11-11-2004, 08:32 PM
I am surprised as how no one even mentions this. Let me introduce you
to the Gaia theory. The Gaia theory says that our planet is a living
being. James Lovelock has developed the "Gaia theory" over the last
twenty-five years as a scientific claim that the earth's "biota",
tightly coupled with its environment, acts (and has acted since life on
earth developed any complexity) as a single, self regulating living
system in such a way as to maintain the conditions that are suitable
for life. The system includes the near-surface rocks and atmosphere.
In particular, it regulates the chemistry of the oceans, composition of
the atmosphere and surface temperature. As you can see, the Gaia theory
and Final Fantasy VII have similar aspects about the planet. I surfed
a little on the internet and here's what else I have found. Read it,
you will probably find it interesting.

"If we could look inside, we would see an enormous churning current of
liquid rock flowing back and forth between the center of the planet and
the thin crust, sometimes oozing through volcanic pores to supply the
minerals essential for life. Had we senses able to detect charged
particles, we would see the planet bathing not only in the light and
heat of the sun but also in a solar wind of ions streaming from the
sun. This wind, flowing round the Earth, would be shaped by her
magnetic field into a huge, pulsating aura streaming off into space
behind her for millions of miles. Changes in the Earth's fluctuating
magnetic state would be visible as ripples and colors in this vast
comet like aura, and the Earth herself would be but a small blue-green
sphere at the head of this vast energy field."

This text speaks of a comet-like aura and describes the planet as a
small blue-green sphere. If you take a close look at the cover of
Final Fantasy VII, you will discover that the sphere is colored with
some kind of mixture between blue and green. I don't know if this is
just a coincidence. But one thing is for sure. Many people think that
the sphere on the cover of FFVII is Meteor. But I think that's not it.
The sphere on the cover actually represents the planet covered in it's
aura and this represents the planet as a living organism, a living
being that lives and thinks - and we are a part of it. As Bugenhagen
said, when people die, their bodies decompose, and they become spirit
energy - the planet uses this spirit energy to create plants, trees,
and even other human beings and animals. Also take a look at this. I
also found this while I was surfing.

"Our planet is not just an inanimate object ruled by the laws of
science. Our planet is alive. Walk barefoot through the long grass,
listen to the whispering of the trees and you will feel the life force
within our planet. Lie on the ground with your ear turned to the soil
and you will hear our Mother-Earth's heartbeat. As with all living
things the best way to comfort and to heal is with love. Sit
comfortably ensuring that your feet are flat on the floor and that your
arms and legs are uncrossed. Close your eyes. Start to visualize a
golden ball of light above your head. See this light begin to shower
down, through and around your body, creating a golden egg of light
around you. Feel yourself becoming lighter as you start to float
upwards within your golden bubble, up over where you live, up and up.
Feel yourself rising up to the clouds, feeling the dampness of the
clouds as you pass through. As the clouds begin to disappear you are
aware of a light, shining from within you. This is God's light. You
float on up, out of the Earth's atmosphere until you are above the
Earth, looking down upon it. You see many other lights, like yourself,
all coming at different times of day and night to do healing work. Be
aware of the other beings, universal beings, from many different
dimensions and time frames, all in a circle around the Earth. Within
your bubble you become part of this circle and begin to feel the love
within your being growing strong. The feeling of love becomes so strong
that your Heart Chakra opens allowing the energy to be released."

This text talks about how people can heal the planet. It says that our
love for the planet gives the planet strength and heals the planet. I
believe that Aeris felt the same love for the planet and she even gave
her life to be able to save the planet. The text also talks about
beings from other dimensions. I believe that the Cetra were such
beings. In the end, the Cetra also gave their lives to save the planet,
showing their love for the planet. If you take a close look at this
text, you will se a strong resemblance to Final Fantasy VII. If you
want to know more about the Gaia theory, I suggest that you try Google.
There, you will probably find all you want to know. The Gaia theory was
also introduced in Final Fantasy - The spirits within.

