. But yet, it seems her discussions haven�t been thought through.

Oh no, not all all.

LOL, please, is that suppose to be better than what Yuffie posted. Correcting her grammar and spelling mistakes without thinking about what was said. Really, if you want this thread to last long, shoved those stuck-up attitudes away and actually start doing some thinking. You might as well correct everyone�s post, including your own since it isn�t exactly perfect. No one is perfect when it comes to writing. A little grammar and spelling mistake is a lot better than branding that the other party is �BIAS� when you, yourselves, are no better.

Wow, you know, I think I wasn't being biased here. From the get-go, I was posting official evidence from the trailer, the one that was most recently shown, which is accuratly translated I might add. Not 1 year-old speculation. Must I repeat myself? Oh, so I suppose that magazines are not speculating at all and get their info straight from Nomura when the writer wants to know Cloud's ringtone or if he took up a job in modeling these last 2 years. ::rollseyes:: So I guess EGM calling Tifa Cloud's main squeeze would be official as well.

TMA, why don�t you poke at your own mistakes if you want to do it at Yuffie. She showed it to her teacher, so what? Maybe that was a weird idea but it�s getting an expert remark from. Have you been sleeping in school or something? Clearly, you don�t know what their jobs are. An ELA teacher or anyone who had an English class can read it, without knowing the topic, can sum up if its bias or not. That�s one point for Yuffie and zero for you. You do know what �bias� and �un-bias�, is? How about speculations and assumptions? Your little so called �copy� and �paste� it proves everything is bias with a lot of speculations and assumptions.

Oh so I'm the one speculating now? What are you talking about? These aren't assumptions at all. Anyone with a bit of perception and common sense would figure out what these quotes mean:

Tifa: "He's not here anymore"
Denzel: "Where is Cloud?"
Marlene: Did Cloud leave because he's sick?"

Wow, how can you not see that?

Tifa: (while looking at the bandages on the floor, in the church) "So this is why you left"
There is no speculation here on my part. Tifa looks at the bandages that Marlene shows her and it dawns on her why Cloud left them. That he left them because of his illness. That's no speculation, that's what she says in the trailer.

Cloud: "Let's go home Marlene"

Again, Cloud and Vincent were talking about taking Marlene back to 7th Heaven. Cloud tells Vincent to go home with Marlene and then Marlene starts scolding him. Then Tifa's voice is heard and he comes to a decision. Cloud's "Let's go home Marlene" line follows after that. It is quite obvious that he is referring to 7th Heaven.

There are also pictures of Cloud on the walls, drawings of the orphans, indicating that Cloud must have been there for quite some time for them to like him and draw pictures of him.

How am I speculating? All of the above is official info found in the trailers.

Official trailers? To back up what, speculations and assumptions. As of right now, the movie isn�t out yet, so both sides can be open to speculations and assumptions. Yes, it says that this Cloti has an official trailer to back it up? What, the last one only! How about the Venice one? How about the other 2 trailers on the official website? How about the trailers that came with the magazines or the game?

See the post above. How can official back up speculations and assumptions if it's official? Do try harder please.

So, is that how it is? Considering one trailer more official than the others. Somewhere, along that line, that�s contradiction. Trailers show bits and pieces but it never stated that the orphans are living with Tifa. Where are the orphans, then? At the church? Midgar? Orphans are as �more than one�, not just one child.

I'm not considering one trailer over another. The Venice trailer contains some of the same info. Your point? The other trailers were in Japanese but made everyone speculate on them as well. But right now what we have is OBVIOUS. Stop denying what is in your face.

Orphans are as �more than one�, not just one child.

You said it yourself. Marlene+Denzel=2.

Trailers show bits and pieces but it never stated that the orphans are living with Tifa. [/QUOUTE]

Oh, how you are so wrong there. I suggest you get your info straight. Check or the official website. If you aren't afraid of being proven wrong, that is.

[QUOTE]So, one trailer is more important than the other? The other trailers were fan-subbed, huh? Really? That�s also an absurd statement. I�m betting none of us even were there during the Montr�al or Venice Film screening. So how could the other be fan subs if someone captured it on a poorly angle filming by a video cam? If you want to consider one trailer more official than the other, you contradicted yourself. Unless everyone at the filming preview can and understand Japanese, why need subtitles? Ah, that�s right. Not everyone can, that�s what subtitles are for. They all show AC, so they are as official as it gets. Why don�t you ask your Cloti friend to rewrite that over since it was an absurd statement. Anyone from either side can change the subtitles to their liking, did you consider that? Probably didn�t even do it.

I never said that the trailers were fan-subbed. What my friend's point what was that the so called "interviews" with Nomura and out-dated magazines are not fully reliable. Like Cloud living alone for 2 years.

Cloud: After the battle, he hid in secret and lived a quiet life alone. However, he is attacked by the 3 mysterious men who suddenly appear, and decides to once again return to the battle ground. Not even knowing what they want, he is forced to draw his sword.

That info is from Denkaki, and it is wrong. If he had lived a quiet life alone, then why are there pictures on the walls of 7th heaven of him, Tifa, Denzel, and Marlene together? He must have had some contact, no? Plus, before he even came face to face with Kadaj, Yazoo and Loz, they had called him in for a job. If he doesn't know who they are, then why would accept a job from them? They attacked him because he betrayed them in some way. So there, that's an example of OUT-DATED magazine speculation.

So, this Cloti only included lines asking about where Cloud would be. Point being? It doesn�t prove anything at the moment. How about including Cloud�s talk with Aerith? Vincent? Wait, that�s right. It�s not important but yet it has its meanings.

And your point is....? Yes, he did talk with Aerith, but nothing romantic occured. Ha, so much for your high thoughts.

Hmmm�..So Cloud needs to be a Cetra to go to the Promise Land? Really? If you want to show that Cloud can�t go, provide evidence to back this up. Some of you clearly ignore all the other vital parts and nit-picked the things you want. It never stated that Cloud need to be a Cetra to go to the Promise Land. No one is even certain where it is. Sephiroth thought it was �beyond the snowfields�- The Northern Crater � and Aerith even told the group that you don�t know where it is. You just feel it and know you found it. How about Cloud being able to feel Aerith�s and Sephiroth�s presence? No one was able to do that during the entire game, except for Cloud. To say that Cloud is normal isn�t exactly right if no Cloti can explain why Cloud can sense such things. How about his last line at the end, also?

Then that must mean he loves Sephiorth, too. Oh, and Bugenhagen and all the other people in the game say so. The Ancients and all the people who know more than you do. Elder Hargo states that only Ancients can go there. Uh-huh, so Cloud is secretely an Ancient, then, I guess?

