11-09-2004, 10:44 PM
I realize there was already one going, but it seemed messy and in need of a strart over!

If anyone would like to help me out on how the rumble thing works, I would love to know. I'm kinda new....

Huntress Krystle
11-10-2004, 03:19 AM
sense of humour: laguna, zell, quina, steiner, wakka ( in only included the main characters)
dress sense: (the best??) yuna (ffx), rinoa, tifa (ff7ac), aeris(ff7), seifer, irvine, squall, vincent, sephiroth, garnet (princess costume), lulu, paine

that's all i could think of :/

11-10-2004, 10:56 PM
Hmm...maybe we should only name two you think should be nominees. It could be complicating to tally the ways this has started..

11-11-2004, 11:14 AM
Yeah, I would think this will probably be closed. No offense to you, its not personal but with two rumble threads already open in this forum I wouldn't think we need another at the minute.

11-12-2004, 12:21 AM
good poiint. I'm sorry, I'm new. I did not know what a rumble was and now I do, so mods! Please delete/close this thread! I feel emberessed(sp?)!! AH!!!!

11-12-2004, 08:43 AM
hehe don't worry it's on it's way out *pats on back*

hehe i don't understand the rumble thingys

Aerith Gainsborough
11-12-2004, 11:13 AM
good poiint. I'm sorry, I'm new. I did not know what a rumble was and now I do, so mods! Please delete/close this thread! I feel emberessed(sp?)!! AH!!!!

Don't worry. Things like that happen all the time.... ;)

11-12-2004, 09:58 PM
There is no need 2 close da thread come on continue dont let anyone put u down.GO FOR IT!!!!! i support u an oh dont worry mistakes happen all the time.

11-13-2004, 12:27 AM
yeh, i mess up all the time...i've had what?....5 threads closed? all because they had been done before or were boring LOL

keep at it, they obiously don't mind

11-13-2004, 06:18 AM
Actually, those who had said before about the mods not really wanting anymore rumbles is right. The ones that are already open are only grudgingly being accepted at best, so I really wouldn't recommend starting another.

11-14-2004, 01:03 AM
Repeat thread.