11-08-2004, 05:13 PM
Alrighty, I've got a question. When I played Final Fantasy VII last, I was about 15 or so and I was too dumb to pay attention to all the important parts of the game, thus, I can't remember who Sephiroth's real parents were. Can someone please explain to me the origion of Sephiroth? I know that Hojo didn't do Jenova. Wasn't it something like Hojo injected Jenova cells into himself and then got Lucrecia pregnant or something? Fuck, I can't remember.

Landlord of Sector 7
11-08-2004, 09:53 PM
Lucrecia/Jenova is his mommy and I think Professor Ghast is his father but I am not 100% sure and don't really care.

11-08-2004, 11:17 PM
Sephirot's parents - Although Sephiroth says that Jenova is his mother,
that's not true. Sephiroth thinks so only because he feels the same
connection to her as all the clones and because he found out how he
was created. Sephiroth belives for this reason that Jenova is his
mother and that he is an Ancient. Sephiroth's parents are Hojo and
Lucrecia. When Lucrecia was pregnant, Hojo infected her and the baby
with Jenova cells. A baby was born and named Sephiroth. So you see,
Jenova is not Sephirot's mother, although Sephiroth thinks so.

11-09-2004, 06:15 AM
Hmm... Didn't professor Hojo inject himself, too? Wait, he did alot of injecting, right? He used himself and lucrecia for most of his experiments, right?

11-09-2004, 07:13 AM
I speculate that Vincent is actually Sephiroth's father. This might come up in Advent Children as Vincent seems to have a large role to play in the movie...

11-09-2004, 08:26 AM
vincent was in love with Lucrecia, but hojo got her pregnant. so the parents are Lucrecia and hojo.

11-09-2004, 08:52 AM
I found the script from the game:
- Waterfall Cave -

(At some point before the Midgar raid, Cloud (with Vincent in his party)
takes the submarine down through an underwater cave, reaching an enclosed
lake with a waterfall filling it. He finds a hidden cave behind the
waterfall. Inside, the cave floor is shiny blue stone, the walls angular,
the room a perfect circle- obviously manmade. As he enters, he hears a


(Vincent runs forward.)

"That voice? It can't be..."

(He takes a few steps forward. As the camera follows him, we see a soft
white light at the other side of the cave. There is the form of a woman
kneeling inside it.)


(The woman stands and turns to Vincent.)



(Vincent runs toward her.)

"Stay back!"

(The woman puts out her hand to stay him. The screen fades to white. As
the white fades, the scene is shifted to Nibelheim. There are three
scientists in laboratory coats walking toward the Shinra mansion: Hojo,
Gast, and Lucrecia, followed by a man in Turks uniform: Vincent. As the
scientists enter, Vincent stops at the gate. The scene fades to the
courtyard in Nibelheim. Vincent and Lucrecia are walking through town,
arm in arm. The scene fades to the front gate. Vincent is handing a small
item to Lucrecia, most likely a wedding ring. Lucrecia stares at it, then
shakes her head, starts to cry, and runs off. Vincent can only stand and
watch her go. The scene fades a moment, then we see Hojo and Lucrecia at
the gate, kissing, oblivious to the world. Vincent arrives, stares
blankly a moment, then turns in disgust and leaves. The screen fades to

If she is happy then... I don't mind.

(The scene fades in to the top floor of the Nibelheim inn. Lucrecia is
seated at the table there, head in her hands. The scene fades to the
laboratory in the basement of the Shinra mansion. Hojo and Lucrecia stand
nest to each other on one side of the room, Vincent opposed on the other.)

"I'm against it! Why experiments on humans!?"

"She and I are both scientists!!"

(The screen fades to black.)

After that, a child was born to Lucrecia...
That child's name is...

(The scene fades back to the upper floor at the inn. Lucrecia walks
across the room towards the table. Halfway through her journey, she stops
and falls to the floor, fainted. The scene fades back to the laboratory.
Vincent and Hojo stand facing each other, having a heated discussion we
cannot hear. Hojo begins to clutch at his hair in fury, then pulls a gun
from his lab coat and shoots Vincent in the stomach. He falls to his knees,
staring up at Hojo, then face down to the floor. The scene fades black a
moment, then Vincent is unconscious on the operating table in the lab.
Hojo stands over him, working some experiment. The scene fades a moment
and then Hojo is gone, Vincent alone on the table. He comes to, swings
his legs over the side and stands. He looks blankly at his left hand,
then raises both fists skyward, trembling. The screen fades to black.)


"This body is... the punishment that's been given to me..."
"I was unable...... to stop Professor Gast and Hojo..."
"And Lucrecia... I was unable to stop them..."
"All that I was able to do was watch... That is my punishment..."

(The scene fades back in to the hidden cave behind the waterfall. Vincent
has fallen back away from Lucrecia, who is now kneeling again inside the
soft white glow.)

It never showed that Hojo was really Seph's father. The only time you hear that is from Hojo when you fight him after he has gone totally bonkers.

Aerith Gainsborough
11-09-2004, 05:06 PM
Sephiroth's parents are Hojo and
Lucrecia. When Lucrecia was pregnant, Hojo infected her and the baby
with Jenova cells. A baby was born and named Sephiroth.

Yes, exactly. And Hojo tells you about him being Sephiroth's father, right before you fight him.

Lucretia was kind of like a surrogate mother. The cells of Jenova grew up in her.... ;)

Landlord of Sector 7
11-09-2004, 09:41 PM
So Vincent was in love with his mom? That sick frick.

11-10-2004, 08:13 AM
So Vincent was in love with his mom? That sick frick.

Are you serious or just goofing?

Lucrecia is SEPHIROTH'S mother, not Vincent's.

Hojo tells the party that he(Hojo) is really Seph's father, but he is totally insane by that point. He could be referring to being Seph's father in a mad-scientist/creationalistic way (Like Dr. Frankenstein was the father of the 'monster'). I still believe that Vincent is actually Seph's father. There are 2 new FF7 projects from square in which Vincent plays a major role. Why do that for a meager side-quest character?

Landlord of Sector 7
11-10-2004, 10:14 PM
Actually iirc Lucrecia is Vincent's mother as well as Sephiroths.