Funny. Tifa has been available to Cloud for two years and yet, it�s not even a lovely dovey relationship. If you want to ask the other party if he stills love Aerith in AC, why don�t you ask yourselves if he loves Tifa with certainty in AC?

Why would they have a lovey-dovey relashionship? So they are gonna skip-away in the sun-set and be happily ever after? What about the angry mobs of Cloriths that will be dissapointed? From what I've gathered, they will touch upon the delicate relashionship between Cloud, Tifa, and Aerith in the movie. And that Cloud and Tifa's destinies will be revealed. Words of Nomura, of course.

1)Why go hide in Aerith�s Church then? Why not somewhere else? Cloud could have gone anywhere and hid his secret. Someplace in Midgar, Cosmo Canyon or even far away.

Because Cloud can be at peace there. He's hiding the fact that he has geostigma from Tifa, so you can't say he doesn't care for her at all.

That's all for now. :(

11-24-2004, 01:24 AM
.. whats geostigma?

And also, dont you think that Aerith provided a safe spot to Cloud. Like, a way for Cloud to find comfort and peace within himself. In a way Tifa did spot reality and put it in front of him while Aerith showed him how to turn away from it.

11-24-2004, 02:33 AM
I personaly think that Tifa and Cloud are gonna get together and that there the couple and as far as the arguing goes lets just wait till Advent children comes out maybe then we will get our answers

11-24-2004, 02:43 AM
Hmmm...In this thread can I ask the people here of their opinions?kay do you really think Cloud loves Tifa more than Aeris?
You bet yer ball sack, he did!

11-24-2004, 08:28 AM
You bet yer ball sack, he did!

Were is your evidence to back up that?

11-24-2004, 02:58 PM
And where is your's to say that he didn't? Honestly, every frikkin' post must be backed up by facts in your world, when that's all we've been doing is posting facts.

11-24-2004, 03:09 PM
not definite facts. no matter what you say, the ones that don't agree with you are only going to be truly convinced after they see the movie. the same goes for you i'm sure

11-24-2004, 09:04 PM
Were is your evidence to back up that?
I pulled it out of my ass, where else?

11-24-2004, 09:28 PM
i bet you do that a lot.
pull things out of your ass of course

Dot Centaur
11-24-2004, 09:52 PM
Ya'll, stop this nonsense! These are my friends fighting >:O. Tifa_Martial_Artist is fighting with my friends god is dead and jiro and I wish my friends can get along too :sad:, but sadley all my friends can't get along. Remember, this is a Cloti fan thread, not a Cloti vs. Clorith thread. TMA, they are right, if we want this thread to last, you got to stop this nonsense. I'm sorry and I hate to say it, but if you want to argue, do like what I do, debate calmly and nicely as much as you can. I'm still your friend, but if you keep this up, this thread will not last. Do you have to be nasty everytime someone gives there point about why they like Clorith? I can understand you getting upset when it comes out hateful like Uyokou's and Shinobiyuffie's, but when you do it, you're doing the same thing, and that will make them want to keep making there point with hate. Maybee if you try explaining your feelings and thoughts in a more positive way, they may not do that so much anymore. Everytime I throw hate, I regret it and have done it over and over again, but even so, I find it in my heart to do my best. I may be hypocritical, but even the positive people loose control every now and then or even if it is hardley ever. It they want to hate Tifa, let them. But if they keep throwing there hate at you and me, just calmley and reasonably tell them that we don't want to start fights and we don't want this thread closed. As friend's and fans united, we got to stop this war over fictional character. We all have different preferences whether we like, love, or hate. That what make's us all unique and special and different and make's the world a fun place to live on. If we look at having different opinions this way, we can all get along here and have peace.

11-24-2004, 10:39 PM
And where is your's to say that he didn't? Honestly, every frikkin' post must be backed up by facts in your world, when that's all we've been doing is posting facts.

Yes, cuz thats what a debait is, posting facts.

Edit: And Tifa Rinoa, I doubt that the arguing will stop. Some people are to immature to not do stupid things.

11-24-2004, 10:48 PM
Aww ;( ::sniff::

As much as I hate to admit it, we've been constantly arguing over something stupid and fake. Not only are they fictional characters, but people get upset over them as well for absolutely no reasen. If someone says a rude comment to me, I cannot help but bite back hard, as is the human nature. But please, try to understand that everyone else has different point of views and they can be as opposite as salt and pepper. ;) It's funny that when Nomura says FF7 can be interpreted in many, many ways, there's only 2 drasticaly different points of view that causes a bunch of wars and has for years. Clashing between the Cloti and CloAeris sides. It's so stupid, I'm sick and tired of it. Oh, look at me, getting all squirly over a videogame. o_O Lols. The point is, let's just live in peace with eachother and remember that each time we argue about this crap, we're debating about videogame couples. What polygon gets with who? And yet, the competitiveness is still there. I hope we change that, and become more friendly towards one-another. However shallow I amy seem, I'm just trying to prove some points that are pretty obvious, not technicaly a loving relashionship between Cloud and Tifa, but atleast that they kept contact over the last 2 years. Although I still stand by all of what I said of them being the official couple of FF7.

Oh, and for any of you interested in oekaki drawings...

11-24-2004, 10:58 PM
aww man... fun's over i guess...

11-25-2004, 04:24 AM
here to help out

11-25-2004, 06:04 PM
Very nice Jiro.^^

11-25-2004, 07:42 PM
nice wallpaper jiro!

11-25-2004, 08:39 PM
Erm...last night I was...Well, if anyone's heard of the fanfic called "breath" I was in the fanfiction section of that site and there is now a new lemon section...for the sex scenes...and well....Cloud eating Tifa is so damn funny ROFLMAO.

11-25-2004, 11:46 PM

11-26-2004, 12:07 AM
thanks but I really hope tifa does not die also...

Dot Centaur
11-26-2004, 01:05 AM
I don't think she will. If she does, then Cloud will not have another woman left. He shouldn't have two of the most important women lost in his life. He needs one of them and that's Tifa ;).l

11-27-2004, 10:34 PM
I agree loosing two important women would be unfair to Cloud, he's had a hard enough life as it is let alone loosing one of the loves of his life in the game. Let Tifa live or find a plausable way to bring Aeris back, don't kill them both

11-30-2004, 08:49 PM
Okay, for one thing, you don't seem like you know how to write.

First off, it's "Elementary", not "Elamentary", fool.
What kind of grade would this post have made, I assume?

