11-12-2004, 02:31 PM
Hehe, this is soooooo funny. I didnt write this, but I have my own fanfiction in the works. I just thought I would shair it with you, if you don't mind ^_^ EDIT: IT IS STUPID THEREFORE IT IS FUNNY, SO FUCK OF, K00L CREW.

"Er, Sephiroth fainted and I was told to bring him to the medic.", Cloud tried hard not to think of scenes of men molesting other men. And you are like, 'the fuck?'. And I then threw my shoes at you.

The Demented Oddities

Chapter one, Zee Change.

Tewweh and Narmee do not belong to me. For they are my friends (c) . And Narmee doesn't read porn. I just once thought she did. Well, kinda. BUT ANYWAY. Read, foo' ! And, um. I am Aki. Just incase you're stupid enough to hence my name.

And its rated R 'cause it has all those swear words and shizz. And in later chapters, there will nekkedness wether you like it or not. ;D

And read my profile shizz if I don't update fast enough for you.

And, um. I haven't actually played FF7 yet. 'Cause even if I did buy the game, I couldn't play it. My mom threw away the old PS1 because IT WAS FUCKING OLD. So, yes. I'm one of those weird people that writes FF7 fics without actually playing the damn game. But I have read some fics about it and all. And seen pics and all that crap. BUT JUST LET MT WRITE GOD DAMMIT. --;

(insert some fucking borderline with your IMAGINATION.)

The violent rays of the sun beamed down and burned the houses, while skipping carelessly on the street was Aki, the insane yaoi-hearting-fangirl-who-is-somewhat-so-happy-that-its-scary. Her long, choclatey brown hair was tied up and covered with lice and dandruff. The dogs that passed her nibbled at her hair because she swam in the choclate factory's sauce pit and died due to lice-stuck-in-throat-disease. Her violet contacts made her vision all dotty because it still hasn't been washed and was still covered with sand (Read: Three Islands).

Then she plucked wool from a really thick wooly jacket she was wearing.

You blink. Not because you want to, but since I the lord and master command you to.

Then you're all, "WTF?"

And we're like, "Yes the fuck."

Well anyway.

The reason why she was wearing such a body burning jacket will remain forever one of life's mysteries. Cause we won't tell you (:

"God dammit, its so hot out here!" Aki squaked as she skipped back on the way home. While she was.. uh... skipping, something rolled down the sky and attached itself on her jacket.


Then she said, "4IVM04D8U579D86OU90E$E$GVDRTC."

Then screamed until one lung fell out. And got deaf.

A random D00d373 BADAMMNED out and cured her deafness and made her swallow the lung. And everything was normal again. So Aki continued walking home.




She stole a snail's shell and squished it into little peices. Then squished those little peices into littler pieces. Then squished the littler peices into LITTELER...

...You get the fucking point.

Well then after a dammmmmmmmnnnnn long time she arrived. An owl hooted and ate TEH WOOL D:

"Knockums, Knockums, KNOCKUMS!" Aki screamed, banging on the door with her... wawoos. One of the hinges broke off. She shared the house with her friends- Just so she could pay littler renting pay and had company.

"Whoooooooooos there?"

A very annoyed Aki said her name very loudly.

"Aki whooooooooooooooo?"


"Ok, ok, blubbery blubbily blubber!" The door was pushed open, banged Aki on the nose, and BADAMMMN. Instant nosebleed. There stood Narmee, one of Aki's beeeeeeeefiest friends.

I mean, beeeeeeeestest friends.

Narmee was cuddling a very round panda plushie which licks your face if you rub its belly. But that was until Tewweh got pissed off once and ripped off the tongue-

-Thats another story. But it got a secksier, new tongue.

A really long one with a Tewweh filter.

She ran into the house and squashed poor Narmee, the kitsune. A girl one.

She then kicked the stairs, broke her toe, and ran up, landing a giant uppercut on Tewweh, another one of her beefy- er, besty friends. She got pissed off and neeeeeeeeeeeded to kill something.

Tewweh grumbled, wiped her drool on Aki's wooly sweater, and said, "Screw off, I'm watching Naruto," while eyeing Kakashi's sexy behind.

But Aki wasn't a wuss and was determined to bother her for life. She gave Tewweh a biiiiiiiiiiig death-snug which KILLS and for all you yuri lovers, go eat a dick. Friendly cuddle. Thats all, LOOOZERS.

A choke. A gasp. A scream of anger.

