01-04-2015, 12:38 PM
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MP3@320 <a href="!qZYj3ApD!wMgwyyenBSlg68PKgZjUlHjSK5lXgthMOhl3kdL hRs4" target="_blank"> <BR><BR>1977 - Jubilee [OST] Brian Eno</a>


01-04-2015, 12:46 PM

04-04-2015, 04:37 PM
Betohomme - Many thanks for sharing the Jubilee soundtrack in such good quality, it is pretty much my all time favourite Jarman film - I first watched it as a young punk back in the early eighties on VHS and never get bored of watching it again and again - the John Dee/Elisabeth I dimension gives it such a esoteric feel that makes it much more than a historical punk film (though of course it is that too) - Though I've been an Eno fan for years (especially his 70s German collaborations), it was only recently that I realised he had actually contributed a couple of pieces for the film - my favourite track is actually the Amilcar cosmic disco track 'Wargasm in Pornotopia' - anyway, thanks again for this.