And another thing that pisses me the fuck off is your pot smoking comment. I smoke pot every day of my life so fuck you, asshole. Incidentally, even though I smoke pot every day, I've managed to write this post with a correct spelling of the word elementary, whereas you have the writing skills equivalent to that of a sack of batteries.

You really show that you've learned some things, based on your posts.
Ela is short 4 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ART. The pot smoke'n thing was about school. If you smoke pot just 4 the pure pleasure then that's your problem. If your smoke'n it 4 a your medication then i don't have a problem with that. And by da way, no one's perfect.

12-01-2004, 07:39 PM
Umm..actually it's LA. pwnt.

12-03-2004, 09:36 AM
I was looking around and I found another thread similar to this one?

12-04-2004, 08:06 PM
the other one closed.. to much flaming.

12-05-2004, 01:14 PM
Screw this.

12-08-2004, 01:23 AM
Please, do you think that you�re not biased, TMA? Apparently, you are, as of the moment. Yes, you posted official evidence from the trailers, but really, they�re just your interpretations and how you see it. Oh yes, how do you know it�s accurately translated? You never did answer my questions. Were you there during both filming previews? I doubt you were, just like anyone else was. With technology these days, you can change any media to your liking.

And seeing that SE is not even setting a release date yet and keep pushing it farther, let�s see how long these trailers last. What are you going to say if they show a new trailer without the old footage presented?
How about if someone interpreted the trailers differently than yours? What next? Really, if you think the world revolves around you because you boasted on how �it�s official, because it�s from the trailers� and you�re right while everyone is wrong, then that�s the feeling that most people are getting.

Funny, I never talked or stated anything about magazines. But, Bravo, Bravo! If you�re so smart to figure that magazines do speculations and assumptions, I guess you don�t want to admit that yours are too. Why don�t you save the boasting �it�s the truth, idiots� and �it proves I�m right� until after the movie comes out. Just like how magazines nitpick one scene and start creating assumptions, that�s the same way you�re doing it. You are no better than what neither movie critics nor magazines do.

Yes, anyone with a bit of perception and common sense will know how to wait until after the movie is released before boasting that they�re right or confirming their speculations. Anyone without any common sense or perception just like to do speculations and assumptions, thinking they are so right and forcing it to other people faces, just to find out that many times, it blows up in their own faces.

Oh, so these lines are suppose to prove your point? They are really just bit and pieces from the trailers and aren�t even a full length. But why don�t I examine it and tear it to pieces.

Tifa: �He�s not here anymore.�
- And this is how it proves your point. This line is so vague, so one-sided; you haven�t even heard the other side of other people�s arguments. And since there�s no time lapse, this one little line can be broken up into many segments. Need I demonstrate? Cloud could have left for a job and she�s saying that, how about Cloud deciding to move out, how about Cloud leaving for quite a while�oh, yes, and the list can go on and on because that one little line is so vague that anyone can tear it apart to their liking.

Denzel: �Where is Cloud?�
- Again, such a vague, one sided line, that can be tear apart. What if he just woke up and asking? What if Cloud step out and he�s asking? What if Cloud was downstairs and he just woke up, since he�s sick, and asking?

Marlene: �Did Cloud leave because he�s sick?�
- Left who? Left them? Left her? Left the church? Midgar? The bar? It�s not even enough to confirm what she�s talking about. And if you think you�re so right, trying reading other people�s arguments of how it meant that she was talking about Cloud leaving the church. The scene is at the church. You people really amazed me with these speculations and assumptions.

Tifa: �So this is why you left�
- Again, left where? Her? The Church? Midgar? Her bar? The children?

Cloud: �Let�s go home Marlene.�
- Ah, yes, and home could be anywhere. The church. Midgar. Back to Barrett. The bar. With Aeris�s mom. And since it�s just bit and pieces, any argument can be brought up to where Cloud stays at.

Oh, and the pictures of Cloud on the wall�.sums up what? Funny, you did know you did a little speculation and assumption there as it wasn�t even proven yet that it was the orphans who drew it. How about Marlene? Or the children not affected by Geostigma who want to thank Cloud and Friends?
This doesn�t even automatically sums up anything as it goes from one scene to the next with such vague lines/scenes.

Why don�t you try watching other trailers instead of FF7 and you�ll notice that what you�re doing is no different than what movie critics and magazines do. They speculate and start making up assumptions from just those trailers, those one-sided lines and vague scenes. Oh yes, and its quite funny how it blows up in their faces when it doesn�t come out how you expect it.

Why do I need to try harder when I�m not the one boasting like a know-it-all and trying to shove it to people faces? I watch enough trailers in my lifetime to know not to expect anything and just wait till it comes out before passing judgment.

Oh yes, so these bit and pieces from the trailers prove that the orphans lived with Tifa, that Cloud left her because he doesn�t want to hurt her, etc. etc. Really, I can�t be proven wrong if they�re just bits and pieces from trailers that don�t confirm anyone�s speculations yet. Oh, I watch all the trailers, but I�m not stupid enough to start claiming it�s in favor of this and that, trying to prove that you are right while the others are wrong.

What is there to deny when all that have been shown are just trailers? And like all trailers, they make people speculate and start creating all of these nonsense assumptions up. That�s call stupidity and desperation, acting like you already saw the movie and claiming you know so much, when in fact, you know squat.

Really, so I can perceive that you skipped over my explanation of why Marlene wouldn�t be consider as an orphan. Only one has been shown, that�s Denzel. And you didn�t even provide any evidence or facts to back up why Marlene would be count as an orphan. I already went over it in my last argument, so try your best to counter it out. Oh yes, there are two children present but since you so want to claim that the orphans are living with Tifa, you came up with squat for this argument. It looks like you�re the one who doesn�t want to be proven wrong.

They�re as official as they can get. Trailers just expand your imagination, just like screen shots from magazines do. Your Cloti interpretation is just as unreliable as any magazine speculating and interpreting each scene or line.

Funny, my high thoughts are a lot more intellectual and thoughtful than so pathetic fan that shove it to other people faces, acting almighty like they saw the movie already, and is just a hypocrite who says one thing but do the other. Oh yes, that�s right. What was it about my high thoughts when you can�t even counter them back right and provide an unworthy argument against it?

Yes, and that is your little lame explanation of why Cloud can�t go to the Promise Land. Oh yes, and everyone else contradicted themselves in the game, that�s why Shinra is always after Aerith, because they�re normal humans who can�t go and yet still chased after her, so they can see it. And funny that an Elder Hargo doesn�t even exist in the game, so this little information is just BS from speculations and theories section. I guess it can be say that you also skipped EH last line of how that�s what he thought, meaning, he�s not so sure himself. Nice try on your high thoughts.