Well, I copy-pasted this from my FFVII guide. No one seemed to mention this, so I thought I share it with you. This above is just my guess about the whole thing, so please, no flaming me. Tell me what you think about this. I found it pretty interesting.

Landlord of Sector 7
11-12-2004, 03:34 AM
Hello Gaia. :)

11-17-2004, 05:18 PM
Hmm, id read somewhere that someone else figured that the imge was the planet not metor, but his argument seemed a bit fragile. He was saying that the Planet 'fired the lifestream out past the meteor. this argument however eems far more likely and better thought out. I like it ^_^

11-17-2004, 05:37 PM
One could go so far as to say that we too are just extensions or children of Gaia since we arose from it and share the same life force.

11-19-2004, 09:24 AM
One could go so far as to say that we too are just extensions or children of Gaia since we arose from it and share the same life force.

Yes, this is correct, indeed.

this argument however eems far more likely and better thought out. I like it ^_^

Thanks. Glad you liked it.

11-19-2004, 03:12 PM
Except that it is all complete crap

11-20-2004, 02:17 AM
The Gaia theory says that our planet is a living
being. James Lovelock has developed the "Gaia theory" over the last
twenty-five years as a scientific claim that the earth's "biota",
tightly coupled with its environment, acts (and has acted since life on
earth developed any complexity) as a single, self regulating living
system in such a way as to maintain the conditions that are suitable
for life. The system includes the near-surface rocks and atmosphere.
In particular, it regulates the chemistry of the oceans, composition of
the atmosphere and surface temperature.
Is there any factual scientific evidence of this theory? It seems like just a crazy, unbased idea to me.

Had we senses able to detect charged
particles, we would see the planet bathing not only in the light and
heat of the sun but also in a solar wind of ions streaming from the
sun. This wind, flowing round the Earth, would be shaped by her
magnetic field into a huge, pulsating aura streaming off into space
behind her for millions of miles. Changes in the Earth's fluctuating
magnetic state would be visible as ripples and colors in this vast
comet like aura, and the Earth herself would be but a small blue-green
sphere at the head of this vast energy field."
This fact IS true. It gives evidence to the fact that the earth has a magnetic feild and it is shaped by the solar wind. You CAN see this as "ripples and colors", the auruora borealis and the auroura australis, as ions from the solar wind get trapped in the upper atmosphere of the north and south poles. But this does NOT give evidence to the planet itself being alive.

"Our planet is not just an inanimate object ruled by the laws of science. Our planet is alive.
Again, no evidence.

Walk barefoot through the long grass,listen to the whispering of the trees and you will feel the life force within our planet.
I had a crazy thought: what if that "whispering of the trees" was just the wind rustling the leaves? What if that "Life Force" you felt was that same breeze blowing by you?

Lie on the ground with your ear turned to the soil
and you will hear our Mother-Earth's heartbeat.
You know, if you laid on your bed with your head pressed against the pillow, you can hear a heartbeat also. Does that mean that your bed is alive? Or is it just your own heartbeat reverberating in your ears?

As with all living things the best way to comfort and to heal is with love. Sit comfortably ensuring that your feet are flat on the floor and that your arms and legs are uncrossed. Close your eyes. Start to visualize a
golden ball of light above your head. See this light begin to shower
down, through and around your body, creating a golden egg of light
around you. Feel yourself becoming lighter as you start to float upwards within your golden bubble, up over where you live, up and up. Feel yourself rising up to the clouds, feeling the dampness of the clouds as you pass through. As the clouds begin to disappear you are aware of a light, shining from within you. This is God's light. You float on up, out of the Earth's atmosphere until you are above the Earth, looking down upon it. You see many other lights, like yourself, all coming at different times of day and night to do healing work. Be aware of the other beings, universal beings, from many different dimensions and time frames, all in a circle around the Earth. Within
your bubble you become part of this circle and begin to feel the love
within your being growing strong. The feeling of love becomes so strong
that your Heart Chakra opens allowing the energy to be released."

