02-02-2015, 07:51 PM
You know it's kinda sad when you have video games or movies that have REALLY good music, but they never get an official release. If they do they tend to not have everything that was in it. Such is a case with today's game!

Part 1 Race tracks (!HVViGZzQ!RxJ0JTn-OT9ZNgJSR0xY7ZWjZ42-RhwORgD9fYOsXh0)

Part 2 Battle Tracks (!CVsAxYIT!edyy1A9NYlch771EmzdT7xz96WEQwWykhp96bxj pnEY)

Part 3 Minigames (!nRV1Sb4T!AMyIFtr5nQihk2MZ3VDRbWzXFZC--BvmuehMhoczI8c)

Part 4 Track Variations, Jingles, and Credits (!XJ8RwBRL!WgGZ3xpCsId48R9l0aJ7SpR-ldz7MRAvKw1ogUNvmxU)

Sadly this isn't a complete rip, but it's the closest thing the CD itself is really going to give me. (Seriously why are music tracks never in just one spot?!)

Oh well maybe one day someone will be able to do a complete rip. For now I hope this will suffice! Also if you're wondering why this isn't on Mediafire; these files did NOT want to be on that site for whatever reason! Seriously it crashed my internet twice!(?) *Sigh* I'ma go get some coffee now.

02-02-2015, 09:07 PM
Good job with this one ! I'm downloading it, thank you :)