01-25-2015, 10:58 PM
Joe Renzetti
Child's Play (Deluxe Edition)

18 tracks, TRT: 1:20:54, 320 MP3


Track Listing:

1. Opening Chase (Main Titles)**
2. Maggie Gets It*
3. Chucky's Shoes*/Just a Doll**
4. Chucky Blows Up a House*/**
5. Batteries Not Included*/Mama Walk**
6. Chucky Drives a Car**/Mama Visits*
7. Chucky Goes to the Hospital*
8. Chucky Kills the Doctor*
9. Batter Up!/Chucky's Chant/This is the End, Friend/Chuck Roast*
10. Chucky Goes to Pieces/Chuck in a Box*
11. Goodbye Chucky/Child's Play End Credits*
12. News Cast*
13. Batteries Not Included (album version)**
14. Mama Walk/Street Music (unused)*
15. Batter Up!/Chucky's Chant/This is the End, Friend/Chuck Roast (album version)**
16. Chucky Goes to Pieces/Chuck in a Box (album version)**
17. Child's Play End Credits (album version)**
18. Child's Play End Credits (w/o vocals)*

*LaLaLand Records edition
**French Milan edition

Note: I just edited my own version using scottfilms' "complete" edit as reference and I can tell there were 2 sources used: LaLaLand's and the French Milan album. I used the same two sources however I noticed hiss in some tracks on the LLLR version so instead of substituting them with the Milan version as it had a cleaner sound, I opted to see what I could do as far as cleanup on the LLLR edition goes and it produced some pretty good results. I opted to do it that way for overall consistency in the main program. The difference in clarity once the hiss is minimized is astounding. Unlike most hiss reduction processes, you risk heavily damaging the sound however I used just enough to make the hiss less prominent without damaging the sound. The sound isn't as bright as LLLR's original was but it's also not flat and murky from the process.

Unlike scottfilm I provided two versions of the Mama Walk cue, one with the Street Walk music mixed in (LLLR) and one with the Mama Walk isolated (Milan). I used the isolated version for the main program and included LLLR's version as bonus material.

I noticed "Batteries Not Included," "Batter Up!/Chucky's Chant/This is the End, Friend/Chuck Roast" and "Chucky Goes to Pieces/Chuck in the Box" on LLLR's features alternative mixing from the Milan version but instead of picking and choosing, I included both of each. The LLLR version is included in the main program as it features unreleased music and an overall consistent sound while the Milan version is included as a similarly mixed suite as bonus material.

I've also included all 3 versions of the end titles (Milan's and the two versions included on LLLR's edition).

I programmed the News Cast source music as a short break between the main program and the bonus material.

Lastly, I kept LLLR's cover art but feel free to post your own custom designs.

If you have my previous edit, please toss it out unless you enjoy the hiss.


01-25-2015, 11:58 PM
thanks cody!!!

01-26-2015, 08:40 AM
Thanks :)

01-26-2015, 09:56 AM
Many thanks !!!

01-26-2015, 10:08 AM
thanks a lot

01-26-2015, 09:26 PM
Thanks for this post!! Awesome!! ;)

01-26-2015, 10:37 PM
Many thanks cody !

01-27-2015, 02:38 AM
Much appreciate, cody!!! :)

01-29-2015, 04:39 PM

02-17-2015, 01:49 PM
�Gracias, amigo!

03-24-2015, 09:01 PM
Thanks, really love this music. Check out joe Renzetti's album called 'Talking To The Dead', it's amazing.

08-30-2015, 04:42 AM
New and improved edit: Microsoft OneDrive - Access files anywhere. Create docs with free Office Online. (http://adf.ly/1NT7wm)

Skip the AdFly ad after 5 seconds and it'll take you to the OneDrive folder with the files.


06-28-2019, 10:28 AM
New and improved edit: Microsoft OneDrive - Access files anywhere. Create docs with free Office Online. (http://adf.ly/1NT7wm)

Skip the AdFly ad after 5 seconds and it'll take you to the OneDrive folder with the files.


Thank you!

06-28-2019, 09:54 PM
Some minor changes as of 6/28/19: for some reason my old edit had some files in inconsistent MP3 quality so I made sure everything is mastered at 320 MP3. Did some quick editorial adjustments on track 4 and that’s pretty much it. I have considered re-doing the entire project in FLAC but I only had time today to make the necessary changes above. Properly denoising the LLLR-sourced tracks takes me some time since I don’t really mess with denoising but it’s necessary for the whole thing to sound consistent. The Milan Records edition sounds oddly good apart from irksome mixing choices. LLLR has the best mixing (for the most part) but it’s incredibly hissy. The main program is a fairly even split between both sources. The extras are sometimes custom edits from both official album releases and unknown bootleg sources. I removed the isolated Mama Walk dance track because I never listened to it. I always skip that track. I included LLLR’s mixing as bonus material but I don’t really care for how they chose to present it.

The OneDrive link above still works. Any changes I make in the OneDrive folder reflects on the fly so no having to repack and all that extra BS. Enjoy!

---------- Post added at 02:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:06 PM ----------

In the event that anyone experiences an issue with the link here’s another one: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AqVC4X8BPXZ0g_AVnMCUWhXc_LqdCQ

If you’re not logged in with a Microsoft account, it should still let you download the files by tapping on the download icon on the OneDrive folder task bar.