Tewweh dragged Aki by her broken toe and somehow stuffed Aki's very wide face into the Playstation's memorycard slothole.


I'm not going to finish the rest.

Then she stepped Aki's foot.

"Wtf!", Aki screamed. Her goddamned head was stuffed into the slothole and her body was still kicking like a madman. "ASSHOLES, HELP!", Tewweh ignored her for she was very good at being an evil bitch. And Narmee was too busy reading her manga which Aki once thought was porn.

Tewweh kept watching. Narmee kept reading.

"I need smut fic...", said Aki.

"Hey d00ds! Today I found FF7 in a public bin!", Narmee chirped.

"Narmee, idiot, what did I tell you about searching for goods in bins?", Tewweh slapped her for being stupid then slapped her again for making her miss 0.2 seconds of Naruto.

Then when Tewweh went back to the Television, the commercial was on.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.", she screamed. Then she beat the shit out of Narmee for she had made her miss 0.2 seconds of Naruto AND the fucking horny commercials with old people dancing were on, so that adds up to 3 MINUTES OF NARUTO MISSED.

"Narmee. From this day on, you will never see daylight again.", veins started appearing on Tewweh's forehead.

"Butbutbut... I got FF7 for us!", Narmee wailed and held up her manga as defense. "I bet the damn thing doesn't even work.", Tewweh snarled as she somehow got a GIANT PAIR OF SCISSORS OF DOOM in her hands. "Well, you can at least try!", the Kitsune squeaked in horror. "After I'm done with you, sure.", then Tewweh RAISED THE SCISSORS IN THE AIR AND-

And then Naruto was back on.

"You're lucky this time.", then the scissors poofed into oblivion.

"Thank you, Lord.", Narmee placed her hand above her heart. (:

Then when Tewweh ran back to the TV, the commercial was on again.


Then Tewweh was so pissed she went up to Aki's room and shoved her whole body into the PlayStation. Wtf.

Then Tewweh just realized that Aki's dead hamster would probably come for revenge if she didn't find her.

Then again, Aki was the one who killed it.

So she decided it was best that she went back and watched Naruto. (:

BUT THEN, Aki's hand came out of the slothole and dragged Tewweh in along with a long sentence of curses I do not bother to type out.

Narmee went out of her room and peeked to see if Tewweh were still out to get her. But all she saw was Naruto on. With no Tewweh. And that was not possible. Tewweh practically NEVER misses an episode of Naruto unless it was the end of the world. Then she remembered that the last place Tewweh went to was Aki's room.

So she went there. But again, she saw no one. "REJOICE!", she squealed for her executioner was no longer there.

Then she just remembered about the disk she found from the bin. (:

"I wonder if there's porn in this.", she pondererd. Then she put the disk in and turned on the TV, waiting for porn.



Do re mi fa so la...

"It screen is black. It is fucking black.", then she turned it off in disappointment and went back to her room, and searched for her Hagaren manga. If only it was porn. D:

... But since she left already she didn't notice that the PlayStation was glowing like... a... A FUCKING GLOWING THING.

I ran out of ideas.

But anyway, back to Aki. (:

"Ugh... What the fuck happened...", she moaned. Then she noticed something. "What happened to my stupid voice?!", she screamed. After three hours of day-dreaming of flying cows eating babies, Aki found out that she was in an office-room. She ran up to the nearest mirror that came out of nowhere.


"I want my mommy.", Aki said as she stared at the reflection which did not belong to her but belonged to the one and the only...


-I MEAN, Sephiroth.

"Now this is a thing to get used to.", she, but is now a he, said. (:

So. Sephiroth hesitated and paced around the room. He randomly did an ass shake. Then he picked his nose and scratched his ass with a book. And you were like 'wtf'.


"I blame KFC for this.", Tewweh growled. "Oh my God.", she said. "I MISSED THE LAST 0.27 SECONDS OF NARUTO!", she sobbed and tugged on her hair REAL hard just to make the scene dramatic. "Ow.", then she looked at her hands. They were gloved PLUS there were chunks of blonde hair.

Why, Tewweh isn't blonde. No, no, no.

But she didn't notice it.

"Wait. Something is wrong here.", Tewweh found herself in the toilet. She found this disgusting and ran up to the sink to wash her hands. After washing like a mad woman on a strike, she looked at the mirror to see if there was anything on her face.

A scream. More screams. A cough. A sneeze. And another scream.

Tewweh found herself in the body of...