It�s from your mouth, not mine. And since you like to boast so much about it, like you already know the movie. Really, why ask the other party if he still loves Aerith with certainty and ask yourselves if he still loves Tifa in AC with certainty?
Exactly what I see. Many Cloti are in doubt themselves so you do this instead, to provoke the other side and make it like your side is right and there is no hope for their liking but instead for yours. The other party doesn�t even need to know this if the side presenting the question can�t even answer it.

Really, and that is your answer of why he hide in the church when I have heard at least so many assumptions for that. So Cloud hides there so he can be at peace�..LOL, really. That�s an assumption made already. How about all of these�..First time he met Aerith, taking care of the flowers, needed some time to himself, Tifa was a pain to him, it brings him back memories of Aerith, the final battle going to be there, there�s a secret to the church.�.Oh, and the list go on and on because of one vague scene.

Nice try on that but neither side nor assumption is right till the movie comes out.

12-12-2004, 08:24 PM
Really, there was no need for such a long post on your part. You're wrong anyway. I'm not going to answer you because I'm lazy. Take that bitch. You make no sense.

12-12-2004, 08:29 PM
lazy... yeah right...

12-12-2004, 08:31 PM
lazy... yeah right...
lol well anyways like I said on the other thread about cloud not choosing and him being a lone heroin

12-13-2004, 04:14 AM
Tifa and Cloud for Life!!!!!! Well, I think Cloud's Large hair and Tifa's large boobs definitly have some chemistry goin on there.

12-13-2004, 07:53 PM
And Cloud's large sword. :Drool:

12-13-2004, 11:28 PM
Guys Guys Guys its obvious that Aeris liked his resembelance of Zack- I think he liked her for awhile longer tho. First you cant use the gold saucer date in aerises favor because that matters on who you treat best (i had tifa go) , you can even get barret to go!

Also what about that little scene where cloud and tifa camp out on that hill (when everyone leaves) Tifa: Words aren't the only things that can express how you feel ::Cloud turns in a small shock as tifa is smiling::

Lol you can only guess what happened in that last one. What about at the Seventh Heaven? Tifa asks you how you slept and you can choose to say (these arent exact words) "Great because I slept next to you". Hmm thats odd huh? ;-)

Theres also that pic of cloud and tifa with what appears to be their two kids (looks like its from advent children)

So just face the facts ppl :-)

12-14-2004, 12:19 PM
Guys Guys Guys its obvious that Aeris liked his resembelance of Zack- I think he liked her for awhile longer tho. First you cant use the gold saucer date in aerises favor because that matters on who you treat best (i had tifa go) , you can even get barret to go!

Also what about that little scene where cloud and tifa camp out on that hill (when everyone leaves) Tifa: Words aren't the only things that can express how you feel ::Cloud turns in a small shock as tifa is smiling::

Lol you can only guess what happened in that last one. What about at the Seventh Heaven? Tifa asks you how you slept and you can choose to say (these arent exact words) "Great because I slept next to you". Hmm thats odd huh? ;-)

Theres also that pic of cloud and tifa with what appears to be their two kids (looks like its from advent children)

So just face the facts ppl :-)
lol their two kids that's funny those are orphin kids not theirs well anyways Tifa was just asking those questions in the game rarely so well yeah whatever even when tifa did ask cloud would not say anything so your theory doesn't prove a thing okay as for aeris in the movie cloud seems to get a backflash alot of her strange huh.

12-14-2004, 04:49 PM

12-14-2004, 05:09 PM
Oh, yes, TMA,
And how long are you going to keep this charade up? Funny, you probably can't even answer that question. Oh, what was it that you say, every post need to be back up by evidence or statements. Nice try, litte girl. But your just full of it.
Yes, and if I'm wrong, who was the one boasting about me not making my comeback because I can't back up my posts. Looks like the table turn around on you, not me.

12-14-2004, 05:29 PM
I think you need to work on your english. ^_~


12-16-2004, 01:35 AM
Bravo, bravo..on your lowly comeback. If that is all you can do, don't boast about being a mature debater who can back their statements up. Oh, and thanks for confiming my statement. You are so full of it.

12-16-2004, 03:14 PM
I am a mature debator. I can surely come up with more good points than you. So I won't bother. Seriously, call me a coward, but I think I'll relax for a bit. Take it to the DEBATE THREAD GENIOUS.

12-16-2004, 08:17 PM
and of course we all believe you're a good debater now (sarcasm if you couldn't tell)

12-16-2004, 11:20 PM
dude, TMA is right, you guys are just in deep denial...jerks...her points throughout this thread are all perfectly relevant and back off.

12-16-2004, 11:33 PM
was that meant for me as well?

12-17-2004, 01:28 AM
Yes, Chorns. And if we are such in denial because TMA is such a mature debater, she wouldn't be flaming, name calling nor post crap when other people give such good points that she can't counter out or just skipped over and post nonsense.
Really, TMA? And what is your good points? That's right. My posts are just nonsense because yours make more sense. "It's so intelligent and thoughtful because I know I'm right and everyone are idiots who's just in denial. Everyone posts needs to be back up. ...blah blah blah..." Lucky me, your just full of it. Don't boast about things you can't do or how mature of a debater you are. And if you think I'm lying, reread your posts. It came straight from your mouth, not mine.
god is dead,
The answer to that question would be...NO. If TMA made such good points, she wouldn't have to keep this charade up.

12-17-2004, 01:09 PM
Thanks chorns.^^

See, this is what I mean. Denying my evidence and brushing them off as interpretations, when clearly, they are not. Cloud and Tifa had been in contact for quite some time, that I'm sure. Why, I remembered some biased CloAeris saying that it was Vincent in that picture instead of Cloud. Haha, claiming it as fact. And yet, it was Cloud. Now the only excuse they can give is Cloud was forced to take the picture, or that he was un-happy. XD, please, grasping for straws they are, just like jinchuu.

12-17-2004, 01:12 PM
This argument is really raging on.
Off the argumentive subject...
You have backed up your theorum superbly TMA.
Well done.

12-17-2004, 01:15 PM

Well, since this is the CloTi thread, I shall post CloTi pics...

This is actually an Anti-CloTi sig, but it was funny enough...

12-17-2004, 02:05 PM
This argument is really raging on.
Off the argumentive subject...
You have backed up your theorum superbly TMA.
Well done.

you must be blind or something...

12-17-2004, 02:18 PM
No, you're just an idiot.

Word or advice: If you don't really care for this discussion, like you said, then why are you still here?

