01-10-2015, 07:10 PM
The title says it all. I used Google to answer my question, but every Chinese website I bumped into requires me to register my cell phone number, which I'm afraid to do so.

All I want to do is let some Chinese friends listen to my music using something similar to clyp.it.

If this is the wrong board to post in, please move it.

01-11-2015, 03:57 AM
Google censors some stuff, use Ixquick or duckduckgo, I recommend the latter though. DDG has had shady rumors.

anyway, you need to do some configuration with a proxy on MEGA, to download mega is the real challenge.

Download the MEGA Application and split it into a password protected archive with different names I.E "Mega.exe" will turn and split into unrelated archive names like, "WACK.zip" "JEHT.zip" "EGGY.zip" and so on, when they download all the parts then have them rename "WACK.ZIP" into a proper order you first organized them by "WACK" will be mega.zip #1 then "JEHT" will be mega.001 #2, etc or whatever you're gonna name/organize it into and so on, with a password so it doesn't get blocked. or reported, who knows.

My method will probably fail but it's worth a shot, use Enigmail with an e-mail client like thunderbird, https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/thunderbird/addon/enigmail/ this and install OpenPGP with this How to encrypt your email (http://lifehacker.com/180878/how-to-encrypt-your-email)

I don't know which e-mails are available to the chinese that aren't honeypots or botnets but register on an 8chan e-mail if it isn't blocked, I will give you alternatives if it fails. change the archive extension to .jpg, I remember one application or method where you could disguise tiny .zip files as .jpg or .pngs but I forgot it, http://lifehacker.com/282119/hide-files-inside-of-jpeg-images look at this, keep looking if it fails, anyway, send them as images of little .zips if you can and have done it successfully then rename and organize the tracks the extract it and install mega, make sure to split the archives into at least 8 little zip files, make them go to the kilobyte range.

I'll explain more later, I half-assed it, I'm tired right now.

01-11-2015, 10:20 AM
I'm just sharing one mp3 file at a time. Not multiple packs.