No, not Macdonalds. But...


-gets slapped by Tewweh- I mean Cloud.

"Woo. I'm so sexy.", Cloud then striked a pose at the mirror.

Then suddenly that Zachary guy came in and hit Cloud's head. "It's training time! Get your lazy ass to the training grounds, SOLDIER!", the raven-haired sunavabitch demanded.

"Um. Okay. Where is it.", Cloud blinked.

"... Go ask someone while taking the elevator. Now, I've got to go, I need to tell the General something.", he replied.

Cloud twitched as he saw the man other scratching his ass as he exited the bathroom.

... And back to the person who was at first mistaken as Macdonalds.

Sephiroth ran screaming out of the office.

"Seph, what's wrong?", said a voice. "Who? What? When? Where? Why? HOW?!", the General squawked. "Uh... Do you have a fever or something?", and zee voice was ZACHARY THE WEIRD . Ph33r. "... YOU'RE THAT ZACK DUDE FROM FF7.", Seph squealed.

Then he got a pen out of his...

... Hair.

What were you thinking there? ;D

"Gimme your autograph.", Sephiroth jumped up and down like a rabid fangirl.

Zack blinked.

BUT THEN, he just realized he was not a Zack fan so he beat the shit out of him and drew a mustache on Zack's face.

So he left Zack laying unconsciously on the floor. Then he went to explore because... BECAUSE HE FUCKING FELT LIKE IT. Then he walked. And he walked. And he- "I HATE THIS PLACE ALREADY.", he suddenly screamed. Then people stared at him. Then he stared back. Then the people turned their heads so quickly their necks snapped and they all died. Lalala.

Then poor Seph freaked out 'cause he was in front of a mass of dead bodies. So he ran. Because he suddenly thought of Resident Evil and the T-virus. Then he ran like he did before. Very boring. Running. Running. Run- "FUCK IT.", he yelled once again for he has ran right into A FUCKING ELEVATOR DOOR, he then rubbed his damaged head. Sephiroth felt the pain go away so very fucking fast. For he healed so quickly. Power to the mako!

After that, he kept pressing the elevator button like crazy.

Then it bent in and snapped. "Crap."

Then even more people stared at him.

"DON'T TURN YOUR HEADS.", Sephiroth warned. He certainly did not want to see more piles of dead bodies before him.

The people just freaked out.

So they ran away.

And they ran so fast that their legs broke.

Now Sephiroth was facing a heap of disabled people.

Sephiroth tried not to think of the T-virus again. But sadly, he couldn't. All those people around them were crawling on the floor, with their mouth bleeding and all that, AND THEY KEPT CRAWLING TO HIM AND- "OH MY GOD.", then miraculously the elevator door opened and he ran in. Then he used his arms and forcefully closed the damn thing 'cause he was hesitating so badly that he didn't bother finding the 'close door' button.

He finally shut the door.

People behind him just stared.

This time they didn't do anything.

Sephiroth suddenly said, "Ooo. Pretty buttons...", then he pressed all the buttons and the lift kept stopping on every goddamned floor.

The people around him ran out of the next floor in horror. Now there was only two people left.

It was soooo quiet.

... Oh, look. A yarnball just rolled by.


Okay, I'll be serious now.

Then some guy tapped Seph on his back and said, "General, I was told to inform you that you have to take Zachary's place in training the SOLDIERs today because some medics told me that he was severely injured.", the guy WITH HORRIBLE HAIR said.

"Um... Uh, where's the training level?", Sephiroth asked.

"JESUS CHRIST.", then the dude just fainted.

Then the lift stopped.

Some other guy next to the fainted person spoke up, "Here."

"Er, thanks.", then Sephiroth went out of the lift and saw... SOLDIERS. Lots. "Oh. My. God.", he screeched in horror.

For the rest of the story, click here: (Chapter 2)

11-12-2004, 03:28 PM
Why do you hate everyone here so badly that you'd post garbage like that for us to read? I feel like I lost a few thousand brain cells just from reading a few lines of it.

11-12-2004, 03:44 PM
I don't hate everyone like I hate you Prak. And if you cared to read any of it at all, it's quite funny. :) It's not garbage...You couldn't write anything like that because you suck.

11-12-2004, 03:46 PM
Oh, the irony! I suck because I can't write something that bad?

11-12-2004, 03:48 PM
It's not bad. Just because you're too scared to read a rated "R" story doesn't mean that it's unholy. Why don't you TRY. You didn't read it, lol.