12-17-2004, 02:40 PM
lol TMA giving advice... i'm here because you kids amuse me. i love watching you fight over this. this has gone from debate to mindless posts. i'm including my own posts to that statement before you think i'm just attacking you.

and weren't you that said that personal attackas are lame?

i may be an idiot but i'd rather be an idiot than someone like you.

12-17-2004, 03:29 PM
Lol, the king of contradictions. This is a forum. And we're not here to amuse you. If you want to be amused call your girlfriend or something, if you even have one.

12-17-2004, 04:20 PM
you're not here to amuse me but by being the lame person you are you amuse me anyway. nothing i can do. as long as you're as stupid as you are now i'll be amused.

12-17-2004, 07:05 PM
Let's keep on the subject at hand, okay?

12-17-2004, 09:34 PM
Oh yes, and what evidence is it if you want to brush off other people interpretations? Don't think that your right if you just skipped over, flame, and insult other people points of view. There is so much of a difference there. Is just too bad that your touching speech about how fans shouldn't fight is just full of it? It really amazes me on how both sides of fans like to speculate and make assumptions on a movie that isn't out yet. How sad can that get.

12-17-2004, 09:40 PM

w00t w00t

Realism owns.

12-17-2004, 09:45 PM
Nice pics. =)

12-18-2004, 05:53 AM
I don't think that quote written in the very first post of the thread PROVES CloudxTifa, even though it DOES show how much support Tifa gave to Cloud.

Yes, Cloti rules.

12-18-2004, 06:42 AM
Those statements are official...I do work for S-E ya know...

12-18-2004, 06:45 AM
Right, and TMA will stop kissing Dismantled's ass.

12-18-2004, 06:50 AM
I'm just stating the facts, I got a job as a violinist.

12-18-2004, 07:47 AM
Really?!?! Play me teh sweet music.

12-18-2004, 12:02 PM
I do not lie Jinchuu. I never lie. Don't accuse me of something I didn't and haven't done. You think I'm full of it do you? If I could, I'd give you a piece of my mind.

12-18-2004, 01:03 PM
Right, and TMA will stop kissing Dismantled's ass.

wtf are you talking about?

12-18-2004, 01:10 PM
haha i can't figure it out either.

12-18-2004, 01:15 PM
I'd give you a piece of my mind Jinnchu, if that were possible without swearing. I am not "brushing off" statements. I am not, by any means right. How do I know I am right? I never said I was right or wrong, that is up to the Moderators to do that. I don't flame for the sake of it either, normally because there is a constructed matter such as this. I am not insulting other people's views either. I want this pathetic feud to end, pure and simple. That, is NOT a lie, I promise you.

12-19-2004, 08:47 AM
Really?!?! Play me teh sweet music.
I'm not very great with computers, otherwise I'd post some music files on here...

12-19-2004, 08:53 PM
She definetely is on crack.

12-20-2004, 03:36 AM
She definetely is on crack.

12-27-2004, 04:04 PM
Omg. Suck it will you.

12-27-2004, 04:05 PM
This is insane...

12-27-2004, 04:09 PM
Hey baby. Oh. Why do you like CloudxTifa so much anyway?

12-27-2004, 05:33 PM
Its just... obvious. They've known each other for a few years, Tifa loves him. Aeris only liked him because she thought he was like Zack. I like them because its genuine, and not something like Aeris' thingy.

12-29-2004, 11:58 AM
Will these bloody threads ever end????

12-29-2004, 01:48 PM
Please keep to the subject at hand SB, thank you.

12-29-2004, 01:53 PM
Not if the subject sucks. Murderous tax assessors with inflamed noses are far more entertaining.

12-29-2004, 04:45 PM
Why would that be, huh? Oh look at the murderous tax assessors with inflamed noses, hahaha...

08-18-2007, 03:33 PM
^.^ *claps* Good TMA!!!!!! This is good stuff. Those Anti Tifa people can shove it. Also in AC when Tifa is knocked out because of Loz Cloud is shaking her begging her to wake up ( his voice seems begging). Aerith was his main intrest but when she died Tifa seemed to come into his eyes. I'm strong Cloti because they just pair up better than Aerith. and agreed also Aerith wanted to get to know Cloud better but she couldn't, and she also looks content with Zack in the end of AC while Tifa and the gang are happy to have Cloud.

Dot Centaur
08-18-2007, 06:16 PM
Congrats on reviving a three year old dead thread.

08-19-2007, 05:28 AM
That's right, I think so too. Only Tifa would sacrifice herself to save Cloud because she loves him.
I think that Aerith would sacrifice herself too, because i think that Aerith and Cloud had feelings for each other but thats just my opinion and truthly i hate all the couples i really dont like them, but my fav female character is Yuffie shes cool, but i think Aerith would sacrifice herself too, im not saying that Tifa wouldnt but thats what i think, i personaly dont like the character Tifa, i dont like her atitude and her in general, and i dont see any connection for a couple to ever spring up with Tifa and Cloud, i like yaoi but thats my opinion i think LeonxCloud would be better than any couples that you guys ever list i think that the LeonxCloud are the best couple that could ever come together but i know that they dont meet in FF but they do meet each other in Kh but those are 2 different games, but again i bet that Aerith would sacrifice hersef for Cloud but i dont doubt that Tifa would sacrifice herself either i say they both would....but again thats just what i think.

08-19-2007, 03:20 PM

08-19-2007, 08:52 PM
^.^ *claps* Good TMA!!!!!! This is good stuff. Those Anti Tifa people can shove it. Also in AC when Tifa is knocked out because of Loz Cloud is shaking her begging her to wake up ( his voice seems begging). Aerith was his main intrest but when she died Tifa seemed to come into his eyes. I'm strong Cloti because they just pair up better than Aerith. and agreed also Aerith wanted to get to know Cloud better but she couldn't, and she also looks content with Zack in the end of AC while Tifa and the gang are happy to have Cloud.
I think the only reason she and Zack look content is because their both DEAD,and i dont think that Tifa and Cloud pair up better i think that they look horrible together, Aerith and Cloud look better than they do, and anyone who thinks that when Aerith dies is awesome i have one thing to say to you thats sick and wrong, if you think her dieing is cool or your glad it happened then thats just sick and you need to go get help. And i dont think that any Anti Tifa people would like what you said, everyones opinion should be respected I dont like adny of the pairing but i do like the character Aerith better than some others like Tifa and Rinoa,so i guess i had to say somthing and since you wanna say all the Anti Tifa people should shove it i think that all the people that like Tifa should do the same thing.

08-19-2007, 09:06 PM
Its just... obvious. They've known each other for a few years, Tifa loves him. Aeris only liked him because she thought he was like Zack. I like them because its genuine, and not something like Aeris' thingy.

