01-14-2015, 12:26 PM
Megalomachia2 (

Was looking for a lossless copy of Megalomachia2 by Sound Sepher. There was a .tak of it floating around chinese boards not long ago, but all the links I found are either expired or copies that are password protected. I figured someone here might have grabbed it. I'd heard a track off of this ages ago and I completely forgot what album it was from. Stumbled upon it again today and searched frantically for it, but I feel this one may have slipped through my fingers. I'm extremely frustrated with the search at the moment so I'ma call it a night and maybe take another shot at it tomorrow...

Any help is appreciated, thanks.

EDIT: Okay, so I went asking around and I found a kind soul on another site who has a copy. I'll ask if I'm allowed to reshare, and if so I'll post it in the lossless thread.