11-12-2004, 03:50 PM
I read enough to see that it's so poorly written, it made my eyes hurt.

11-12-2004, 03:51 PM
Haha! Whatever you think. It's one of the funniest stories I ever read. The author did an exellent job, so stop complaining about how bad it is and show me something of yours, eh?

11-12-2004, 03:58 PM
Kiddo, I don't write little fanfiction pieces, and although I have written a short story every now and then, I don't have any on this computer. However, I have completed the plotting (just last night, in fact) for a full-length novel, which I will be sure to rub in your face upon its completion.

Of course, seeing as it has more mature themes, I doubt you'd be interested.

11-12-2004, 03:59 PM
Well since you're the writer, no. v.v Better luck next time.

11-12-2004, 04:01 PM
Nothing's wrong with my luck as it is, thank you very much.

11-12-2004, 04:02 PM
That was horrendous. =/



11-12-2004, 04:03 PM
That story Sucked..

11-12-2004, 04:03 PM
o_O Hmm..Interesting to see that the people who don't like me, purposely poke fun of the story.

11-12-2004, 04:09 PM
No. Look, you're only 13, anyways. Chances are you're not going to write anything awfully entertaining. If you don't want to write shit, don't write fanfiction - invent your own characters. Make notes when you get ideas, research what you plan to write about. Invest time in writing, lots of time. Practice is a huge element. And read a lot. I can't stress that enough. Builds vocabulary and you really do learn technique just from reading.

Otherwise, what do you expect us to say?_?

11-12-2004, 04:11 PM
Wow, I didn't write that story dumbass. Plus, I don't take advice from idiots. You've never seen any of my work so chances are you have no clue what you're talking about.

11-12-2004, 04:11 PM
haha, yeah. I'm sure you didn't.

11-12-2004, 04:13 PM
I didn't. You don't beleive so therefore you are an idiot. Did I even say I wrote it? O_O If I did I would have said, dur.

11-12-2004, 04:15 PM
I think you wrote it, and you want to dissociate yourself from it should we think it is shit. WHICH IS IT OBVIOUSLY IS. SINCE YOU ARE.


11-12-2004, 07:41 PM
::melts into shit::

Helen Gurley Brown
11-13-2004, 12:06 AM
I didn't read it the entire way through because it was just far too silly and I wasn't enjoying myself at all. There are some people who find that kind of humor entertaining, but I'm not one of those people, and I mean no offense to your friend.

Charlemagne's advice wasn't foolish, though. In fact, it's practical advice for serious writers.

11-13-2004, 12:08 AM
Yes I know....but she hasn't seen any of my work so it's not helping. >_>

11-13-2004, 05:55 AM
I know my words.
You wrote that, and it is bad.
You wasted your time.

And please, try and assume my writing is also bad. My penis of intense writing pride is just waiting for another swing.

11-13-2004, 01:35 PM
I didn't write it. Stop trying to make yourself look bad. It's better than anything you could write. Kudos to teh writer.

11-13-2004, 01:57 PM
Geez... you just can't stop making a fool of yourself, can you? How the fuck do you know how well any of us write? Stupid statements like that are part of the reason you're a laughingstock around here.

11-13-2004, 07:34 PM
I didn't write it. Stop trying to make yourself look bad. It's better than anything you could write. Kudos to teh writer.
Obviously I'm so bad that I get sent to E3 to do it, and receive �500 cheques in the mail because, obviously, I suck hard. They must be paying me to do these things because they want to get me away from them, and publish my writing as a form of pity. To be fair, I haven't written any prose in a while, but the last thing I wrote is there, under the title "eh." It is better than that, though.

I'll say this. To write like that - in a completely uncinematographic manner - is to display a complete lack of the cognitive capacity to describe. Which, I think you'll find, is a very big part of what storytelling is.

For god's sake, it says "and we're like" in a narrative sense without any construction of a character telling us a story, thus we attribute it to the author, who, in this case, is a juvenile moron.

This is an important lesson, FFShrine writers. While you can handle grammar and spelling, you can't neccessarily write well.

11-13-2004, 08:12 PM
IT IS STUPID THEREFORE IT IS FUNNYI assume the same applies to you.

Obviously I'm so bad that I get sent to E3 to do it, and receive �500 cheques in the mail because, obviously, I suck hard. They must be paying me to do these things because they want to get me away from them, and publish my writing as a form of pity. To be fair, I haven't written any prose in a while, but the last thing I wrote is there, under the title "eh." It is better than that, though.