What its obvious that their gonnna be a couple, all i see is a dieing friendship, and WHAT DO YOU HAVE AGAINST AERITH??? What is so bad about her that makes all you tifa people hate her?? All i see when i look at Aerith is a kind, caring, loving person, whats so bad about that??What do you people only like people who fight and cause pain and suffering. And when did Aerith only like Cloud because he was like Zack, that doesnt make sense cause shes a better person then that..... Like i said you people must not want peace cause tifa as she is potrayed is a fighter and what do fighters cause, pain, blood and suffering, Aerith is potrayed as a loving, helpful.person. Please tell me why you people hate hre so much because all i see when i look at tifa is some blood sucking ugly animal that wants to kill and destroy everything.

08-19-2007, 09:56 PM
ffs, gtfo! Nobody gives a s*** if you love aeris/th, seriously, there is no point in proclaiming your love for her on a forum. It's retarded! That and you're only 13 FFVII is probably the most action you'll have for the next 3 years!

08-19-2007, 10:36 PM
ffs, gtfo! Nobody gives a s*** if you love aeris/th, seriously, there is no point in proclaiming your love for her on a forum. It's retarded! That and you're only 13 FFVII is probably the most action you'll have for the next 3 years!

I do not love Aerith, im not proclaming any love for her because i dont love her i think shes a good character, i do not love her and its not gonna be the most action ill have for the next 3 yrs of my life. I have better things to do than pick at people like you.

08-20-2007, 06:10 PM
I do not love Aerith, im not proclaming any love for her because i dont love her i think shes a good character, i do not love her and its not gonna be the most action ill have for the next 3 yrs of my life. I have better things to do than pick at people like you.

If you regisitered just to post about how good a character Aerith is, you might as well go ahead and leave right now. Before Prak eats you alive.

EDIT: And please don't use colored fonts. It's freaking annoying to read.

08-21-2007, 12:04 AM
Well i am sorry about the colored fonts but i like them and thats how itll stay ... and I dont care who this Prak person is and ill post what ever i want so too bad for him..... and i didnt register just to post about Aerith, i have other reasons too.

08-21-2007, 07:27 AM
You want to post about CloudxAerith? How original....

And not knowing who Prak is.... That's one hell of a crime

08-21-2007, 08:01 AM
I'd like to know who he is, too!

Who he REALLY is, I mean.
Who the person is inside of that...that...mean and nasty, intolerant JERK that I see all the time on here!!

08-21-2007, 05:34 PM
Asking who I am is the same as asking what I am, and what I am is the embodiment of perfection in a world that is often too retarded to see the error of its ways as I point them out.

That aside, I'd like to have a word with Miss Moron about her colored fonts. People have clearly stated that it makes your posts hard to read. the fact that you insist on continuing to use them shows that you don't care about people reading what you have to say. You're just here to say it for no other reason than to see yourself doing so. You can just as easily - and far less annoyingly - do that in the margins of a notebook. If you want to be a part of the community, conform to the community's expectations. If not, fuck off.

08-21-2007, 07:05 PM
You want to post about CloudxAerith? How original....

And not knowing who Prak is.... That's one hell of a crime

Man, I hope Prak remembers to sprinke his testicles with cinnamon, because everyone seems to want a good lickin'

C'mon, Prak's a dickless fuck.

08-21-2007, 08:08 PM
Asking who I am is the same as asking what I am, and what I am is the embodiment of perfection in a world that is often too retarded to see the error of its ways as I point them out.

I'd say that you're at least human!
And saying that along with saying you're perfect is almost a contradiction...

...Unless you aren't human, and like, are just some forum-post-AI program.

The only reason people seem too "retarded" to listen to your words is that you place insults inside of your posts. (And don't tell me you don't! Your posts leak and drip with the tone of "You're inferior")
HMF! You're...perfect...! So you should KNOW that people see insults before they see your post's point.

Placing an insult in your post only makes it more difficult for your point to reach your reader. Don't act like others are so ignorant when you can't communicate your point efficiently yourself without being so misleading!

08-21-2007, 08:41 PM
Your entire post is based on one major assumption: that I care.

I stopped caring quite a while ago. I dropped the nice guy routine and stopped trying to preserve people's worthless so-called feelings. The simple truth is that I'm better than most other people. I know that for an absolute fact. I learned it the hardest way possible despite spending years trying to tell myself it wasn't so. And you know what, it's made me rather resentful. I resent having to share a biology and common origin with people whom I can never see as my equals and who will never see me as anything greater than themselves. So no, I don't care how people perceive me. The few that I find worthwhile are those who are already like-minded or who will respond in a manner that will earn my respect despite having a differing view

08-21-2007, 10:14 PM
This thread should be closed.

08-21-2007, 10:21 PM

08-22-2007, 01:47 AM
I think it would make sense if it were closed....
It seems this sort of thing should be discussed privately rather than here.

As a response to Prak's post, though--
I'm sure that there was a time that you didn't know as much as you do now. The people that you see as lower than you might just be in that phase, and maybe, if you shared your knowledge with them, you could help more up to the level where you are. I'm...not sure that there should be more people as resentful as you are, but I'm definitely sure that there should be more people as knowledgeable and experienced as you are.

08-22-2007, 04:52 AM
Yeah, Prak, you big jerk. Give a little. Only then will the magical pixies turn FVII into a game you'll like and you'll receive that scooter your parents refused to get you for your 8th birthday.

God, I hate you so much.

08-22-2007, 04:44 PM
Well i am sorry about the colored fonts but i like them and thats how itll stay ... and I dont care who this Prak person is and ill post what ever i want so too bad for him..... and i didnt register just to post about Aerith, i have other reasons too.

You are completely pathetic, please fuck off, you arrogant fangirl.
and close this shit.

08-22-2007, 08:15 PM
It's actually a 13 year old girl.

I hope that I'm not speaking out of line here, and apologise in advance if that seems the case, but hasn't this all gone just a bit too far? Sure she's acted pretty irritating, and needed to have a few things pointed out to her - but is there really any need to carry on flaming her like this? There's been other people who have registered on here who've acted alot worse and deserved that type of treatment much more. Besides, it looks to me as if she's already left.

08-22-2007, 08:55 PM
Giga, I agree with you 100%. Just so you know.

08-22-2007, 09:23 PM
Well I wouldn't hold it against you if you didn't. I'm expecting that nearly everyone in here probably won't but thanks anyway. ;)

I'm not denying that harsh treatment has it's place with some of the people - hell alot of the people - who set out to make assholes out of themselves on here at times. But in this case, I don't think a little bit of patience would have gone amiss. If someone had just taken the time out to explain to her where the rules were and what she was doing wrong, minus the insults, I'm sure that she would have listened.

