01-18-2015, 08:03 PM
Original Sound Version

This is it, I spent all day organizing and tagging this thanks to inspiration from 3DGuy and fjanfag, more OSV's will be uploaded in the near future because of this.

This is and this will be the very clearest, crispest, purest rendition of Days of Ruin ever to exist until an OFFICIAL Original Sound Track is announced or someone makes a MIDI out out this using higher sampled intruments, excluding the streamed tracks, which is highly unlikely but I'm still hoping for it to an extent, so without further fluff, I give you the Original Sound Version! Huzzah! With included bonus tracks not found anywhere else!



DOWNLOAD (!3AdQUYSb!R-es6CyGdMm12uPeNgdfLM-bFs5C5m_DwsbWb3OamXY)


DOWNLOAD (!SJtWXLJI!F6J7hN4PA-dbKstK3f7ivJJkvbhdM6RSFaYvkhbEugU)









Please note that some MP3 files have mild distortion due to the converter up-scaling sample rate during the conversion, I have no control of this since the minimum sample rate for MP3 is 22050, the source files are lower than that- if you want the very best clarity then download the FLAC, slightly altered album art can be found HERE (

Thank you and have a good one!

01-18-2015, 08:05 PM
many props to you Mordicrab

01-19-2015, 02:04 AM
Alright, there. Mediafire links added- now nobody should be left out anymore!

Enjoy it you guys, I know I am!~

02-16-2015, 09:48 AM
MEGA MP3 and FLACS have been updated due to some sequenced tracks being filtered thus having hindered quality, there is no more filtering involved, the streams were left untouched due to no higher quality source available.

So basically, download this one instead, the music is better now, trust me- at least, the sequenced ones are.

So once again, clearest, crisp, etc etc, yadda yadda.

Mediafire links will be updated soon but not today, hope you like MEGA!

02-16-2015, 10:29 AM
Oh, Nintendo DS and your shameful treatment of audio quality, from extreme space requirements limiting music allocation to being crammed into the hotly contested cartridge equivalent of the Ukraine, to outright swapping out for inferior speakers with the DS Lite and hoping no one would notice, you truly are the unrivaled king of crappy audio, and this disgustingly butchered yet otherwise excellent soundtrack is truly a testament to your destructive capacity. Thank God you will never harm another soul, and thank you, Morbidcrab, for this relatively futile attempt to undo the damage. Personally, I prefer the rip available on the Advance Wars Net site, the EQ gives the instruments better places in the mix, your version comes across as a bit muddy by comparison, but it's an effort to be applauded, nonetheless.

02-16-2015, 07:16 PM
I prefer the rip available on the Advance Wars Net site, the EQ gives the instruments better places in the mix, your version comes across as a bit muddy by comparison, but it's an effort to be applauded, nonetheless.

I actually listened to them a few years back and the equalization quality is indeed superior to my unaltered copy, but equalizer on another equalizer sounds...odd, maybe I'll make my own edit and topple the other one, mwahaah! but not today, maybe later. Thanks again!

Thanatos 13
09-11-2015, 09:40 AM
Just to let you know, the Mega link for the unfiltered FLAC is currently down, a re-upload of it would be very much appreciated.

09-19-2016, 09:56 PM
Best version I've found of this! Thanks for the effort! FLAC still available via Mediafire as of this post!


09-20-2016, 11:25 PM
Thank you.

Thanatos 13
09-24-2016, 01:36 AM
Best version I've found of this! Thanks for the effort! FLAC still available via Mediafire as of this post!

It's true that the original version is still available from the Mediafire links, however the updated versions were thus far only uploaded on the MEGA links since some of the sequenced tracks on the Mediafire links were apparently filtered.

I do however agree that's by far the best overall rip currently available, however for the time being I'll have to continue to eagerly awaiting a possible re-upload the the unfiltered FLAC.