I'll say this. To write like that - in a completely uncinematographic manner - is to display a complete lack of the cognitive capacity to describe. Which, I think you'll find, is a very big part of what storytelling is.

For god's sake, it says "and we're like" in a narrative sense without any construction of a character telling us a story, thus we attribute it to the author, who, in this case, is a juvenile moron.

This is an important lesson, FFShrine writers. While you can handle grammar and spelling, you can't neccessarily write well.PWNT

11-13-2004, 09:17 PM
Wow, I am suprised by the lack fof intelligence in this forum. I think I have been more than clear, to MOST people, that I did not write it. I repeat myself and repeat myself, over and over again, but the fact of the matter is that it's just too hard for the "k00l" crew, who aren't k00l at all, to understand. Ever heard of "humor" ladies and gentlemen? There are different types of humor, slapstick or whatever your preference. You must read to comprehend something, which I see most of you are lacking. So, I thought this would help:

PS: mrmonkey: You are not a magazine editor, thank you very much lolz. This is just too fucking hilarious. Can't come up with something better? Why don't you show me some of your work rather than bragging about it and telling me that I wrote something when I CLEARLY know that I didn't write it.

Here goes:

Overview for "humour"


The noun "humour" has 6 senses in WordNet.

1. temper, mood, humor, humour -- (a characteristic (habitual or relatively temporary) state of feeling; "whether he praised or cursed me depended on his temper at the time"; "he was in a bad humor")
2. wit, humor, humour, witticism, wittiness -- (a message whose ingenuity or verbal skill or incongruity has the power to evoke laughter)
3. humor, humour -- ((Middle Ages) one of the four fluids in the body whose balance was believed to determine your emotional and physical state; "the humors are blood and phlegm and yellow and black bile")
4. liquid body substance, bodily fluid, body fluid, humor, humour -- (the liquid parts of the body)
5. humor, humour -- (the quality of being funny; "I fail to see the humor in it")
6. humor, humour, sense of humor, sense of humour -- (the trait of appreciating (and being able to express) the humorous; "she didn't appreciate my humor"; "you can't survive in the army without a sense of humor")

Now if you can't get it through your heads, welll....I'll just have to poke fun of you guys some more.


Haha! Next.

11-13-2004, 10:59 PM
You are not a magazine editor, thank you very much lolzNo, I'm a freelance magazine writer. I never said I was an editor.

Why don't you show me some of your work

If you really, really insist, I can go and scan some of my old stuff that I have out from my magazine work.

I am suprised by the lack fof intelligence in this forum.
Erm. It's "of."

Let's just get one thing straight here, kiddo. While you may think "owning" is throwing around badly written fanfiction (whether or not it's yours is now irrelevant) and assuming that people not agreeing with your skewed "humour", I prefer cold, hard fact. The fact of the matter here is that I look forward to seeing your fanfiction, and your CV in 2 years, then again in 5 years. That's my humour.

Yunalesca rox!
11-13-2004, 11:20 PM
Well if she says she hasn't wrote it then she hasn't wrote it. And if u wanna argue the fact that she has wrote it then ask her where she got it from and search for it yourself. Simple as that. Charlemagne (not sure if that is rite) has got a point but who cares if she is 13....If she finds it hilarious then let her be. I didn't read it all coz its late at night and my eyes can't take the strain....

11-13-2004, 11:38 PM
I think I have been more than clear, to MOST people, that I did not write it.

Discussion of original poetry and fiction.

11-13-2004, 11:40 PM
No, I'm a freelance magazine writer. I never said I was an editor.


If you really, really insist, I can go and scan some of my old stuff that I have out from my magazine work.

Erm. It's "of."

Let's just get one thing straight here, kiddo. While you may think "owning" is throwing around badly written fanfiction (whether or not it's yours is now irrelevant) and assuming that people not agreeing with your skewed "humour", I prefer cold, hard fact. The fact of the matter here is that I look forward to seeing your fanfiction, and your CV in 2 years, then again in 5 years. That's my humour.

Haha. Those were reviews not "Work". Loser. Anybody can write a review, that is, if they are intelligent enough.