08-22-2007, 09:52 PM
Giga, I agree with you 100%. Just so you know.

This thread should be closed.

08-23-2007, 10:49 PM
Your entire post is based on one major assumption: that I care.

I stopped caring quite a while ago. I dropped the nice guy routine and stopped trying to preserve people's worthless so-called feelings. The simple truth is that I'm better than most other people. I know that for an absolute fact. I learned it the hardest way possible despite spending years trying to tell myself it wasn't so. And you know what, it's made me rather resentful. I resent having to share a biology and common origin with people whom I can never see as my equals and who will never see me as anything greater than themselves. So no, I don't care how people perceive me. The few that I find worthwhile are those who are already like-minded or who will respond in a manner that will earn my respect despite having a differing view

Oh god please. I'm not fishing for an argument or anything here. But for god's sake, it is something to feel different from the mass, dwell on this for long enough, and you might end up concluding in some ways that different equals to better .

Some people call this a superiority complex.

Now Prak, just for once, why don't you just stop pretending like you're better than the rest and start proving it somehow.

So far, not even once have you showed me evidence that you're better than most people.

Again, stop SAYING you're better and start showing proof that you are.

A person can say whatever he wants about himself, but it is his actions that will demonstrate if he's just a boastful narcissist or if his words speak the truth.

08-24-2007, 01:49 PM
It's actually a 13 year old girl.

I hope that I'm not speaking out of line here, and apologise in advance if that seems the case, but hasn't this all gone just a bit too far? Sure she's acted pretty irritating, and needed to have a few things pointed out to her - but is there really any need to carry on flaming her like this? There's been other people who have registered on here who've acted alot worse and deserved that type of treatment much more. Besides, it looks to me as if she's already left.

I'm 14, and I've suffered a huge amount of abuse in the past.

08-25-2007, 03:07 AM
lol don't start crying, now.

08-25-2007, 12:26 PM
I'm 14, and I've suffered a huge amount of abuse in the past.

I fail to see what that has to do with anything.

08-25-2007, 02:36 PM
Well I was under the impression that you thought she didn't deserve the abuse she's getting because she was 13.

08-25-2007, 03:03 PM
Well I was under the impression that you thought she didn't deserve the abuse she's getting because she was 13.

I never said that at all, as you'll see if you read back over my previous posts.

I pointed out her age as felt that it should be born in mind, given that admittedly she was behaving in an immature way, but didn't state that as being specifically why I felt the extent of the treatment she was getting wasn't needed.

Had she deliberately set out to make a pain of herself, then I would have thought it fair enough. However, it's obvious - to me at least - from her posts in here that she didn't set out to annoy anyone and didn't understand why other people were responding to her how they were. I'm not saying that there wasn't a need to point out the reasons why, and be firm about it. I just can't see why, in this particular case, why there was a need for all the insults.

08-26-2007, 11:10 PM
Asking who I am is the same as asking what I am, and what I am is the embodiment of perfection in a world that is often too retarded to see the error of its ways as I point them out.

That aside, I'd like to have a word with Miss Moron about her colored fonts. People have clearly stated that it makes your posts hard to read. the fact that you insist on continuing to use them shows that you don't care about people reading what you have to say. You're just here to say it for no other reason than to see yourself doing so. You can just as easily - and far less annoyingly - do that in the margins of a notebook. If you want to be a part of the community, conform to the community's expectations. If not, fuck off.

I'll let you know that no one in this world is perfect,NOBODY, If you think your perfect than your full of yourself. And i will stop using colored fonts cause its getting alittle annoying to me too. But on top of that i am not a moron i just like colored fonts but i will stop using them so i hope that makes everyone happy. Stop insulting my intelligence and leave me alone.

08-26-2007, 11:20 PM
I never set out to be a pain i just wanted to post my opinions on things not that most of you guys cared all you thought was another chance to tear someone down.. I dont think i deserved anything that i got. I probably shoud have read the thing about what this forum is about but oh well.. I did act immature that i will admit. But some of you people didnt act much different. I also dont like CloudxAerith, I just like Aerith the character, thats all nothing more or less. My favorite female character would have to be Yuffie, but i didnt like what people were saying about her so i wanted to try and i guess you could say change their out look on her, Like i said i never meant to act immature but like i said some of you others could have acted better.I also agree that this should be closed. I wish that you guys could've been more patient. But i guess not, shows how nice people are.

08-27-2007, 06:19 PM
Yuffie is even worse. She got captured by Don Corneo and she calls herself a ninja? Pah!

Anyways, this thread has totally rusted from the inside out.

08-27-2007, 08:00 PM
I'll let you know that no one in this world is perfect,NOBODY, If you think your perfect than your full of yourself. And i will stop using colored fonts cause its getting alittle annoying to me too. But on top of that i am not a moron i just like colored fonts but i will stop using them so i hope that makes everyone happy. Stop insulting my intelligence and leave me alone.

I never set out to be apain i just wanted to well i guess post stuff.. In some ways i did deserve that mean stuff that was said but i never set out to be a pain. And i wish somebody would have explained the rules to me.. I did act immature and im sorry for that.But some of you people didnt have to be such jerks about it. It would have ended better... i think. I also dont like CloudxAerith, I just like Aerith the character, thats all nothing more or less. My favorite female character would have to be Yuffie, but i didnt like what people were saying about her so i wanted to try and i guess you could say change their out look on her, Like i said i never meant to be a pain or immature.I also agree that this should be closed. I wish that you guys could've been more patient. But oh well we learn from our mistakes....

Sure, Prak isn't perfect. In fact, he is nothing but an obnoxious, resentful narcissist, but he pulls it off with such style it's hard not to be impressed by it. As far as your behaviour around here goes, you have been quite a pain, but apologizing for it and improving some of the bad habits people have pointed out shows at least some level of intelligence. One more thing you should try to remember, though, is not to double post. There is an Edit button for that.

08-27-2007, 08:11 PM
I don't get called a narcissist very often. Thanks for that.

Anyway, even if you disapprove of my methods, the results are undeniable. This noob had brushed off more polite attempts to set her straight. My way left no room for debate, and thus had a more potent effect. Now she may actually become a tolerable member of the community.

08-27-2007, 08:17 PM
I don't get called a narcissist very often. Thanks for that.

Anyway, even if you disapprove of my methods, the results are undeniable. This noob had brushed off more polite attempts to set her straight. My way left no room for debate, and thus had a more potent effect. Now she may actually become a tolerable member of the community.