This text talks about how people can heal the planet. It says that our
love for the planet gives the planet strength and heals the planet.

If we REALLY want to heal the planet, how about finding cleaner, more efficient energy sources? How about not cutting down all the forests? How about not overhunting hundreds of species of animals? To me, this would be ALOT more effective than sitting down, fantasizing.

i think that this James Lovelock guy and his whole theory is just made up to make him look like a philosopher or somethin when to me it seem really stupid.

11-20-2004, 07:42 AM
sorry really couldnt be bothered to read that much. i dont read that much in school could u make a summary???

11-20-2004, 06:11 PM

Monk:The planets alive, look after it!
SpermKing69: Prove it

I dont think it can be condensed anymore! :)

11-20-2004, 08:34 PM
Except that it is all complete crap

Think what you want, I don't care about your opinion.

Is there any factual scientific evidence of this theory? It seems like just a crazy, unbased idea to me.

This fact IS true. It gives evidence to the fact that the earth has a magnetic feild and it is shaped by the solar wind. You CAN see this as "ripples and colors", the auruora borealis and the auroura australis, as ions from the solar wind get trapped in the upper atmosphere of the north and south poles. But this does NOT give evidence to the planet itself being alive.

Again, no evidence.

I had a crazy thought: what if that "whispering of the trees" was just the wind rustling the leaves? What if that "Life Force" you felt was that same breeze blowing by you?

You know, if you laid on your bed with your head pressed against the pillow, you can hear a heartbeat also. Does that mean that your bed is alive? Or is it just your own heartbeat reverberating in your ears?

If we REALLY want to heal the planet, how about finding cleaner, more efficient energy sources? How about not cutting down all the forests? How about not overhunting hundreds of species of animals? To me, this would be ALOT more effective than sitting down, fantasizing.

i think that this James Lovelock guy and his whole theory is just made up to make him look like a philosopher or somethin when to me it seem really stupid.

Why don't you chil a bit, okay. I never said this whole Gaia thing was true, so just buzz off. BTW, how do you think you (or anyone else) can change the fact that trees are being cut down. The people will do this over and over again, and you can't make them realize their stupidity. Animals are being hunted down, but you can't make the people stop doing this. That's why this form of healing is neccessary for the planet. I never said this all was true, I just introduced you to the Gaia theory and nothing more. I just introduced you to MY view of the whole thing. Don't criticise me. I don't care what you think, if you have an opinion, keep it to yourself, and if you must share your opinion with me, then there are nicer ways of doing this. Okay?

11-20-2004, 09:03 PM
Don't criticise me. I don't care what you think, if you have an opinion, keep it to yourself, and if you must share your opinion with me, then there are nicer ways of doing this. Okay?

first of all i wasn't critizing YOU, i specifically said

[QOUTE=Spermking69]i think that this James Lovelock guy and his whole theory is just made up to make him look like a philosopher or somethin when to me it seem really stupid.[/QUOTE]

see? i was ctiticizing the person who devised the theory, not you, so calm down

11-21-2004, 11:29 AM
Ooops. Guess I misunderstood that. Sorry about that. BTW, I wasn't mad at you, I just sounded like that. ^_^

11-21-2004, 01:58 PM
If you didn't want it to be discussed, why post the theory?

11-26-2004, 11:20 PM
If you didn't want it to be discussed, why post the theory?

I did want it to be discussed, but I felt attacked so that's why I said those things, but now I see that there was a misunderstanding between me and Spermking69.

12-04-2004, 11:39 PM
well i think that the whole reason of the post wuz to A- show everyone the theory, and B- show everyone how ff7 and the ff movie where they got there gaia concept, and gaia is used in alot of the ff games i think it is in ff9, and its even called gaia, and square gets alot of info for there games from many places, like sephys swords, and aurons swords, (and if im correct one of clouds swords) there all based off of this one guy who wuz known for his best sword crafting skills, and his must valued swords, (maramune, masumune, muramune, sp?) so monks just showing u that theory, like i showed yall the sword one