I never said I owned the fucking thing, did I? But you keep on and keep on insisting like you are god or something. It was not "badly written humour" It's just not your taste in humour, is all. I suppose your kind of humour is hardly considered to be humour, because I didn't find your joke funny at all. And the definitions of humour didn't even help you. :/ Ptf. Good luck seeying my "fanfiction" or whatever. I won't even be doing that, I'll probably be in art college practicing my mad skillz. It's obvious who won this argument, whether you you accept that you lost to a 13 year old or not.

Muah. <3

11-14-2004, 12:03 AM
Haha. Those were reviews not "Work". Loser. Anybody can write a review, that is, if they are intelligent enough.

Okay, first of all, that's a commercial site - you "work" there. You can't just go there and say "can i write 4 u please" and they do it. Also, they send me games for free, to review, with a set deadline. They are also sending me to E3 next year, so I'd judge it as work whether or not you do.

However, these are some of the first things I did for the magazine. I designed it, took the shots, wrote it, and played through the game for it. One paid �140, one paid �100. Most likely you'll find some excuse for them being fraudulent, or not actual real magazine work, and thus judge that you "won" whatever argument you thought we were having. I don't care whether you wrote it or not. Oh well. I'm sure your "mad skillz" will teach me the error of my ways. Or your dictionary definitions.

Yunalesca rox!
11-14-2004, 12:09 AM
God it was a fucking humour thingy. Get over it.

11-14-2004, 12:21 AM
Okay, first of all, that's a commercial site - you "work" there. You can't just go there and say "can i write 4 u please" and they do it. Also, they send me games for free, to review, with a set deadline. They are also sending me to E3 next year, so I'd judge it as work whether or not you do.

However, these are some of the first things I did for the magazine. I designed it, took the shots, wrote it, and played through the game for it. One paid �140, one paid �100. Most likely you'll find some excuse for them being fraudulent, or not actual real magazine work, and thus judge that you "won" whatever argument you thought we were having. I don't care whether you wrote it or not. Oh well. I'm sure your "mad skillz" will teach me the error of my ways. Or your dictionary definitions.

Whatever. It's still not a story. So I don't beleive you. But it was your bad judgement that pissed me off the most.

Yunalesca rox!
11-14-2004, 12:24 AM
Whatever. It's still not a story. So I don't beleive you. But it was your bad judgement that pissed me off the most.

lol :D I havn't read it yet but I will make sure I do. Everything amuses me :P

11-14-2004, 12:29 AM
It was not "badly written humour" It's just not your taste in humour, is all. Well done for understanding his point!

The fact that it's not very funny is debatable, but you can hardly sit there and say it was well WRITTEN. Allow me to elucidate.

Tewweh and Narmee do not belong to me. For they are my friends (c) . And Narmee doesn't read porn. I just once thought she did. Well, kinda. BUT ANYWAY. Read, foo' ! And, um. I am Aki. Just incase you're stupid enough to hence my name.Why is the first full stop (or as the Americans would say, period) there? Why is the "c" in brackets? Oh, it's supposed to be a copyright symbol, correct? Why is it being used on the word friend when the word friend clearly is not copyrightable material? Why is there a space between the bracket and the full stop? Why does the second sentence start with the word "and"? What's with the capitalisation of "BUT ANYWAY"? Is "foo'" a word? Why is there a space between "foo'" and the exclamation mark? Is "And, um." a sentence? How do you "hence a name"?

That's just one paragraph. I've spend more than double the words explaining the errors of the paragraph than the paragraph had in itself. Are you telling me that this isn't badly written humour?

11-14-2004, 12:41 AM
that was horrificly bad. im not an awesome writer by no means but god that sucked. i read a few paragraphs and my head hurt. also im confused as to where the story began at. :(

also, even if you didnt write it, it still sucks. also charlamagne is a girl? since when? =-O

11-14-2004, 12:51 AM

11-14-2004, 01:32 AM
Congratulations on missing the point, again.

11-14-2004, 02:50 AM
You did? I see.

11-14-2004, 03:43 AM
You'll go far in life.

11-14-2004, 05:23 AM

i know what humour is and it wasnt funny to me. now go play barbies and be happy

Yunalesca rox!
11-14-2004, 10:58 AM
i know what humour is and it wasnt funny to me. now go play barbies and be happy

Oh how mature...

11-14-2004, 01:40 PM
i know what humour is and it wasnt funny to me. now go play barbies and be happy

How about I put a stick up yer ass and see how you like that.

11-14-2004, 07:50 PM
Okay this has degenerated from the posting someone else's work, which was questionable to start of with, to poke fun at to a bitch fight.

So handbags down ladies. ^.~