If you were referring to my post, I wasn't hating on your methods. I do in fact (this is not ass kissing) find your posts both highly entertaining and most useful for warding off idiots. But perfect, you are not.

08-27-2007, 08:21 PM
Ah, but how can you be familiar enough with perfection to identify it if you have never experienced it yourself?

08-27-2007, 08:22 PM
I wish somebody would have explained the rules to me..

From the main page of the message board, if you click into any of the forums, you’ll see that the FF Shrine guidelines are at the top of the threads. However would also suggest having a look at some of the previous threads around the different forums before posting anywhere else, as though the guidelines are there to help give you an idea of how to approach posting, the best way to pick this up is by having a proper look around.

08-27-2007, 08:25 PM
Ah, but how can you be familiar enough with perfection to identify it if you have never experienced it yourself?

Confused... logics... intelligence... not... sufficient...


EDIT: Haha, I just realised the thread title says 'copuple'. That makes me laugh for some reason.

08-27-2007, 09:25 PM
I never even realised that O.o

09-11-2007, 11:53 PM
I really think that this thread should be closed,again sorry for being a damn pain but some of you others really werent any better, but i really dont want to start another war but still.... and i noticed that too, about the title that is.. and i probably should have looked around alittle more but o well, i guess lol

Zackary Fair
09-23-2007, 06:13 PM
I don`t think those two are supossed to be the ''official couple'' because truthfully Tifa is a liar ,a jerk and a pathatic fool Aerith is a million times better she is kind sweet and doesn`t follow cloud around like a baby.truthfully Tifa`s hard to like,and that`s just the cold hard truth.

Zackary Fair
09-23-2007, 06:23 PM
If you were referring to my post, I wasn't hating on your methods. I do in fact (this is not ass kissing) find your posts both highly entertaining and most useful for warding off idiots. But perfect, you are not.

Kiss ass,but the perfect thing i`ll agree with nobodies perfect

09-23-2007, 11:09 PM
I don`t think those two are supossed to be the ''official couple'' because truthfully Tifa is a liar ,a jerk and a pathatic fool Aerith is a million times better she is kind sweet and doesn`t follow cloud around like a baby.truthfully Tifa`s hard to like,and that`s just the cold hard truth.

Man, you speak the truth, Fair, and that's the cold, hard truth.

09-24-2007, 12:59 AM
Yes nicely put Fair, i do agree, she follows Cloud around like a pathetic fool, she lies, an dif anyone wants to say, that Aerith is dead so Cloud can't love her anymore, i have one thing to say to you. Would you stop loving your parents if they died? If you do then you must have some kind of problem....o_O.... but anyway, i dont think so he will still love Aerith even if shes dead, but im not an Aerith fan myself, I'm actually a Sephiroth fan, just wanted to say that. And again nicely put Fair :) Oh and Prak i wouldnt say that your the easiest to work with either, asshole...

09-24-2007, 01:57 AM
Yes nicely put Fair

hahaha really? You think so?

i do agree, she follows Cloud around like a pathetic fool, she lies, an dif anyone wants to say, that Aerith is dead so Cloud can't love her anymore, i have one thing to say to you. Would you stop loving your parents if they died? If you do then you must have some kind of problem

I will pay you 2000 of whatever it is you use as currency if you analyze my psyche as well as you did a fictional videogame character. Man, who needs Jung when we have Insert-yet-another-name-that-starts-with-Seph?

Oh na d Prak i wouldnt say that your the easiest to work with either, asshole...

hahaha Pale Moon Goddess help me, best thing I read all day.

09-24-2007, 02:12 AM
Yea i actually think that it was put in a nut shell about Tifa, and i also hate Tifa so that might have something to do with it, nad if you havent noticed i dont like Prak..... O_O and i probably shoud have thought of another name instead of Sephith but oh well lol, Do you mean that i analyzed her personality or what?? O_O

09-24-2007, 02:14 AM
In the bestest and concisest way I have have ever read. You are a natural, friend. And you are right in disliking Prak. He's a prick.

J. Peterman
09-24-2007, 03:12 AM

09-24-2007, 01:29 PM
First of all, Aerith always felt something for Zack... Once she died they remained together in the otherworld... When Cloud was shot by Yazoo [I think it was Yazoo] Aerith said "I don`t need another one here" or something like that... And then she "revived" Cloud or something like that... So I say AERITH AND CLOUD HAVE NEVER BEEN IN LOVE SHE LOVED ONLY AND ONLY ZACK!

Back to Cloud`s and Tifa`s matters... I`d rather say that they are very close friends who love each other "a bit too friendly"... As you remember Cloud made a promise that once he becomes a "Strong SOLDIER" he will always come when Tifa`s in need of him... That is what he is always doing... He just saves her once she`s in trouble, they hold a strong relationship, which we all could be jealous of... If there would have been any true love affair it all would be definitely different... Remember Tidus & Yuna or Rinoa & Squall.... They showed their love clearly... If there has to be love, it is shown as love... I see this whole matter like that...

09-24-2007, 01:52 PM
ITT: Sephith amuses everyone by being an idiot

Zackary Fair
09-24-2007, 10:26 PM
ITT: Sephith amuses everyone by being an idiot

shut it prak nobody wants to hear it ,if you got nothing to say about the damn thread or about what other people post them don`t post dumbass she`s trying to have a good time get off her back asshole and go pick at yourself ''mister perfect'' and no she doesn`t amuse me she only amuses you because you like to hurt people to make yourself feel better asshole.

09-24-2007, 11:22 PM
ladies please, this thread is 3 years old.

agh!... so tiring.

09-24-2007, 11:24 PM
This just became one of my favourite threads.

Go, Fair! Trounce that asshole!

Zackary Fair
09-24-2007, 11:34 PM
This just became one of my favourite threads.

Go, Fair! Trounce that asshole!

thanks really that`s cool...praks an ass had to say that lol we like posting on old threads

09-24-2007, 11:41 PM
No problem. I'm forming a posse against Prak, and you have what it takes to join, Fair. Message me if you're interested.

Zackary Fair
09-25-2007, 12:02 AM
yeah keep me posted

09-25-2007, 01:32 AM
Yeah go Fair, you rule, show prak the prick, give that asshole a taste of his own poison, Oh and prak why in the hell do you always pick on me,do you have something against me, oh but wait you have something against everyone, that is by the way you act, like your better than everyone, and your right Fair keep it up im with you the whole way!!! :)

09-25-2007, 01:24 PM
oh but wait you have something against everyone, that is by the way you act, like your better than everyone

It works on a case by case basis, but there's no question about me being better than you idiots.