01-26-2015, 04:39 AM
A decent, if brief, score from a terrible movie. Michael Yezerski posted the score to his Soundcloud page, and instead of sending you out to scrounge up the links, I thought I'd provide a tidy 7z file. Insert poor Soundcloud bitrate mea culpa here.

1. Paul & Maeve
2. Dirty Danny
3. Dacryphilia
4. Steve!
5. Pills from Thailand
6. Funeral
7. Evie Don't Go
8. Gone Too Far
9. Thinner Than Me
10. TLR
11. TBR
12. A Bit of Cancer
13. Rowena's Tell
14. Rowena's Tango
15. Paul & Maeve Reprise
16. Penitentiary
17. Rumba!
18. Tiger Balm
19. Your Dick Is Good

The Little Death (!9JdFzBQS!UQe0zxGLbg78KligMf8qQWto0UaAcsc5BPCQ4Kk 2QPk)

01-26-2015, 08:33 AM
Thanks :)

02-17-2015, 01:33 PM

01-11-2018, 01:13 PM